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The fields are located off Frush Valley Rd in Laureldale. If you put 1433 Frush Valley Rd in your GPS it will bring you to the right place. We actually don’t have a Frush Valley Rd address though so this address is not usable for anything but a GPS. If you don’t have a GPS the easiest directions would be to get onto Kutztown Rd. If travelling north you would pass a Turkey Hill on your right and the next street on the right is Frush Valley Rd. This is directly across from the Muhlenberg Elementary Center. If you are travelling south you would get to a traffic light at Sharp Avenue and the next left is Frush Valley Rd. Once on Frush Valley Rd you will see our sign about 1/4 mile on the left. Turn into that driveway and you are there!!!!!

Frush Valley RD, Laureldale, PA