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Author TOPIC: Consolation Round
Helen Harrison

March 20, 2006
10:41:29 PM

Entry #: 1334840
What do others think of having a consolation round during the playoff series? Can we not get the ice time or is it insulting? I just thought, maybe the two losing teams might want to battle out for 3rd place or just have another game to play instead of just losing and being done for two or three weeks.


March 31, 2006
3:01:23 PM

Entry #: 1356790
We used to do the consolation round. A few seasons ago, the coordinators decided to not keep the consolation round. The reasons behind this decision were: giving two teams 2 weeks off as was requested, since many players wouldn't show up for the consolation round, and lowering the season costs by one full game (refs, ice, scorekeeper fees).
If the coordinators and the players want to reinstall the consolation round in the future, it is open to discussion.

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