Basic Pitch Count Sequencing (Expectations), Situations and Mind Set 101

This is an introduction to learning pitch count sequencing, situations and mind set using video of a pitcher facing four different batters.  Even though this is basic, it is a building block to learning.  Please keep in mind, even if you "master" this it isn't an absolute.  Learning pitch count sequencing, situations and mind set increases your odds of predicting the next pitch. You won't be 100% all the time - but you'll be correct more times than not and that equals more batted balls.

But you also must keep in mind that as the level of competition increases (especially college on up) pitchers will sometimes "pitch backwards". It's called pitching backwards because it is the opposite of what is expected in the given situation. But if you pay attention to the pitcher’s tendencies during the game there will be times you'll want to “look” for a backwards approach.

This is like card counting in Blackjack - it's not perfect but you are able to predict more times than not the value of the next card.  The ones who master it make a lot of money doing it.  Learn this and you'll be a feared batter.