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Author TOPIC: Scoring Totals

May 4, 2008
9:14:36 PM

Entry #: 2738131
I know the league hasonly played so far just 3 games but was wondering if anyone has any opinions on the fact that no game has scored LESS then 20 runs. Is it better hitting or just lousy pitching or maybe a little bit of both.

Dice-k sucks

May 5, 2008
12:12:12 AM

Entry #: 2738344
It's called steroids


May 6, 2008
11:14:03 AM

Entry #: 2740125
It is just like MLB - It is all about the pitching.
Look at the walk totals for the games so far. That tells the story in 2 out of the three games.
As pitchers get used to the umpires strike zones (or non-existent strike zone) scores will come down.


May 11, 2008
12:12:13 AM

Entry #: 2746475
Don't forget the fielding....


May 11, 2008
12:47:23 PM

Entry #: 2746711
OldSlow3B your right on.


May 11, 2008
11:33:34 PM

Entry #: 2747267
Yep, look at the walk totals from today (Sunday) and check out what the scores ended up as.


June 20, 2008
12:11:39 AM

Entry #: 2800059
I still don't get it. First there was the scoring barrages. Then came the droughts and now there are all these mercy games,something like 8 out of the last ten games or so!?


June 25, 2008
6:18:05 PM

Entry #: 2807424
its a very balanced league with the bottom four teams, .500 to sub .500 teams and if one of them goes into a game missing a key player on DEFENSE, it results in lopsided scores.

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