National Federation of High Schools rules apply at all levels with the following exceptions:

Games will consist of four (4) eight (8) minute quarters. Two (2) minutes for half time. One (1) minute between quarters one and two and three and four.

Three (3) timeouts per game.

Overtime will be two minutes in length. One (1) time out per team in the OT period. Unused time outs do not carry over.

6th Grade: 1 and 1 on the 8th team foul of the half.

7th Grade: 1 and 1 on the 8th team foul of the half.

8th Grade: 1 and 1 on the 7th team foul of the half.

Only the head coach and two (2) assistants may be on the bench along with the players. Any direct or indirect technical foul assessed to any coach will result in loss of the “standing” privilege. (Seat belt rule). Two direct or three indirect technical fouls on a coach will result in ejection from the gym. Further disciplinary action may be assessed as deemed appropriate by the league commissioner. Coaches may stand in the bench area only, not in front of the scorers table. Head coaches may address the officials only.

Home team supplies the scorekeeper and timer. Adults please!

“28.5” ball used at 6th grade level. Regulation size for 7th and 8th.

Shirts tucked in, pants pulled up! T-shirts worn under the uniform jersey must match the color of the uniform jersey.

20 point lead- pull the press off! Blow outs should be avoided!

Please note the following rule change: The team making any throw in after a foul, made basket or after any violation IS IN CONTROL OF THE BALL. Prior to this change, no team or player control existed during a throw in. Therefore, fouls committed by the team making the throw in during the throw in will be treated as team control fouls. No shots will be awarded.
Have a great season!