Information about the Keystone League

The Keystone League is a group of approximately 30 schools in the area that have a wrestling program and have joined together to form the Keystone League. During the months of December and January several tournaments are held throughout the area. Each school is invited to participate in 6 tournaments based on location and number of participants a tournament venue can handle. Wrestlers may encounter different groupings of wrestlers at each tournament. Wrestlers are required to participate in at least 4 of the 6 tournaments to be eligible to wrestle in the League Championship Tournament held in February. See the Keystone League’s website by clicking on "Links" on the left.

There are no fees to the wrestlers’ that participate in these events. Each club pays a fee and commits to hosting a tournament as part of the league membership requirements. Schools require a $4 per adult $2 student gate entry fee. This, along with 50/50 and concessions help pay for referees, school janitorial fees, supplies etc.

At the beginning of the season, we as a club record all wrestlers’ name, age and weight. Our coaches assign each wrestler a “rank” based on experience, aggressiveness, and general athletic ability. These rankings, along with the wrestlers’ age and weight, are used at the Keystone Tournaments to match our wrestlers to other wrestlers with similar abilities. Upon arriving at the tournament site, each wrestlers fills out a card that includes his name, school, age and weight. Age and weight are not verified; we use the honor system. Coaches meet just before the tournament begins to do the pairings. Names are generally called out and wrestlers go to a mat and wrestle. Each wrestler gets two matches; generally with two different opponents. The day is split into a morning and an afternoon session; with two age group wrestling in the morning and two in the afternoon.

The League Championship tournaments are held in February. Several days before this tournament, a location for weigh-ins will be announced and participating wrestlers will be required to weigh-in. For this tournament the only criterias for pairings will be weight and age (not experience and ability). Weight classes are generally in 5 pound increments. If your child weighs 51 pounds at weigh-in he will be required to wrestle as a 55 pounder. We are not asking or suggesting that you have your child lose weight prior to weigh-ins, but keep in mind things such as stopping for dinner after weigh-ins instead of before, having your child go to the bathroom before weighing in. A large, calorie free bottle of water weighs over a pound while a bag of chips or carrot sticks and dip weigh much less. Ask the coaches or experienced wrestling moms for more information if desired.

After weigh-ins are complete, your wrestlers name will be randomly (again just based on weight and age) entered onto a bracket sheet. At the tournament, he continues to wrestle matches until he loses twice. The eventual champion is likely to wrestle 3-4 matches that day depending on the number of participant in his age and weight class.