Rule explanation

Rule Clarification:

New Rule: (Rule 3, Article 6, Section 2b)

During multiple free throw situations, a substitute may enter the game only before the first attempt in the sequence unless otherwise authorized by the rules or after the final attempt has been successfully converted.


Real talk: A substitute can come in before the first free throw,  and after the last free throw on a made basket. NOT IN BETWEEN FREE THROWS.


Situation: The official calls a foul on A1. A1 now has committed her 4th  personal foul. The coach wants to sub the player out, but there is no girl at the table. Can the coach sub that player out?


Answer: Yes. Until the ball is at the disposal of the free throw shooter for the first of two or three attempts, the sub may enter.  This is no different than when a foul is ruled before the bonus and you would bring a sub in before the ball is placed at the disposal for a throw-in.


Any other questions, please email me. Thanks for your questions and understanding.