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Total Entries: 3

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June 26, 2019
12:26:05 AM

Entry ID: 2093474
Our second season with Ho'okino volleyball came to a close, my daughter Taylor took the next step with her team Ho'okino 14s, played Opposite, Middle and a little even a little back row receiving of serves. She took on the challenge and in the end produced when the team needed her to be at her best. Her team mates also rose to the occasion in the Summer Bash with 19 other 13s and 14s teams and ended up in 4th place, but boy did they push their opponents to the limit by forcing 3 sets in 5 of 9 matches.. Losing to the eventual winners by 2 points in set 3. Coach Rob and Coach Henry did a fantastic job with these girls and brought out the fire in their play. We're not sure what Taylor will be doing in the next few months, but we wish our coaches a speedy recovery as the recover or plan for some medical procedures. We're all one Ohana, no matter where we are Ho'okino will always be our hearts. Special thanks to Taylor's team mates: Beth, Noele, Janci, Kawena, Caylie, Tiani, Jada, Bea, Mikaela, our team mom Aunty Michele and Club mom Aunty Laurie. To all the other 16 team and 12 team, best of luck in 2019. Special shout out to all the Coaches and parents. Finally, thank you Director Jon for allowing Taylor to be apart of the Ho'okino Ohana. Sincerely Taylor, Gina, Courtney and Craig
July 6, 2018
9:10:57 PM

Entry ID: 2089309
Congratulations to the Ho'okino 14s LB, MK and the 18s that entered the Anahiem Soriee Tournament. Everyone had a blast, players, coaches and yes, even the parents...LOL The girls represented Ho'okino very well and left it all on the court. Special thanks to all the coaches Matt, Laurence, Leslie, Brandon, Leslie's daughter, Henry, Rob and Director Jon Tom. We had a great ending to our we need to have an Anahiem Hookino reunioin!!!
March 6, 2016
9:22:30 PM

Entry ID: 2071779
I want to join volleyball it seems so fun

GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 3