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Author TOPIC: A New Observation

April 6, 2005
9:39:48 AM

Entry #: 785976

Was just thinking about what others on here said about players coming too hang with their friends and etc. And if I'm able enough to say I didn't wanna play because I wasn't 100% into it then why would these guys ruin their team by playing? For one I don't think it's fair for the other players who play their asses off to get no where. From what it seems like those players were kinda like the type of people who say "yeah i'll help you in a minute" but when that minute comes they're no where to be seen. People say we had no QB it's true. I always thought a QB was suppose to be your backbone or your coach on the field. Well if not understanding what to do is a leader I don't get it? I laugh when I think about Andry would roll out and wait about 20 seconds too late to throw the ball. When he does throw it what would seem in the begining to be like a 15-20 yard reception by the time he got rid of it it wound up being a 5-8 yard completion. And I don't understand why when he was pressured he didn't try to create on his own instead of letting the defensive player run right into him. and why did the defensive player do it?...because of a lack of o-line I also thought the o-line was the heart of the backbone (have the bend but not break mentality). But obviously the o-line from the past two years nixed that theory. If you looked at the kind of o-line we've had in the past 2 years we should have at least won 4-5 games. But when you have nothing you end up with nothing. If I was an o-line player and looking at when the j.v. players would get in and basically score your points for the game I would be embarassed. nd then you have some of those players who play both ways and play on the d-line and you end up with the same result?...If I was those players (2005 Seniors) 5-10 years down the road or when they have kids and you look at what you have achieved and it says 0-20 in 2 years don't start complaining then that you should have done something.


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