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Author TOPIC: Something new to discuss

March 13, 2005
5:57:36 PM

Entry #: 747236

Was just thinking how even though we went 9-16 how good of schedule we played unlike some other teams who went 21-5 and lost in the regional I just don't know how you can call yourself a dynasty and win 1 regional in 3 years?...enough of that it kind of dissapoints me that you can reach the peak (sectional championship) and fail two years in the row? I just think we let our guard down instead of not showing we are tired or anyting we did and it shot us in the foot I'll just leave on this quote about not coming up short "When General Patton came across two Donkey's that had gotten stuck on the bridge he shot both of them and threw them into the water what that means is I don't want any jackasses on my team" Brian Billick describing to his team that they ate a team and not just a single person


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