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Coaches Clinic

May 9, 2015 – 08:00 AM

ATTENTION ALL COACHES: This Saturday, MAY 9TH: Shadow Hills Little Knights We will be hosting a coaches clinic from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm at SHHS. This is a mandatory training for all head coaches and select assistant coaches. There will also be an opportunity to get live-scanned from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. This is mandatory, all coaches must be certified and live-scanned before stepping on the field. NO EXCEPTIONS.


Interested in being part of Coachella’s Elite Football League. Contact one of our Board Members.  

Little Arabs Daily News: Green & Gold Pride !!!

Bulletin Board: Upcoming Events


Sign Ups Coming Soon for our 2014 Season, Stay tune for updates here and on our facebook page.

We Want to Thank all Coaches and Parents Volunteers for a great 2013 season... 

We are proud to announce 5 out 5 teams are in the playoffs this season, way to go Little Arabs!

Coachella Little Arabs hosted 12 playoff games on November 23, 2013, we will be using both football fields.  It's was both exciting and a sign of the growth our Little Arabs Chapter and City of Coachella have accomplished through dedication and hard work.


Are you ready for some football???