School District Facility Calendar

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School District Facilities Calendar


At this time, there appears to be gym time available at the Middle School on Mondays and Thursdays ~5:30 - 7:00 or 7:30 PM.  Several conditions need to be met before you send a request to Michelle Nowak for Middle School gym time.  

  • The Middle School during the week is not for a 3rd practice.   
  • Please check the district facilities calendar to make sure of that the time you are requesting is available: Click on the link at the top or bottom of this message.  You will put in the middle school as the facility you want to search.  
  • All requests for additional gym time need to go to Michelle Nowak.  Do not try to request facility time directly through the district site.  
  • The Middle School gyms that are available to us would gyms B and C.  (These are the front 2 gyms)  you need to combine gym B and C to get the full main court.



School District Facilities Calendar