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Author TOPIC: Harrison struggled.....

September 18, 2009
10:18:54 AM

Entry #: 3278815
I understand that Harrison struggle for 3 qtrs in last nights game with Seaholm. It seems that no 1 team yet is a stand out in the white ...all have shown lapses in performance and readinsess.

I believe it will come down to the Adams Harrison game. Adams played a great game last night almost error free - with the QB Hammet lighting up the field with some great passing. If Adams can add passing to their prolific running game they will be hard to beat! I will see what happens against Southfield!?


September 18, 2009
10:47:49 AM

Entry #: 3278844
I still believe the team to win the White will have 2 loses. Harrison could end up with 3. I believe Adams beats them, Clarkston beats them, and Farmington will. Farmington matches up with them well. There dbs are strong. They have 9 interseptions already. Adams wins division, Harrison or Farmington second.


September 18, 2009
10:55:04 AM

Entry #: 3278861
Boonazz, I think you discount the competition in the White, no team is just going to lay down, despite what the record may be. Seaholm has played tough for 2 - 3 quarters in every game. Jack Quigley, and Shawn Conway could play on any team in the OAA. Like you said, Adams looked great, but they also played mistake free football. Every week there are game outcomes that make you go wow really. Which is why the OAA, IMO is a great conference to be in.


September 18, 2009
12:11:25 PM

Entry #: 3278940
Brokenwalls, If Harrison loses to Farmington for the second year in a row, Coach Herrington may resign right on the spot!


September 18, 2009
12:28:00 PM

Entry #: 3278964
He is a great coach. He loves what he is doing. He wasn't upset at all about last years lose. He knows the kids a Farmington. He has respect for there younger players. It will be a good game. They both matchup well.


September 18, 2009
6:49:06 PM

Entry #: 3279336
Comet thanks for your opinion. I am not discounting any team in the white. Remember on any given day anything can happen. Adams close game with Farmington is evidence of that. Harrison playing sloppy for 3 qtrs against Seahholm shows you can't let your guard down. I still beleive that Adams and Harrison will play for the White title...but an Adams loss to Southfield will change that opinion..quickly. The title will be earned and not given to anyone.


September 19, 2009
10:21:47 PM

Entry #: 3279997
just wanted to give some credit to Seaholm for their effort Thursday night vs Harrison. After losing a heartbreaker against a bad Stoney Creek team, they really wanted this. They played theri hearts out. Harrison doens't have the big playmakers to beat Adams or Farmington. You are on point saying that Jack Quigley and Shawn Coneay are great by the way. Quigley is 6'3 215 and is a monster on both sides of the ball. Shawn Conway runs a 4.5 40 and has a 40" vertical.


September 20, 2009
6:29:25 PM

Entry #: 3280522
Troy being beat by oak park ......more evidence that you can't take any team for granted!


September 21, 2009
4:22:31 PM

Entry #: 3281769
great read....

OAA Rocks!

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