We could also use help on the auxiliary board.  If you are always at the fields, like to help and could benefit from your in-house registration fees being waived, join the auxiliary board.   

Contact Vicki Hausherr at 708-738-4964 or vichausherr@gmail.com for more details.








Volunteering - Vital to our Success




Volunteering is vital to the success and viability of OFBA. This organization cannot run without the help of each parent or family member doing their part. Without volunteers, we cannot exist.


$75.00 - Volunteer Deposit


Every family must fulfill three (3) volunteer opportunities




Our concession stand is a major factor in generating revenue for OFBA used to improve the league and defray expenses.

(OFBA had to pay $1,500 again in concession workers last year because of not enough volunteers in the concession stand)

Every family must work two (2) shifts in the concession stand

This can be a positive and fun experience if you approach your shift with the proper attitude.



Sign up to work your two (2) shifts in the concession stand will be taken online again this year through Sign Up Genius.  Once the number of teams is determined and the game schedule is finalized Sign Up Genius will be set up. 

Fulfills 1 of 3 volunteer opportunities – must fulfill two (2) shift in the concession stand

·         Concession Stand

·         Field Help

·         Special Events – Candlelight Bowl, Parade, Picture Day, Picnic


Fulfills 2 of 3 volunteer opportunities – must fulfill one (1) shift in the concession stand

·         Team Coach

·         Team Parent


Fulfills ALL your volunteer opportunities

·         Team Manager

·         Team Sponsor - $250

 $75.00 Volunteer Deposit Returned or Cashed

Please post date check to 8/1/16

Once you fulfill all your Volunteer opportunity, your $75 Volunteer Deposit will be shredded.  If you do not fulfill all your Volunteer opportunities, your $75 Volunteer Deposit will be cashed at the end of August 

Volunteer Voucher

Please make sure that you get a voucher from an OFBA Board Member or Auxiliary Board Member once you have fulfilled one of your volunteer opportunities.