6:30 Michele called meeting to order

No changes made to constitution

Ballots were handed out

2018 Board members were announced

Michele Algarin: President

Mark Addison: Vice President

Nate Mateo: VP of Softball

Kristina Cisco: Secretary

Peter Cintron: Safety Officer

Matthew Eddington: Player Agent

Bryan Newmark: Umpire in Chief


Board Meeting called to order at 6:30

Mike Bramblett opened the meeting with a review of the constitution

Constitution and changes were approved

Ballots were handed out to elect new officers

Ballots were counted and new Board Members were announced

Michele Algarin: President

Mark Addison: Vice President

Steve Davidson: Secretary 

Kristina Cisco: Treasurer

Stever Greer: Coaches agent

Rene Gamboa: Player agent

Bryan Newmark: Chief of umpires

Nate Mateo: VP of softball

7:30 meeting adjourned 


Homestead Little League: 2014-2015 Meeting Minutes