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Author TOPIC: CT Rankings 5/19/13

May 19, 2013
5:15:18 PM

Entry #: 4058355
 photo rankings51913_zps82aeb65e.jpg

May 19, 2013
5:22:57 PM

Entry #: 4058359
Arent the vikings 4-4, not 4-3

Coach Manes

May 19, 2013
5:36:09 PM

Entry #: 4058362
Bombers 5-2

Bomberss 65

May 19, 2013
5:36:15 PM

Entry #: 4058363
Not even updated bombers are 5-2


May 19, 2013
5:39:14 PM

Entry #: 4058365
The points are correct.. there maybe some typos in the standings due to copy and pasting....we will fix them soon.

But the points are accurate

Bombers 65

May 19, 2013
5:40:27 PM

Entry #: 4058367
How do we have same amount of points we shut out the other guys and we drop lol everytime we shut a team out we drop down


May 19, 2013
6:01:12 PM

Entry #: 4058371
When the teams you beat lose, and start to lose... your points go down with those teams...

Your points dont stay the same.. they can go up or down

May 19, 2013
6:05:23 PM

Entry #: 4058372
Understand just wondering how it
Goes but might not be accurate we are 5-2 and beat the other guys 20-0 so wast sure

May 19, 2013
6:23:55 PM

Entry #: 4058377
How could 2 3-4 teams be in the top 10

May 19, 2013
6:29:06 PM

Entry #: 4058380
Crocs.. #9 enough said


May 19, 2013
6:41:02 PM

Entry #: 4058386
Actually just checked the bombers points in the database and they are incorrect. one game was not entered which will alter all other teams points as well..

Ill have a revised one made shortly, but not sure if how much it will move any teams if at all

May 19, 2013
7:43:16 PM

Entry #: 4058413
Dolphinse are like on a big losing streak like 3 straight loses and they still 6 if they lose out where they goin end up at #10??? Get rid of this..a team not even 500 down the stretch of the season has no buisness in the top 10

May 19, 2013
8:39:41 PM

Entry #: 4058435
^^ exactly even if they lost to the top 4 teams they still shouldn't be in the top 5

May 19, 2013
9:13:39 PM

Entry #: 4058446
Bpt dolphins and bpt Ducks are not even in this league nomore dum asses take those teams off LOL what a joke of a league

May 20, 2013
11:06:16 AM

Entry #: 4058621
Revised rankings?


May 20, 2013
11:52:43 AM

Entry #: 4058645
I was just Waitig for the souths official scores to post. I misscomunicated with champ on the results that had taken place yesterday since they were not uloaded when we input the new data.

Now that they are posted i will revise them sometime today.

May 20, 2013
12:41:40 PM

Entry #: 4058667
Bombers only won 20-0

May 21, 2013
8:11:53 AM

Entry #: 4059068
Since u haven't posted new rankings we could assume they are the same?

May 21, 2013
8:22:53 AM

Entry #: 4059071
This system kinda stinks...

Coach Manes

May 21, 2013
8:38:12 AM

Entry #: 4059077
It doesn't make any sense. In theory it does but obviously it's more favorable for the North which I understand but the other guys play with Trojans half the time so that changes outcomes of games and now the ducks dropped so u get a forfeit score instead of a blowout. In the end it's usually accurate but when u beat the #2 team whether they should be there or not and move down that doesn't sit right. And I'm saying something about it because if we come up there for the tourney are ranking places us in our bracket.


May 21, 2013
8:53:21 AM

Entry #: 4059081
The better your quality of wins are... the more points you get....... to do an extreme example...

If a Team A goes 10-0 and all 10 teams they beat went 0-10... Guess how many points Team A would have at the end of the season..... 0 POINTS!

Now if Team A went 10-0 and and all the teams they beat went 9-1..... Team A would have 900 points

The system works because you cant beat up on Scrub teams and expect to move up sharply

While also if you play a tough schedule and beat quality opponents, 3 wins vs. "performing teams" will out weight 10 wins vs NON performing teams.

Scores are not included in the formula

May 21, 2013
9:13:20 AM

Entry #: 4059086
Well then my 5-2 should be better then the crocs 3-4 the way u just explained it thank u

May 21, 2013
9:24:03 AM

Entry #: 4059089
if you don't understand how it works by now then you are an idiot. kash has only explained it about 10 times. stop crying and play some football

coach manes, i wouldnt worry about where you end up as far as the tournament.. you gonna get your ass whooped no matter what your ranking is


May 21, 2013
9:26:05 AM

Entry #: 4059090
The re rankings are almost complete.. the miscommunication between me and champ did effect the rankings... From now on i will wait until offical scores come out before posting... The revised rankings will be posted shortly

Coach Manes

May 21, 2013
10:40:17 AM

Entry #: 4059134
Lol next time we won't come with 3 highschool players and won't be playing the guns either

May 21, 2013
10:42:48 AM

Entry #: 4059137
if I remember right second string beat that ass too

Bombers 65

May 21, 2013
11:45:28 AM

Entry #: 4059175
Yo no name lol did u beat gunz? Did u beat 2nd string? Came with a rookie team guarantee next tourn win or lose any team we face will have hard time so keep the no name comments

Coach Manes

May 21, 2013
11:54:01 AM

Entry #: 4059193
2nd string won the open guns lost in the chip.. Aren't the 2nd a top team out there? So we played 2 top Hartford teams and we lost.. Problem we some of u Hartford guys is u don't respect anyone we at least have the balls to come out there. Next time we hope its different

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