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Total Entries: 4

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Norma Tarrance
August 4, 2011
10:04:27 AM

Entry ID: 1903878
YEA, Cheers for CourtSide! The CourtSide Training Program is the place for one to be if he/she only has an inkling of interest in basketball. My grandson (9yrs.old from IL) has played team basketball for the past three years-yes, just "played". He seems to have a real interest, but I sensed something was missing. Visiting with me this summer, I enrolled him in CourtSide so I could "SEE" what was going on. To my chagrin, I realized that he really didn't know what to do-with his body or the ball. After just a week of one-on-one training with Coach Pitts, I saw a grave improvement in his skills. He even developed a stronger desire to play-now that he knows what to do. Seeing is believing and I SAW what CourtSide can do (and DID DO for my grandson)!! A big THANKS to you, Coach Pitts and CourtSide.
Aya Traore
Montgomery, Alabama
May 22, 2010
7:12:08 PM

Entry ID: 1792961
Courtside Training Program is helping me alot. I am working with Coach Rodney, who understands the game and really made my shot much better by emphasizing all those small details that makes me a better percentage shooter. We do alot of ball handling drills as well that help a bunch, especially for me being 6'1 and being able to play versus smaller guards and my overall versatility. I would definitely recommend the Courtside Training Program to anybody at any level. It might take some time at the beginning but in the long run you'll definitely see major improvements and positive results. Aya Traore, Purdue Women's Basketball Alumni Senegal Women's National Team Member
Billy Foxworth Jr
May 14, 2010
9:31:00 AM

Entry ID: 1790340
In 4-5 weeks time, Brett has improved significantly in his ball-handling skills as well as his footwork. The old saying " practice makes permanent, not perfect" applied as Brett put in numerous hours working at home but did not realize the rewards of his efforts. He has a long road and much hard work to endure to reach "his" goals but now he has been shown how to visualize a path and has been given drills to help achieve those goals. The coaches are fair and passionate about basketball and "their" boys ( you will get what you put into the program ). Brett is excited to see the improvements and his parents enjoy seeing the increase in self confidence and esteem that a son experiences on and off the court! Thanks Coach Alec and Coach Rodney, Billy Foxworth
May 11, 2010
5:04:07 PM

Entry ID: 1789409
We always thought our son was a good ball handler but he reached a certain level of play and just couldnt advance any futher. We heard good things about "courtside" and decided to give it a try. After he worked with Coach Rodney and Coach Alec we soon realized our son had missed the boat as far as fundamentals go. That was why he couldnt improve on his game. He has been working at Courtside for 4 weeks now and the difference is remarkable. The coaches are working hard to correct the bad habits he developed years ago......He still has a ways to go before he is the kind of player he wants to be, but he can see now that if he practices hard using the techniques he is learning at Courtside he will get there. Thanks for bringing Courtside to Montgomery. What a great program. LW

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Total Entries: 4