RE: Intra-Oral Mouth Guards – IMPORTANT


We wish inform, and remind all Minor Hockey Associations that during the 2018 Annual General


Meeting, Hockey NL amended the wearing of an intra-oral mouth guard in minor hockey to a


recommendation rather than a mandatory requirement effective for the 2018-2019 season.




The decision to remove the mandatory requirement of a mouth guard for minor hockey as rendered


by the Executive Committee of Hockey NL, was made after carefully examining all of the information


that was presented to them.




We persist to ensure safety is paramount in our game and expect that many of our members will


continue wearing this piece of equipment as they have been accustom to this.




This change in policy will remain consistent with the majority of the branches that govern hockey in


Canada, and will alleviate the policing difficulties experienced by coaches and game officials. There


will be no longer any infractions issued by game officials.




Please ensure your members are aware of this change prior to the start of the season.






Craig Tulk


Executive Director, Hockey NL