Code of Conduct

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Mater Christi Sports Program Philosophy & Code of Conduct


Participation in athletic activities provides a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, strengthens leadership qualities, provides a vehicle for self-discovery and offers an opportunity for enjoyment and good sportspersonship.

It is the goal of the Mater Christi sports program to provide as many opportunities as possible for its parishioners to participate in athletic competition and to enjoy the recreational and health benefits associated with such participation. It is also the goal to provide a program that helps participants to develop their athletic skills to the best of their ability through successful competition and practice.



1. Coaches, players, officials and spectators have the right to participate in or watch an athletic contest in a comfortable and safe environment without interference from others.
2. Coaches, players, officials and spectators have the right to be treated in a courteous and respectful manner.


1. Remember that it is only a game and not a matter of life or death,
2. Show respect for the integrity and judgment of officials. Athletes will cheerfully accept all decisions made by the officials.
3. Treat others with respect and courtesy:
• Applaud outstanding plays of the other team
• Congratulate all players who have made a good effort
• Show concern for injured players
• Refrain from statements or actions that are threatening
• Refrain from berating officials
• Refrain from profanity or swearing
• Refrain from booing, jeering, ridiculing, antagonizing
• Refrain from breaking the concentration of a player
4. Care for and respect the facility where the game or practice is held.

We expect that coaches, players, and spectators, as representatives of the parish community will hold themselves to the highest standards of sportspersonship, treating other coaches, athletes, all officials and spectators in a respectful, courteous, and Christian manner. We encourage the enthusiastic support of family and friends, we expect that the conduct of all spectators will reflect the same standard of respectful behavior that we ask of our athletes.

In addition, athletes will:

1. Attend all practices and competitions. If a player has to miss a practice or game, he or she must notify the coach in advance to provide the reason for the absence.
2. Care for and be responsible for all equipment and uniforms.
3. Inform the coach immediately if injured during practice or competition.


The Mater Christi Sports Program believes that any differences or grievances regarding any aspect of the program should first be aired and discussed by the grieved party directly with the person or persons they have a difference with. Only failing satisfaction at this level should the following procedure be enacted.

1. If a face to face meeting does not produce a mutually agreeable resolution, a formal meeting involving the parish director for the sport and the involved parties will be held.
2. If after this second meeting substantial conflict remains, the program director will promptly request a special meeting of the Parish Sports Committee (under the jurisdiction of the Parish Council) to hear the grievance and make final settlement of the matter. All grievances coming before the Sports Committee and their resolutions shall be reported to the Parish Council at its regular meeting.


Mater Christi’s Basketball Program, grades 5-12, is governed by the rules of the Albany Diocesan Boys and Girls CYO Basketball League and competes in that league at the appropriate age levels. Grades 3 and 4 do not participate in a league.


Every player shall appear in every game – absent disciplinary considerations. The amount of playing time is at the discretion of the coach. (Except for 5th and 6th grade girls, where the CYO rules dictate that each girl play one continuous quarter per game.)


Mater Christi will not cut players from their basketball teams. To ensure that all parishioners have the opportunity to play, the Basketball Program when necessary will create a second team that participates in the Troy CYO league (grades 5-8). When additional players are needed to field a team or teams, non-parishioners may participate in the program, governed by Rule 10 of the Albany CYO rules. Non-parishioners participating in the program shall be treated equally with parishioners when coaches are placing players on either the Albany or Troy teams. Placement is determined by coaches on skill level and player commitment in accordance with CYO league rules.