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2021 Baseball Rules



1  All Leagues are governed by OBR, except where stipulated below. 

2  No Sunflower ( or other seeds with a shell ) and are allowed. No chewing gum. These items do not go well with the turf surfaces.

3  Home team is responsible for keeping the official score. Visiting team is         responsible for operating the score board when applicable. At the end of each game, a representative of each team will sign the score book, results of the signed score book shall be deemed as official once signed by both teams. Please make sure the team names and score are clearly visible, as is winner/loser.

4  Home team dugout is designated as the 1st base dugout. In the event of a team playing back to back games, on the same field, being designated home for one game and visitor for the other, that team does not have to change dugouts between games.

5  Teams must have at least 8 players at the start of the game.

6  Metal cleats ARE NOT ALLOWED

7  USSSA bat rules apply to all age groups. USA approved bat are also allowed.

8  Any regular season game stopped due to any event, other than time limit reached or mercy rule attained, will be considered official if at least half of the allotted time has passed at the point when the game is stopped. All OBR rules governing official games stopped early will still be in effect.

9  Runners may not leave the base to which they are entitled until:

     Tball, the ball has been put into play by legal contact with the bat

     Coach Pitch – The Ball has reached home plate

All kid pitch leagues allow for leading off, and stealing, in accordance with    USSSA/OBR definitions.

10  The batting order, in all leagues, will contain all players present at the start of the game. Any player arriving after the start of the game WILL BE placed into the lineup following the last player listed at the start of the game ( example: team A starts game with 10 players, another player arrives, they are placed in the 11th spot in the batting order ).

11  In all kid pitch leagues, pitchers are limited to six (6) consecutive recorded outs per game, and no more than nine ( 12 ) outs pitched per day. Once a player is removed from the position of pitcher, they may not return to that position in that game, even if they may have legal outs remaining.

12  There will be a 5 run limit, per half inning, in all leagues.

13  USSSA rules for courtesy runners will be used in all leagues except tball

14 Bats must meet current USSSA rules for the age group.

15 in all leagues, except rookie(tball) if regulation innings or time ends with teams tied, one (1) extra inning, under modified international rule ( teams begin with last batted out on 2nd and 1 out )will be played. If at the end of that inning the score is still tied, the game will be declared a tie.

Assistant coaches are to be seen and not heard. Assistants may not argue calls.

Any coach ejected will not be allowed to coach their teams next game. Any coach ejected twice will, most likely, be relieved of their coaching duties.


The offensive team will provide a coach in the home plate area. This coach may assist batters in taking a stance. This coach is also responsible for placing the ball on the tee, and moving the tee from home plate once the ball is put into play by a legally hit ball.

Batters must, in the judgement of the umpire, take a full, hard swing.

A batted ball must go beyond the designated circle around home plate, and otherwise be in fair territory, to be in play. All other batted balls not reaching that status will be declared foul.

Time will be called by the umpire when, in his/her judgement, the lead runner has stopped trying to advance AND the ball is in possession of a defensive player, OR when a defensive player has possession of the ball and both feet in the pitchers circle.  At the moment time is called, runners more than half way to their next base shall be awarded said base, unless it is occupied.

A batted ball, fielded by the player occupying the position of pitcher inside the pitchers circle will be live. A batted ball, fielded by any defensive player outside of the pitchers circle, then carried into the pitchers circle will result in time being called.

Games shall be 60 minutes in length, or 5 innings, whichever is completed 1st.  Games will be officially over when one team is ahead by 11 runs after 3 innings or 6 runs after 4 innings. If an inning is in progress when the 60 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning is completed, or the mercy rule is reached.

There will be no extra innings in Rookie League games.

The use of a player in the position of Catcher is NOT required. Any player occupying that position must wear a protective “hockey style “ mask.

There will be no walks allowed in the rookie league

There are no strike outs in Rookie League.

When on defense, teams will have players at P, 1b, 2b, 3b, SS. All other defensive players may be placed in the outfield.

USSSA BPF 1.15 bats or USA approved bats, max diameter 2 1/4”



Coach Pitch

Games shall be 60 minutes in length, or 5 innings, whichever is completed 1st.  Games will be officially over when one team is ahead by 11 runs after 3 innings or 6 runs after 4 innings. If an inning is in progress when the 60 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning is completed, or the mercy rule is reached.

A batted ball striking the pitching coach will be declared dead, and all players FORCED will be awarded one base. If, in the judgement of the umpire, the contact was intentional, the batter shall be declared out, and all runners will return to the base the occupied at the time of pitch.

Batters will be allowed 3 strikes or 5 pitches. After a 5th pitch foul ball the batter will receive another pitch. This will continue until the batter:  puts the ball in play, swings and misses, foul tips the ball into the catchers glove, or does not swing at the pitch. Bats must meet USSSA specifications, barrels up to 2 ¾” are legal.

There will be no walks allowed in coach pitch.

Players in the positions  of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and SS must have their feet in the dirt part of the infield ( or the designated dirt part of the turf infield ) at the time the pitch is delivered. Violation of this rule will result in all base runner AND the batter being awarded 2 bases, even if the ball is not put into play by the batter.

Time shall be called by the umpire when, in his/her judgement, the lead runner has ceased trying to advance.  At the moment time is called, runners who are more than half way to the next base shall be awarded such, unless said base is legally occupied by another baserunner.

The defensive team may use 10 defenders, with the extra defender being in the outfield. The positions of P, C, 1B, 2b, 3B and SS MUST be occupied. The player occupying the C position must be legally and properly equipped, which includes hockey style helmet/mask, chest protector, and leg guards.



Minor league games will be 6 innings or 90 minutes in length, whichever is reached 1st. If an inning is in progress when 90 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning ends or the mercy rule is reached, whichever occurs 1st. Run rules are 11 after 4, 6 after 5.

NO NEW INNING WILL START AFTER 1hr and 25mins have elapsed

The dropped 3rd strike rule WILL NOT be used in the minor league.

Bats must meet current USSSA rules governing bats.

Balks will be enforced at the discretion of the umpires. As this is an instructional/recreational league and many players are just learning to deal with pitching with runners leading off and stealing we want to work with players so they learn what to do and not do.

Players may not show bunt, then pull back and swing. If this occurs, the batter will be called out, whether they contact the ball or not, and all runners returned to the base they occupied at time of pitch.

There will be no arguing balls and strikes, while this is an OBR, we felt we should remind people of that in these rules as well.


NO NEW INNING WILL START AFTER 1hr and 25mins have elapsed

Major league games will be 6 innings or 90 minutes in length, whichever is reached 1st. If an inning is in progress when 90 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning ends or the mercy rule is reached, whichever occurs 1st. Run rules are 11 after 4, 6 after 5.

Players may not show bunt, then pull back and swing. If this occurs, the batter will be called out, whether they contact the ball or not, and all runners returned to the base they occupied at time of pitch.


NO NEW INNING WILL START AFTER 1hr and 25mins have elapsed

Prep league games will be 6 innings or 90 minutes in length, whichever is reached 1st. If an inning is in progress when 90 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning ends or the mercy rule is reached, whichever occurs 1st. Run rules are 11 after 4, 6 after 5.


We use the USSSA bat rules in prep, but that causes some confusion due to usssa having a different standard for 13u, 14u and 15u. Usssa rules say 13u can use not more than a -8 length to weight measurement. 14u no more than a -5, and 15u must use a bbcor -3.

Since our league combines all 3 ages, it is not practical to check every player every time they come to bat. From a game play, skill development, and safety stand point, a 14 or 15u player does not need to use a -8 bat.



1  All Leagues are governed by OBR, except where stipulated below. 

2  No Sunflower ( or other seeds with a shell ) and are allowed. No chewing gum. These items do not go well with the turf surfaces.

3  Home team is responsible for keeping the official score. Visiting team is         responsible for operating the score board when applicable. At the end of each game, a representative of each team will sign the score book, results of the signed score book shall be deemed as official once signed by both teams. Please make sure the team names and score are clearly visible, as is winner/loser.

4  Home team dugout is designated as the 1st base dugout. In the event of a team playing back to back games, on the same field, being designated home for one game and visitor for the other, that team does not have to change dugouts between games.

5  Teams must have at least 8 players at the start of the game.

6  Metal cleats ARE NOT ALLOWED

7  USSSA bat rules apply to all age groups. USA approved bat are also allowed.

8  Any regular season game stopped due to any event, other than time limit reached or mercy rule attained, will be considered official if at least half of the allotted time has passed at the point when the game is stopped. All OBR rules governing official games stopped early will still be in effect.

9  Runners may not leave the base to which they are entitled until:

     Tball, the ball has been put into play by legal contact with the bat

     Coach Pitch – The Ball has reached home plate

All kid pitch leagues allow for leading off, and stealing, in accordance with    USSSA/OBR definitions.

10  The batting order, in all leagues, will contain all players present at the start of the game. Any player arriving after the start of the game WILL BE placed into the lineup following the last player listed at the start of the game ( example: team A starts game with 10 players, another player arrives, they are placed in the 11th spot in the batting order ).

11  In all kid pitch leagues, pitchers are limited to six (6) consecutive recorded outs per game, and no more than nine ( 12 ) outs pitched per day. Once a player is removed from the position of pitcher, they may not return to that position in that game, even if they may have legal outs remaining.

12  There will be a 5 run limit, per half inning, in all leagues.

13  USSSA rules for courtesy runners will be used in all leagues except tball

14 Bats must meet current USSSA rules for the age group.

15 in all leagues, except rookie(tball) if regulation innings or time ends with teams tied, one (1) extra inning, under modified international rule ( teams begin with last batted out on 2nd and 1 out )will be played. If at the end of that inning the score is still tied, the game will be declared a tie.

Assistant coaches are to be seen and not heard. Assistants may not argue calls.

Any coach ejected will not be allowed to coach their teams next game. Any coach ejected twice will, most likely, be relieved of their coaching duties.


The offensive team will provide a coach in the home plate area. This coach may assist batters in taking a stance. This coach is also responsible for placing the ball on the tee, and moving the tee from home plate once the ball is put into play by a legally hit ball.

Batters must, in the judgement of the umpire, take a full, hard swing.

A batted ball must go beyond the designated circle around home plate, and otherwise be in fair territory, to be in play. All other batted balls not reaching that status will be declared foul.

Time will be called by the umpire when, in his/her judgement, the lead runner has stopped trying to advance AND the ball is in possession of a defensive player, OR when a defensive player has possession of the ball and both feet in the pitchers circle.  At the moment time is called, runners more than half way to their next base shall be awarded said base, unless it is occupied.

A batted ball, fielded by the player occupying the position of pitcher inside the pitchers circle will be live. A batted ball, fielded by any defensive player outside of the pitchers circle, then carried into the pitchers circle will result in time being called.

Games shall be 60 minutes in length, or 5 innings, whichever is completed 1st.  Games will be officially over when one team is ahead by 11 runs after 3 innings or 6 runs after 4 innings. If an inning is in progress when the 60 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning is completed, or the mercy rule is reached.

There will be no extra innings in Rookie League games.

The use of a player in the position of Catcher is NOT required. Any player occupying that position must wear a protective “hockey style “ mask.

There will be no walks allowed in the rookie league

There are no strike outs in Rookie League.

When on defense, teams will have players at P, 1b, 2b, 3b, SS. All other defensive players may be placed in the outfield.

USSSA BPF 1.15 bats or USA approved bats, max diameter 2 1/4”



Coach Pitch

Games shall be 60 minutes in length, or 5 innings, whichever is completed 1st.  Games will be officially over when one team is ahead by 11 runs after 3 innings or 6 runs after 4 innings. If an inning is in progress when the 60 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning is completed, or the mercy rule is reached.

A batted ball striking the pitching coach will be declared dead, and all players FORCED will be awarded one base. If, in the judgement of the umpire, the contact was intentional, the batter shall be declared out, and all runners will return to the base the occupied at the time of pitch.

Batters will be allowed 3 strikes or 5 pitches. After a 5th pitch foul ball the batter will receive another pitch. This will continue until the batter:  puts the ball in play, swings and misses, foul tips the ball into the catchers glove, or does not swing at the pitch. Bats must meet USSSA specifications, barrels up to 2 ¾” are legal.

There will be no walks allowed in coach pitch.

Players in the positions  of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and SS must have their feet in the dirt part of the infield ( or the designated dirt part of the turf infield ) at the time the pitch is delivered. Violation of this rule will result in all base runner AND the batter being awarded 2 bases, even if the ball is not put into play by the batter.

Time shall be called by the umpire when, in his/her judgement, the lead runner has ceased trying to advance.  At the moment time is called, runners who are more than half way to the next base shall be awarded such, unless said base is legally occupied by another baserunner.

The defensive team may use 10 defenders, with the extra defender being in the outfield. The positions of P, C, 1B, 2b, 3B and SS MUST be occupied. The player occupying the C position must be legally and properly equipped, which includes hockey style helmet/mask, chest protector, and leg guards.



Minor league games will be 6 innings or 90 minutes in length, whichever is reached 1st. If an inning is in progress when 90 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning ends or the mercy rule is reached, whichever occurs 1st. Run rules are 11 after 4, 6 after 5.

NO NEW INNING WILL START AFTER 1hr and 25mins have elapsed

The dropped 3rd strike rule WILL NOT be used in the minor league.

Bats must meet current USSSA rules governing bats.

Balks will be enforced at the discretion of the umpires. As this is an instructional/recreational league and many players are just learning to deal with pitching with runners leading off and stealing we want to work with players so they learn what to do and not do.

Players may not show bunt, then pull back and swing. If this occurs, the batter will be called out, whether they contact the ball or not, and all runners returned to the base they occupied at time of pitch.

There will be no arguing balls and strikes, while this is an OBR, we felt we should remind people of that in these rules as well.


NO NEW INNING WILL START AFTER 1hr and 25mins have elapsed

Major league games will be 6 innings or 90 minutes in length, whichever is reached 1st. If an inning is in progress when 90 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning ends or the mercy rule is reached, whichever occurs 1st. Run rules are 11 after 4, 6 after 5.

Players may not show bunt, then pull back and swing. If this occurs, the batter will be called out, whether they contact the ball or not, and all runners returned to the base they occupied at time of pitch.


NO NEW INNING WILL START AFTER 1hr and 25mins have elapsed

Prep league games will be 6 innings or 90 minutes in length, whichever is reached 1st. If an inning is in progress when 90 minutes is reached, and the outcome is still not determined, the game will continue until the inning ends or the mercy rule is reached, whichever occurs 1st. Run rules are 11 after 4, 6 after 5.


We use the USSSA bat rules in prep, but that causes some confusion due to usssa having a different standard for 13u, 14u and 15u. Usssa rules say 13u can use not more than a -8 length to weight measurement. 14u no more than a -5, and 15u must use a bbcor -3.

Since our league combines all 3 ages, it is not practical to check every player every time they come to bat. From a game play, skill development, and safety stand point, a 14 or 15u player does not need to use a -8 bat.