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October 26, 2012
6:12:45 PM

Entry #: 4000793
Due to their being so many players who have no idea what the leagues policeis and what the league consists of , and also to relieve some of the stress off owners getting all the money in themselves..

Next season the North and South will have a "Player Registration."

Meaning each player will sign up for the league INDIVIDUALLY. Once signed up you will all recieve emails and texts and updates that all owners get.

This way each player can decide if they want to participate in the league or not

Next Year players will be signing up individually. If owners decide to foot their players bill Thats fine..
But its just that time to see who REALLY belongs in the league

The less players on a team the cheaper the league, The more players the more expensive.

This should also balance the league out.


October 26, 2012
7:13:06 PM

Entry #: 4000822
this idea is like half and half you want every player tp report to you individually? come on kash that's kind of taking away from the game you should find another way of doing it, You use to come on here and annouce what was talked about at meetings why did you stop doing that? Why not get back to doing that? or give some kind of discount to every team owner that makes the league meeting don't make it more difficult than it already has to be. every league meeting should have at least the owner and captain or 2 captains at the meetings that way it won't be no issues


October 26, 2012
7:20:37 PM

Entry #: 4000825
the meetings will still be there. And registration will be online and can be done from your homes or cell phones. Well probably hae 1 or 2 days in person registraion

No one has to "report" to us

October 26, 2012
8:10:35 PM

Entry #: 4000838
Wht if a player registers with you with a team tht dont have him on the squad, example, wht if Macoon register with YGz but YGz dnt have him as a player


October 26, 2012
8:37:30 PM

Entry #: 4000848
Your registration will have the team you select on it

October 26, 2012
11:33:09 PM

Entry #: 4000920
This is too much.. its all about having the rosters consistent with the Jersey numbers .. are you gonna ask for a fee from each player that registers and then ask for a team fee.. cuz that's crazy.. you use to have people sign in what happen to that? Just do your job don't get lazy. if everyone signed in every week you wouldn't have the hit squad/ cowboys situation. you could see over the past weeks who signed in when and also look to the rosters.


October 27, 2012
7:37:02 AM

Entry #: 4000971
There is no team fee or ref fees.. just player fees... JUST DONT PLAY. Period

This way i will have players emails, updates, and can be in contact with them as much as i am with the owners.

The team owners sruggle every season to "pay", thats because most of you players dont help them.. Not all of you , but most

Im taking the burden off of the owners who have other things they can do with that money.

In actuality, each players should be paying their owners anyways.. So whats the issue? Unless you are not contributing your share to your team lol

October 27, 2012
8:21:41 AM

Entry #: 4000979
So what's the point of sponsors

October 27, 2012
8:22:19 AM

Entry #: 4000980
The only thing i dnt like is if i guy registers with a team tht he doesnt play with, wht does a team do if someone registers with a team but team says hes not on the squad, in tht case, everyone can sign up to be on a top team, thts wht i dnt like, how does tht get enforced


October 27, 2012
9:06:37 AM

Entry #: 4000986
PLayers can switch teams like always until week 2. NOTHING HAS CHANGED...Rosters are unlimited at this point

Then they have week until week 5 to rade or release themselves..NOTHING HAS CHANGED

Sponsors can still sponsor a team, whatever amount you get from the sponsor will cover "X" amount of players.

Again the price wont be far off from what you should be giving your owners anyways.

I dont understand the issue

October 27, 2012
10:25:33 AM

Entry #: 4001003
This idea is like a rough draft to me I see the direction you going with it and before spring I know you'll have put more ideas to it but I can see where your coming from you got to think kash teams that make mistakes sometimes helps the league get better by next season

October 27, 2012
10:52:38 AM

Entry #: 4001012
The issue is we don't want you making a dollar off every player.. so just to be in the league your gonna charge like 100 a player.. so say the Steelers have 25 people instead of like 600 bucks a team now its 2500 for a team.. even if its 50 a player still makes it about 1200 a team.. just another way for you to make more cash.. there are better cheaper ways


October 27, 2012
11:15:16 AM

Entry #: 4001024
1st off you said its $100 per player, Not me

And NO ONE uses 25 players consistntly...NO ONE, not even close

So a player whos just a "fill in" has to ask themselves, Is it worth paying to play in the league if im only playing 3 games?

So like i said the league will balance out..Most likely

Rosters will most likely have less players, and owners dont have to collect from players. The league will..

At the end of the day, if you cant afford the league, id suggest YOU DO NOT PLAY.

Its the people like yourself who im trying to eliminate anyways. Worrying about what the league makes is just immature and hateful.

The guys who have beliefs such as yourself, will most likely NOT pay lol.. Therefore the headaches will be removed .

YOu headaches take the fun out the league, No one actually cares what i make because i give out a good product

theres a golden rule in business, people will Pay for a good product.

My product is the BEST, other than the silent minortity runining it such as the nonames like yourself, who bring down the image

So my goal is to eliminate the silent minortity, We may have less teams, but thats also my goal is to have LESS teams.

Once you guys are removed the league will get rid of its last glitch.

And the teams will balance out...

It will be like having a salary cap

October 27, 2012
11:39:42 AM

Entry #: 4001039
How can you say you have the best when it changes every week. consistent.. your like a yo yo your just the flavor of the month until a league that is consistent comes along... I remember when you first started you had permits fir the field but now semi pro takes a field. I remember you promising DVD every game video taped. you say this a rec league but you promote it as a money making business which is it? If its a rec league fine your the commish on Sundays, but if this is a business then your commish 24/7.. so when threats happen its because of your "business" not the rec league.. most rec leagues don't give out cash.. so its play in a rec league or "play like a pro" which is it because the only thing you are consistent on is flip flopping..

October 27, 2012
11:42:27 AM

Entry #: 4001040
It shouldnt be no more then 50 a player, when Kash charges 1200 a team it comes out to 50 a player, if Kash charges more then tht, he might lose the league all together, it does make teams get all there money in faster but also it shouldnt cost more then wht players are used to paying now


October 27, 2012
11:48:59 AM

Entry #: 4001044
We dont give out cash sorry, again youve must have missed that at the meeting

I just told you to Quit, Im trying to MAke many people such as yourself Quit, dont understand the issue.

Im inserting these things to make people who authenically dont like how the league is run to quit lol

SO how can i help you?

Ive talked to team owners and they are fans of the idea. YOu know why? becasue probaly 80% of their players dont help them with league fees.

So im sure there is a high percentage that whoever has a problem with whateveer the price will be... Im sure they werent paying their $50 anyways lol

Actuall I KNOW THEY WERENT, becuase i usually start the season paying out of my own pocket to get the league running

October 27, 2012
11:59:29 AM

Entry #: 4001048
What teams agree to this? your like mitt Romney attack attack with no.basis and dodge the big questions

October 27, 2012
12:53:11 PM

Entry #: 4001062
It is a good idea but how much each player are you charging?


October 27, 2012
1:00:51 PM

Entry #: 4001064
Not sure yet but i can guarantee it WILL NOT BE $100. It will be less

October 27, 2012
1:19:15 PM

Entry #: 4001069
I think 50 should be the most seeing tht if they want to switch teams they have to pay $50, thts already $100 dollar, gotta remember, majority of us have families and do this for fun but at the same time we love the sport, just my thoughts, $50 is a fair price, so players, choose ur team wisely

Team Owner

October 27, 2012
5:27:00 PM

Entry #: 4001158
I def agree with cash it I know it will help my team out. Every season but one in the last 10 seasons i have had to put money out my pocket so it will hold the players more accountable.A lot of players try to get away without paying when most of them spend 50 in a day and say they cant come up with 50 in a whole season.
I agree I think 50 a player is more than fair because every team has 25 players on it so weather the owners pay or the players pay it would work out. Also if a team pays all money up front without YOU having to go try and collect than they should receive a discount. Just saying

October 27, 2012
5:41:43 PM

Entry #: 4001162
I agree with owner, dudes do go without paying and still cry about not playing as much as i want, i am tired of hearing dudes saying they aint got it, but smokin and drinkin on a regular and always out at the clubs dropping hundreds on a B**** thts not gonna give them no ass, if u wanna play, PAY

October 27, 2012
8:37:06 PM

Entry #: 4001260
40 a player sounds better if you throw in some of the benefits we had first spring season 50 would be more reasonable


October 27, 2012
9:55:43 PM

Entry #: 4001307
The first spring season costs $ your losing your mind lmao amd $40 ref fees

I spent 5000of my own money that season to give you that product

$3 per game for ref fees wud be $33 alone for the season

October 28, 2012
2:35:43 AM

Entry #: 4001500
When you register do you have to pick a team or will they also have the option of being a free agent so they can decide like a week after

The Real No Name

November 1, 2012
3:00:42 PM

Entry #: 4004542
I think this idea is good only if a set amount of teams is determined beforehand. Also this course of action should lead to the logical conclusion of doing away with team owners and instead have teams select a captain (or captians) after the initial roster are set. While I pay my part I've always thought any financial slack should be picked up by team owners. Why else try to lay claim to the team. If owners no longer want that responsibility then they should understand that they must give up the control they once held as well.

fan from the grill

November 1, 2012
4:18:56 PM

Entry #: 4004593
The real no name...

R U KIDDING ME... team owners lay claim to a team because they love football and feel they can lead a team to victory on any given Sunday. Many of them do come out of pocket financially. In no way will this league ever have one man be owner over 10 - 12 teams. You fell and bumped your head. Owners coordinate jerseys, practice, communication, league meetings, out of pocket expense, Sponsorshipf,transportation, advice, on field decisions etc.
All this is done because they want to see their work pay off in the long run. Cash is trying to setup registration to make sure teams don’t fold do to financial reasons and assist team ownership in doing so.
I feel it’s great having different team owners because they take on characteristics of leadership after a while and its good for the league. Variety... So I understand your point, but you will not have the current team owners agree to giving up there teams to one source.
The NFL gets assistance from the league but is ran by team owners.

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