Scoutmaster Minute

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Coming Soon: Scoutmaster Discusses Troop 77 in 2018-19

September 3, 2018

• What are your goals for Troop 77?

• What role do you see for parents of Boy Scouts in Troop 77?

• Are parents welcome to attend Troop meetings and if so, what do they do during the meeting?

• Are parents welcome to attend Troop Committee meetings and if so, what do they do during the meeting?

• If a parent wants to get more involved in the Troop, where do they begin and what do they do?

Scoutmaster Joel Wilkins Vision and Experience with Scouting

August 22, 2017


• What does the Scouting program mean to you?

The scouting program is a great place to build the leaders of the future. It's a great place for boys to come out of their shell, meet lifelong friends, develop a love of the outdoors, and try things they never would have had a chance to try without scouts

 • What are your goals for Troop 77?

My goals for Troop 77 are to continue the excellent reputation this Troop has worked long and hard to earn over the years and to continue to develop leaders of the future both in scouts and scouters. I look to have all Scouts that are interested at all in advancing to earn their 1st class rank within the first 2 years. I would like to see our boys leading the way, not being afraid to take on responsibility in the Troop, in the District, in the Council, and outside scouts. I want this Troop to eventually be boy-led, where they make all the decisions and the adults are there to keep them safe and serve as advisers only.

 • How will your goals advance the Troop into the future?

We are currently a really young Troop, with lots of boys expected to cross over to becoming Scouts in the next 3 years.  By becoming boy-led, and letting Scouts make all the decisions, I hope to keep the older boys excited and involved as they get older, and even beyond earning their Eagle rank. By getting the boys to advance faster, this will also keep them engaged longer. A boy that earns 1st class is 75% less likely to drop out of scouting.

 • What are your expectations of the Boys Scouts?

My expectations of our Scouts are simple: To honor the Scout Oath and Scout Law and to live those out in their everyday life.

 • Do you have new ideas for Scout meetings?

I would like to see our PLC plan out the meetings. The adults can make suggestions and offer support, but ultimately if the boys are deciding what goes on they will be more excited and engaged about the program. 

• What excites you about being a ScoutMaster?

I look foreword to taking on the challenge of leading this unit into the future. I look foreword to mentoring these boys as best I can and with the help of the other scouters, build the leaders of tomorrow.

 • What are the plans for next summer’s summer camp?

Next years summer camp is up in the air. The camp we normally go to moved the 2nd week of camp (the one we normally go to) back a week, so it falls over the 4th of July. Tentatively we have that reserved for next year, however ultimately I would like the PLC to make that decision... stay tuned...

 • What events are being planned for this year?

We have not had committee beginning of the year meeting yet, however some of the things in the works are doing our Webelos Campout with Pack 502's Webelos earlier in the year. Also perhaps going to some of the other MCC camps for our weekends other than Rotary, to check out different places and experiences. After the PLC and Committee planning meetings we should have a roughed out calendar for the year, it should be able to be passed out at the first regular meeting.

 • How do you model the Scout Oath and Scout Law?

I do everything I can to be open and honest with people, I am always willing to help out. It's important to me that we set a good example to these boys and be good mentors to them.

 • What do you do for a living and what excites you most about your job?

I am a paramedic/firefighter. I like working on the ambulance and being able to help the people that really need it.

 • What motivates you be active in Scout leadership?

I am active in Scout leadership on both the district and unit level. On the unit level, I am the Scoutmaster of our Troop 77, and I am the Committee Chair of Venturing Crew 260 in Grand Ledge, and on the District level I am a Trainer, a Unit Commissioner and the Roundtable Commissioner. I am motivated to be active in all these positions for the same reason.... 

I have seen the difference good scout leaders can make in boys lives, and I have seen how bad leaders can be a detriment to boys. On the unit level, I have direct contact with the boys and can be one of their scout leaders. At the District Level, I can assist other units leaders to be the best leaders they can be, thus enabling them to be the good scout leaders their boys deserve.

 • How long have you be involved with Scouts?

I registered as a Den Leader the same day my oldest son joined Scouts as a Kindergarten Tiger Cub, Feb 8 2010, the 100th anniversary to the date, of the BSA. I have held several positions on both the unit and district level since. 

 • Why should someone consider joining Boy Scouts?

The Boy Scouts is a great place for your boy to become a leader of tomorrow. To bring them out of their shell, to develop in them a love of the outdoors and lifelong friends. 

• What role do you see for parents of Boy Scouts in Troop 77?

I see a need for the parents to be involved. Not every parent has the time/desire to be an assistant Scoutmaster, I understand this, but there are lots of little things that we can use help with. Please don't be afraid to get involved. Ask one of the current leaders how you can help. Please let us know what your interests are and we can help plug you into an area that interests you.

New Year of Scouting

July 4, 2017

Welcome to Scouting Year 2017/18... we are a young troop this year, but that's ok. The PLC and Troop Committee have lots of fun things planned for this year. Let's work together to make it the best one yet.