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Westlake HS

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Parking on Thousand Oaks Blvd. along the 3rd base line. Park towards the east out of foul ball range.

Westlake High School
100 Lakeview Canyon Road
Westlake Village, CA 91362

Restroom location: Portable facility should be behind the home plate area.

Please no dip or spit substances on any of the turf, and clean up any seeds with the provided broom after all games.

To get directions click on 'Click for Map'. When the map comes up, click on 'Get Directions' and simply put in the location you are coming from in the 'From' box on the left side. A map and driving instuctions should come up. Use the sliders on the left side of the map to "zoom in" and to change directions. Maps are shown in 'Hybrid' (satellite photos), if you prefer a regular map just click on the 'Map' tab.

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