Welcome to the home of the

Branham High School Baseball

June 8, 2023

*This Week in Baseball*

Thank to all our players and their families for another great season of Branham Baseball. It was quite an accomplishment to have back to back 20 win seasons (never been done before) and make it to the CCS Finals two years in a row.

*The 2023 Varsity and JV season summaries and stats can be viewed on Maxpreps.com.

*Our main form of communication for players and parents is through the Band App. Please email Karen Siegel at branhambruinsbaseball@gmail.com for information and the process for signing up. All important information pertaining to our baseball program will be posted on the Band App. Please feel free to pass this information along to any new players and parents to the baseball program. Also when signing up for Band, use your first and last name so we can make sure you get the correct information for your specific team.


Branham Baseball Summer Camps




 2023 Branham Baseball Camp

To sign up for the Baseball Camp go the the Pages Menu, then click on the Baseball Camp Link


All-Time Team Rosters, Season and Career Stats

If you're looking for any of our previous season stats or the stats of a particular player, all that information can be found on maxpreps.com