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Author TOPIC: CFFL WEEK 2 Pre view

April 9, 2011
2:54:02 PM

Entry #: 3697589
Must See Games for 4/10

Steelers vs. Franchise The Steelers are coming off another defeat by the Young Gunz and have some revenge on their mind. Unfortunately for them, Team Franchise is no pushover game by any stretch. A few questions remained from last Sunday's game for the Steelers. Is Rocket the full time and starting QB? With Rocket at QB, what skill players will step up for them? Is that smash mouth D-Line still in tact for another run at a title? For Franchise, seems like there is alot of trash talk on the message board (Shaker) going on. They can back it up though, Pig Meade is the engine for this team, Never has a team bought into what their QB is selling like Franchise. They take on his personality, swagger and attitude. This game will be a battle till the end, Can Franchise take out another top tier team or will the Steelers get into the win column this week?

Vikings vs. Young Gunz Not much to say about the Young Gunz. We have said it all over and over, they are the team to beat in the CFFL. They have bullseyes on their back and they seem to be a team who responds to that. Chris Roberts and his band of stellar WRs are a tough matchup for any and every team in the league, including this weeks opponent the Vikings. For the Vikings, they are almost a team of mystery. Some weeks they look unstoppable and some weeks they look flat out bad. Coming off a week where they did not look great, step 1 should be for QB Scott Doltch to get Ivan Schmidt the ball. No way he should go without a catch in any game, and they will need bigtime performances from Dustin Linden, Felix Rodriguez and Chris Gotay to keep up in this game. Primetime matchup for both teams. This should be another classic.

Assassins vs. Gamblers This will be a great game to watch on many aspects. Firstly for the Assassins, they come off a nice win vs. newfound CFFL rival the Cowboys. The Assassins have come a long way in this league and still get little respect quite frankly. They are a solid team, who has a agile and mobile QB, underrated skill players and a stronger than they get credit for defense. The Gamblers came in as the merge between Commissioner Blunt and Mike Colavito. They looked strong in stretches but the quality of opponent was not that of a top tier squad last week. Colavito was sharp last Sunday though, and came through when his team needed him. Their Defense looked very good, with some strength and size up front. This will be a quality game to watch, and one that the league should keep their eye on.

Havoc vs. Oilers This is a huge game for both teams. The Oilers especially, coming off last weeks loss to the Bearcats. They Oilers looked strong throughout this game with QB Mark Moore filling the statsheet on his feet and with his arm. His main target, Zo Gilliam also stepped up last week for 100 yards receiving and 2 touchdowns. The defense gave up a league high 27 points last week, which is something to watch. For Havoc, they did last week what they always do. This team isnt generally the most fun team to watch, but they get the job done by grinding games out, beating you down defensively and on the ground. The strengths of their team are QB Jose Colon, Center Joel Torres and Safety Lonnie Jackson. These are 2 teams who know how to battle, and will both bring all they have at each other tomorrow.


April 9, 2011
8:21:01 PM

Entry #: 3697698
I think Dustin might have an MMA fight tonight in Mass... That'd be insane if he could fight tonight then play tomorrow!! Then again the guy doesn't fatigue...

April 9, 2011
10:11:02 PM

Entry #: 3697742
Colavito looked horrible last week most of his yards came on one play and he threw an interception 2 plays later. Gamblers where lucky to squeek out that win.

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