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Letter Writing Input Form 2019

Thank you for participating in the 2019 letter writing campaign. Please check your spelling and make sure you use proper capitals on the addresses. Use postal case for states (i.e. Oregon = OR).

Also once you start to enter information - you need to finish. It will not save or let you submit until you have completed 5 contacts. So you may want to print the form - fill it out and then copy it into the online fields. Have fun and Thank You!

Please submit least 5 contacts for each player by February 28, 2019!
In the space below, we want each player to write a paragraph or two about why lacrosse is important to them, and why the recipient's support is important. The goal is to (1) personalize the letter, and (2) help people understand that we have to raise funds in order to have a lacrosse program at BHS. We use the funds to help purchase uniforms, rent fields, pay referees, buy equipment, and scholarship players who could not otherwise afford to participate.

PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME AND WRITE SOMETHING MEANINGFUL AND MEMORABLE. Maybe start with your first memory of playing lacrosse and what it has meant to you and what it has taught you.

Please note that every field above is required to submit the form. If you have completed the information for FIVE recipients, you have met your obligation and you can now scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Submit."

If you would like to add more names, we have 5 additional spots below this line for you to enter their information.

Thank you for your participation!

* indicates required fields