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GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 17

Posted By Comments
November 18, 2022
6:37:13 PM

Entry ID: 2335254
Are you looking for an example? <a href=>check</a>
August 16, 2022
4:07:40 PM

Entry ID: 2265766
When we getting the band back together?
November 27, 2017
9:08:47 AM

Entry ID: 2086557
Hey there Joey Rhodes hope u r well. Need to get together. You r ever in the area let me know.
Joey Rhodes
Hendersonville, NC
October 10, 2017
1:49:38 PM

Entry ID: 2085919
Hello everyone!!! Hey Roger, John, I hope everyone is doing well!!
September 6, 2017
10:48:58 PM

Entry ID: 2085383
Congratulations to Chad, Robby, Travis, Gerrad, and Gary. You guys have all left your mark on the Brunswick Orioles program and have helped make it what it is today. The Brunswick Orioles fraternity is proud of you and you deserve the Hall of Fame nod! Go Black and Orange!
J Peterman
August 10, 2014
10:02:15 PM

Entry ID: 2056914
Congrats to Mangold n Dawson and the whole Orioles squad for winning the Regionals!! Good Luck in Battle Creek. Bring back the hardware like 2004!!!!
November 19, 2013
1:03:10 PM

Entry ID: 2045116
Congrats to John Mangold Buzzy Jackson and Doug Stottlemyer for being inducted into the NSPBA Hall Of Fame for 2014.
Brunswick MD
September 4, 2012
2:16:16 PM

Entry ID: 1987917
Congrats Hammer!!!! Well deserved.
Ted Mostoller
September 4, 2012
1:35:17 PM

Entry ID: 1987902
Mobley never realized your big butt could hit like that. After reading your stats this is a well deserved accomplishment. Congratulations to the HAMMER !
Charlie Blackburn
Bowie, Maryland
September 2, 2012
9:22:17 PM

Entry ID: 1987601
I really like your web site and your team history,the up-dates about the Brunswick Orioles team family. You have deveoped and maintain great player loyalty and organization,taking part in one of the finest leagues in America (Blue Ridge League). Keep it going for future generations.
December 29, 2011
12:15:14 PM

Entry ID: 1944018
Congrats Roger!!!
September 13, 2011
7:08:12 AM

Entry ID: 1912862
Congrats on the new arrival.
September 12, 2011
2:54:15 PM

Entry ID: 1912716
Wanted to pass along some good news! Gerrad and Heather Talkington became proud parents of a baby boy on Sunday September 11th. Lucas Jones Talkington was 8lbs and 12 oz. All are healthy! CONGRATULATIONS!
J Peterman
July 13, 2011
8:30:17 AM

Entry ID: 1898510
Good Luck Fellas----Through the Blue Ridge and NABF's!!!!!!
June 24, 2011
11:18:34 AM

Entry ID: 1894919
Hey guys what's up? Hope the season is going well. My sons team is having a fundraiser HR contest. The contest is at Loates Field on July 23 from 9-5. The 2 finalist from each age group will hit before a Frederick Keys game at Harry Grove. Look at the website if you're interested.
J Mangold
April 21, 2011
7:33:48 PM

Entry ID: 1881701
Mr. Cromer, I sent him a text so he should be good.
steve cromer
April 20, 2011
12:17:15 AM

Entry ID: 1881284
Hi guys. This is Spencer's dad. Somebody call him as he has decided to come home this summer rather than stay in S. Carolina and wants to play for the Orioles. He can't find anyones phone number so if you could give him a call. He is coming home May 1st. Thanks and can't wait to watch some ball this summer.

GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 17