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2017 Primer for Rising 13s - Options for Baseball in Nether-Swarthmore

January 23, 2017


Dear Rising U13 Baseball Families -

Now that Nether Swarthmore Baseball (NSB) registration is open, I thought it would be helpful to provide a primer on the next stage of baseball for your children.  While some believe that the most memorable time for baseball in a child's life is their final year of Cal Ripken or Little League, the opportunity for those who love the game and want to continue playing and developing is rich in our community.  Below is a summary on those options.

General Info on U19 Program

Seniors (13 - 16) - This is the next step after Majors for intramural baseball within the NSB. There are NO evaluations/tryouts required for Seniors.  Teams will be placed soon after registration is complete.  The regular season typically runs from Opening Day to mid May.  Playoffs ideally conclude by end of May, but can spill into the first weekends of June, depending upon weather and Legion schedule.  There are typically 2 games a week through the regular season.  Ben Blackburn will be Seniors Commissioner duties this year.

Legion (13 - 19) - Legion is the travel program for players beyond U12. Player evaluations/tryouts are required and will be the basis for team selection. Much like U12, and as a rule, players must participate in the intramural program in order to participate in Legion.  Each age group has its own Legion team:  Prep is 13s, Sandlot is 14s, Junior is 15s and Senior is 16 - 19.  The travel season generally starts mid January with optional warm up activities.  Once tryouts occur in late February/early March, practices and clinics will begin.  Regular season starts just before Memorial Day weekend and will last through end of July (depending upon playoff implications).  The regular season for Prep will include between 20 and 24 games (generally 1-2 weekday evening games and 1-2 weekend games, or a total of 3-4 games per week), so there is a lot of opportunity for kids to play across the summer.

The NP Legion Leadership reports to the NSB Board.  Joining me as administrators of the Legion program are Bob Dawes, Rick Eiel, Kevin Yates and director emeritus, Ron Anderson.

SHMS Baseball (7th Grade) - While school ball is separate from NSB, it is included here to assure you that your child can play both school ball, and participate in NSB intramural/travel programs.  If a child makes the school team (try outs required and run by the 7th grade coach), school games and practices occur immediately after school and typically end by 5:30 (school ball season begins in March).  The player will have time to finish school ball responsibilities, and then participate in intramural Senior games (which begin at 6 pm on week nights).  Legion regular season Games do not begin until school ball is finished in mid-May.  For those interested in school ball, there should be a flyer or interest meeting at school upcoming in the next few weeks.
Intramural/Legion Registration Process

When registering this year for baseball on the NSB site, you will register for Senior Intramural League, and in that registration, you will be able to mark your interest in Legion Tryouts.  Please register at your earliest opportunity, and certainly prior to the registration closing in early February so that we can be better prepared for evaluations, team placements and overall administration of the program.

If you know that your child/family is definitely not interested in trying out for Legion, I suggest making a comment in the comments area that you are specifically not interested in Legion Tryouts.  If you know your child/family would like to try out for Legion, then click the button and keep going.

In either case, you will be charged $130 for the registration.  If your child should go through Legion try outs across February and March and be selected for the team, you will then pay additional $370 (for a total of $500 for those who play Seniors and Legion) at that time.  This additional fee will go to Legion uniforms, umpires fees, paid head coach for the team, multiple clinics that will be run through the Spring.

Legion Warm Ups and Try Outs
Please go to the  for the latest information on this season's Warm Up an Tryout Schedule.

On behalf of the NSB Board and our U19 leadership team, many thanks in advance for your participation!  Here's to a great 2017 season!