Cheerleading is a sport, the competition makes you strong,
It’s sharing laughs and tears, learning to get along.
Cheerleading is that ongoing drive to be the very best,
It is patience, perseverance, and very little rest.
Cheerleading is having poise and charm with every word you say,
It is total dedication twenty-four hours a day.
It is always being ready with encouragement and a smile.
Cheerleading is your chance to express your individual style.
Cheerleading is reaching out to comfort a sister who is sad,
It is defending each other in good times and in bad.
Cheerleaders are always there when someone asks,
They treasure the present moment and let go of the past.
Cheerleading is a talent to be able to shine on cue
It’s hiding the pain and anguish that if only half the people knew.
Cheerleaders, after all, are real people that sometimes get down
but when they're in the spotlight, they must never put on a frown.
Cheerleaders are actresses always ready to go,
That’s why it's important for all the world to know.
Not every girl can be a cheerleader, it takes a special kind
Cheerleaders are full of life, they're truly one of a kind.

First, plant four rows of peas:

Next to these, plant three rows of squash:
Squash Gossip
Squash Criticism
Squash Negative Attitude

Next, plant five rows of lettuce:
Let us be Loyal
Let us be Truthful
Let us be Compassionate
Let us be Tolerant
Let us be Friendly

No garden is complete without turnips:
Turn up on time
Turn up with a smile
Turn up with Determination in your heart!

It's the glimmer of hope when times are tough;
It's a bit more patience when we've had enough.

It's that thoughtful smile when one's desperately needed;
It's that extra push, a reason why we've succeeded.

This part of our personality which never fails to strive
Is the creator of our goals and the source of our drive.

We are enthused about life, optimistic about what's to be
Because the cheerleader inside looks for the best of life, you see.

It's the strong support upon which you stand;
It emerges as a friend to lend you a hand.

Where does this light come from? Where does the ray start?
It shines in your mind, but ignites in your heart.

The confidence to try, the will to believe,
The acceptance of failure and the way to achieve.

It's very close by. It's something we trust.
It's the fighter inside. It's the cheerleader within us.


We stand together in support of our team.
United, committed, one motive, one dream.

What we do is different unlike all the rest,
but somehow the same when we all try our best.

We don't use a bat, a ball, or a net,
just determination, and muscle, endurance, and sweat.

We cheer because we love the thrill of the game,
to motivate the crowd-nothing else is the same.

So don't call us ditzy, and don't call us cute,
lose the misconceptions, seek out the truth.

Our spirit is endless, our hearts filled with pride,
please look past the stereotype and see the athlete inside.

I must use this moment wisely for it soon will pass away,
and be lost forever as part of yesterday.
I must exercise compassion, help the fallen to their feet.
Be a friend unto the friendless, make an empty life complete.

The unkind things I do today may never be undone,
and friendships that I fail to win may nevermore be won.
I may not have another chance on bended knees to pray,
and thank God with a humble heart for giving me this day.


Our Cheerleading Angel,
whose spirit lives on the sidelines,
holiest are your pom-poms.

Your spirit comes;
your pride will be done,
on the sidelines, in competition, and at practice.

Lead us away from laziness,
forgive us our mistakes,
and grant us the strength to make every motion count,
every stunt stick,
and every routine amaze.

Give us daily discipline and self-confidence,
but deliver us from disrespecting those who compete against us.

May the spirit, the pride and the glory of Cheerleading live in our hearts always and forever!