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Wayne Eagles Football Booster Club

 P.O. Box 187

 Ontario, NY  14519                                                                      Tax ID: 26-0030125                                                            NYS Tax Exempt #227799 


President: Michelle Wright

Treasurer: Becky Michel

Secretary: Melissa Johnson   

Vice President of Community Relations: Kathy Lawson

Vice Presidents of Concessions: Joanne Bush, Allison Emery





The Wayne Eagles Booster Club Mission Statement

 The Wayne Eagles Booster Club, Football Division, is strictly a volunteer organization that is committed to supporting coaches, athletes, and school programs, in a positive way, both on and off the field.  The purpose of the Wayne Eagles Booster Club, Football Division, is to financially aide, support and promote the football program in the Wayne Central School District.  Our goal is to continually develop and encourage an integrated relationship among the parents, administration, faculty, coaching staff, football players and the Wayne Central community.

In order to raise necessary funds, the Wayne Eagles Booster Club, Football Division, organizes and hosts off field activities that are associated with the football team including:  game day programs (advertising, player ads, etc), merchandise sales (team spirit wear), fundraisers such as the yearly sale of discount cards for local businesses, an annual chicken barbecue, and the Harlem Wizard event (a basketball game between the Wizards and our Wayne Central faculty and staff).  The money raised is used to support the players by funding things such as team jerseys, team building activities, specialized training, special game night activities like homecoming and teacher appreciation night, the end of the season banquet, and much more.  The funds are also used to support the coaching staff with up-to-date training materials, which have included items such as a specialized video camera to record all games, computer programs, and the HUDL program, a web-based program to help players further develop their skills.

The Booster Club thanks everyone that has volunteered throughout the season and during the off season to make the Wayne Eagles Booster Club, Football Division, all that it presently is for the players, coaches, school and community.


Wayne Football Booster Meeting Minutes

January 2020                        May 2020                         September 2020

February 2020                       June 2020                       October 2020

March 2020                           July 2020                         November 2020

April 2020                              August 2020                    December 2020


 Booster Meeting Minutes prior to 2020 are available upon request. 

Please email:


Wayne Football Booster Club Budget

 2020 Booster Club Budget              

Executive Board Members Qualifications

Next year, there will be positions open on the executive boards.  If you are interested in being nominated for a position, please make sure that you attend at least six of the monthly booster meetings in this calendar year as this is a requirement to become elected as an officer. We look forward to meeting with all current and future members as we meet throughout the year.  Our monthly board meetings are open to anyone wishing to attend.