Question: What should be done about the unusually high number of rain outs?
Response   Pct  Votes 
Build a dome! (Send in your donation if this is your answer.)   5.8%
Realize that rain is part of the price we pay for living in a sub tropical climate that makes it possible for baseball to be played year 'round.   35.9% 37 
Nothing. The games will get made up, so what are we worrying about.   9.7% 10 
Get upset beyond reason about something that is out of anyone's control, develop an ulcer or something even worse.   1.0%
Grin and bear it. Stressing about the weather is a pointless pursuit.   4.9%
Write threatening letters to the Weather Channel until the rain lets up.   10.7% 11 
Invent water resistant baseballs.   13.6% 14 
Boycott the sky.   18.4% 19 

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