
Welcome to Salem High School Cheer Website!


2024-2025 Cheerleading Tryouts- Timeline


 June 6th: Between the hours of 2:15pm-5:15pm, Salem High School will be hosting physicals. $20 CASH ONLY.  Form must be signed by parent/ guardian prior to recieving physical. Physical forms are available under the forms tab, then select handouts, or the main office at Salem. **Remember, you must have a physical dated after 5/1/24 in order to tryout.**


June 21st: Between the hours of 4pm-7pm, those trying out for SHS sideline cheer will come to submit their 4 forms from the cheer packet, physical, and select tryout time. You will also receive your tryout number. That is to be worn the entire duration during tryouts. If you received a physical at the school, it will be on file and can be pulled.

If you're unable to make it this day, please email us.


June 24th-June 25th: Sideline tryouts 6pm-8pm!!! Tryout material will be taught during these days. Doors will open at 5:45pm and close at 6:10pm. Must be present both days to be judged. 


June 26th: Sideline Judging Day!! You will arrive at your selected time. When you arrive, you will have 15 mins to stretch, practice, and warmup any tumbling you may have before performing infront of the judges. Once your tryout is over, you are to leave school premises. Numbers will be posted on Instagram and this website under team.


August 5th-Auguts 7th: Competition Team tryouts 6pm-8pm!!! If you did not tryout for sideline, bring your four packet forms and physical on day 1, August 5th. You will receive tryout number at check-in. Tryout material will be taught during the first two days. Doors will open at 5:45pm and close at 6:10pm. Must be present both days to be judged on August 7th. 


**Forms and physical (dated May 1, 2024 or after) must be present or on file the first day of tryouts. No physical, no tryout! Forms will be available incase you are unable to print from home but know it requires a parent signature.