Gravette Youth Football
Gravette Youth Football
Parents and youth football players,
There has been a decision to switch football leagues for this upcoming season. Gravette will no longer be playing in the Oklahoma league as we have been accepted to move into the NWA League. With this move the football team alignment will be different than it has been in the past. For next year there will be three teams, 6th grade, 5th grade, and 4th & 3rd grade team. We are excited about changing to the NWA League as this will align Gravette youth football to playing the same teams as they will in Junior and Senior High. This move will also create more unity with the boys as there will be no more separation of teams (black and orange). We are very excited about the future of Gravette football and we look forward to coaching/teaching the youth football players in upcoming year.

Thank you,
Gravette Youth Football Board