Consent and Release Forms

Consent and Release

I hereby give my consent for the above named child to participate in practices, track and field events, travel and other activities sanctioned, sponsored and/or attended by the Fast Lane Track Club and the USATF/AAU. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Fast Lane Track CLub, Board of Directors, Head Coaches, Coaches, Staff, Volunteers and Chaperones against any and all rights and claims which I have or which may arise in conjunction with my and my child's participation or travel to and from practices, track and field events and/or othe activities sanctioned, sponsored and/or attended by the Fast Lane Track Club and the USATF/AAU. I also agree to abide by the rules of the Fast LAne Track Club and understand that all fees are non-refundable.

Medical Information / Waiver / Consent & Release for Emergency Treatment

I hereby authorize a club representative of Fast Lane Track Club to seek and sign for medical treatment for my child, a member of said club, in an emergency situation. I also authorize that the same representative be allowed to sign for medical treatment innon emergency situations when my child is traveling with the club or when I am unable to be reached by phone. I also understand that I am responsible for all costs associated with the treatment of my child. I also agree for myself, my Heirs and personal representatives to waive and release all claims for damages I may now or hereafter have arising out of the above named person's participation in any activities of Fast Lane Track Club. I further state that to my knowledge, the applicant has no health problems or preexisting conditions, not previously mentioned that limit his/her training or activity level.

Athlete Photo/Media Release

The Fast Lane Track Club has my permission to take and use my child's photographs, digital images and video images for official club purposes such as, but not limited to media press releases, postings on our website, newsletters, flyers, brochures, etc.

* indicates required fields