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GAME REPORTS – August 8, 2024


[Ed. Note – these are the last game reports for 2024.  We give our intrepid reporters a well-earned break so they can concentrate their creative energy on the upcoming playoffs and spend more time at the batting cages.]



Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

The number one and two teams fought it out in a tight well-played first game. The Royals plated four in the top of the first, highlights being a triple by Jeff Biren and a double by Dan Cooper. The White Hairs then responded in kind with four on their side. Both sides then struggled a touch offensively as good defensive ball was played by all. Going into the bottom of seventh the Royals led 10-8 with Jeff Palmer, Jeff Biren, Mike Mozewski and ageless Al Stokes all hitting 3-4.  With the score 10-9 and two out in the bottom of the seventh, the White Hairs dropped a little Texas leaguer over first base that rolled in an unfortunate direction.  A few seconds later the Rusty Royals were on the short end of an 11-10 decision.

That late loss took the wind out of the Rusty Royal sails.  Mozewski was 4-4 in the second game but the rest of us, well, we sucked wind as we lost 17-8.  The Rusty Royals are battling physical infirmity, but there is no crying in baseball so we are not about to make excuses. We will be back and hungry for pay-back as we enter the playoffs.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

August 8th was closing day of the regular season and the Hairs knew they needed to sweep the Royals to win the pennant.

The first game didn’t start well as the Royals first 4 hitters scored after solid hitting.  The Hairs answered with 4 and it looked like the start of a high-scoring game. Inning 2 saw the Hairs load the bases with none out, and then not score a run.

Defense took over and the Rust Buckets held a 2-run lead going into the bottom of the 7th.  Slick Brancier led off with a single and moved to second on Secret Weapon Grudzinski's fly out.  Morton hit a double to narrow the deficit to one.  Vinny First on the Field moved Morton to 3rd with another fly ball out.  The Royals then intentionally walked Buy a Vowel Yaschyshyn to get to Pitcher and Poet Manson.  With Slick running at first, Manson carved a ball between 2nd and right field scoring 2 for the Hairs’ first lead of the day and a win in game one.

Pitcher and Poet offered a few witticisms on the day, with "Cut the ball in half" being the most profound.

Bouyed by their late inning heroics, the Hairs rolled in game 2.  Outstanding outfield defense lead by Vinny and Slick, and timely outs on the bases held the Buckets off. Manson hit a clutch 3-run double in the 6th to put the game out of reach.

52 hits on the day was the best team hitting all year.

The sweep got the Hairs first for the season - but at a cost.

For the first time all season we were last to Monaghans.  Not so bad, but the Pills stirred it up by taking "our table." 



Blue Pills Report – Gord Shields

Overheard during the first game:

Umpire: “So, where are you guys in the standings?”

Blue Pill: “Last”

Umpire: “Whaat??!”

The umpire’s surprise was understandable because the Pills came out strong against a depleted Wines team to take game 1 by a score of 20 (that is not a typo) to 5 (not a typo either).  Every Pill had at least one hit, scoring in every inning and the defence was very good. Dave Walker set the standard with multiple line drive catches at 3rd in both games. The Blue Pills also welcomed Mike Fleming to the team in a trade deadline pickup by ownership. He showed his value right away with 5 hits on the day.

The defence held up in game 2, but the bats cooled off, resulting in a score of 2-1 Pills after 3 innings. Big Blue scored 5 in the 4th but gave 4 runs right back in the 5th. The defence held strong, shutting out the Wines for the next two innings for a 7-6 win. This week’s heroes include Kirk MacDonald 6/8; Dave Walker 7/8 and Frank Sturm who had four doubles. The Pills now take this momentum into the playoffs with high hopes.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

For the Wines' final two games of the season our lineup was missing a boatload of players, including several regular outfielders. Could the Wines pull off some miracle wins, or finish the season in third place?

In Game 1, a spare plus a borrowed catcher from the Blue Pills gave the Wines 11 players but the Pills’ offence found the gaping holes and scored 20 runs to a meagre 5 for the Wines. Batsmen Geoff Coulson and Gary Gilmour combined for 5 hits and all the Wine runs.

For Game 2, we lost another player but the Pills offered us an outfielder to go along with the borrowed catcher.  Perhaps this charity stemmed in part from their crushing victory in Game 1. This seemed to help defensively, but the offence still sputtered, losing 7-6. Ian Schell and our spare Gabe Aivazian supplied 5 hits and half the runs.  (Gabe was playing his first game in the league – what an introduction!)

 Although there were no Miracles in Mudville for the Wines, their 2 losses clinched third place.

Coach Barrett, still on the IR, hopes the team returns to their Wine Winning Ways for the playoffs beginning next Thursday.



Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

Congratulations to our team member Randy for a triumphant return after recently winning the Canadian Championships.

Greybeards finally got over our mini slump with a win in our first game 11-10. However we lost our second 12-8, placing us in fourth spot to enter the playoffs next week.

Bats came alive after last week with Randy and Steve Craig each going 5/6. Also with the hot bats were Dave Kozai, Bill Craig, George Merrick and Bruce Locke all going 4/6.

It’s been a great season with a great bunch of guys. Looking forward to the playoffs.

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

The Red Faces got hits up and down the lineup as the 11-man team managed a split in its regular season ending doubleheader.

In the opener, Grey Beards built a 7-2 lead after four innings. But Red Faces clawed their way back into the game and lost a squeaker 11-10. In the second game, the roles were reversed as Red Faces built a 7-1 lead after four innings and although we made things interesting in the seventh inning, prevailed 12-8.

Leading the way for the Faces was Jeff Francis (returning from 3 weeks on the IL) who had 6 hits and 7 RBIs. Dan Sanscartier had 4 hits and 4 RBIs. Drew Martin seems to be rounding into form as he had 4 hits and 3 RBIs. Tom Hunter seems to be enjoying the leadoff position as he added 4 hits and 3 RBIs. Jack Pang had 3 hits and 3 RBIs. Jim McDonald made a number of fine running catches in the outfield and added 3 hits. And Don Moseley-Williams added 4 clutch hits. John Finley adapted well to a new position, and his time with a hitting coach is paying off as he added 2 key RBIs and almost out-ran his courtesy runner to first base.  




GAME REPORTS – August 1, 2024



Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

The first game was a pitchers’ duel through six innings. Ron Belluomini was throwing strikes and mowing down hapless Blue Pills.  The Rusty Royals, though, were not hitting much better and led only 6-5 at the end of six.  Maybe it was the heat but in the top of the seventh the Rusty Royals wilted. Maybe Ron B is not as young as he used to be, or maybe the heat got to the Rusty Royals as our vaunted defense lapsed into uncharacteristic messiness. Whatever the cause, in the top of the seventh the Blue Pills plated 3 and went ahead 8-6.  Some Rusty Royals felt the big MO had switched, and the game was slipping away.  Not Brian Mastervick.  With some luck the Royals loaded the bases with one out. Up came Mighty Casey/Brian...The air was shattered by the force of Brian's blow, and the ball flew over the right-field fence for a walk-off Grand Slam and 10-8 victory for the Royals!  

In Game Two with the score 0-0 in the second inning Mastervick came up again with the bases loaded.  With his wife watching (talk about pressure) he hit another Grand Slam!  The Blue Pills clawed back and it was a tight 10-8 game with the Royals leading going into the seventh.  In the top of the seventh, after fourteen innings of play the remainder of the Royals team decided to start hitting.  We plated 8 and handily took the game 16-8.

On the day Mastervick was 7-8, with two grand slams, six runs scored, 13 ribbies, and oh yes, he hit for the cycle in Game Two. I think he is a shoe-in for rookie of the year...

Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

The Blue Pills faced a 1st place team for the second week in a row, and despite missing 2 of their best players played very competitively and were unfortunate that they didn't earn a split.  Game 1 featured light hitting and strong defense for both teams.  The Pills were shut out in 4 innings but scored 3 in the 5th and another 3 in the top of the 7th inning which gave them an 8 to 6 lead going into the bottom of the 7th.  The Royals loaded the bases with well-placed flares and grounders, bringing Brian Mastervick to the plate.  Brian laced the next pitch over the right field fence for a dramatic walk-off grand slam homer.  The final score was 10 to 8 in favour of the Royals.  The Pills managed only 14 hits for a .424 team average.  Multiple hits were performed by Frank Sturm, Darrell Northcott, Ed Lincz and Greg Aubert.

The second game featured more of the same - good defense and light scoring.  The Pills batted a little better, going 20 for 37 for a .540 team average but that produced the same number of runs as in Game 1.  Despite that, the score was close at 10 to 8 in favour of the Royals after 6 innings.  The Royals put the game out of reach by plating 8 runs in the top of the 7th.  On a positive note, every Blue Pill player had at least one hit in Game 2, led by Frank Sturm (4/4) and Ed Lincz (2/2 + a BB).

[Ed. Note – the Blue Pills have strategically decided to save all of their karma for the playoffs.]



Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

A big double header for the Greybeards as we continued to fight for one of the top four spots. We gave it our all. But it wasn’t enough as the opposition bats feasted on our pitching. We got crushed in the first game and mercied in the second.

Andy Kozai led the way as the only player who batted over .500 as he went 5/6. Bill Craig contributed 4 RBIs on the day.

One last week before playoffs. Does anyone have Austin Powers’ phone number to help us get our mojo back?

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

In what would be the day's most anticipated matchup, the Grey Beards and Fines Wines took to the field at MillBank. The Beards wasted no time scoring, pushing home 5 runs in the top of the first inning. The Wines, as they often do, responded with a quintet of their own. Four more Wine runs in the 2nd were followed by three runs over three innings by the Beards, who had shaved the Wines' lead to 9-8 after five frames in this tense encounter. In the bottom of the 6th the top of the Wines’ lineup pounded out a barrelful of bad bouncing hits to take a 14-8 lead, which would be the final score. Geoff Coulson, Pat Blais, and Jonathan Kamin produced 9 hits and 7 runs. Ian Schell, Bob Edmonston and Rob Bentley each had a pair of hits and touched home 3 times. Ian Carson had a game to forget, but I would be remiss as a reporter if I failed to mention this and remind him of his two hard-hit line drives that were snagged by the Beards' infielders and a team-inspiring strikeout leading to a five-run Wine inning.

In Game 2 the potent Wine offence amassed a 10-4 lead by the halfway point and cruised to an 18-7 triumph. Top guns in this match were Coulson and Dave Adams who each went 4 for 4 and scored a six-pack of runs. (That's the only time you'll see "Adams" and "six-pack" in the same sentence.) The Wines also benefited from the bats of Blais, Kamin, and a rejuvenated and invigorated Carson whose collective total of 10 hits led to 5 runs.

This two-game sweep now has the fast-charging Wines in sole possession of 3rd place with one week to go in the regular season. A great team effort for the guys who put the "Win" in Wines.

Following the games, many of the Winer Winners made their way to Chef Schell's backyard oasis to partake in his annual Beer and Sausage Party, which this year also included burgers, chips, corn on the cob, and a special guest. The team's resident IQ guru, Maharicky Wilkinson, outlined ALL the season-ending possibilities which could occur after this Thursday's games. I would like to summarize his iffy deductions, but...well I can't remember them.



Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

Red Faces welcomed back a couple of players from holiday. The additional bodies were welcomed to help fill out the roster, but the Faces lost both games, the second in a close game.

The opener was close for four innings before the White Hairs stretched out their lead and doubled the score 14-7. In the second game, the Red Faces stormed out to a 7-0 lead but couldn’t hold on, eventually falling 10-7.

Leading the way for the Red Faces was Tom Hunter who went 6-for-6 with a walk and three RBIs. Jim McDonald added four hits, Jack Pang and Dan Sanscartier had 3 hits and 3 RBI each. Ron Vandermeulin set the tone for the second game with a bases-loaded double in the first inning. Drew Martin added 3 hits and 2 walks as well. Al King had a couple of hits and made a number of outstanding defensive plays at third base.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

The Hairs have adopted the Kindergarten class cheer "Rah Rah Ree" as their pregame chant.  Thursday's cheer was modified from Rah Rah Ree Monaghans to Rah Rah Ree Ricky (in honour of Steamboat hosting the team pool party bbq).

Buy a Vowel Yaschyshyn pitched game one and key hits by Prancer Byj, Secret Weapon Grudzinski and Glove Moffat propelled the Hairs to a 14-7 win.

Another highlight was the height measurement between Steamboat Wilcox and Short Sh*t George of the Faces. Too close to call.

In game 2 the Hairs were down 7-0 after 2. Pitcher and Poet Manson took over on the mound.  The Hairs’ bats came to life in the 4th before taking the lead in the 6th to win 10-7.

Slick Brancier, Breadbasket Warren, Byj and Grudzinski lead the way offensively.

2022 Hairs alumni Rudy Gauer was known for finding a way.  In the Hairs-Pills game on July 25th, Rudy found a way to stop a batted ball with his head- see attached pics.  Fortunately, he's okay and has added to his folklore.


GAME REPORTS – July 25, 2024



Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

They say a week is a long time in politics. It is a long time in baseball too.  For a week the Royals stewed over the ineptness of their collective sticks, when they played the Fine Wines last week.  It seems the stewing was good for them.

With our two killer Bs (Belluomini and Biren) away, the rest of us knew we needed to produce. The Royals exploded for five runs in the first and did it again in the fourth. The Rusty Royal defence behind pitcher Rick Halik was solid and we walked off with a 17-10 victory.  Rookie Brian Mastervick continued his torrid pace at the plate, and looks like a rookie of the year shoe-in. He hit for the cycle (Single, Double, Triple, and HR) and was 4-4 with three runs scored and three ribbies. He turned a surefire second triple into a double so he could go home and honestly tell his wife he hit for the cycle.  Fellow rookie Willi Thuner was also 4-4 with two runs scored and a ribbie.  The rookies are carrying the Royals this year.  Mike Mozewsky was 3-4 and Mike, Jeff Palmer, Bill Johson, Steve Isaac all drove in two - emulating the ageless Al Kaline (Stokes) who also drove in two.

In Game Two the Grey Beards came out raucous, with a lot of trash talk, but to no avail.  The Royals felt bad pounding, and pounding, Grey Beard pitcher Mac (Gregg Macaulay) while his wife watched, but all is fair in love, war and baseball.  This time Jeff Palmer and John Koopman went 4-4 - both with home runs too. [Ed. Note – can anyone remember the last time Koopman hit a more run?] Palmer also had five ribbies.  Willi Thuner was 3-3 (he did not get out all day - though he did thank the good lord for an infield hit), Steve Isaac was 3-3 and Dan Cooper closed out the game with three run homer run to mercy the stunned Grey Beards.  Rick Halik made two sensational catches in the outfield (sacrificing his own body on one of them), Andy McMakin played through an injured leg, Mike Mozewsky pitched splendidly and Billy "White Shoes" Johnson continued to pull the ball to stardom.  We call him "White Shoes" because of his speed - not his shoes.

We hope that this week's Royals was the real team...

Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

With the games meaning a great deal in the final standings the GreyBeards had one of their toughest weeks of the season. Credit to the Rusty Royals who hit line drives all day.

First game was a 17-10 loss and the second was a mercy 21-8 after six innings.

Best performances of the day went to Bill Craig 6/7, Bruce Locke 5/7, Andy Kozai 4/7 and Steve Moses 4/7. Bill Craig also led the way with five rbi's on the day. Also, it should be noted that Barney Henderson continued to lead the team in triples by adding another one on the day.

Hopefully we can get back on the horse next week.



Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

Both the Wines and Red Faces played with depleted lineups last Thursday. This is much like drinking a non-alcoholic beer: it looks like a beer, it pours like a beer, it gets good head like a beer, but it just may not have the same effect as a beer. However, for the Fine Wines a secret ingredient gave their beer (team) a full-bodied flavour.

Gary Gilmour, catcher extraordinaire, was bumped from his comfortable crouch behind the plate to the position of Rover. This spot on the diamond is about as foreign to him as winning the lottery is for me.

Game 1 saw Gilmour gobble up five (5) ground balls and casually toss them to second base for 5 force outs. In Game 2, the Great Gilmour electrified the crowd by seizing a sizzling liner, ending a bases-loaded threat by the Reds.

Offensively in Game 1, the powerful hitting of Jonathan Kamin included a 3-run right field dinger in the 3rd inning. Contributing 11 more hits and 9 runs was the quartet of Geoff Coulson, Mike Way, Rick Wilkinson and the aforementioned Great One 2.0, to make the final 15-6 Wines.

 Game 2, and the hits just keep on comin'. Sommelier Coulson notched a season-high 5 hits which when mixed in with Way's 4 hits resulted in 7 runs. Big Ian and Little Ian (don't ask me where someone did the measurements) both had 3 hits and trotted home safely 4 times. The Wines' fine defence and the pinpoint pitching of Wilkinson kept the Red Faces' offence in check to make the final 17-5.

 The Wines' 5-game unbeaten string has the team back in 3rd place with only 4 games remaining.

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

The banged-up Red Faces drew another banged up team on Thursday and sadly, only the Fine Wines could overcome their absentees and as a result, the Red Faces dropped another pair of games. Their lack of hitting again proved their downfall as Red Faces managed just 11 runs over the two games.

However, the highlight of the game for either team came when LC Dan Sanscartier caught a sinking line drive millimetres before it hit the grass and then nailed the runner at second base for a spectacular double play. Dan received accolades from both teams and a shocked look from the runner who was out by 10 feet. The second highlight of the game (albeit negative) was the valiant attempted catch of a fly ball by pitcher-turned-right-fielder Tony Reda.  Tony wanted to make the catch so badly he decided to use both hands.  As most fielders can attest – bad idea.   Tony suffered a finger dislocation, and the sewing masters at the hospital went through a couple of spools of twine sewing it back together with 15 stitches.

Sanscartier and Bernie Renwick led the offence (such as it was). Dan had five hits and 3 RBIs. He was matched by slightly-more-agile-for-himself Renwick who conducted a hitting clinic with 5 hits and 4 RB1s. Bernie’s two outs were loud, line drives which easily could have fallen in. Manager Mike Boyle added 4 hits [Ed. Note – including a triple] and 5 RBIs, while Ron Vandermeulin had 4 hits and pitched the second game. New leadoff hitter Tom Hunter got on base four times with two hits and 2 walks, proving he can skip his next optometrist’s appointment. Rookie Drew Martin added 3 hits.



White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

A new ball saying was coined on the fine day of Thursday July 25th at Millbank West - "Negative Vertical".  I'm not sure who came up with the insight, but it was applied to our worthy opponent William Stubbins.  Stubby played a very solid Double Header on Thursday - primarily at first base.  Given the number of lefties in the Hairs lineup, Stub may have been the busiest man on the field snaring ground balls and one-hoppers. However, hit a 6 foot high line drive and you see Negative Vertical.  If only the Hairs could have executed a few more liners.

Really fun games Thursday with back and forth scoring and decent defense.

Split with the Pills winning by 2 and Hairs by 6

Slick Brancier, Morton and Pitcher and Poet Manson each contributed 6 hits, with 4 from Secret Weapon Grudzinski, Stitches Foscarin, Prancer Byj, Vinny Pileggi and Roadrunner Ron Linklater.

Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

The Blue Pills earned a split against the White Hairs and in the process moved out of the league basement and knocked the Hairs out of first place.  The Pills are getting hot and have now won 4 of their last 6 games

Game 1 - Pills 14 - White Hairs 13

The two teams came out swinging and scored 5 runs apiece in the 1st inning.  The Pills stayed hot and built a 5-run lead going into the bottom of the third.  The Hairs answered with 5 more in the 3rd to even the score at 10. Single runs were traded in the 5th leaving the scored tied going into the 6th.  In the 6th, Rudy Gauer led off with a well-placed cue shot which was followed by a walk to the Silver Fox (aka Frank Sturm) and then a booming double by the red hot Dave Walker, producing 2 runs.  A third run was cashed by a Darrell Northcott single.  A great throw to the plate by the Hairs’ Jeff Morton nailed what would have been a 4th run.  In the bottom of the 6th, the Hairs had men at 2nd & 3rd with 2 out and Morton at the plate.  He was intentionally walked, bringing Don Yaschyshyn to the plate.  He hit a sinking line drive which was snared by 2nd baseman Greg Aubert which ended the threat.  The Pills went quietly in the 7th inning.  The White Hairs scored two runs and had runners at 2nd & 3rd with two out.  The game ended with Bill (Stubby) Stubbins backhanding a hard grounder and beating the batter to 1st base.

Each Blue Pill player had at least one hit and the team went 23 for 39 for a .590 team average.  Ed Lincz went 4/4 while Dave Walker and Mike Canham each went 3/4.  Frank Sturm and Tony Fratia each went 2/3 with a walk.

Game 2 - Hairs 15 - Pills 9

Both teams were blanked in 3 of the first 4 innings.  Both teams put up crooked numbers in the 5th, producing an 8 - 8 score.  The Hairs scored 5 runs in the 6th as they took advantage of a few faux pas by the otherwise steady Blue Pill defence. The Pills managed only 1 run over the last two frames and the White Hairs coasted to a 15 to 9 victory.

Hitting stars for the Pills in Game 2 were Darrell Northcott (3/4) and Dave Walker (2/2 with a walk and a sac fly).


GAME REPORTS – July 18, 2024



Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

Ty Cobb said he always "hit it where they ain't".  The Rusty Royals did not listen.  In Game One the Rusty Royals hit it where the Fine Wines were.  The Wines did make some nice defensive plays (including many by a substitute the Royals hope they never face again), but as the good book says, history is the story of what I did to myself.   Jeff Biren had three hits for the Royals as did Brian Mastervick, Dan Cooper and Willi Thuner got two hits each, but the rest of the line-up, well we are praying for next week.  The Royals lost 13-7 in Game One.

In Game Two the Royals regained their defensive lustre and Ron Belluomini held the thunderous Fine Wine bats to five runs.  In almost every running the Royals had multiple runners on base, but we were not good at bringing them home.  The fate of Joe Biden was too much on our mind, and we failed to focus on baseball.  We hit worse than in Game One.  There was talk of firing the coach, but he was saved by a lack of volunteers to provide backfill for the role...In the end we held onto a 5-5 draw and remain tied for first place in this wickedly competitive league.

On the good side Rick Halik is back from DL. Young guys heal so fast.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

Before the Fine Wines 2-game stint against the first place Rusty Royals, the team's manager, Chris Barrett, informed his teammates that an upper body injury would prevent him from playing. The Wines' team decided that Barrett should be relegated to the position of umpire. [Ed. Note - said position being available due to the unexplained absence of the qualified umpire.]

Game 1 saw the Wines score 13 runs over the first five frames before putting it in Cruise Control and coasting to a 13-7 win over the Rusted Royals. Geoff Coulson, Bennie Roczniak and Mike Way combined for 8 hits, including Way's CN Towering home run, and racked up 7 runs.

Game 2 would be a low scoring affair (no double entendre intended). In the top of the 7th with one out and the Royals clinging to a 5-3 lead, a hitless and somewhat hesitant Dave Adams shuffled to the plate and miraculously stroked a single to right field. Super Sub Mike Fleming (who drove in from Binbrook) followed suit with a single of his own. Jonathan Kamin then uncorked a two-run double to tie the game at five. In the bottom half, the Wines' defence buckled down and held the Royals scoreless, to make the final 5-5. Ian Carson and Bob Edmonston generously donated 5 hits but, ahem, could only score once.

Following the games, the Fine Wines were asked their opinion of Coach Barrett's umpiring. The players unanimously replied by saying they wished Barrett a speedy recovery.



Blue Pills Report – Frank Sturm

“You never wear the same TWO shoes”. 

The Silver Fox sported a matched pair of shoes for the first time this season in a precursor to the day’s outcome.  [Ed. Note – our league private investigator has determined that the Silver Fox and the author of this game report are one and the same person.]

What a day, what a performance! 14 innings played and the Pills were only behind for 1!. That’s weirder than the shoes. A tidal wave of emotion engulfed the team as they recorded their first two-win day of the season. Two matched shoes, two victories. The team was solid all around on this temperate summer day. The Pills were even jovial, at one point laughing off a blundered base running error that resulted in a double play. We won’t call out any names but he bats 8th, and his mom makes the greatest Italian dishes this side of the GTA. Some highlights include Kirk (king of the bat) with a laundry list of stats including (but not limited to) going 7/8, 5 RBIs, 5 runs scored AND… he turned a double into a home run by using more moves than Keanu Reeves in a Matrix fight scene. Not to be outdone, Dave Walker went 7/8, had 6 RBIs and scored 6 times (maybe got a little silver fox base running help) AND… hit a real home run. Seems Dave W doesn’t care much for the Matrix movies.

It was also hinted in a previous report that the “Predator and the Pills” story would continue.  Predator 2 was released in 1990 and the Pills’ second predator appeared today as Coach Greg. He charged a quickly descending line drive ball and snatched it a split second before the “Reds” had already pencilled in a triple. Well done Greg! And welcome to the Predator franchise.

The Pills are now .750 in their last 4 games. Just to break that down a little further…..

On second thought, let’s not - .750 is good!

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

Red Faces finally got their bats going after several weeks of low run producing. However, despite scoring 21 runs, it wasn’t enough as they dropped both games to the Blue Pills on an otherwise perfect day to play baseball.

As is their recent trend, Red Faces fell behind early in game one. The guys chipped away at a 9-1 deficit to close the gap but couldn’t quite overturn the large hole into which they were placed and lost 14-11.

In the second game, Red Faces actually led 4-0 after the first inning. Alas, their hopes were dashed as the team was outscored 16-6 the rest of the way for a 16-10 loss.

Leading the way for the Red Faces was Jeff Francis who hit another over-the-fence home run. He finished with 5 hits, 9 RBIs and some towering outs. Dan Sanscartier added 6 hits and 6 runs. Tom Hunter went 4-for-4 in the opener in the leadoff spot and finished with 5 hits. Bernie Renwick’s textbook hitting produced 6 hits and a loud out. Ron Vandermeulin seems to have regained his hitting stroke with 4 hits.



Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

Weather was great once again. Fields were playable even after Tuesday’s deluge.

We took on the White Hairs who have beaten us three times and tied once. Team came out of the gate with bats on fire. As the game went along the Hair rallied back. Greybeards hung on to squeak out a 13-12 win to finally manage a win. Second game both teams came out with red hot bats. We couldn’t keep up and lost 17-12.

Individual highlights go to Dario Pretto who was 6-6. Jim Fenner was 5/6, George Merrick was 5/6 with 4 rbis, and Barney Henderson was 4/6 with 4 rbis and was only a home run away from the cycle.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

It seems like the season of unforeseen injuries for the White Hairs.  The full 14 Hair squad showed up to do battle with the Chapless Beardy Boys.


Unfortunately, the first battle was Hairs’ Secret Weapon Grudzinski hitting Pitcher and Poet Manson in his right arm during BP. The resulting bruising rivaled Stitches thumb colouring.

The Hairs went into a 3-inning funk as we tried to figure out how to adjust defensively.   Coming out of the ether in the 4th, the Hairs put up 12 over the next 4 innings to come up one run short.

Coach Morton, was faced with a dilemma trying to figure out a 14-man lineup and what to change.  As every Hair has a nickname it became evident we had to change one of the older monikers.  We wanted to be last on the field, so naturally First on the Field Pileggi is now simply Vinny!


Game 2 started with hitting through the order, 15 runs in the first 3 and some outstanding defence.


Buy a Vowel pitched great and the Hairs banged out 50 hits on the day.

The Glove Moffat and Morton each went 6 for 6, with Vinny, Stitches Foscarin and Prancer Byj contributing 5 each and 4 from G Coveny and Roadrunner Ron Linklater.


You would think with 54 runs scored in total our first to Monaghans streak would be pooched.  Nope! 


Pitcher and Poet Manson put a couple of cold ones on his arm and declared he'd be good to go next week against the Pills.




GAME REPORTS – July 4, 2024



Grey Beards Report – Jim Fenner

The Grey Beards visited the Red Faces, and their bats were on fire. They scored in all but one inning while the Reds struggled, getting blanked in five out of seven innings. Veteran Barny Henderson led the Grey Beards’ offense with four RBI, and Andy Kozai hit a triple that brought in two runs. Andy also made a spectacular catch in left-centre field. The final score was Grey Beards 14, Red Faces 2.

In the second game, the Beards continued their aggressive play. They scored in each of the first three innings, shutting out the Reds during that stretch. Defensive highlights included second baseman Steve Moses making all three outs in the top of the 3rd inning, and rover Steve Craig strategically repositioning himself to catch two fly balls in short right-centre field. The final score of game 2 was Grey Beards 12, Red Faces 5.

Special recognition goes to pitchers Greg MacAuley and George Merrick, as well as the pinch-runners who ran tirelessly without complaint.

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

It was a beautiful warm day for baseball last week. And Red Faces were among the first back to the bar. And for the first time in a few weeks, every Red Faces batter came to bat at least 6 times.

But outside of that, there wasn’t a lot of good news as the Faces dropped both games to the Grey Beards. Strong fielding by the Grey Beards snuffed out most Red Faces’ rallies.

The 11-men Red Faces were led by the continued strong hitting of Jack Pang with five hits. Dan Sanscartier added four hits and made a number of fine running catches in the outfield. Tony Reda added 3 hits and pitched more as his ankle injury flared up. Beyond that, no one managed more than two hits although John Finley had both his hits in the second game.



Blue Pills Report – Frank Sturm

“I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, And I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, oh lord.”

Everyone must recognize this!! This is a 60+ league after all. Kudos to “Phil Collins” for leading the Pills mantra.  Game 1 looked like another defeat for the beleaguered Pills.  But fate and “Phil” stepped-in in the seventh inning and turned a looming 8-4 loss into a 12-8 victory. Pills piled on 8 (count ‘em 8) runs in the 7th for an OMMSPL record (for a July 4th).  Did you know that July 4th is Independence Day in the US? Fireworks sure lit up the Pills 7th inning scorecard. In fact, the team batted all the way around. Talk about Independence! The Pills had swagger as they strolled in to Monaghans.

Game 2 started out as an offensive see-saw. It went 5-5, 5-2 for a 10-7 lead for the Wines after the 2nd inning. But as Phil Collins wrote “coming in the air”, vanishing in the air can also happen. Like a fart in the wind the Pills’ offense vanished until the 7th. Another comeback Phil inning? Phil let us down in game 2 and the Pills only scored 1 for a 16-9 loss.

Who was that outfielder? Lanky, lean, aggressive and strategic. Lost count of how many outs he got but he sure “snatched ” some Wine corks in both games. Rudy Gauer (aka “The Predator”) is a fielder to be reckoned with. Other highlights included batting leaders Greg Aubert and Roman Kryzaniwsky going 5/8. Kirk MacDonald, Dave Walker and Mike Canham posted solid 4/8’s.

In closing, Genesis released an album titled “then there were three” in 1978. Ahhh, 1978! Doesn’t that bring back those high school memories? (Younger, faster, stronger and quicker healing!) Well, take note of the Pills win column!  It stands at 3 too, which can be interpreted as “ominous“. The story of the Predator and the Pills will continue….

Stay tuned.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

Once again this week the Fine Wines had two wounded-winged warriors perched on the bench. These two cartoon-like characters, who resembled those magpies Heckle and Jeckle, could only watch as their 11 teammates took a four-run lead into the top of the 7th inning. The Blue Pills would then get on up and score a record 8 times to take a 12-8 lead. The Wines responded by sending 4 men to the plate, three of whom didn't even get a sniff of first base. Offensively Jonathan Kamin and Ian Carson combined for 5 hits and a pair of runs.

During intermission, Ian Schell, like the mythical Phoenix, rose from the bench, approached Coach Barrett, and belted out, "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play...Second Base." And he did, swallowing ground balls to throw to first, and knocking out 3 hits and scoring twice. Game 2 featured more Singles than a Tinder Online Dating Site. By swiping to the right, 16 of those Singles ultimately scored to make the final 16-9. Multi-hit performances at the plate were turned in by Chris Barrett, Bob Edmonston, Geoff Coulson, Mike Way and Carson.

This two-game split leaves the Wines mired in 4th place but still able to smell the bouquet of the teams just a few points ahead of them.



White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

Momma said there'd be days like this.


Strong up the middle is one of baseball’s foundational lores.  The ‘24 White Hairs squad has given up the least runs with strong defensive play throughout the lineup.  Well, the defense on 7/4 was just ok, and the bats screamed we need a BP session.


The rusted Royals responded well to the challenge and put a licking on the Whiteys.


The Hairs had an unsuccessful talk between games one and two as the Blue guys got 8 or 9 consecutive hits before Buy a Vowel took over the mound.


The Hairs’ best part of the games was the bench banter - lots of fun giving each other jabs.


Steamboat Wilcox made an over the head catch, Roadrunner Ron pinch ran early in game 1 and then discovered the extra running wore him out.


Secret Weapon Grudzinski was 6 for 6.  Rapid Dose Hyland returned from 2 weeks of being locked in an interrogation room with the auditors and had his best offensive showing of the season.


The White Hairs group had another good afternoon at Monaghans and decided to indulge in various forms of therapy as they prepare to take on the Patio Head Winers next week.


Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

On Thursday morning the OMMSPL's two strongest defensive teams (as measured by runs allowed) squared off.  Neither team leads the league in run scoring and so a tight, low-scoring couple of games were anticipated.  The White Hairs needed one win to stay at the top of the league and the Rusty Royals needed two wins to get there. 

The Rusty Royals, having learned from their first encounter with the White Hairs, collectively decided not to hit the ball to Jeff Morton, if humanly possible. Human vacuum cleaners should not be allowed on the diamond.  That strategy was broadly successful as veteran Jeff Biren went 4-4 and "Rookie of the Year" candidate Brian Mastervik went 3-3, with one of those hits being a triple.  Our two other rookies (who are giving Brian a strong run for the Rookie of the Year Award) also excelled. Ron Belluomini (he does need a name with fewer syllables) pitched a gem, and Willi Thuner ceded his usual shortstop role to a hobbling Jeff Palmer, and played a good game in LC.  Jeff Palmer's injury did not hurt his stick as he led the Royals with 3 ribbies.  It was a tight game until the fifth when the Royals exploded for four runs and took a 10-6 lead which turned out to be the final score of game 1.

Game Two was a replica of game one. The Royals opened the first frame with five runs on seven consecutive hits and a walk, and their offense was rather quiet the rest of the game. Tight defence, good base-running and another low scoring affair.  Mike Mozewsky led our sticks this game going 4-4 and scoring 3 runs and driving in 2. He hit a couple of doubles that would have been triples for anyone else on our team...but I guess we all have old knees.  John Koopman and Steve Isaac also went 4-4 (all singles), but whereas Mike is a threat on every at-bat, John and Steve are unlikely to ever repeat this performance.  When the dust had settled the Royals had a 10-7 victory.

In his post game interview with NBC, representing the now first place Rusty Royals, wily veteran Al Stokes summed it up this way: "hitting and pitching can go cold, but speed and defense never go cold".



GAME REPORTS – June 27, 2024

June 27, 2024

WARNING – this edition of Game Reports contains graphic content.  (Really.)




Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

As the Shirelles sang so many years ago, "Mama said there'll be days like this, There'll be days like this, Mama said. (Mama said, Mama said)". And this past Thursday was certainly one of those days for the (not so) Fine Wines.

 With two injured wily Wine veterans sitting on the bench like those two cantankerous Muppet characters Statler and Waldorf, Coach Chris Barrett had to go with an 11-man lineup. It would turn out to be a morning of Strikes, Errors and Misses. But mostly misses: Misplayed fly balls, misjudged grounders, miscues on the basepaths, misfiring bats, mishits resulting in 11 fielder's choices. It was no mystery as to why the Wines allowed 25 runs over the two games while scoring only 14.

 In Game 1, the Wines took an early 1-0 lead, which disappeared faster than the White Hairs after their games. The Wines then scored 5 in the 5th, and Jonathan Kamin scorched a two-run dinger in the 6th to even the match at tens, before the Beards brushed the Wines aside and scored 7 runs to make the final 15-10. Mike Way and Benny Roczniak each contributed 3 hits and 2 runs.

 After a scoreless first inning in Game 2, the Wines recorded a pair of runs in the 2nd, followed by a drought, before notching 2 more in the 7th. Unfortunately this was not enough as the Beards scored half a dozen in the top of the seventh, which when added to their previously accumulated runs resulted in a final score of 10-4 good buddy. The better Way and Barrett were the 4-run scorers.

These two losses dropped the Wines into 4th place, leaving the Fine Wines tasting more like vinegar. After all, mama said there'd be games like this.

Grey Beards Report - Chappy

It was a perfect day for a couple of games of baseball.

Fine Wines and Grey beards took to the sand lot as two very well-matched teams. The teams played two very close games with the Beards somehow finding a way to

pull out 2 victories, by scores of 15-10 and 10-4.

 Steady pitching from Larry Young. Steady hitting from Randy Heinbecker and George Merrick each batting 5/6. Andy Kozai hit 3 singles and ended up on 3rd base.  Go figure.

 Great Games. Fine Wines are a class team.

 Did l mention that we beat the White Hairs back to Monaghans?




Rusty Royals Report – Brian Mastervick

The Rusty Royals may show 2 wins on the day , but that could not have been possible without the exceptional sportsmanship by the Blue Pills.

The Blues graciously provided the Royals with 2 defensive players, catcher and rover.  When the Blues were in a defensive position for the Royals they played as if they were coming up on free agency, making multiple  defensive plays to the cheers of many a Royal.  I think I also heard the cheers from the bBues during these plays, however without the hearing aids, it's hard to make out what the Blues were saying.  Thank you to the Blues for being great sportsmen. 

While we could only field 8 regulars our one spare Dave Ware (hey, that rhymes!) made a huge impact for us both with the bat and in the field. Dave is a big asset to any roster. Thank you Dave for joining us for the day. So how did the 8 Royals add to the wins? Bringing Jeff Palmer out of pitching retirement with no signs of rust, Jeff was able to keep most batters out of their grove resulting in softer hits that were turned into routine outs. When the balls were squared up and lined to 3rd base, the Royals’ secret weapon Jeff Biren was a vacuum inning after inning - great job Jeff! When the Blues were tired of outs at 3rd, they tried hitting to the other side of the diamond  only to find Dan Cooper more than up to the challenge, showing his range as a 2nd baseman. Dan may have a new home in the infield.

The standout player for the Royals outfield was Mighty Al Stokes making a few timely catches each of which could very well have been the TSN turning point.

Offensively with our short lineup everyone had to step up. Game one it was Willi going 4 for 5 with 3 ribs and crossing the plate 4 times.

Game 2 is when Jeff Palmer helped himself, now pitching in his second game (since who can remember), stepped into the batter's box and proceeded to stroke 4 for 4, scoring twice and adding an Rbi along the way. The Royals’ sub Dave Ware, now in mid-season form also went 4 for 4 with a Rbi and 2 runs scored.

Blue Pills Report – Frank Sturm

“Brother can you spare a dime?” Or maybe a catcher? Or maybe a catcher and a rover?

Two shorthanded blue teams faced off in a classic battle of “last man standing”. The “Pills” needed 2 spares just to field 10 and the “Rusties” needed a spare and 2 “Pills” to field their squad.  Hmmmmm, if I asked a bartender for a “Rustie, a spare and 2 pills”, would that be a double and a hangover cure?

Anyway, each team needed some help and the Pills got off to a good start getting 2 runs and holding the Rusties scoreless after 1. The tide turned shortly thereafter and the Pills went down in game 1, 14-7.

Sometimes there is game within the game!  This one was a namesake battle. Two Dave W’s were on today’s rosters - one on each squad. Both were watched closely with the anticipation that the “better” Dave W. would lead their team to victory. The Pills’ Dave W. (Aka-Dave Walker) was ferocious both offensively and defensively. The Rusties’ Dave W (aka Dave Ware) took the game lightly and was seen napping on the field at one point. So the game within the game became somewhat of a “yawner” as the Pills lost game 2 as well.

Highlights for the games include of course Dave Walker, who made “TWO” TSN catches of the day and went 7 for 8. Other notables were Frank Sturm (AKA “Silver Fox”) who went 5/7 with an inside-the-park home run and a bumbled TSN catch of the day. Darrell Northcott was 6/7 and manager Greg went 5/7. Iron Mike Canham (IMC) pitched an outstanding two games. The Rusties’ bats proved hard to stop on this day. Back at Monaghans, the Pills received a free jug from the Rusties for helping to fill in their squad.

All is fair in love and baseball and thanks to spares “double play Rick” Cummings and “Speedy Bob” Betker for adding to the Pills’ roster.




White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

"That's the way she goes." - Ricky, Trailer Park Boys

The White Hairs showed up in good spirits glad that their teammate Tony Foscarin had survived a scrap with a band saw. Here's a picture of his hand - note the similarities to a burnt hot dog.


Tony will now be known as Stitches.  Despite 9 stitches in his thumb, Stitches made the first 3 outs in the first inning and played outstanding defense all day.  The Red guys were shaking their heads at Stitches’ defensive prowess.

Ron Linklater had a little something extra in his cornflakes before the game.  Before we knew it, he was inserting himself into the game as a pinch runner.  Consequently, Ron's new label is Roadrunner.   Later in the game, Roadrunner's breakfast supplement wore out, and so did Ron.  He was rumored to mumble "I was so out of breath, I couldn't ask for a pinch runner."

Stitches lead the Hairs to a comfortable 12-2 game one victory. 

Game 2 started off well for the Whiteys with 5 in the first.  The Hairs held the lead ‘til the bottom of 6. The Faces took full advantage of defensive changes created due to flukey Hairs injuries and took over in the bottom of the 6th to win 14-12.

Slick Brancier was a demon on the base paths until a hammy slowed him to a crawl.

The top 6 hitters for the Hairs batted a combined 31 for 39 on the day.  Breadbasket Warren also broke out of his batting funk hitting the ball hard all day.

Meanwhile, back at Monaghans, the Hairs’ beer fund helped soothe the squad’s various aches and pains.



Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

For the first time all season, the Red Faces fielded all 14 players this week and came away with a hard-earned split with the league-leading White Hairs.

The first game proceeded much like many of their past games as they watched the White Hairs extend their lead throughout the game. It was played quickly and by the time 7 innings were up, the Faces found themselves on the wrong side of a 12-2 result.

The second game started just like the other games. The White Hairs rolled out 5 runs in the top of the first. However, Red Faces’ fortunes changed when after 3 consecutive singles to start the bottom of the inning, Dan Sanscartier laced a line drive inside-the-park grand slam home run to right to draw the Red Faces back to within one. White Hairs again pulled ahead and led 9-4 after three innings. Unlike previous games, Red Faces responded big time. Jeff Francis started the comeback by launching a towering, over-the-fence home run to right field. It may still be rolling it was hit so hard … Five more hits later and three more runs crossed the plate to draw the Faces back within one. Two runs in the fifth and two more in the sixth, and Red Faces found themselves ahead going into the last inning and facing the top of the White Hairs’ order. However, strong pitching by Tony Reda, and stellar defence by Red Faces held White Hairs off the board and off they were to Monahan’s with a win under their belts (along with some beer)!!

Again, for the third week in a row, no Red Faces’ batter came to the plate more than 5 times. Leading the way for Red Faces was Jeff Francis going 5-for-5 with a HR and two RBIs; Dan Sanscartier going 4-for-5 with 3 runs scored and 4 RBIs; and Jack Pang who went 4-for-5 with 2 runs scored and 2 RBIs. Mike Boyle and Al King added 4 hits each. Tony Reda went 3-for-3 with 3 RBIs in the second game after not playing since the first week of the season. Bernie Renwick chipped in with 3 hits. Tony Reda pitched the bulk of both games but was spelled off by Ron Vandermeulin just enough to throw off the timing of the White Hairs’ hitters.


GAME REPORTS – June 20, 2024


June 20, 2024

But first, some website notes...

If you make it all the way to the end of the game reports without falling asleep check out the "Boys of Summer" baseball cards, featuring the White Hairs, Red Faces, Greybeards and Blue Pills.  (The Rusty Royals and Fine Wines are still trying to locate a few missing players.)

For even more excitement click on the brand new tab entitled "Defibrillator Video" for a demonstration of how to actually use one of these things.  It might come in handy someday.



Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

For an engine to work well it needs to fire on all cylinders. In game one the Rusty Royals fired only on two: pitching and defence. Ron Belluomini pitched well and the Rusty Royals provided solid defence to the hard-hitting Grey Beard bats.  Sadly we missed the offensive cylinder.  Apart from a four-run second inning not much happened.  Bringing up the rear of the order Al Stokes and John Koopman scored twice (admittedly driven in by the top of the order) but no-one else scored more than once.  Only Dan Cooper had a good game at the plate going 3-3 with a run and two ribbies.

Game Two our hitting cylinder was no better but we really turned the defence up a notch, under sweltering heat, to hold the Grey Beards to 6. We also plated 6 for a tie.  Jeff Biren scored twice, Willi Thuner had 2 ribbies, and offensively not a lot else happened. 

The Rusty Royals have fired their hitting coach and will be switching away from generics for some name brand steroids...

Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

The Greybeards had the bats working in the first game as every player chipped in with some timely hits. Team defence managed to keep the force play on almost every hit and it paid off as we were able to get many forced outs. First game in the books with an 11-8 win.

Second game saw the bats disappear as we failed to score in any of the first four innings despite hitting the ball hard. Some great defence performed by the opposition. Down 6-0 we managed to come back and get a tie, leaving interim manager Jim Fenner with an undefeated record at the helm.

Individual batting saw Dave Kozai go 5/7 and brothers Steve and Bill Craig and Andy Kozai go 4/7. On a sad note, after just welcoming Dario Pretto back to the lineup he injured his lower back and missed the second game.



Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

Fine defence by the Fine Wines coupled with Red Faces continued hitting woes produced back-to-back 10-3 and 12-8 losses for the Faces. Fortunately for Red Faces, the team played well defensively but banged out only seven hits in the opener. The team waited until the last inning of the second game before their bats heated up but their rally fell short and they went down to defeat once again, although the score was a little more respectable.

The Red Faces were led by Dan Sanscartier with four hits, two RBIs and a number of fine catches in the outfield. Jack Pang, Tom Hunter, Bernie Renwick and Mike Boyle helped out with three hits apiece. On the field, third baseman Al King put on a clinic, starting two double plays and making a number of clutch outs at the bag.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

On a hot, muggy morning when HOFer Ernie Banks might have said, "Let's play 1," the Fine Wines and Red Faces decided to play 2. Sure, why not.

In Game 1 the Wines wasted no time taking the lead, scoring a trio of runs in the first inning...and then took an offensive nap for two innings. The Red Faces (not just a team name as it turns out) scored 3 in the second to tie it up. The now hydrated and relaxed Wines then popped the game wide open, scoring 8 runs on the defensively stifled Reds to make the final 11-3. Geoff Coulson, Mike Way and Pat Blais punched out 10 hits and touched home 7 times.

 After a much-needed break for the players and umpire, Game 2 began with both teams being held scoreless in the first frame. The red-hot Wines offence scored a mercy 5 in the second and held a 10-2 lead after four. The Red Faces, now resembling 50 Shades of Red, had no answer for the unrelenting barrage of base hits by the Wines who took a 13-4 lead into the top of the 7th. A Red rally fell short and the Wines hung on to win 13-8. With 8 of the 11 players having at least 2 hits Coach Barrett was pleased with this total team effort, which accelerated the Wines into second place.



White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

The White Hairs gathered under the heat dome with two goals - play some good ball and try and determine if the squad should wear ball pants or shorts.  Six wore shorts while six wore ball pants. The Hairs didn't lay out which metrics would support the pants camp and which would support the shorties.  Further compounding the issue, the usually opinionated Kindergarten class took residence in the shade in deep left center.  Consequently, the wee ones didn't weigh in with their opinions on the pants/shorts conundrum.

The shorts squad outhit the pants guys 22 to 21 while the pants guys outscored the shorties 13 to 12. (pinch runners in shorts scored 3 of the 13 pants’ runs).

The pants pitcher gave up 1 run per inning while shorts pitcher gave up 1.85 (many of the shorts runs against unearned due to errors by those in pants).

You may ask what about sliding?  No one slid!  You might think that fact alone might be the determining factor in the shorts/pants debate, but you would be wrong.

The determining factor might have been the inspired play of pants-wearing Rick Steamboat Wilcox.  Steamboat had several key hits, pinch ran like he was 35 years old and made the season's first White Hairs catch in right field without falling to his knees.

On the shorts side, First on the Field Pileggi returned to his 23 form with 6 hits and solid D.

So unfortunately we're unable to determine yet if the Whiteys play better in shorts or pants.

Whiteys win 2, are first to Monaghans, and had a few opt for perogies in honour of Pills Roman Kryzaniwsky.

Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

Game 1 - White Hairs 16; Blue Pills 13.  The 1st game was played under tolerably hot temps.  The White Hairs set the tone for the game by scoring 5 runs in the top of the first.  The Pills replied with 4 of their own in the bottom half.  The Pills were held scoreless for the next 3 innings and found themselves trailing by an 11 to 4 count at the end of 4 innings.  After yielding 2 more runs in the top of the 5th, the Pills started fighting back, scoring 4 in the 5th and 5 in the 6th knotting the score at 13 going into the 7th inning.  The Hairy ones then scored 3 and blanked the Pills 1,2,3 to end the game.  The Pills showed a lot of character fighting back from such a large deficit but ultimately it was another tough loss for the guys in blue.

Game 2 - White Hairs 9 Blue Pills 5.  Prior to starting the 2nd game, the managers agreed to play a 5 inning game due to the extreme heat.  The two teams scored 2 runs apiece in the 1st inning. The Pills were then held scoreless for the next 3 innings (deja vu?) and found themselves trailing the hairy guys by 7 runs going into the 5th and final inning.  A keystone cops moment occurred in the bottom of the 4th when an errant throw by Rover Dave Brinton bounced off  2nd baseman Greg Aubert's head into right field allowing a couple of runs to score.  Fortunately Greg's hard head didn't damage the ball.  With 2 outs in their final at bats, the Pills valiantly pushed 3 runs across the plate putting a bit of a scare into the White Hairs. However the comeback fell short and the Pills left the field with another disappointing loss. 

Mike Canham & Roman Kryzaniwsky each went 5 for 6 on the day while Dave Walker (4/5 plus a BB), Stubby (4/6) and Greg Aubert (4/6 & 5 RBI) also were solid contributors to the offence.



GAME REPORTS – June 13, 2024


Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

The Red Faces’ hitting woes continued this week as the team struggled to put runs on the board in both games. In fact, both games went the full length and coincidentally every Red Faces’ hitter came to the plate only 5 times. Fortunately, the team scored more runs than the Blue Pills in the second game to salvage a split.

In the opener, the teams were locked in a close game until the Blue Pills surged ahead in the fifth inning and poured it on to win 14-4. The second game was a pitching duel with only 5 runs scored after four complete innings. The Red Faces put up a five-spot in the fifth to take the lead and held on for a 7-6 win. Dave George returned from a three-week western holiday to deliver the key hit - a two-out, bases loaded single to knock in two runs and flip the score.

With only 5 at bats per player this week, the numbers are interesting. Dan Sanscartier led the way going 5-for-5 and knocked in 3 runs. Jeff Francis had a big day going 4-for-5, with 4 runs scored and 2 RBI. Others with 3 hits were Jim McDonald, Jack Pang, Mike Boyle and Tom Hunter. Ron Vandermeulin and Jack Pang shared the pitching duties.

Blue Pills Report – Gord Shields

The Pills came out strong in game 1, looking for their second win of the season. Every Pill had at least one hit in the opener and they put up a 5 spot in the first inning. Steady defence was seen all day with double plays made in both games and only 4 runs scored by the Red Faces in game 1, leading to a 12 – 4 Pills’ victory.

Game 2 saw the Pills’ fine defence continue with four shutout innings, but faltered in the 5th allowing 5 runs. This was the difference in a low-scoring game that ended 7 -6 for the Reds after a 7th inning Pills rally fell just short. It was an excellent effort all round by the Blue Pills who fielded an 11 man team which meant no innings off on a very warm day.

Heroes of the day were Dave Walker, 6/8; Darrell Northcott, 6/7; Greg Aubert, 6/7 and Frank Sturm, 5/8 while fighting of a flu bug. Thanks also to spare Rick Cummings for coming out to play for us.




White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

Poet, pitcher and philosopher Bill Manson revealed another side Thursday.  He provided a limerick for the Kindergarten class fans that now frequent OMMSPL games at Millbank.

"Rah, rah ree, kick him in the knee. Rah, rah ras, kick him in the other knee." 

Those kids are fast learners and delighted in chanting the Rah rah several times.

The support seemed to inspire both teams as 28 runs were scored in the game 2 sister-kisser.

The Hairs had solid defence with two DPs from the legendary Buy a Vowel to Foscarin to "I can see" Linklater combo.  Two more Hairs DPs and outstanding outfield defence kept the Beardy Boys at bay.

New glove Moffat also chipped in showing off his new leather.

Offensively it was clear some of the Whiteys had been practicing.   Slick Brancier led with an 8 for 8 date, Morton had 7, G Coveny, Buy a Vowel and Triple P Manson each had 5.

Back at Monaghans, the first to the bar squad had the more traditional fried foods for lunch.

We're back!

Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

The Greybeards season continues to be played in California weather. First game the team struggled to get the bats going. Dario Pretto, fresh off his Euro tour, made his season debut and crushed the ball all over the park. Unfortunately he managed to find an opposing glove at almost every opportunity. Lost the first game 11-6.

Second game led by our warrior Bruce Locke who was tripped at first and face planted. He managed to overcome this mishap and led the team with four RBI’s. Mac (aka Greg Macauley) went 6/7. Joined by Larry Young who finally got off the schneide by also going 6/7. Steve Moses also had a good day at the plate going 5/7. Game went back and forth with the teams finally settling on a 14-all draw.



Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

The dictionary meaning of foreshadowing: a warning of a future event. In the first inning of Game 1, the Wines loaded the bases with only 1 out, but could only muster a pair of runs. In the second inning, the Wines again loaded the bases with only 1 out. (You can probably see where I'm going with this.)  Again the Wines could only score twice. You don't need to ask Nostradamus to predict how this game would end. The well-oiled Rusty Royals kept pecking, and pecking away [Ed Note – that’s because they’re peckers], scoring a 5-spot in the 4th inning to knot the score at nines before eventually taking the lead in the fifth frame and holding on to defeat the Wines 12-11. Leading the offensive Wine Brigade were Geoff Coulson, Jonathan Kamin, Chris Barrett, and Mike Way with 3 hits apiece and 5 runs scored.

Game 2 began much like the first game for the Wines... until with 2 out and the bases choked, Ian Carson sauntered to the plate and produced some much-needed firepower. Carson uncorked a Grand Salami to wipe the bases clean. The following few innings were uneventful until the bottom of the 5th when 4 more runners headed home safely. This was more than enough offence as the Wines dominated the now Rusty Royals 11-3. Kamin and Barrett were once again the driving force with 5 hits and 4 runs. Pat Blais actually got to swing at some pitches, after taking 3 walks in the first game, delivering 2 hits and a walk (duh!) and rambling home with 3 runs.

Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

In Game One the Rusty Royals fought back from an early deficit to edge past the Fine Wines 12-11.  Rookie Ron Belluomini is not Sandy Koufax (maybe Don Drysdale) but he pitched a fine game and the Rusty Royals offence was just enough to get the job done. Mike Moszewsky and Jeff Palmer both hit triples, and scored two runs.  Palmer drove in three (and added a double).  Another up-and-coming rookie, Willi Thurner, went 3 for 3 and also scored twice.  All Rusty Royals, who were not coaches, had at least one hit. 

In Game Two the Rusty Royal bats went AWOL. There were more FCs (fielder's choice) on the Royal's scoresheet than I have fingers. Let's just say there were a lot.  Pitcher Ron Belluomini was kind enough to take the loss without blaming our bats.  Only veteran Al Stokes performed at his peak - he was 2 for 3 with a ribbie and a run.  A number of unnamed players went hitless. In consequence, the Rusty Royals have reinstalled curfew rules.  There is a suspicion that excessive boozing and nightlife is sapping our second game strength.  The dangers of having the league's best looking team...



GAME REPORTS – June 6, 2024


Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

The Red Faces were a little battered and bruised BEFORE the game, which didn’t augur well for the two games which followed. The team wasn’t in synch with itself, bashing out 24 hits in the opener but committing a boatload of errors to allow the Rusty Royals to pull out a bottom-of-the-seventh 18-17 win.

In the second game, the Red Faces tightened up its defence but didn’t score until the fifth inning and only scored four runs to drop a 13-4 decision.

Leading the way for the Red Faces was Ron VanderMeulin with six hits (including 5-for-5 in the opener), 5 runs scored and 4 RBIs. He also pitched both games. After missing his first game in forever last week, iron man Dan Sanscartier declared himself well enough to play and bashed out 5 hits and knocked in 7 runs as well as playing a solid 2B and RC. The Red Faces dipped into the spares’ pool to bring the complement up to 10 – superspare Mark Dreschel added 5 hits, 4 runs scored and 2 RBIs. Jim McDonald had 4 hits and 3 RBIs, while Jack Pang scored four runs, had 4 hits and made some nice catches in LC. Regular outfielder Tom Hunter, recovering from a leg injury and unable to run, imitated a pylon in the infield on the theory that it would be better than leaving the position vacant.  By his own admission, it wasn’t, but on the offensive side he contributed three walks in the first game [Ed. Note – the author made the catch of the day on a sinking line drive in left field which surprised everyone, mostly himself. In a post-game interview he credited the catch to his time-tested strategy of running hard and closing his eyes.]

Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

Game 1 was an epic seesaw battle that saw the lead change twice before the Rusty Royals pulled out a walk-off victory in the bottom of the seventh.  The Red Faces led 17-16 going into the bottom of the last frame, but consecutive singles by Mike Mozewky, Dan Cooper, Willi Thurner, Steve Isaac and John Koopman led to two runs being plated and a walk-off 18-17 victory.  Leaders on the sticks were Jeff Biren who was 4-4 with two runs scored and three ribbies, and the ageless Al Stokes who scored three runs.  Stokes really learned a lot from playing with Ty Cobb.

In Game Two brilliant the Rusty Royal defence and Mike Mozewsky's pitching kept the Red Faces from scoring a run until the fifth inning.  Even super-spare Mark Dreschel was not enough to save the Red Faces.  Bill Martin's first game at Rover was a success, though two weeks in Italy have not helped his waistline.  At the plate Dan Cooper and Brian Mastervick were pounding the ball, and the consensus is that Dan's hitting speaks for itself and he does not need his mug on those buses driving up and down Glenashton in order to be noticed.  The league now knows who he is. A six-run seventh led to a final 13-4 victory for our hometown favorites.

[Ed. Note – Late in Game Two the fan base was exponentially increased by the arrival of three or four kindergarten classes who took up all of the seating in the 200 level on the third base side.  At our request they moved up to the 500 level to reduce the risk from foul balls, and we stationed a player nearby to intercept any such incoming missiles. Upon the game’s conclusion the munchkins invaded the diamond (at our invitation) to run the bases, and then posed with the victorious Rusty Royals for posterity while the Red Faces slunk off into obscurity.]




Blue Pills Report – Ed Lincz

Game One was a lopsided victory by the Grey Beards, outscoring the Blue Pills 15 to 4. The bright spots for the Blue Pills were Rudy Gauer going 3 for 3 and Ed Lincz 2 for 3. The Beards capitalized on a few errors by the Blue Pills to score 4 runs in the first and 5 runs in the sixth.

Game Two was a little closer, but the Pills still fell short and lost 8 to 5. Good defence by both teams resulted in several 1-2-3 innings. Players who scored this game were Tony Fratia, Roman Krazniwsky, Stubby, Dave Brinton and Lincz , but we couldn't push any more over the plate to get our elusive second victory of the year. Stubby pitched well in both games, striking out a couple. 

Grey Beards Report – Jim Fenner

On a sunny day at Glenashton West diamond, the Grey Beards’ bats were hot and their defence was tight. The top of the order, Randy Heinbecker, Dave Kosai, and Andy Kosai, each crossed the plate 4 times. Steve Moses led the team with 5 RBIs, followed by Bill Craig with 4, Andy Kosai and Barny Henderson each with 2, and Dave Kosai and Bruce Locke each with 1. Spectacular defensive catches were made in the outfield by Andy Kosai and Barny Henderson. In the infield, Bill Craig kept shortstop clean, Steve Moses snared everything at second base, and Bruce Locke played a solid first base. The final score was Grey Beards 14, Blue Pills 4.

In the second game, the Grey Beards held a 1-0 lead going into the 4th inning when the Blue Pills found a few cracks in the Beards’ defence. However, the Beards rebounded with more runs in the closing innings to post an 8-5 win without playing the bottom of the 7th inning. Kudos to George Merrick for pitching two complete games.

[Ed. Note – you may recall that the author of the above report, Jim Fenner, distinguished himself last week by breaking 2 fingers during batting practice.  In an impressive display of team loyalty Jim attended this week’s games (in uniform, no less) to keep score and provide much-needed moral support (as the Grey Beards are lacking in morals).  Jim also came back to the pub to show off his discoloured fingers and ruin a few appetites. What a guy!]



White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

"Goes the Other Way."

I don't know how many times I heard this phrase Thursday but it was a lot!  13 Whiteys showed up, had a good warmup and BP and then the games went in a different direction.

Strong Winers Defense and hitting and a tough day at the plate for the Hairs lead to a sweep. 

Highlights for the Hairs included 5 hits from Secret Weapon Grudzinki and 3 from Rick Wilcox.  Defensively, Tony Foscarin was solid and Morton took some consolation in throwing out his good friend Chris Barrett at home and third.

Back at Monaghans, the Hairs all had salads.  Enough said. 

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

With an opening day Double Dose Defeat at the hands, bats, and gloves of the White Hairs, the Fine Wines were looking to even the score. Things did not look promising as the Wines' lineup was as threadbare as the heel on my well-worn socks. Game 1 started slowly with the score 4-1 after four frames. Suddenly a Grape-loving Genie popped out of the (wine) bottle and granted the Wines 10 runs in the following two innings to bring the game to a merciful conclusion, 14-2. Great offence was provided by Ben Roczniak, Big Ian Carson and Bob Edmonston who blended their 8 hits to produce 7 runs. The somewhat wounded Mike Way (playing right field for the first time) pounded out 4 hits, resulting in a couple of meaty ribbies.

In Game 2 the Wines never trailed. With the contest tied at 5 after three innings, the Men in Magenta proceeded to score 7 more times to make the final 12-6, handing the first place Whites their first double defeat of the season. Some of the players on the Wines could be heard whispering "This is Huge...". Your eavesdropping reporter can only assume they were talking about the games' results. Big Bangers for the Wines were Chris Barrett, Jonathan Kamin, Roczniak and Edmonston whose bats cranked out a dozen hits, allowing them to hasten home with 8 runs.

Pitcher Pat Blais was a mound master, holding the Whites to single digits in the runs department.

Defensively, Bob Edmonston played a stellar left field, replacing the usual pooch who was on assignment. He swallowed (well actually it was his glove that did this) every fly ball that approached his domain. A Dyson handheld vacuum could not have done a better job than Bob.


GAME REPORTS – May 30, 2024

Grey Beards Report – Chappy

The skies were blue and a slight breeze. Great day to play ball.


I thought it would be a nice idea to give Jim Fenner a game at pitching. Jim went in to pitch batting practice and was promptly hit by a line drive on his hand (while protecting his face - a wise tradeoff). Broke 2 fingers. Sorry buddy. Thanks to Tom Hunter for escorting Jim to the hospital.  [Ed Note – Surprisingly Jim and his splinted fingers made it back from the hospital before the end of game 2, but he wisely decided to remain on the bench.]


The first game was a back-and-forth offensive game. That’s our story….

Barny Henderson was an energizer bunny. He ran for all the speed guys who were hampered with game injuries. 80 is the new 60. Steller 2nd baseman Steve Moses hung in there as best he could after coming up limp. Thanks to 2 new players to the league who spared for us: John “Chief” Ciufo and Bob Betker. We were able to scrape out a 23 – 19 victory.


Game 2 became the survival of the fittest. Which team could drop the fewest balls? Mac is home practicing the ”no anticipation” rule. On the plus side he was 8 for 9 at the plate. Bruce Locke was 6 for 8. New guy Bob was 7 for 8 with a homer. Congratulations to the Red Faces for the win 17-12. Have a great weekend and rest up everyone.


Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

Both the Red Faces and Grey Beards were struggling with fielding a healthy lineup as a combination of previous injuries and then injuries that day put players onto the field into defensive roles that perhaps were challenging. Needless to say, while defence was in short supply that allowed the hitters to lift their batting averages significantly. Appropriately, each team won one game.

The first game went so long, not only did it kick in an automatic 1-1 count for the second game, it was all both teams could do to get 6 innings in.

The Red Faces played both games with 10 players plus a catcher graciously supplied by the Beards. In the opener, the Grey Beards surged in front to a big lead but the Red Faces chipped away and got close before the game ended 23-19 for the bearded guys. In the shortened second game the Faces came within a mercy victory twice and almost closed an inning before the 12:15 pm automatic cutoff but could not, thereby allowing Grey Beards a last chance. They loaded the bases to create a little anxiety, but the Red Faces held on for the 17-12 win.

Leading the way for the Faces was Ron VanderMeulin who had 7 hits including a line-drive home run, 6 runs scored and 4 RBIs. Ron also pitched well in the second game. Bernie Renwick was supposed to limit his defence because of off-season knee surgery but played a stellar second base. He also hit well, with 7 hits and 8 RBIs. Drew Martin is regaining his swing and contributed 6 hits and 5 RBIs. Mike Boyle added 5 hits, Jack Pang, Jim McDonald, and John Finley had four hits each and Al King added 3 hits. Our spares were very helpful at the plate - Warren Pantrey went 7-for-7 while John Wooning had 4 hits.


Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

In a season that so far has seen the Fine Wines complete more splits than an agile gymnast, two wins against the Blue Pills would be crucial if the Wines hope to reach the .500 mark. The Wines jumped out of the blocks and scored 5 times in the top of the 1st. A non-singing quartet of runners reached home in the 2nd, followed by five more runs in the 3rd and 4th frames. Another 7 runs were added in the final 3 innings, giving the Wines a season high total of 26 runs. And since the Wine defence gave up 17 runs it was indeed a good thing the offence was on a roll. Geoff Coulson and Jonathan Kamin were each 5 for 5 and sprinted home safely 8 times. Additional support came from the bats of Ian Carson and Rob Bentley who added their 8 hits worth and 4 runs. Ian Schell returned to the diamond and supplied the usual number of hits, including a triple.

With hopes higher than that ant trying to move a rubber tree plant, the Wines were giddy with excitement about a possible two-win day. This game was a back-and-forth display of run production and sketchy defense. More balls were dropped than those at a teenage boys’ puberty convention. After 6 complete innings, the score was tied at 13. The Blue Pills got it up for a 1-run lead as the Wines came to the dish in the bottom of the 7th. Gary Gilmour led off with a single followed by Nino Gaspari the Super Sub. Both players scored to make the final 15-14 Wines, their first sweep of the season. The Dynamic duo of Coulson and Kamin cashed in their 6-hit game for half a dozen runs.

Next week, the Wines will renew their duel on the diamond with the White Hairs. With 41 runs scored on this day, the Wine offence would appear to be more than up for next week's challenge: to avenge their season opening double defeat.

Blue Pills Report – Tony Fratia

Another beautiful day at the ballpark for the epic battle of 5 vs 6 with a chance to get out of the basement, but it was quickly spoiled by our team being down 4 players. Compliments to the Fine Wines for supplying us with a reliable catcher who made 2 outs via a foul tip catch plus hanging onto a tremendous throw home from our centre fielder "Silver Fox" Frank Sturm. Frank wore out a lot of outfield grass today with several clutch catches.

The Vintners started out strong in the first game by pounding out 3 five-run mercies within the first 4 innings. We were in the jaws of a mercy defeat (losing by over 12 runs) but the saving grace was that we only had to play 5 innings. The Blue Pills finally started their comeback with a couple of 5-run innings of their own, sparked by a "Silver Fox" 3-run inside the park dinger.

Another inning saw Darrell Northcott hit a majestic moon shot (Jerry Howarth admiration worthy) over the left field fence with 2 runners on base, however his run didn't count since it was the sixth run.

Alas, the Winos never stopped scoring and we generously gave them a few extra outs. Final Score was 26 to 17 for the vintage Cabernet Sauvignon team.


White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

It's too early in the season to call today's White Hairs versus the Royals gentlemen a first place showdown.

The Royals scored each inning in game one, building a 12-6 lead going into the bottom of the 7th. The Hairs then showed their mettle. Doug Hyland led off, slapping it the other way, followed by Chop Sticks Linklater driving one down 3rd and Rick Wilcox lifting one into left field.  Vince Moffat came to the plate and scored 2 on a sac fly. The top of the order then got 5 consecutive hits and suddenly the game was tied. Bread Basket Warren hit a sacrifice fly to complete the comeback.

In game 2, the Hairs came to bat in the 5th down 2-0.  Everyone calmed down, recognizing we were still in pretty good shape to get to Monaghans first.  8 consecutive hits resulted in 5 runs without an out.  One more in the 7th and the Hairs completed the sweep. 

When you only give up 2 runs, there are plenty of stellar defensive plays. Vince with the new glove Moffat, Tony Foscarin and Morton made some above-average plays in the infield. Each of the 4 Hairs outfielders - Warren, First on the Field Pileggi, Slick Brancier and G-Man Coveny, each made at least one outstanding play.

Bill Manson pitched two solid games.

Dan Cooper of the Rustys was first to Monaghans, and did the gentlemanly thing and let the Hairs have their table.

Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

It was a tough morning for the Rusty Royals. Leading 12-6 in game one going into the bottom of the seventh, things looked positive for the fan favorites.  Unfortunately a coach, who will forever go unnamed, let an easy grounder to third, with one out, get by him.  That error seemed to shift the big Mo to the arch enemy White Hairs.  Six batters later the White Hairs had a 13-12 victory.  In the second game the Royal's bats never got started as they fell 6-2.

There were highlights for our Rusty Royal heroes. Ron Belluomini filled in for an injured Rick Halik (he has broken a finger and will be out for a while) and pitched two gems.  He was also our leading hitter on the day, going 4-6 plus a walk.  Willi Thurner went 3-4 and played some good shortstop.  Stephen Isaacs ran out each at bat, Bill Johnson hit a frozen rope right up the middle (his first non-pull hit since he and Ty Cobb went their separate ways) and Brian Mastervick made a couple of nifty defensive plays and also hit the ball with authority in every at-bat. 

Willi has really cemented his status as "King of the Carom".  Today it was Andy McMakin. our Rover, who took a ground ball to the leg and deflected it to Willi at SS, who proceeded to throw out a hapless White Hair batter.  We have lost Andy Mcmakin for at least a few games.  Charging a challenging infield fly he pulled-up lame. It seems a muscle we did not think he had has been torn. Andy is a gamer and he will be back before the "dog days of summer" start.

The Rusty Royals have lost a battle but not the war.  We are already planning the strategy for our re-match with the White Hairs.





GAME REPORTS – May 23, 2024

Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

Another amazing day to play ball. Greybeards had the bats going first game. Everyone had at least one hit and we scored a season high 17 runs. Of course in the second game the bats went cold as we only scored 5 runs in the first six innings. Although we did manage to finish with ten. We managed to keep our five hundred record alive with another win and a loss.

Player highlights. We were led by the day’s MVP Greg “Mac” Macauley who went 7/8 and also got six RBIs. Steve Craig went 7/8. Bruce Locke and and Dave Kozai each went 6/8. And Randy Heinbecker was a stellar 8/8. Best AB of the day went to our veteran Barney Henderson who got his first triple of the season.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

After two consecutive weeks of doubleheader splits, the Fine Wines were hoping to win a pair of games against the Grey Beards. Things did not begin as was hoped when the Beards scored 4 runs in the top of the 1st, and continued to record at least one run in every inning enroute to a 19-14 victory over the Vintners. Offensively for the Wines, Geoff Coulson, Jonathan Kamin, Chris Barrett, and Pat Blais combined for a dozen hits and 11 runs.

In the eyes of this reporter, it's not for a lack of offence, but the Wines defence must stop the runs (cue the Pepto-Bismol) scored by the opposition.

So for the second game, some defensive adjustments were made by Boss Barrett. These amendments paid immediate dividends as the Wines' hot hitting continued, and the defence shut down the Beards in 3 of the 7 innings resulting in a 17-10 Wine win. Leading the way were Bob Edmonston, Rob Bentley, and Kamin who each had 3 hits and scored a total of 6 runs. Ben Roczniak and Blais (who had a perfect day at the dish) pounded out 8 hits and hastened home with 5 runs.

So for the Wines, it was another day of shared victories on the diamond. These double-dip splits remind me of going to the ice cream parlour and hoping for two scoops in your cone, but waffling and settling for one. Still good, but...


Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

A perfect day for baseball turned into an imperfect day for the Red Faces as they dropped a pair to the White Hairs Thursday.

In the opener, Red Faces led by 3 after two innings but watched the White Hairs slowly pull away. A late, two-out seventh inning rally started to rattle the White Hairs but alas a line drive was snatched by the third baseman to end the game with White Hairs prevailing 18-12.

In the second game, the Red Faces battled closely throughout with four runs after two innings but again hit a drought and managed just one run the rest of the way to waste an expertly thrown game by pitcher Jack Pang and lose 8-5.

Leading the way for the Red Faces was Jim McDonald with six hits and four runs scored. Ron VanderMeulin belted five hits, scored twice and knocked in four runs as well as pitching a fine game in the opener. Jeff Francis was steady at SS and added four hits, and 3 RBIs, while newcomer Drew Martin had four hits.

[Ed. Note – thanks for not mentioning my boneheaded baserunning errors.]

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

The White Hairs showed up with a purpose Thursday to face their table-stealing nemesis, the Red guys. The purpose - be first to Monahans and get our table back.

Some tinkering with the lineup was required to achieve the team goal.  The inVincibles batted back to back, Prancer Byj played LC, and buy a vowel Yaschyshyn pitched game 1.

Lots of highlights in game one, including Gerry “I've lost a couple of steps” Coveny going 4 for 4 and playing a stellar RF.  Vince Moffat broke out his brand new glove and played some awesome 2B. Game one was a solid 18-12 win for the table seekers.

Game 2 saw both teams change pitchers.  The pitchers from game one, the Reds’ Long John Ron and Whiteys’ Buy a Vowel, both demonstrated their versatility with strong performances in their non-pitching positions. Game 2 ended 9-5 for the Hairs.

The Hairs bats rebounded off an off-week. Leaders were Morton, Prancer Byj and Bill Manson with 6 hits each and 5 from each of Moffat, Yaschyshyn and Gman Coveny.

Post game the Hairs returned to the nest first and sat at their home table.   Mission accomplished!


Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

How could last week's immaculate deflection be improved upon? Well, it was. This time rookie Ron Belluomini, playing 3B, expertly manoeuvered to play a vicious line drive to the hot-corner.  Not wanting to catch it, he deflected the ball with his glove. Unfortunately he deflected it to his head where it made a loud smack, and Ron was out for the count.  Once he regained consciousness, we had to tell him that Willi Thurner caught the ball on the carom off Ron's head, and quicker than you could say Casey Stengel, the Rusty Royals had another theatrical out. The Blue Pills were gob-smacked, but we Rusty Royals are growing used to theatrics in the infield. Ron went on to go 4-4 in the game so the subsequent intellectual impairment did not hurt his stick.  Jeff Palmer also went 4-4 with three runs and three ribbies. The ever-steady Bill Johnson was 3-3 plus a walk. Jeff Biren was 3-4 and made a really nifty over the head grab on a fly on a Texas Leaguer that seemed destined for no-mans land.  Rick Halyk pitched his usual steady game and the Royals eked out a 15-13 victory. 

In Game Two the Rusty Royals again plated 15, led by Ron Belluomini (he needs to get hit on the head every game) and Dan Cooper who each scored four times.  Steve Isaac scored a hit every time he ran (I use the term loosely) down to first. Sadly, once he decided it was not worth "running" that far.  He has since learned you are always out if you don't amble to first.  The ageless Al Stokes drove in three and Willi Thurner played a solid game at SS.  We closed 15-6 with the crestfallen snake-bitten Blue Pills on the short end of the stick.

Blue Pills Report – Ed Lincz

The Blue Pills came roaring out of the gate after beating the first place team last week, running up five runs before the Rusty Royals had a chance to make three outs. It was short-lived as the Royals came back strong and tied the game. The game ended up close with the Rusty Royals winning 15 - 13.  Tony Fratia crushed a solo inside-the park homer.  Other notable players for the Blue Pills were Frank Sturm and Kirk MacDonald each going 3 for 3 and a number of others going 2 for 3. 

The Blue Pills seemed a little tired after game one as the team committed too many errors, allowing the Rusty Royals extra outs in most innings.  The Rusty guys hit solidly throughout the game while the Pills left many on base and also having a few strikeouts. The bright spot for the Blue Pills was spare Dave Brinton who went 2 for 2 with both hits being inside-the-park home runs.  However when the last out was recorded the scoreboard read Rusty Royals 15 - Blue Pills 7.


May 16, 2024

Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

The Rusty Royals and the Grey Beards played a seesaw battle in game one.  The highlight was a preplanned play whereby we agreed that if there was a runner on first, our first baseman Willi Thurner would let the next line drive deflect off his glove, tempting the Grey Beard runner to take second. Jeff Biren would then catch the ball in the air, off of the deflection, and then relay back to Willi who would tag the hapless Grey Beard who was now scrambling to return to first, to score a double play.  It worked to perfection.   Tinkers to Evers to Chance have nothing on this Rusty Royal combination.  Jeff Palmer's little league home run was the highlight of the Rusty Royal offensive display.  He was also 3-4 on the day as were pitcher "Crafty" Rich Halyk, seasoned veteran Bill Johnson and John Koopman.  The Royals led going into the bottom of the last inning but were unable to hold what seemed to be juiced Grey Beard bats.  The final was 14-13 for the Grey Guys.

The Rusty Royals were not about to lose two games. Palmer hit another home run (and made some good catches in left centre). The league's oldest player, Al Stokes (sorry Barney), celebrating his 50th year in slo-pitch, added two hits and a run, plus a nice grab on a long throw from Jeff Biren to catch a runner trying to take home.  Dan Cooper enjoyed his first game back and we think he will be one of the league's power hitters this year. Only too many real estate deals can stop this sophomore sensation. Andy McMakin continued his hot hitting, Jeff Biren continued his hot defensive play and the Royals cruised to a 9-6 victory.

Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

Another glorious day of sunshine. Perfect for slo-ptich. First game went back and forth with the lead changing several times. Greybeards came up to bat in the bottom of the 7th down a few runs. Stringing together a number of hits with two out. The winning hit was by King Brock (Paterson) for a 10-9 victory.

Second game the timely hitting went away and every line drive seemed to get caught by the opposition. Clearly the scouting reports paid off. Greybeards had a loss. So a split in the day maintaining our .500 record.

Big bats for the day were: Barney Henderson 4/6, Bruce Locke 6/6, Randy Heinbecker 5/7 and Greg Macauley 5/7.


White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

The White Hairs pregame discussion included "don't take these Blue Pills lightly."  Well, the Hairs didn't take any Blue Pills resulting in ineffective performance.

Game one ended in a 7-7 tie.  Game two 8-5 for the Pills.

Several Hairs had 4 hits including Go Go Brazier, Secret Weapon Grudzinki, Morton, Wild Bill Manson, Prancer Byj, Vince Moffat and Doug Hyland.

Pitchers for both teams enjoyed working on their unlimited arc skills. 

The Hairs left the diamond in reasonably good spirits feeling confident that at least we would at least be first to Monaghans.  Alas, the damn Red Faces beat us there and took our table to boot.  We'll just have to see what happens when we play those wankers next Thursday.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Blue Pills Report – Frank Sturm

“At least we didn’t lose”. Quote of the day from Mike Canham. The 0-4 Pills took on the 4-0 Hairs. An epic showdown that pitted a (Uhmmmm) good team against a struggling team?? Anyway, the tension was high and every run mattered in this defensive game 1 battle. The lead was always narrow and the“Pills” meds were kicking in. They fought tooth and nail to try and break their losing streak. The game came down to the 7th inning. The visiting Pills scored 1 run to tie the Hairs at 7-7. The Pills were kept at bay from scoring their 8th by the arm of Jeff Morton. Silver Fox Sturm was indeed tempted to round third and challenge that arm. But the coach called him off. He might have made it, or he might have been thrown out at the plate, but the history books will never know. The bottom of the 7th was equally tense. The Hairs fought back getting their winning run to third, but were unable to score. Final score 7-7.  Oh how sweet it is!! Pills get their first point of the season. Even if only a tie.


Game 2 went smoother for the Pills. The mojo from the game 1 motto “we didn’t lose” was infectious. Everyone contributed to the effort. Pills had two throw-outs at home with great catches by Gord Preston.  IMC (Iron Mike Canham) was stellar on the mound as always. Notable hitters were Frank Sturm 5-7 (scoring 4 times in game 1) and Darrel Northcott 4-6 with an rbi. Final score 8-5 for the Pills.


Infinite arc? what is that? An AutoCAD command? An infinite arc for those that don’t know (including this reporter) is when the height of a pitch goes WAY above 12 feet and is not called by the umpire. Rumor has it that it may have affected hitting. Ask Dave Walker for his thoughts.


Great job Blue Pills. Onward and upward.



Red Faces Report – Tom Hunter

[Ed. Note – the Red Faces’ game report from Game 1 was lost in the mail. Coincidentally, the Red Faces were mercied 15-3 in five innings.]

Having finally returned from the wilderness (or wherever he was), Manager Mike Boyle gave a stirring speech to pick up his dispirited team following their dismal performance in Game One.  In his dreams.  In reality, Mike decided to adopt the Jon Cooper approach to coaching – “I chew gum and let the players play.”  It worked.  In the first inning Jim McDonald’s leadoff single was promptly followed by triples from Ron VanderMeulin and Jeff Francis. However, the Winers were not intimidated and quickly put up a mercy in the bottom half.  The pitching mastery of Jack Pang kept the overripe Wines scoreless for the next three innings while the Faces rebounded to claim a 4-run lead going into the precarious seventh.  Two quick outs later, the Winers were hanging on by their fingertips and the Faces could almost taste the victory beer. But in the OMMSPL the third out can be elusive.  A high infield fly looked like the final out, but a slight miscalculation (or was it the Sun?) left pitcher Pang with his pride and noggin equally wounded. The Wines graciously provided another opportunity to end the contest with a fly ball to left field, but it dropped in. The next batter had a strong hit into centre left field which looked certain to bring home the tying runs, but speedy Dan Sancartier preserved the victory with a nicely timed running catch.  Whew!

VanderMeulin, Francis and Bernie Renwick were all a perfect 5-5 at the plate on the day, and Jim MacDonald was 3-4 with a walk. The defensive highlight of the day was an unassisted double play by reciprocally named Dave George.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

Player expectations were high that the Fine Wines could extend their one-game win streak which began the previous week. Four runs in each of the first two innings gave the Wines an 8-4 lead over the Red Faces. An additional 3 runs were added in the 4th frame, followed by 5 more in the fifth which brought an end to this mercy-shortened contest with the Wines coming out on top 15-3. Offensive output was provided by Geoff Coulson and Jonathan Kamin with 4 hits apiece, and 7 runs. Mike Way produced a 3-run dinger as part of his 3-hit game. Ian Schell found his groove at the plate, going 3 for 3 and scoring once.

Picking up where they left off in game 1, the Wines scored 5 runs to lead off Game 2. Unfortunately for the Wines their bats then became as quiet and useless as a corkscrew at a boxed wine convention. Innings 2 thru 6 saw the Wines send a lowly 20 batters to the plate and score but a single run by Schell, who again supplied 3 hits. With the Wines needing a bunch of runs in their half of the final frame, your intrepid reporter was in a pickle because he had to vacate the diamond to participate in another kind of ball game. [Ed. Note – Dave left early to play in an Ontario Seniors Pickleball Tournament.  There is no truth to the rumour that some unusual betting activity was connected to his premature departure.] Manager Chris Barrett reported to me that Mike Way skyed a ball (a homerun in an elevator shaft) that ended up landing on the Red Faces' pitcher's head for a hit. A screaming line drive to the outfield by one of the team's Ians (either BIG IAN or little ian) was caught to end the game.

 So with the split in games, the optimist in me says the Wines' glasses were half full.




May 9, 2024


Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

Following last week's beat-down double defeat, the question facing the Fine Wines was: would the team play like a beautiful bottle of Dom Perignon, or would the result resemble the iconic flask- shaped bottle of Mateus with a candle stuffed in its mouth dripping candle wax down its sides?

Game 1 of this double dip saw the Wines holding a 13-12 lead after 4 innings. Unfortunately, the hits and runs dried up faster than Doug Ford changes his mind. The Royals scored 4 times over the final 3 frames to secure a 16-13 win and keep the Wines winless. Offensively, there was some pop in the bats of Dave Adams, Pat Blais, and Ben Roczniak who were all perfect at the plate. Jonathon Kamin, Chris Barrett, and Mike Way combined for 7 hits and 6 runs.

In the second game of this mid-morning matchup, the Wines popped their corks like a shaken bottle of Baby Duck. The team was relentless, racking up runs in every inning. The game came to a merciful end with a Geoff Coulson 3-run homer in the fifth frame to make the final 19-3. Pat Blais pitched a masterful game and was once again perfect at the plate (can anyone say Shohei Otani?). Also contributing to the offensive output were Rob Bentley, Gary Gilmour, Ian Carson, Adams and Kamin who pounded out 14 hits and scampered home with 8 runs.

So it may not have been a Dom Perignon day on the diamond but the Wines were still able to make a toast to their first win of the season. As for those candle-waxed bottles of Mateus, they do make a wonderful Mothers Day gift.

Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

[Ed. Note -the dog ate the Rusty Royals Report]


Blue Pills Report – Frank Sturm

Does anyone remember the first episode of the “Walking Dead”?  It was poignantly titled “Days gone by”. This would best describe the day.  Pills played like zombies for the most part. But if you know the show, Darrell Northcott can take care of business!  Our Darrell went 5 for 7 on the day, scored 3 times and made some great catches.  Other good bats (a Negan reference from the show) were Dave Walker 5 for 7, Frank Strum 5 for 7 and the Walker of the day Mike Canham, 3 for 3 with 4 walks. Let this day be gone bye and end the apocalypse.  We’ll strap on those cleats for a better day next week.


Red Faces Report – Tom Hunter

Buoyed by the return of superfan Cathy Renwick (along with her sidekick Bernie) the Red Faces clawed back to .500 on the season with two spirited wins over the Blue Pills. 

In Game One the Faces set the tone with 4 runs in the top of the first, but the Pills fearsome lineup dampened the mood with 3 of their own. Fortunately, crafty pitcher Ron VanderMeulin kept the Pills scoreless for the next 4 innings while the Faces demonstrated that we can actually hit (unlike last week).  Our defence was also much improved, including an unlikely blind catch by shortshop Jeff Francis running hell-bent toward the outfield fence. (LIke an over-the shoulder catch, but more “over the head”.)  In the bottom of the sixth the Pills scored 5 to create some mild discomfort, but the Faces promptly scored 3 in the seventh to snuff any misguided thoughts of a Pills comeback.  Final score 15-9.

Jack (of all trades) Pang made his pitching debut for the Faces in Game Two.  The Pills became very patient at the plate, resulting in an inordinate number of 3-2 counts, but Jack usually prevailed.  The Faces’ newfound fondness for hitting continued, and after 5 innings the score was a comfortable 10-3.  Once again the Pills found their stride late in the game and had the potential game-tying runners on base in the top of the seventh, but left them stranded to let the Red Faces escape with a 12-9 victory.  The defensive play of the game for the Faces was an unassisted double play by grizzled veteran John Finley, making a rare appearance at Rover.

Proving the old adage that hitting is contagious, each of the Red Faces had at least 3 hits (or in some cases 2 hits and a walk) and most of the lineup had an OBP above .667, so there is insufficient space to note individual batting performances except that Dan Sanscartier went 6 for 7.  The rest of you know who you are.


Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

The Grey wards suffered their first two losses of the season. Missing five of our regulars was a challenge. Nod of the baseball cap to Chappy for filling in and Super Spare Dave Ware who went 6/7.  Steve Craig led the way with a 7/8 day at the plate. George (Jorge) flew in from the Dominican for his first two games pitching and did not walk one batter. Looking forward to getting on the right side of the win column next week.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

Un"Vince"ible.  That's what faced the White Hairs as their two Vinces, the only Vinces in the OMMSPL, were both absent. Undettered, European Import Rookies Andy Byj and Doug Hyland made their debuts.  Buy a Vowel Yaschyshyn also returned.

Last week's hitting prowess went missing but strong pitching and several outstanding defensive plays carried the Hairs to two hard-fought victories 10-9 and 13-9.

Tony Foscarin was flawless on the right side.  Breadbasket Warren made a perfect throw to second to erase that speedy Greybeard Heinbecker.  Gerry Coveny made a key catch in right and Road Runner Brancier tracked down several line drives.

At the plate, Buy a Vowel was 6 for 6 and Rookie Byj and Morton each contributed 5 hits.  Bill Manson delivered several key run-scoring hits.

White Hairs' first to Monahans streak continued.  This year's Hairs are a bit more of a traditional squad - only one salad ordered and a team beer fund was established.

MAY 2, 2024

Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

Are the Rusty Royals for real?  Having tanked for the better part of the last five years the organization focused on the future and picked up a plethora of high draft choices. Those choices have finally matured and reached the bigs. In Game One rookie Ron Belluomini had a great debut hitting 3 for 3 with a double, two runs scored and two ribbies. Jeff Palmer also had three hits and Rich Halyk pitched a gem.  Rick Martin fresh off the IL made a terrific over-the-shoulder catch of a Texas leaguer.  Willi Thurner, though not used to playing in front of the huge OMMSPL attendance levels, kept his cool, made a nice grab of a deep fly and also contributed a run.  Newbie Brian Mastervik performed admirably, going 2 for 3 with a double, ribbie and a run.

Expected to meet doormats, the Red Faces came out hunting for bear in game two.  The Rusty Royals would no longer be under-estimated.  Early on the Royals fell behind 5-1 as they made a few errors.  They kept their composure however, played as a team, and by the end of four were only down by 2.  In the top of the fifth their bats exploded and they plated five led by Andy McMacMacKin's lead-off single.   In the bottom of the sixth the Royals plated three led by the bottom of the order to go ahead.  Tight defence held the Red Faces in the top of the seventh and the Rusty Royal went home with a 10-9 victory.  The post game beers were sweet.

Red Faces Report – Tom Hunter

A perfect opening day, if you don’t mind losing.  The Red Faces strategically decided to treat Game One as a pre-season warmup, with a predictable outcome – a 15-3 mercy after 5 short innings.  The Faces’ offence generated an average of two lonely baserunners per inning, and the defence might charitably be described as “inconsistent”.

After a trip to Canadian Tire to load up on WD-40 the Faces returned for Game Two and promptly put up 5 runs in the top of the first to take what they assumed would be an insurmountable lead.  Unfortunately, the Royals had other ideas and started to chip away.  After 4 innings the Faces still held a precarious 7-4 lead, but coughed up 5 runs in the fifth to squander it.  Trailing 10-7 going into the seventh inning the Faces considered mailing it in and getting a head start to Monaghans, but instead mounted a furious rally to score 2 and load the bases, but that’s all she wrote.

Defensive highlights included several strong plays by Jeff Francis at shortstop and a leaping snag of a line drive by Ron VanderMeulin which left both teams standing slack-jawed in awe. 

Offensive highlights – VanderMeulin was 4-5 with a walk, Dan Sanscartier was 4-5 with a sac fly, Jack Pang was 2-3 with 3 walks, Don Mosely-Williams was 3-4 with a walk, Tom Hunter was 3-4 with 2 walks and Dave George and Tony Reda were each 3-5.

Wallace the umpire also had a good day, including making an interesting safe call at first when the ball clearly beat the runner, but Wallace astutely noticed that the base was occupied by two defenders, which is apparently a no-no. Who knew?

The team is expecting great things from the return of manager Mike Boyle and star infielder Bernie Renwick next week.


Blue Pills Report – Darrell Northcott

On opening day the Blue Pills lost a pair, 9-4 and 16-9. Kudos to the Grey Beards who played solid on offence and made their plays on defence without giving us any free passes.

The Pills got an excellent pitching performance from Mike Canham along with a well-timed single that drove in a couple runs. Ed Lincz was kept very busy at second base with a lot of lefthanded hitters to deal with, and made many good plays including stretching to the max to snag a line drive destined for right field. Frank Sturm had a great day at leadoff and covered a lot of ground in centre.

Bottom line is the Pills are looking forward to a new challenge next week and hope to get the bats going and string some hits together. Especially looking forward to seeing Dave Walker keep the ball within the lines as he missed about 5 standup doubles by a couple feet. Top hitting performances - Frank Sturm with 6 hits and Tony Fratia and Greg Aubert with 5 apiece. Over and out.


Grey Beards Report – Larry Young

Season opening games started with a beautiful spring day. Sunny with very little cloud. The Greybeards managed to sweep their double header with two pretty evenly matched teams. Neither pitcher walked a batter the entire day. The Greybeards were led in hitting with Steve Moses going six for seven and Randy Heinbecker going six for eight. Andy Kozai was our great farmer as he was outstanding in his field with two phenomenal running catches in centre field. The left side of our infield was a strength throughout the day with Mac at third and the Craig twins (Bill and Steve) hoovering anything hit their way. The player of the day however went to our league veteran Barney Henderson who batted six for seven and beat out a close double play on his only out of the day, as well as playing an excellent right field. Majority of the team went back to Monaghans after the game for many stories and laughs. Looking forward to next week.


Fine Wines Report – Chris Barrett

Opening game for 2024 was not the rematch of 2023 finals the Winers had hoped for vs the White Hairs.

The new lineup came out and scored 3 quick runs, but gave away a run at home plate, then waited until the 4th inning to score a 5.  Ending with 10 runs - not a bad start. New to our League, Jonathan Kamin had two hits as did Mike Way, Pat Blais, Ian Schell, Rick Wilkinson, Bob Edmonston, Don Brown and Rob Bentley. Unfortunately, other than Ian at second base we were much too generous in our fielding and the powerful/ speedy White Hairs kept scoring.

The Fine Wines lineup got better in the second game, holding the White Hairs to 9 runs, but we couldn't muster any big rallies and only scored 4. This kept White Hairs Captain Morty happy so we could get to Monaghans in time. Who needed starting 1-1?

Mike was 3-4 and Pat, Ian, Bob, Jonathan, Ben Roczniak and Gary Gilmour each had two hits.

Looking forward to our returning outfielders and little more practice for future better results.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

First to the Field Vince Pileggi got caught in some traffic and was last to the field.  Undeterred, the ‘24 White Hairs took to the field to support pitcher "Bill I don't walk anyone Manson".

The first game was close through 4.  Whiteys erupted for 9 in the 5th and 6th and cruised to a 19-10 win.

Returning White Hair, Bread Basket Warren, volunteered to apply/collect for lead off and strike out fines.  Ironically he promptly had the first K of the year, albeit swinging. 

Later Kim hit an inside the park home run despite questionable base running.  Perhaps the league could get a group discount on hearing aids.

Game two was a closer affair with the Hairs prevailing 9-4.  Mark Brancier and Gerry Coveny made several great plays in the outfield and Secret Weapon Grudzinki was his usual slick fielder at 3rd for the Hairs.

In total the Hairs banged out 49 hits with every player getting at least 3.

P.S.  yes, the Hairs were first to Monahans!






August 3, 2023

[Ed. Note - this is the last instalment of game reports for the 2023 season.  Our intrepid reporters need to concentrate on the upcoming playoffs and spend more time at the batting cage. Also, our creative juices are running low and we don’t want to start repeating ourselves, even though most of our readers can’t remember what we wrote last week.]  

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

Red Faces went to bat with their hitting shoes on, pounding out 32 hits in the opener and 54 altogether to turn back the Blue Pills 18-4 and 12-9 and end their regular season on a positive note.

In the opener, the team rolled the dice with Bill Manson on the mound back from a vacation in Las Vegas. Bill shook off the rust and limited the Pills to just 1 run over the first four innings. The busiest fielder was Ben Roczniak who made a number of good plays at third base. In his first game at shortstop, Jeff Palmer showed good range as he seems to have shaken off most of the ill effects of a torn MCL. John Crowder also made a lot of good plays at rover. Red Pills had five players with four hits in the opener and one with three hits.

Satisfied with their hitting prowess in the first game, the Faces slowly let the second game almost get away from them as they trailed 6-1 after two and a half innings. The team righted the ship and scored 11 runs the rest of the way while pitcher Rick Halik held the Pills to three more runs to hang on for the win.

Among the top hitters were John Crowder who went eight-for-eight with five runs scored. Jeff Palmer had 6 hits and 4 RBIs. Ben Roczniak added five hits and 4 runs scored. Bruce Locke went seven-for-seven with 3 runs scored and 3 RBIs. Bill Manson had 3 hits and 5 RBIs. Al Stokes went six-for-seven with 5 RBIs. Rick Halik was hitting the ball well all game with four hits and 4 RBIs. Rudy Gauer played a very steady LC and added three hits. Cubby was steady in the middle and added three hits. Warren Pantrey had four hits and five runs scored and Mike Boyle added five hits.

Blue Pills Report – Garry Schultz

Our very capable manager and solid reporter, Greg Aubert was at a tournament in London.  I hope he enjoyed more success than we did.  Looking forward to your return, Greg.

Apparently we took the wrong Pill and had two downers much to the delight of the Red Faces. We don’t do well when we are “Gregless”. In his absence I very foolishly volunteered to do the game report.  Well, I call it a game report.  Take it easy.

Game 1: Red Faces 13   Pills 4

Game 2: Red Faces 12   Pills 9

The pills were in flow mode in game 2, leading 6 to 1.  Eventually they faltered and the final score was 12 – 9.   


Mark Brancier: triple, double, 2 singles, 3 runs scored

Gerry Coveny 2 doubles, 3 singles and a walk, 1 run scored,

Garry Schultz 3 singles, 1 RBI,

Darrell Northcott 5 singles and a double, 2 RBI

Mark Twain famously said: “if you can’t get a compliment pay yourself one, I can live on a good compliment for two months”.  I can say for sure that the right fielder made three great catches.  Each was more spectacular than the last, I said.

Finally, we had so many pinch runners it is difficult to decipher just who scored a run.  It was said that we could have used more pinch runners.

Playoffs, here we come!


Rusty Royals Report – Bob Edmonson

The Rusties welcomed Bill Craig as a new player on the team and while our illustrious leader, John Koopman was in Moncton we took both games by mercy over the understaffed Grey Beards. The team doubled their season win total and scored 45 runs over the two games setting an unprecedented league record; ok, maybe  a Rusty Royals record.  But the team’s run production has been abysmal all year and the one day run total represents 25% of the season total. On this day the Rusties’ bats finally came alive with solid hitting from top to bottom in the line-up and steady defense. It was a far cry from the pitiful 7 runs over two games against the White Hairs the week before.

The first game ended up 17 to 4 led by a homerun from Dan Sanscartier with Don Moseley-Wms and Bert Therrien going 3 for 3. Thanks to Jeff Morton for filling in as a spare. Jeff also went 3 for 3. Our newbie, Bill Craig, played a solid shortstop.

The second game started like a slugfest with each team cashing in 5 runs in the first inning, but the Rusties pulled away to win 28 to 15; maxing out at 5 runs in five of the six innings played.   The run production was helped by home runs from Dan Sanscartier (again), Dave Ward, Bill Craig and Dan Cooper while Don, hitting machine, Moseley-Wms finished going 4 for 4 for a perfect day. Dan Cooper also went 4 for 4 while the team, as an average, batted .778. It was a great way to end the regular season.

It was back to Monaghan’s with our best team turnout of the season where we celebrated with pitchers of beer and Caesar salads and plotted on how to keep Koop in Moncton while looking forward to the playoffs!

Grey Beards Report – Tom Hunter

Remember that scene when Butch Cassidy turns to the Sundance Kid as they are being relentlessly chased by bounty hunters and says… “Who are those guys?  They’re beginning to get on my nerves.” ? 

The Rusty Royals came out of nowhere to massacre the Grey Beards with two convincing mercies by scores of 17-4 and 28-15 to administer a shocking ending to the Beards’ regular season. Actually, the losing team could more accurately be called the “GreyHairs/WhiteBeards” as Rick Cummings, Tony Foscarin and Frank Sturm joined the Beards from the White Hairs for the day.  Our temporary reinforcements from the Hairs acquitted themselves admirably on the field and at the plate, so we can’t blame the losses on them.  In fact, without them we probably would have been back at Monaghans for brunch. 

The Beards’ anemic offense in Game One might be attributed to shell shock,or perhaps we were out of breath from chasing balls all over the field.  In any event the Beards’ sputtering offense regained a small measure of respectability in Game Two, but it was no match for the consecutive 5-spots recorded by the relentless Rusties.  Defensively the Beards were no worse than usual, so full credit to the Royals for solid hitting.

Doug Howard was 6-6, Jeff Francis was 4-6 including one over the fence, and Jim Moriarty, Andy McMakin and the ageless Rick Cummings were also each 4-6.  We are holding Rick hostage.

Thanks to Al King of the White Hairs who also came out to spare but graciously offered to umpire both games instead when some Grey Beards unexpectedly materialized at game time.  It’s also possible that Al had a premonition.


Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

The Wines were well aware that the 3-team battle for first place was as tight as a bullfrog's mouth stretched over a boxcar. Win both games against the Green Gimps at Glenashton East and the top berth would be theirs.

Game 1 saw the Wines score 5 runs with 2 out in the top of the 1st. The Gimps responded with 4 runs of their own. This would be a close-knit contest for the full seven innings, with the final outcome being 12-12. Bernie Renwick and Chris Barrett both had 3 hits and scored twice. Mighty Mike Way launched a ball which cleared the left field fence, dropped onto the grass, spun through the parking lot, deflected off a parked car, rolled into the school and down the hall, before finally coming to a stop at the Principal’s office door, which coincidentally is where Mike spent some of the best years in High School.

Game 2 was a lower scoring affair. Following a 5-run fifth, the score was 8-5 for the Lads in Lavender...which became the final result. Mr. Utility Jim McDonald along with pitcher Rick Wilkinson combined for 5 hits and a pair of runs. Barrett and Way donated 5 hits and 3 runs.

 A win and a tie were not enough to take top spot. So with the Wines finishing in 2nd place, these two games against the Guys in Green would prove beneficial in the Wines’ first playoff encounter next Thursday against the Green Gimps.

Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

Well, where do we begin. In a game played between two evenly matched teams the GGs tied the first game 12-12. Kudos to the Fine Whiners for shutting down the top of the GGs order in the bottom of the seventh to preserve the tie.  In the second game the offence went to sleep on both teams, with the exception of a 5-spot put up by the Fine Whiners in the 5th to take an 8-5 lead which held up for the remainder of the game.  The GGs failed to score in the last 4 innings thus sealing their fate. 

It’s hard to find players of the game but Frank Accomando in true gentlemanly fashion showed up to Monahan's after the game to donate a pitcher of beer to the GGs table to commemorate his strikeout.  One of the GGs was heard to mutter, "Geez, Frank should strike out more often".   It has also been rumoured that the GGs’ coach will be squirreling away this weekend to review the lineup and has threatened to make some drastic changes in order to inspire the GGs to greater heights.  There was fear and trepidation among the GGs as they all thought the coach was quitting and someone would have to take over the reins, but no, the coach is committed (or at least should be) to finishing the season.

Congratulations to the White Hairs for finishing on top of the league and to the Fine Whiners for extending the outcome to the final day of the regular season. To the rest of the league, beware, the new season has begun.



July 27, 2023

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

Neither the Red Faces nor the aptly named Green Gimps left their hitting swings at home as both teams combined for 57 runs to split their doubleheader on Thursday.

In the opener, the teams traded runs fairly evenly over the first four innings. Red Faces put up a three-spot in the fifth while holding the Gimpers at bay and then held on for the win. A spectacular relay from Warren Pantrey in right centre to second baseman John Crowdis to Ben Roczniak at third produced the second out in the seventh and put to rest any thoughts the Gimpers had about a comeback.

In the second game the teams went toe-to-toe for the first three innings and the Gimpers found themselves up 12-10. But the Red Faces could only manage two runs the rest of the way while their signature strong defence was nowhere to be found, leaving them all red-faced ….

Leading the hit parade for the Red Faces was Roczniak who had himself quite the game, going seven-for-seven with six runs scored and 5 RBIs. Mark Dreschel went five-for-six with 9 RBIs. Jeff Palmer went four-for-six with three RBIs. Bruce Locke was perfect in the opener going 4-for-4 and finished with five hits and a sac fly. Pantrey went five-for-seven with 4 runs scored and 2 RBIs. Crowdis was pounding the ball all day going four-for-seven. Rick Halik pitched both games.

Special thanks to Blue Pills’ players Darrell Northcott who went four-for-six and Jim Fenner who went three-for-six, which gave the Red Faces 11 players on a hot and humid day.

Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

While the GGs and Red Faces split the games, 15-13 for the Red Faces in the first and 17-12 for the GGs in the second, it was a game of attrition as both teams were playing with an injured  lineup and runners were continually required throughout the game.  The first game was a close affair with the GGs trailing by 2 going into the top of the seventh. With the meat of the order coming up it was a slam dunk that the game would be a least tied or in the GGs favour by the end of their at-bats. Well, fortunately the coach did not put a bet on it as it was a 3-up, 3-down inning aided by an “almost” triple by Mike Mozewsky. It was inspired baserunning but unfortunately Mike was out by 10 feet. The highlight of the first game was an incredible catch of a foul popup by our catcher Frank Accomando who spun around twice and then in a bout of dizziness fell down and still made the catch. After studying our game film Baryshnikov is contemplating putting that move into his next choreography.

The second game was an extremely close affair with the GGs pulling ahead in the bottom of the 6th with a 5-spot.  The GGs then returned the favour from the first game and held the Red Faces scoreless in the top of the seventh to win 19-12. 

Notable mentions from the two games were Mike Mozewsky (yes, despite running into an out in a critical situation) with 7 hits and solid defense at 3rd, Tom France with another 6 hit day and turning in an unassisted rally-killing double play at second, and Steve Vitella who inspires us all with his hitting and hobbling to first to save us a courtesy runner.  Special mention goes to the outfielders who ran an extra 5 miles chasing down all the line drives in the gap.   

A small muse to conclude - while the abbreviation for the Green Gimps is GGs it also stands for the Good Guys and while writing this and having many typos and spellcheck working overtime, I noticed that if you spell Red Faces incorrectly it comes up as “Red Feces”.  Hmmmmm.  One more week and onto the playoffs.


Rusty Royals Report – Bill Johnson

Game 1 - As the Royals prepare for the playoffs they were put to the test facing the White Hairs who had scored 100 more runs than the last-place Rustys.  In recent weeks the Royals defense has held them in games but the bats have been silent and today's games held to script.  The Haireys got their 7 runs by the 5th inning and even though the Rustys got 3 in the 4th and another in the 5th and had the tying run at second base in the 7th, the WHs held on to win 7-5.  Johnson was 3-3 at the plate, however it was Dan Sanscartier in left center who put on a clinic -throwing out 2 baserunners at third base and 1 baserunner at second and making a diving/sliding catch late in the game that saved a couple of runs that gave the Royals a chance to steal the game.

Game 2 - Did I mention the Royals’ bats have been silent?  Did I mention that the Royals’ defense has kept them in games?  The score at the end of the 3rd inning was 7-2 White Hairs.  Final score 7-2 White Hairs!  Bob Edmondson was the bright spot in the Rusty lineup going 3-3 but as the game scoring indicates, once again the Royals couldn't get anything going.  The talk around the pub was that the playoffs are around the corner and with that comes new hope for a strong finish to 2023.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

Royals’ Bill Johnson is my neighbour.  During BP he predicted we could be done by 11:55 and arrive first at Monaghans. He was off by 4 minutes as the 2nd game concluded at 11:51. Back at Monaghans I recounted that I had heard a couple of coyotes howling outside my home Wednesday night. Ding Dong Cummings revealed that it's mating season and this is the coyotes' mating noises.  When Bill was asked if he heard the noise he indicated he had not.  Hmm, one wonders if Bill was in fact the howler.

In game news, the Hairs played shut down defense all day.  Hook Canham kept the Blue Bangers at bay and every White gloves man contributed key outs - Al King a running (yes running) catch, Pitbull a couple of fine plays at 3rd, Ding Dong asserting himself at Rover, Professor Paterson a leaping catch at second, Barnburner Henderson solid in right and switch hitting Fratia perfect in the field. Not intending to make Bill Johnson the centerpiece of the Hairs write-up, Crazy Legs Sturm in left center expertly defended Bill and big Dave Ware.

Meanwhile the whippets struck early in game one as Sturm, first on the field Pileggi and Nick Wollaston each scored twice.  Morton drove in 5 of the Hairs’ runs and had an over the fence dinger. 

Game one was a nail-biting 7-5 win for the Hairs.

Game 2 and the Hairs reached their lucky 7 after the first 3 innings.  Roman Kryzaniwsky finally stopped talking with his long time friend Don Yaschyshyn to deliver a key 2-out hit in the 5-run second inning. Shut down D followed, allowing the Hairs to escape with a 7-2 game two win.

Back at the bar Manager Morton declared Thursday July 27 as a no salad day.  Clearly the lads weren't listening as 5 of the 10 had a variety of the lettuce offerings off the menu.


Grey Beards Report – Tom Hunter

Thursday was Reciprocal Day at Glenashton West.  16-13 for the Beards over the Wines, followed by 16-13 for the Wines over the Beards.  Impressive hits and fine defensive plays by the Beards.  Fine defensive plays and impressive hits by the Wines.  It was like playing your doppleganger, except for the fact the Wines started the day in first place and the Beards in second-last.  Go figure.

Jim Banyard put on a masterful performance on the mound for the Beards, pitching both games without issuing a walk. Jim was equally adept at the plate, going 5 for 7 with a walk.  Roy Kitching put on a power bunting clinic, successfully reaching first base on several occasions despite the ball travelling far shorter distances.  In game one Jeff Francis terrorized the Winers with 3 consecutive triples, the last of which split the outfielders and reached the fence. The aforementioned outfielders chased down the ball with (perhaps excessive) enthusiasm, collided and went down in a tangle of arms and legs. Jim Moriarity, the Beards’ handy non-practicing physician, was once again prevailed upon to triage the injured.  He was later overhead muttering “I wish I still had an OHIP billing number”.  Meanwhile, displaying the sportsmanship for which OMMSPL is renowned, Beards’ manager Chappie held Francis at third despite the fact that Francis could have easily meandered home regardless of the carnage in the outfield and gone for coffee, prompting umpire Glenn Marshall to quip… “if you lose at least it’ll be a classy loss”. 

Other strongly offensive (in a good way) performers for the Beards were Jeff McPhee who was 5 for 7, Rob Bentley 5 for 7, Randy Heinbecker 5 (or maybe 6 or 7?) for 8, and spare Brian Vermeer 5 for 7 with a solid game at third base.  Here’s a hot tip (which this reporter learned the hard way a few weeks ago) – if the guy at the bottom of the order hits it over your head (i) he might be a spare; and (ii) you might want to give him a little more room next time around.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

Following the previous week's victories the first place Wines thought they would, yes, send a message (by tin can telephone, because we know they worked so well when we were kids) by scoring 5 runs in the first inning. The unimpressed Beards answered back with 4 of their own and then kept on scoring. It was a game of catchup for the Wines, which is not a condiment associated with any variety of wine.

Midway through Game 1, there was a collision in the Wines' outfield of Mack Truck proportions...but perhaps Bumper Car impact might be more apropos as the colliders were Andy Kozai and Rick Wilcox. Both players had to leave the game. Rick drove home with a large bump on his noggin and sore ribs. Andy went to the Mississauga Trillium Emergency. Andy later contacted your inquisitive reporter and said that a CT Scan was done on his head but they "found nothing but some loose change." He had an MRI of his neck and the docs said that the tingling in his arms "should subside in a few days."  He went on to say that he would be "wearing a cowbell in the outfield for the rest of the season beginning next Thursday."

Meanwhile, the game must go on. Following that 5-run first frame the Wines could only muster (also not a condiment) 8 more runs and fell 16-13 to the Grey Beards. Offensively, Bernie Renwick accrued 4 hits and a pair of runs. Mike Way, Ian Schell, George Merrick, Kozai, and Wilcox notched 11 hits and donated 8 runs to the losing cause.

Between games, the Wines' scorekeeper, Vince Moffat was visibly upset that his 5-game win streak had been snapped. The irate Moffat sarcastically told the team to let the Beards score 5 runs in the 1st inning and the Wines could then come back to win.

Sure enough, Vince's prognostication was fulfilled as the Beards led 5-1 following the initial inning. After 3 innings the Beards’ differential had grown to 11-5, as their batters were able to find the holes (I know that sounds dirty, but it is baseball terminology). The Wines then began to shave the overgrown Beards' lead to one run, 13-12 after five innings. In the 6th, the Wines used their bottom half (again, not dirty) to take a 16-13 lead. The top of the 7th saw the Beards go down in order (I definitely need a censor) and make the final 16-13. The Wines’ offence was a total team effort as nearly every Wine player who made it to second base ended up scoring (I need help...). Leading the Wines was pitcher Rick Wilkinson who carved out 4 hits and three runs. Tony Foscarin, Steve Isaacs, Chris Barrett, Merrick and Renwick all chipped in with 3 hits apiece and a total of 8 runs.

During the second game, a Grey Beard batter had 4 balls on him (I can't stop!) for the second time and the rule had to be explained by umpire-in-chief Glen Marshall. To your baffled reporter, the conversation was as confusing as it is for me to fold fitted sheets to the specs outlined by my wife. Of course, what happens under the sheets stays under the sheets...at least until the next laundry day.


July 20, 2023

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

Interim manager Rudy Gauer led the short-handed Red Faces into battle against the Rusty Royals with favourable results. The Red Faces managed to steal victory from the jaws of defeat with late-inning heroics in both games.

Down 6 regulars and with 2 spares to give Red Faces 10 players, Rudy led the team into battle. Red Faces’ signature strong defence play was a factor.

In the opener, pitcher Rick Halik gave up a five-spot in the first inning, but then held the Royals off the board the rest of the way. Bruce Locke’s timely RBI in the top of the seventh proved to be the difference maker as Red Faces snuck out a 6-5 win.

In the second game, pitcher Bill Manson pitched well and had three hits to help his team to another 6-5 win. Spare Dave Thompson knocked in the go-ahead run in the bottom of the seventh inning, then hobbled to first base with an injured calf muscle for a walk-off winner!

Manson and Gauer led the hit parade with four hits each. Spare Kirk McDonald helped out with four hits. One-legged Mark Drescher had 3 hits as did Thompson.

Rusty Royals Report – Bill Johnson

Game 1 - It was double-play-day with the Reds and the Royals.  Jack Pang [rover] had 2 or 3 himself in game one as the Rustys scored 5 in the 1st inning and tried to hang on to the end, until the Reds scored 2 in the top of 7 and the Royals couldn't counter and lost game one 6-5.  Pang also went 3-3 and was an obvious player of the game.

Game 2 - A few more double plays and a 1-1 count at the plate had the game moving along quickly.  Déjà vu, as the Royals put up 5 in the 4th and tried to hold on with great defense going into the bottom of the 7th. Wasn't to be though, as the Faces scored the 2 runs they needed to also win game two 6-5.  Even with some good defense and much more hitting, the Royals couldn't get those timely hits needed to put the Reds away.  Steve Moses, Dan Sanscartier, and Mgr Koopman all had 3 hits and Don Yaschyshyn was 4-4. 

Possibly the Rustys have secured the underdog role going into the playoffs in a few weeks.


White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

After being shorthanded the previous two weeks, 13 of the Hairs arrived on time and ready to face the Bordeaux boys.

Defensively the Whiteys played ok and held an 8-7 lead after 5.  Unbelievably, the Hairs only scored 3 more on the day.

Between games, Hook Canham asked to speak to the lads.  His message was simple - the whippets at the top of the lineup and the last 3rd of the lineup needed to step it up.

The middle of the lineup had carried us, not too far, in game one.

Game two and the Winers declined playing with 1:1 count.  The Hairs decided to speed things up themselves and put up a measly 3 runs in game 2.

Down 11 after four innings, the Whiteys dug in defensively and didn’t allow any more runs.  Highlights on D were a few double plays and a couple more that didn't quite work out.

Bread Basket Warren rebounded with a 4 for 5 performance and Hop Along returned from the injured list with 3 hits.

The Hairs had 11 strong at Monahans for another great post-game day.  It was noted that several of the guys, including myself, ordered salad.  It's hard to instill fear in other teams when you're chowing down with oil and vinegar dressing salads.

See you all next week.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

You could smell it in the air. NO! ...not smoke. It was the anticipation leading up to this two-game series between the 1st place White Hairs and the 2nd place Fine Wines. This would be the teams' only in-season encounter as their scheduled season opener was a rainout.

In the top of the first inning the Wines wanted to send a message (by telegraph because we're old) that they were here without fear. Five runs were scored with nary an out being recorded.

Innings 2 thru 5 saw a scarcity of runs which resulted in only a pair of Fine Wine runners tapping their toes on the plate. Heading into the top of the 6th, the score was 8-7 Whites. Bernie Renwick started the Wine rally with a seeing-eye single. An abundance of singles followed and by the time the diamond dust had settled, 5 runners had stomped on home, giving the Wines a 12-8 lead. Both teams then rested their bats, making the final score the aforementioned 12-8.

Topping the hit parade chart was the Quartet of Andy Kozai, Mike Way, Chris Barrett and Renwick who combined their talents for 8 hits and 8 runs. Steve Isaacs led the team 3 hits, and a run scored.

Game 2 saw the upwardly mobile Wines thirsting for the sweep. After holding the Whites scoreless in the top of the 1st, the Wines scored 4 times, a lead which would not be relinquished. Five runs in the 3rd inning, followed by four more in the 4th frame gave the Wines a comfortable 13-3 lead, which coincidentally became the final score. Fine Wines Manager Chris Barrett put to rest any thoughts of a White Hairs comeback when he caught two fly balls and threw out a Hairy runner at the plate to end the game. For the Wines, the hits would just keep on coming as Dave Adams and Ian Schell auditioned for the Quartet (to make it a Sextet), by cranking out 5 hits and donating 3 runs.

Fine Wines pitcher Rick Wilkinson hurled two almost perfect games as he was able to vary the height, the width and depth of his tosses.

Newly rehired scorekeeper Vince Moffatt was once again perfect with the scoresheet, running his personal winning streak to 5 games.


Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

For the second week in a row, the Blue Pills started out with guns a'blazing.  The first 3 batters each got a hit and scored a run. The second inning featured more of the same. The Pills put up 4 in response to a 5-spot by the GG's which gave them a 7 to 6 lead after 2 innings. After that outburst, the offense dried up for both teams until the Pills scored 4 in the 6th which gave them a 4-run lead going into the last inning.  In the top of the 7th, the GG's got their first 2 guys on base and then a combination of good hitting coupled with several defensive miscues produced the game-tying runs. In the bottom half, the Pills got men at 1st & 3rd with one out, but alas, staunch defence shut down their chances for a walk-off victory and the game ended in a sister-kiss result of 12 all.

Game 2 was all GG's.  They found their hitting strokes and built an 11 to 1 lead after 4 innings.  The Pills were hitting the ball hard but many good shots found their way into GG gloves.  The game finally ended in a mercy result of 14 to 2 in the 6th inning. 

Thanks to Tom Hunter who subbed for us. Tom went 4 for 6 on the day and played well defensively.  [Ed. Note – thanks for not mentioning my howling baserunning error.] The Blue Pills were led offensively by Jim Fenner (5/6), Greg Aubert (5/7), Pat Blais (4/7) and Mark Brancier (4/7).

Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

It was hot and the Green Gimps lived up to their name. Courtesy runners were continually required from the screen and on the basepaths as the Gimps were limping as best as they could.  Missing their starting pitcher, Mike Mozewsky stepped into the breach and pitched brilliantly and while the defense was a bit shaky to start, a few well placed growls from Mike woke everyone up.  Down 12 to 8 in the top of the seventh in Game One the GGs scored 4 to tie it and then held the Blue Pills scoreless in their half to salvage a point.  In the second game The GGs rushed out to an early lead and won 14-2 after 6 innings capped off by Steve Vitella's sac fly to bring in the last run. Tom France, who has turned into a hitting machine, led the way with 8 hits and Geoff Coulson tallied 4 runs scored as 7 players garnered 5 hits each. Doug McArthur hit a home run and at first insisted he stop at third, but with the urgings of our third base coach and the entire bench Doug decided to continue on to complete the 4-bagger. Mike Mozewsky pitched a total of 7 shutout innings earning him another start sometime in the future. Special mention goes to our walking wounded - Richard Grudzinski (bad knee), Mike Mozewsky (bad leg), Jim Staios (Achilles tendon), Steve Vitella (who insists on running for himself and saving us a runner) and Frank Accomando who in an effort to inspire us pulled a hamstring and then had to retire for the rest of the day.  Rumor has it he just wanted to join the cool guys.







July 13, 2023

Grey Beards Report – Tom Hunter

Important stuff first.  For those who might not have heard, Glen Ferguson briefly collapsed while pitching batting practice before game one.  Fortunately Jim Moriarity, the Grey Beard’s talented shortstop who moonlights as a medical researcher and (non-practising) doctor, calmly and effectively took charge of the situation. After a few tense moments Glen seemed reasonably OK and didn’t object too strenuously when the paramedics carted him off the field to the ambulance.  Yesterday (Saturday) Glen sent an email to his teammates advising that he had apparently had a “minor” heart attack and will be in the shop for some repairs in the near future. We wish Glen a speedy recovery and hope to see him back on the field soon.

After that sober reminder of the frailties of existence and the importance of living life to the fullest, the Grey Beards and White Hairs proceeded to pummel each other with extra enthusiasm. In game one the Beards scratched and clawed their way to a 12-8 lead after 5 innings.  And then promptly pooched it, putting up goose-eggs in the last two innings and allowing the Hairy Guys to walk it off in the final frame 13-12.  ANOTHER ONE-RUN LOSS!

The resilient Beardies roared back in game two, putting up 5 runs in the first inning and 2 more in the second while holding the Whites scoreless.  Things were looking good. After 4 innings the Bearded guys held an insurmountable 12-4 lead.  Anyone remember the 2018 playoffs when the Leafs held a 3-goal lead in game 7 against Boston with 11 minutes to play?  That’s the 2023 Grey Beards.  The Hairs scored 5 runs in each of the last three innings, and when the dust cleared the scoreboard read 19-16 for the other guys.  There is no justice.  (In fairness, the White Hairs deserved most of those runs.)

Jeff Francis led the Beards’ offence going 7 for 8 on the day with two home runs.  Tom Hunter was 4 for 5 with two walks and a sac fly.  Andy McMakin was 6-8 and played exceptionally well at rover, roving over several acres and making frequent impressive catches. (Keep it up Andy and you might get promoted to the outfield!) Doug Howard, Rob Bentley and Jeff McPhee were each 5-8. Spare Dave Thomas was 4-7 and played a solid game at third base.  The Beards’ non-playing manager Jeff Chapman (aka “Chappy”) finally gave into temptation and played his first games of the season, going 6 for 8.  When asked by his concerned teammates what his wife and doctor would say, he growled “it’s easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission”.

The games featured an interesting subplot – musical spares.  Jeff Palmer of the Red Faces was assigned to the White Hairs as a spare, but when Ferguson went down (literally) before game one Hairs manager Jeff Morton gallantly loaned Palmer to the Beards for the game.  Palmer was a big help to the Beards’ cause, at least until he reverted to the Hairs for game two and wreaked havoc for the dark side.  Meanwhile, Rudy Gauer from the Red Faces materialized out of nowhere in time to spare for the Beards in game two.  Rudy went 3-4 at the plate and played flawlessly in left field. This strange sequence of events marks the first time in OMMSPL history when someone played for both opposing teams on the same day, at least intentionally.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

Hey Coach I Don't Know if You Noticed

After being swept the previous week, some tweaking of the Hairs lineup seemed appropriate. The three whippets topped the batting order and collectively had 21 hits and 17 runs.

Down 5 runs after 3 innings in game one, the Hairs tightened up their D giving up 1 run in the next 4 innings. Yes, Crazy Legs, we noticed your perfect game at the plate and 3 RBI triple in the 6th to complete the comeback.

Game 2 was another slow start for the Hairs as they trailed by 8 after 4 innings.  The Beardies could only get one of the scorching White sticks out in the 5th and 6th, and a 5-run 7th helped complete an epic comeback.  In total the Hairs had 21 hits in the last 3 innings.

The game ball was awarded to first on the field Pileggi who was 8 for 8 and made several outstanding plays in the field.  Not to be forgotten, Crazy Legs Sturm, sporting two different colored shoes, had 7 hits himself. Ding Dong Cummings,  batting cleanup, delivered time after time with 6 hits and solid play at 3rd.  Spare Dave Kozai filled in for Nick in right field and was flawless in the field.  Hopalong Palmer spared for the Beards in game one and for the Hairs in game 2.  Despite giving up 16 runs, Palmer picked up the pitching win and contributed 3 big game two hits.  He actually pitched pretty well.

Post game frivolity was fun as usual with several expressing concern for Bread Basket's psyche.  He simply smiled and had another Moosehead.


Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

The short-staffed Blue Pills lost both ends of the doubleheader against the Fine Wines by scores of 20 - 7 and 21 -11.  The Pills started the day strongly with the first three batters crossing the plate.  The hitting proficiency continued in the second inning as the Pills extended the lead to a score of 5 to 3.  Unfortunately the Pills’ bats went silent and they could muster only one additional run the rest of the way.  Meanwhile, the Winers’ bats came alive as they tallied 13 more runs over the last 4 innings and cruised to an easy victory.

Game 2 proved to be more of the same…strong hitting by the Wines coupled with weak hitting by the Pills.  To be fair, the Pills in fact smoked several laser shots that found their way into Winer gloves.  Pitcher Pat Blais was mumbling to himself as he was snakebitten 3 times.  On this day, the Pills fell victim to a team that hit and defended quite well.

Although the Pills collectively batted under .500 on the day, there were several guys who had very good results including Mark Brancier (7/8), Don Pente (5/6 + a Sac Fly), Dave George (6/7) and Garry Schultz (5/7 including an “inside the park” homer).

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

On a day when playing ball was the last thing your intrepid reporter thought he'd be doing this past Thursday morning, no, make that the second last thing he thought he'd be doing, he played.

Pitching for the first time in over a year, Fine Wineman Ian Schell held the (usually) potent Blue Pills offence to only 7 runs in the first game. The Wine’s offence gave Schell plenty of support, scoring runs in each of the game's 7 innings to win 20-7. Andy Kozai led the way, rattling off 4 hits and scoring a pair. Bernie Renwick, Jim McDonald, Tony Foscarin and Schell were eggcellent at the plate, combining for a dozen hits and 8 runs.

For Game 2 the Wines were down to only 3 outfielders and, as your observant reporter noticed, were without the support of head cheerleader Kathy Renwick. When your inquisitive reporter confronted her husband Bernie about his wife's whereabouts, he replied that she was home in Barrie, sound asleep in bed. Your opinionated reporter wants to state for the record that she certainly does not need to catch up on any beauty sleep.

As for the game itself, Kozai not only went 4 for 4 again, but made a spectacular sliding catch to squash a possibly higher scoring inning for the Pills. Rick Wilcox joined Mike Way, Chris Barrett, Foscarin, and Schell to post 14 hits and score 10 runs. With his hitting for power and accurate pitching, your delusional reporter sees Schell as the Shohei Ohtani of Oakville Slo-Pitch. The short-staffed Wines hung on to win 16-11.

 Other offensive highlights and lowlights included a booming blast from the bat of Steve Isaacs. Racing around the basepaths like an out-of-control freight train, station to station he galloped. As the locomotive approached 3rd, the coach waved him home?? A chugging Isaccs reached the finish line a second too late with a 2-run triple as his reward. In a different light, Dave Adams reached base and scored 3 times despite not being credited with a single hit by scorekeeper Vince Moffatt (who has since been fired... by your vindictive reporter).

 With the Fine Wines now sitting alone on the second-place shelf, their eyes are on the team currently occupying the top shelf. 


Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

It was a blustery day as the wind played havoc with fly balls. After many misplayed popups the GGs prevailed, winning both games against the Rusty Royals 19-14  and 13-3.    The first game was a classic example on not how to play defence. In particular was the 9 unearned runs against Mike Mozewsky in the 2 innings he pitched in the first game. I tried to blot those innings from my memory but my best guess was 4 dropped balls and a couple (ok, several) other errors.    In the second game the GGs put on their big boy gloves and held the Rusty Royals scoreless in all but one inning.  Super spare Bill Craig played flawlessly at 3rd and contributed 4 hits with one being a line drive home run.   Tom France also continued his hot hitting streak contributing 6 hits and 4 runs scored, and Frank Accomando just back from vacation added 4 hits and 3 runs scored.

Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

Game 1 - Coming off a win last week the Royals were anxious to take on the Gimps.  With the wind playing havoc all day [both teams] the Rustys and Gimps found themselves tied after 3.  Even with the Gimps getting 5 in the 4th, the Royals kept chipping away and were only down by 3 heading into the 7th.  Unfortunately, 4 runs in the top of the 7th had our Royal backs to the wall and could only muster 1 run, with the Gimpers winning game one 19-13.  Five Rustys had 3 hits each and Bob Edmondson - just off the IL - knocked in 2 rbi as did Ware, Cooper, Mosely-Williams and Johnson.

Game 2 - Back to same-old-same-old for the Rustys as the Greens put up 5 in the first and never looked back.  All 3 Royal runs came in the 3rd inning as we stumbled to the 7th without a whimper [or is that Gimper?].  Fourteen hits and 3 runs won't get it done as the Royals lost game two - 13-3.  Johnson somehow went 3-3 with Pang and Koopman managing a 2-3 game.  Afterwards, no one wanted to drown their sorrows at the pub as Johnson and Yaschyshyn ended up sitting with White Hairs - perhaps some of their winning vibe will rub off for next week’s games?


JULY 6, 2023


Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

First off, hats off to Jeff Morton and the White Hairs for allowing Red Faces to play with a number of quite injured players in limited roles while going shorthanded themselves.

The resulting games were quite close and were each decided in the last inning, with both teams having a chance to win.

In the opener, the Hairs slowly pulled ahead to lead by two after 5 innings. But pitcher Bill Manson, with a litany of injuries, closed the door the rest of the way. In the second game, the score seesawed back and forth as Jeff Palmer, healing a torn MCL on his right knee, pitched a complete game.

Leading the way for the Red Faces was Mark Dreschel with four hits, four runs, five RBIs and a home run. Ben Roczniak had four hits, three runs, four hits and two RBIs. Jon Diniz had four hits and two RBIs, Al Stokes had four hits and two runs scored, David Kozai had three hits and two runs scored, and superbsub Mike Way had two hits and three RBIs while making a diving catch to end the second game.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

The weather was hot and the White Hairs were not!  One could describe the Whiteys as hairless as 6 of the lads weren't available.

Ian Schell, super sub, stepped up and volunteered to pitch.  Ian was outstanding, limiting the Faces to 19 runs over two games.

Alas the hairless crew could only muster 15 and lost both ends of the double dip.

Fortunately the first to Monahans goal was once again achieved. 

Crazy Legs, First on the field Pileggi, Nick Wollaston and Morton led the offence.

Many thanks to the Red Faces for providing a catcher and rover each inning.


Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

The Green Gimps split with the Grey Beards, losing the first game 13-10  then winning the second 12-11.  These were two evenly-matched teams and aside from outstanding individual performances the games were a showcase for two brilliant managers who deployed strategy, morale boosting and their good looks. In the first game the GGS were behind 13 - 5 after five innings and despite holding the Grey Beards scoreless for the last two innings they could only muster 5 more runs.  A sad case of too little too late. After the game the manager of the GGs was overheard inspiring his team with the following: "Great game guys, and if we had scored more runs we would have won".  I think Yogi rose from his grave and cheered. 

The second game was a seesaw affair with the lead changing 4 times before the GGs eked by with a 12-11 win.  Defence was the name of the game as the Grey Beards were held scoreless for the last 3 innings.  The Grey Beards manager was heard to mutter after the game " if we had just scored 2 more runs we would have won".  Didn't I tell you these two managers were brilliant? Players of the game for the GGs were Geoff Coulson in right field making several catches on hard-hit line drives and offering to run for the more motion-challenged Greenies, Richard Grudzinski playing shortstop for the first time and looking like a natural, and Ron VanderMeulen who pitched brilliantly with a total of 7 shutout innings over the two games and contributed a grand slam in the second game despite wanting to stop at third base for a break. Honorable mention goes to Tom Chance who contributed 6 hits, 4 runs scored and I don't know how many RBIs because I fired our professional scorekeeper last week and I could barely make out the scribblings on the scoresheet.

Grey Beards Report – Tom Hunter

As the clock ticked down to first pitch Manager Chappy delivered a stark warning to the assembled Beardies… “boys – we’ve lost 6 in a row so my job’s on the line today – we have to win at least one or you won’t have ol’ Chappy to kick around anymore”.   The boys held a quick players-only meeting to debate the pros and cons of that offer, and by a narrow vote decided to salvage Chappy’s job, at least for another week.  By dialing up the offensive output a few notches to “adequate” and marginally reducing the frequency of howling defensive errors the Beardies managed to squeak out a 13-10 victory over the Gimpers in game one.  It helped that the Green Guys displayed a penchant for hitting fly balls, a surprising number of which actually found the gloves of the busy Beards’ outfielders.

Having accomplished the day’s objective, the Bearded Ones took a more relaxed approach to game two. Despite (or perhaps due to) the lack of urgency the Beards found themselves with a 3-run lead with only two innings to play.  Unaccustomed to the dizzying prospect of sweeping a doubleheader, the Beardies’ offence promptly packed it in for the day, leading to yet another trademark one-run walkoff loss.

Starting with a 1-1 count in both games appeared to flummox several Bearded batters (that’s our story and we’re sticking to it), although Randy Heinbecker went 6 for 7 on the day and Jeff Francis, Doug Howard, Rob Bentley, Glen Ferguson and Roy Kitching (no, that’s not a typo) were each 5 for 7.  The hits by Francis included two home runs – one inside the park and the other over the outfield fence.  And then over the outfield fence of Glenashton East as well. 

Thanks to spare Kirk MacDonald for his solid play in LCF, and special thanks to superfan Leah for the freezies between games – a welcome treat on the hottest day of the year!


Rusty Royals Report – John Koopman

Game 1 - The Royals could only field 10 players and were possibly pacing themselves [a bit too early] in the heat for game 1.  The Rustys could only put together 14 hits while falling to the Pills 13-6.  Jack Pang went 3-4 and Dan Sanscartier was 2-4 with a couple of rbi.  Dave Ware and Steve Moses also had a couple of hits but the rest of us seemed to be conserving our energy for game 2.

Game 2 - Perhaps the Royals were pacing themselves as their bats finally came to life scoring 5 runs in the second inning and another 5 in the sixth to go on to win their second game of the season 13-7.  Shoutout goes to the Pills who supplied the Royals with a catcher for both games with one making a nice play at the plate saving the Rustys a run.  Koop’s managing style must be 'lead by example' as he went 4-4 in game 2 while uttering inspirational cliches throughout the game.  Therrien, Moseley-Williams, Sanscartier and Pang all had 3 hits as the Rustys almost doubled their hit total in game 1.  Worth noting was Sanscartier's stretch catch in deep left center to save a few runs late in the game.

Bring on the Gimps!.

Blue Pills Report – Garry Schultz

[Editor’s Note – this is cub reporter Garry Schultz’s first attempt at a game report.  I think he just earned himself a full-time job.]

The Greg”less” Blues split a pill and had mixed results.  They were Up for the first game and sagged in the second game.

Excuses for second Game include: bad karma or excessive heat – take your pick; there were errors but no one is admitting to them; fairly typical game – base running errors – yes, throwing errors, yes, etc.  Fortunately no fans showed up.

Greg’s gang won 3 of 4 recently. If we continue with our recent good play, pitcher Pat said he would drop his “lack of support” lawsuit.

Oh yeah – the game sheet.  First of all, we need to change the spelling of Pils to Pills. I am reasonably good at reading books but a game sheet is a puzzle for me. “Us” got 13 and “Them got 6.  I believe we won. Garry got an FU which could be F*****UP but I think it means Fly OutI will take it.  [Editor’s Note –  nice try Garry, but it was “FU”, not “FO”. ] Our lead off man, Mark B, scored 3 runs and had a walk, single, double, single. Of course he got a double. Jeff B., returning with his new eyes and mask had a couple of singles and scored three runs. Pitcher Pat had two singles and scored two runs. Ronnie L had two singles and scored two runs.  The rest of us were there and somebody had an RBI for sure but it is a lot of looking to decipher who was responsible. There you have it.  My game report is as confusing as my play.

Game #2.  We are still the PILS. Mark gets another double. Dah.  – and, he scored a run.  I think he let up just a little bit.  We are going to need more in future game twos Mark.  Come on. Our reliable pitcher, Pat, got two singles and scored two runs.   He is still working on positioning his outfielders. He speaks so quietly….. orrrrr, we need to get hearing aids.  Tony R scored two runs.  I believe Don P. had three singles.  Dave T had a double and a single.  Garry had three singles.  Probably not true but it sounds good. Jim F had two solid singles.  Darrell had two singles.  We need more from Darrell.  Just kidding Darrell.  BTW, Darrell recently filled in admirably in Jeff’s absence at short, turning two unassisted double plays.  Way to go Darrell.  There were some fine fielding plays but that’s another chapter. 

My time is up.  Thank God.  It’s too bad I don’t get to do this again so I can make amends.  Sorry guys.


June 29, 2023

Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

The GGs faced off against the White Hairs in a rematch of last years Finals. Unfortunately for the GGs the White Hairs took both games to send the GGs packing to Monaghan's to work on their strategy for the next game. It should be noted that the main disparity between the two teams was the blinding speed the White Hairs displayed on the base paths, in the outfield and in getting to Monaghan's. That, along with being outhit and strong defence (but not out-coached, at least according to this writer) led to the GG’s two losses.  The GGs even brought in a professional scorekeeper to keep a close eye on the other team to make sure they weren't up to any nefarious tricks, and unfortunately we were advised that maybe we should have played better.  The scorekeeper has since been fired. Player of the game for the GGs was Jim Staios who played his first game of the season after recovering from a serious Achilles tendon injury. Welcome back to the big Leagues Jim!

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

The Hairs, missing key cogs Bread Basket Warren and Pit Bull Potter, took on the surging Gimps on a beautiful late June day. 

The Hairs never trailed in game one.  Outstanding infield defense on the left side, lead by Ding Dong Cummings (ask him how he earned this nickname), and by the mid outfield of Vince First on the Field Pileggi and Crazy Legs Sturm, kept the Gimpers at bay.  A late rally by the Gimpers made the first game score a respectable 16-9.

The Hairs had super spare Don Yaschyshyn filling in.  This gave rubber arm Canham the opportunity to play his first game, and perhaps last, in the outfield.  "Y"ly Don made full use of his shin guards twice in the field and delivered a key bases-clearing double in the 4th. Ding Dong and Barnburner Henderson went 3 for 3 and the Hairs withstood a 4-run top of 7th inning Gimp rally to win game 2 by an uncomfortably close 10-8 score.

Hitting leaders for the Hairs included Al King and Crazy Legs with 6 hits and Morton, Nick Wollaston, Canham and Ding Dong with 5 each.

Primary Hairs goal of first to Monaghans achieved.  Gimpers upbeat manager Shane Noseworthy joined the Hairs table for added frivolity. 


Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

For the first time this season the Blue Pills won both ends of a doubleheader.  Both games were close and victory could easily have gone to either team.  However, another strong pitching performance by Pat Blais plus timely hitting in the late innings of both games resulted in the victories over the Grey Beards by scores of 13 to 8 in Game 1 and 16 to 15 in the nightcap.  The Pills defense came up big in several key situations.  Darrell Northcott led the defense with numerous outstanding plays at shortstop including three "6-3" double plays.  John Finley played errorless at 1B registering double digit putouts and contributed some strong hits and a critical walk. The outfielders also played errorless ball and made several key catches negating potential rallies. [Ed. Note – including an improbable shoestring catch by Aubert which really pissed of the Editor.] The offense was led by Darrell Northcott (7/8 + 6 RBI), Mark Brancier (6/8) & Jim Fenner (6/8).  Honourable mentions go out to Greg Aubert, Pat Blais, Tony Reda & Garry Schultz who each had 5 hits.  Many thanks to spare Dave Thompson who hit a big triple and a sacrifice fly and played very well in left field.

Grey Beards Report – Glen Ferguson

The Grey Beards and Blue Pills set a unenviable record for what might be the longest doubleheader in OMMSP history on Thursday.  After the doubleheader, the race to the bar was the most energy the Gray Beards showed all day.  The losses keep mounting for the high scoring Greys as defensive woes continue.  The Beards welcomed back Andy McMackin and Don Brown from the IR and promptly rocketed ahead 5-3 after 4 innings in game one, but then proceeded to put up a paltry 3 runs the rest of the way.  Meanwhile, the Blue Pills racked up an impressive 11, to take the first game 14-8. The second game was a nail-biter, tied at 15 going into the bottom of the 7th, when the Pills scored a run to walk off with the win.

The offensive stars for the Beards were Jeff (“home run”) Francis (6/6 with two round-trippers); Ian (“no I don’t want to pinch run”) Carson (5/6); Graham (“never gonna take off these Blue Jeans”) Henrickson (4/5); Jim (“congrats on my 49th Anniversary”) Moriarity (4/6); and Brown (4/6).  Coach Chappy remained optimistic, proclaiming ”You have to lose a lot to learn how to win”.  Apparently the Beards are buying into these words of wisdom.


Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

The wounded Red Faces dipped into the spare pool for the first time this year and managed a split with the fast-charging Fine Wines to end their losing streak at three games.

The Red Faces’ fortunes weren’t looking good in the opener as the Fine Wines built a 5-1 lead after just two innings. However, pitcher Rick Halik closed the door on any major threats, holding the vintners to a solitary run the rest of the way to allow Red Faces to slowly claw back and win the game 8-6. The Red Faces’ defence was particularly solid throughout the day, especially in the opener.

The second game was much like the first except the Fine Wines put up two five-run innings to establish a 14-8 win.

Leading the way for 11-man Red Faces was Mark Dreschel with five hits and five runs scored. John Crowder had five hits and three RBIs. Mike Boyle had five hits. Warren Pantrey had four hits and two RBIs. Spare Kirk McDonald had three hits, a walk, a SF and five RBIs. Dave Kozai had four hits and two runs scored.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

With thoughts of revenge, courtesy of a previous double drubbing, running through their sober minds, the Fine Wines prepared for another double dip against the Big Red Machine. In what would turn out to be a low scoring single-digit affair the Wines jumped to a 5-1 lead after four innings. The Reds scored four to knot the score in the fifth, before scoring with a threesome (of runs!), to win the opening game 8-6. With the Wines' bats giving the players the silent treatment (and we all know what that's like), only two players had more than a single hit: Bernie Renwick and Chris Barrett shared 4 hits and 2 runs.

The second game started slowly with the score tied at a run apiece after two innings. Then came the thunderous third. With the bases jammed, speedster Andy Kozai stepped to the board. A line shot to left centre field found its way to the chain link fence as Kozai raced around the now emptying bases for a Grand Salami, part of a 5-run 3rd inning. Another 5-spot in the 6th made the score 12-5. Then in the 7th, the petite plus powerful Rick Wilcox fanned the flames of imminent victory by cashing in 2 more runs with a standup, oxygen-inducing double. There would be no comeback for the Reds as the Wines held on to win 14-8. Also contributing to the win were Ted Weirda, George Merritt and Tony Foscarin with a combined 8 hits and 4 runs.

The Wines are now looking fine in the standings as they sit alone in second place with the Bye week coming up.





June 22, 2023

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

The Rusty Red Faces struggled to regain their winning form this week as the long layoff seemed to pose problems for them. The Gimpers were in mid-season form (it is the mid season after all) and hit very well against our defence. They seemed to find holes all over the diamond and gave our fielders fits trying to contain them.

The Red Faces trailed most of the first game but kept the score within reach until taking the lead with 3 runs in the top of the seventh. However, The Gimps rallied with a clutch two-out hit to send the runner scampering home with the winning run.

Looking to turn the page in the second game, the Faces led after two innings but the Gimpers’ thunderous bats responded and ended the game after 6 innings.

Leading the way offensively for the Red Faces was John Crowder who went 5-for-5 with 4 RBIs and Jon Diniz who also went 5-for-5 with 3 RBIs. The four-hit guys were Mark Dreschel with 4 runs scored and 1 RBI, and Bruce Locke with 3 runs scored and 2 RBI. Jeff Palmer had 3 hits and 5 RBI. Rick Halik pitched both games and added a couple of hits and 2 RBIs.

Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

The Green Gimps (GGs) faced the mighty Red Faces and came out on top 10-9 and 24-11.   The first game was a seesaw affair with the lead changing 7 times throughout the game. Trailing by 2 runs in the bottom of the seventh the GGs scored 3 to win. The unlikely hero was the coach who took a mighty swing for the fences and plunked a ball 10’ past the third baseman to knock in the winning run. Ron VanderMeulen, aside from pitching his usual great game contributed 3 hits and scored a run while Frank Accomando, Steve Vitella and Doug MacArthur each scored twice. 

The second game was 14-11 at the end of 4 innings but then the GGs scored 5 in the 5th and 6th innings while holding the Red faces scoreless. Everybody hit and scored as it was truly a team effort.

A big thanks to Doug MacArthur and Greg (Mac) Macaulay for sparing and providing much needed relief in the infield and with their hitting.  Kudos to Mike Kitchen who returned from a bad back and gathered 6 hits.  Game ball goes to Geoff (Greg) Coulson who aside from his coach never being able to remember his name played another solid game and has set the tone as our uber leadoff man.


White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

Pregame discussions about good defense resonated with the Hairs as the squad held the Royals to 6 runs over two games.

Pitcher Mike Caham took the "First to Monaghans" principle to heart, taking no warm up pitches and refraining from throwing the ball around.  He was overheard saying "the guys forget the throwing order anyway”. Mike's effective pitching also induced 4 foulouts in game two.

Defensively, Breadbasket Warren made a couple of nice plays in the outfield, Pitbull Potter had an unassisted DP, Rick Cummings was flawless at 3rd and the Royals hit to shortstop a few too many times.

Game 2 player of the game Tony Fratia was solid at the plate and in the field.  At Monaghans the Hairs passed a motion that player of the game buy a round for the team.  Tony was the only vote against the motion.

Pitbull, Barnburner, Pileggi, Morton, Nick Wollaston, Crazy Legs and Canham all had at least 4 hits. The White Hair balance was evident as each player scored at least one run on the day.

Rusty Royals Report – Bill Johnson

Game 1 - Not much to say.  Mercy; 1 run; 5 hits; Jack Pang rbi.  White Hairs 13 - Royals 1.

Game 2 - Much better game as Royals had a 1-0 lead after 2 innings before Hairs put up back-to-back 5 run innings.  The best the Rustys could do was chip away with a run or two and take the Whites to the 7th while going down 15-5.  Rick Martin was 3-3 and added an rbi but the Royal bats were sporadic for the most part and couldn't capitalize with runners in scoring position. With a bye next week and the return of some players the Rustys are expected to be strong for the run to the playoffs.


Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

The well-aged Fine Wines battled the Grey Beards for the first time this year. The Wines got the cork rolling, scoring 5 runs in the bottom half of the first inning, followed by 2 in the 3rd, two more in the 5th, and another pair in the 6th to knot the score at eleven to begin the final frame. The Grey Beards took a 12-11 lead as the Wines prepared to bat in the bottom half. Chris Barrett, after his fourth hit of the game, scored to tie the game. Then with two out and the bases choked, Dave Adams sauntered to the board, showing all the confidence of a man about to walk a tightrope for the first time. First pitch swinging Adams tapped a roller which was so slow that it defied Newton's Laws of Motion (that's Newton the scientist, not the fig). This allowed the winning run to score and make the final 13-12 Wines. Offensively, Bernie Renwick, George Merrick and Andy Kozai collectively donated 8 hits and 7 runs to the cause. Defensively, center fielder Kozai, wearing short pants, raced in and slid across the stony infield in an unsuccessful attempt to catch a fly ball. Between innings Kozai attended to the blood that was oozing out onto his leg from behind the caked-on grey gravel. The non-flustered Kozai remarked "It's only a flesh wound”.

Game 2 had a bit of deja vu as the Wines again scored 5 runs to start the game. Each inning thereafter the Beards shaved away at the lead and by the 4th inning had gone ahead 10-8. But once again the Wines uncorked a five-spot to retake the lead. The Beards had run out of razors and the Wines pulled away to win 16-12, but not before right fielder Ted Wierda made like King Kong atop the Empire State Building reaching out and snagging airplanes. Wierda extended his arm and reaching high to his left grabbed the long fly ball for the final out of the day. Unfortunately for Wierda, there's no Fay Wray in this version. The Wine’s offence was once again led by Kozai, Renwick and Barrett who joined forces with Tony Foscarin and Vince Moffatt scoring 13 runs.

Grey Beards Report – Tom Hunter

The two games at Millbank West were tighter than a camel’s arse in a sandstorm.

Reviewing the game sheets it’s a mystery how the Grey Beards came out on the short end of both games.  Each Beardie had at least 3 hits, and ten Beardies hit .625 or better.  Unfortunately, many of the hits were not of the timely variety and most innings ended with the runners on base meekly taking a shortcut back to the dugout.

The Beards’ infield defence was generally respectable, and there were fewer than the usual number of dropped balls in the outfield.  LF Ian Carson put on a positioning clinic, snagging several consecutive fly balls with his shoes apparently nailed to the ground.  In game one CLF Randy Heinbecker raced in to make a nice running catch on a dying quail.  Or not?  The ball hit his shoe without contacting the ground and proceeded directly into his glove.  Unfortunately for Randy, the umpire, everyone on both teams and the fan thought the ball hit the ground.  Exhibiting the sportsmanship for which OMMSPL is famous, Randy elected to play on without alerting the umpire to the true state of affairs since he knew a video review would delay the game.  

In game two, for reasons which are hard to fathom, the Wines developed a penchant for hitting low screaming grounders at second baseman Doug Howard, even though Doug is closer to ground level than most Beardies.  Doug soon compensated by crouching even lower, when the purpose of the Wines' clever strategy was revealed - a hard liner at an altitude of 8’ 10”.   With the agility of a cat and a corresponding snarl Doug leapt and snagged it - the snow cone of the century.  Check it out on Sportsnet.

Heinbecker went 7 for 8 on the day, followed closely by Howard and Jim Banyard who were each 6 for 8 and Tom Hunter who was 5 for 7 with a walk.  Many other Beardies would normally have deserved offensive recognition but due to space restrictions will have to be content with regaling their respective wives verbally, all of whom will respond “that’s nice, dear”.



June 15, 2023


Editor's Note - many thanks to our intrepid reporters for submitting their game reports before deadline without the necessity of a reminder to anyone (such as Shane).  Might be the first time in OMMSPL history.


Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

The Green Gimps played their best games of the year, winning both games against the Rusty Royals 17-5 and 12-5.  The first game was over in 5 innings with the Green Gimps scoring 1 in the first then 5 runs in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th inning. In the fifth the GG's scored 1 more to mercy the Royals.  The game started out looking like it was going to be a seesaw battle but some great defensive plays by Richard Grudzinski at 3rd killed any rallies the Rusty Royals were trying to mount and then the bats took over. Everyone on the GGs hit and scored at least a run. 

The second game was completely different as it was tied 1-1 after 4 innings. There were solid defensive plays for both teams and the GGs wondered what happened to their bats.  In the next 3 inning the GGs scored 11 runs to offset the Rusty Royals' 5 runs and everyone was happy to go to the pub. It should be noted that the Rusty Royals were missing some of their big hitters and with them the outcome might have been different.  For the GGs, Geoff Coulson was again a monster in left field with some great running catches and Tom France made some great defensive plays at Rover over the two games.  Offensive stars for the GGs (and there were many) included Frank Accomando and Mike Mozewski leading the way with 6 hits, with Richard Grudzinski and Tom France scoring 4 runs each. In the midst of all this hitting and scoring we also need to acknowledge our pitcher Ron VanderMeulen who kept the Rusty Royals in check for both games.

Rusty Royals Report – Bill Johnson

Game 1 - no excuses, air quality was good, no rain, no 30c weather but unfortunately the Rustys remained rusty and by top of 5th had to concede mercy to the Gimps 17-5.  Missing some key players was evident as the Royals could only muster 13 hits with 2 each going to Johnson; Koopman; Shields and Moses.  Steve Moses also ended up knocking in 3 of the 5 runs the Royals put together.

Game 2 - a low-scoring start to the game had the two teams on and off the field quickly, probably securing the first-to-the-pub competition.  The Royals got 4 of their 5 runs in the 6th; however the rally fell short as the Gimps also got some late runs to win it 12-5.  Don Mosely-Williams went a perfect 3-3 and newcomer (off the IL) Rod Reichstein went 3-4.  Steve Moses continued his one-man effort rbi day by contributing another 2 rbi in game 2.  Manager Koopman indicated that with the expected reinforcements next week the Royals are poised to rekindle the season and go on a much-needed winning streak.  Stay tuned!


Grey Beards Report – Glen Ferguson

Coach Chappy laid it out for the Beards – “We’re playing the hotshot first place boys in White, so let’s be ready!”  Well, most Beardies decided to forego the pre-game practice in an effort to conserve energy, not in any way to be construed as overconfidence.  The strategy looked good as Randy Heinbecker led off with a “home run” (Ed. Note – see the White Hairs game report for a more accurate description) but that was all through the first 3 innings for the usual high scoring line-up. Even so, the Beards were only down by 2 runs at that point.  The White Hairs then proceeded to put up 7 runs in the 4th and 5th and mostly shut down the Greys for the duration to win 11-3. 

Seeking redemption in the second game, it looked like the Beard’s restive strategy had some merit as two 5-run innings put them up 10-5 after the top of the 3rd, but some mistake-prone defence yielded 14 runs in the final 5 innings as the White Hairs went on to win 19-12.

The Beard’s offence was led by Heinbecker, Jim Moriarity and Ian Carson (all 5/7 on the day).  Tom Hunter was 4/6 and Doug Howard, Jeff McPhee and Jeff Francis were all 4/7.

White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

The White Hairs brought out the Bakers Dozen boys this past Thursday.

After giving up a Little League Home Run in the first inning, the BD boys played much better defence, giving up only 2 more runs in game one.

Game 2 was a more tightly contest with the Grey Guys, and after 3 innings the game was knotted at 10. The Hairs’ defence remained strong and the offence scored multiple runs in each inning to win 19-12.

The four Hairs primary outfielders Bread Basket Warren, Vince Pileggi, Crazy Legs Sturm and Nick Wollaston (Ed. Note – it seems ironic that Nick is the only guy who doesn’t get a nickname) all made outstanding plays in the 2 games.  Pitchers on both teams didn’t walk a batter so everyone had to get their bats off their shoulders. Hitting was spread out amongst the 13 Hairs with 50 hits in total. Mike Canham, Rick Cummings, Bread Basket and Crazy Legs Strum all contributed several key hits.

A good day for the Hairs, but being last to the pub indicates the two games were tighter than the scores might indicate.


Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

The two teams split the doubleheader with game 1 going to the Wines by a score of 7 to 6 while the second game was won by the Pills by a score of 9 to 8.  Both games were all about pitching and defence.  The Pills’ pitching duties for both games were handled by Pat Blais.  He kept the Winers off-balance all day, inducing many ground balls and harmless flies.  The defence rewarded the pitching effort with their best day of the season. Darrell Northcott had several assists and put-outs.  John Finley made his debut at 1st base and showed great flexibility on a couple of stretches for outs.  Ron Linklater took a nice relay from Tony Reda in right field and nailed a runner at home.  The Pills’ offence was evenly spread throughout the whole team.  Every player had at least one RBI or one run scored.  No one had more than 2 RBIs or 2 runs scored...it was a balanced team effort.  Special mention goes out to Mark Brancier who returned from the IL to lead the team in hitting with a perfect 6 for 6 day at the plate. Also, Dave George, Pat Blais and Gerry Coveny had 4 hits and Don Pente contributed 2 sac flies. Darrell Northcott smashed a timely 2-run homer over the left field fence to give the Pills a short-lived lead in the top of the 6th inning of game 1.  All in all, both teams could have won both games but a split was probably the deserved result.

Fine Wines Report – Dave Adams

The Fine Wines were playing their first games since May. Would today's games be of a Vintage performance or would they leave a sour taste in your mouth?

Down 2 runs in the 5th inning of the first game, the Wines uncorked a string of bubbly hits, including a monster 3-run round-tripper by Chris Barrett, scoring 4 runs to take a 6-4 lead. The Blue Pills rose to the occasion with a pair of runs to tie the game at 6-6 going into the bottom of the 7th. More runs were prevented when Fine Wineman 2B Ian Schell did his best Leapin' Lanny Poffo impression, jumping 15 mm off the gravel (sounds like a lot more than half an inch) to snag a line drive and turn it into a double play. Now needing only a single run for the win, the Wines wasted little time in getting the job done. Following a Jim McDonald double, George Merrick stepped up to the board and cashed in McDonald (aka Andy Kozai) with the winning score to make the final 7-6 Wines.

The sequel to Game 1 began as a low scoring affair which had the Wines leading 2-1 after 3 innings. The Blue Pills exploded (in a baseball way) for a quintet of runs to jump ahead 6-2 at the end of four frames. Not to be outdone, the Wines, not wanting to taste defeat, scored 4 of their own in the 5th. The Pills put up 3 more runs in the 5th and 6th innings to take a 9-6 lead as the Wines were set to bat in the top of the 7th. Unfortunately the glass was more half empty than half full as the Wines could only score twice to make the final 9-8 Blue Pills. Offensively, the Wines were led by Dave Adams, Ted Weirda, Bernie Renwick, Mike the Better Way, McDonald and Merrick who reached base a dozen times and scored on half of those occasions.

Following the game the Blue Pills made a premature evacuation from the park to get to the pub, while the Wines stayed behind so the lovely and talented photographer Kathy Renwick could do her best in taking the glamour shots of the players. Needless to say, this event took longer than expected.





June 1, 2023

Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

The Green Gimps and the Grey Beards put on quite a show, splitting the games with the Grey Beards winning the first game 18-10 and then the Green Gimps taking the second 11-6. Leading the way for the Green Gimps in the first game were Mike Kitchen and Frank Accomando with 3 hits apiece but the Grey Beards big bats were just on a roll and we couldn't catch up. In order to stymie the Grey Beards’ attack on right field, Geoff Coulson volunteered to step into the line of fire and then made several big catches to kill any rallies the Grey Beards had in mind. To top it off Geoff hit a 3-run home run in the bottom of the 6th to put us up by 5 runs and then Ron VanderMeulen shut the door on the Beards in the top of the seventh.  This was the Green Gimps’ best game of the year and just when we had visions of a winning streak, alas we have another bye next week.

Grey Beards Report – Tom Hunter

The heat was hot and the ground was dry, and the air was full of the sound of the Grey Beards’ bats making hard contact with the defenseless orb.  Thirty of those contacts (count ‘em – 30!) became base hits in game one, leading to a solid 18-10 victory for the Bearded Ones.  The game was deadlocked at 10 at the midway point when the Beards took the lead with a five-run mercy inning and cruised to the finish line behind strong pitching courtesy of dependable Doug Howard.  During the intermission there was a strangely disquieting feeling among the Beardies that something was missing, but no-one could quite put a finger on it.  Finally, manager Chappy with his wealth of managerial experience (4 weeks) was able to pinpoint it – mistakes!  Or more accurately, the absence thereof.  Apparently it’s easier to win when you don’t make ‘em.  Chappy quickly retreated to the executive suite to write that one down.

As it turned out, the Beardies simply saved their mistakes for game two.  Coincidentally the Green Gimps found their batting strokes and the holes in the Beards’ defensive wall.  In particular, Gimper Frank Accomando victimized the Beards’ LCF Randy Heinbecker all day, hitting over his head, in front of him and generally teasing him incessantly without giving him anything remotely close to catchable.  There was one defensive highlight for the Beardies, however - Howard’s spectacular diving catch on a line drive at third base which had the imaginary fans buzzing.

Howard was 5-7 on the day with a home run, Jeff Frances was 5-6 also with a home run, Tom Hunter was 5-5 and Heinbecker was 5-7 with several extra base hits.  All in all, a good day at the park.


Rusty Royals Report – Bill Johnson

Game 1 started slowly for both teams on this early season scorcher.  The Pills broke out with 5 in the 3rd and another 5 in the 5th. As the Rustys could only muster 4 in their 7th as the Pills won game one 18-8.  Many Royals were 2 for 3 at the plate, but leading the way were Dan Sanscartier and manager John Koopman 3-4 and 3-3 respectively.

Game 2 - after Manager Koopman’s speech about playing smarter and batters starting with a 1-1 count, the Royal bats put up 5 runs in the 1st inning for the first time this year.  Another 3 followed in the 2nd and the Rustys never relinquished the lead, winning for the first time this year 14-9. Dan Yaschyshyn went 3-3 with 2 rbi and Dave Ware was 2-3 with 3 rbi, but once again manager Koopman had a perfect 4-4 at the plate for a 7-7 day.   Beer was welcomed after a hot morning and when it was time to pay, rumor has it that the manager picked up the tab which was much appreciated.

Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

Game 1:  Blue Pills 18 - Rusty Royals 8

The Pills started slowly but with the aid of some nice defense found themselves trailing by a score of 2 to 1 after 2 innings.   With 2 out in the top of the 3rd, the bats came alive.  The Pills registered 7 straight hits and scored 5 runs.  Meanwhile the defense continued to shine, shutting out the Royals in the 3rd and 4th frames.   The Pills added to their lead by pushing across 5 more runs largely on the strength of a grand slam off the bat of Garry "Slugger" Schultz.  The Pills went quietly in the 6th but tallied an additional 6 runs in the top of the 7th.  The Royals doubled their score by scratching out 4 runs in the home half of the 7th but when the dust settled, it was a well-earned victory for the Pills who collectively hammered out 27 hits for a lofty .628 on-base average.

Game 2:  Rusty Royals 14 - Blue Pills 9

The Royals turned the tables on the Pills in the 2nd game enroute to building an 8-1 lead after 2 innings.  Royals’ pitcher Bert Therrien set the tone for the game by striking out the first 2 batters he faced.  Pills pitcher Pat Blais continued to keep the Royals batters off balance and held them to 2 runs over the next 3 innings.  The Pills recorded a 5-spot in the 4th and added 2 more in the 5th to narrow the Royals lead to a mere 2 runs.  The Royals rebounded with 4 big runs in the top of the 6th while the Pills could only muster 1 tally.  Both teams went quietly in the 7th thus producing the "sister-kiss" result on the day.

The Pills were missing 4 roster players and would like to thank Andy Byj for subbing.  Andy had 4 hits on the day and played solid defense.  The Pills were led offensively by Greg Moore (6/6 with a sac fly and 5 RBI's), Jeff Biren (6/7), Pat Blais (6/7) and Don Pente, Greg Aubert and Garry Schultz who each had 5 hits on the day.


Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

The Red Faces took on the unbeaten White Hairs and dashed their hopes of a perfect season by taking the opener 18-9. However, White Hairs returned the favour, doubling the Faces in the second game with a 16-8 win.

In game one pitcher Bill Manson held the vaunted White Hairs’ batters to just 3 runs after 4 innings. Red Faces were flirting with a mercy throughout the rest of the game but could not get to a 12-run difference, forcing the game to the top of the seventh before it was ended.

In the second game, the Red Faces’ normally solid defence became unglued as numerous errors prolonged innings and allowed White Hairs to rally from an 8-7 fourth-inning deficit to win the game. The second game was unusual in that their normal 3-4-5 hitters batted only twice! Red Faces connected for 28 hits in the opener but only 16 in the second game. Leadoff man Warren Pantrey went 6-for-7 with two runs scored and 5 RBIs. Jeff Palmer went 3-for-4 with 3 RBIs with a sac fly.

Other top hitters for the team were Mark Dreschel who went 4-for-6 with a homer and 4 RBIs. Ben Roczniak went 5-for-6 with 3 runs scored and 3 RBIs. Manager Mike Boyle went 5-for-6 with 3 runs scored and 3 RBIs. Jon Diniz made a number of nice plays at second base and regained his hitting stroke going 4-for-6 with 3 runs scored. Rudy Gauer made a number of nice catches in the outfield and went 4-for-6 with 4 runs scored. Second game pitcher Rick Halik went 3-for-6 and pitched well. John Crowder went 3-for-6 despite injuring his hamstring again and we welcomed the rehabbing David Kazai to the lineup who had two hits.


White Hairs Report – Jeff Morton

The White Hairs made their season debut at Glenashton West with veteran umpire Glenn Marshall behind the dish doing another fine couple of games.

Defensive struggles continued for the Hairs early in game one.  The Faces built a big lead but were unable to inflict a mercy drubbing on the Whiteys.  Red guys win game one 18-8.

Game 2 the Red guys struck for 5 in the second inning but the Hairs responded with 5 in the 3rd to pull into a 7-7 tie. The Hairs tightened up on D holding the tiring Faces to one run the rest of the way while piling on 9 of their own.  Vince Pileggi and Frank Strum anchored much improved D in the outfield and Brock Paterson and Tony Fratia were flawless on the right side of the infield in Game 2.  Hairs prevail 16-8.

Most importantly, the Hairs returned to being first to Monaghans and lead the turnout with 10 players enjoying the food and drink.

Offensively, Barnburner Henderson and Morton had 5 hits, and Vince, Brock, Nick Wollaston and Al King each contributed 4.

Bread Basket Warren hit an inside the park home run, which may have led to his upset stomach.   Fortunately he recovered and a Moosehead seemed to stabilize his well-being.

Certainly a warm day for ball and good to see all 6 teams split their games.




May 25, 2023

Fine Wines Report - Dave Adams

With Fine Wines Manager Chris Barrett still sampling the best of Carolina (obviously not the hockey team), interim manager Ian Schell took the helm. Following last week's double downer, Schell's pre-game address stated that he didn't care who the Dickens we were playing, he had Grape Expectations for this Fine Wine team. But, would it be the best of games or would it be the worst of games.?

Game 1 featured hurler Rick Wilkinson at the screen. Six innings into the game he had given up only one walk to the Green Gimps ("first free pass of the season") and 2 runs. Wilkinson's offensive-minded teammates had scored 10 runs after six innings before adding a pair in the 7th to give them a non-baker's dozen. The Gimps added three to their two to make the final 12-5. Leadoff hitter Andy Kozai broke out of his week-long slump, banging out three hits and scoring twice. The senior sextet of Jim McDonald, Dave Adams, George Merrick, Steve Isaacs, Tony Foscarin, and Vince Moffatt each donated a pair of hits for a total of 7 runs.

Game 2 was a much tighter encounter. The Wines scored 5 runs in the top of the 4th only to witness the Gimps answer back with 5 of their own in the bottom of the inning to take the lead 7-6. The Wines spritzed home 5 more times to take a 4-run lead into the bottom of the final frame. The Gimps scored a quick run, and then proceeded to load the bases with 2 out.  A sharply hit grounder caromed off 3rd baseman Steve Isaacs to Bernie Renwick who backhanded the ball and threw a dart to second base to end the game. FYI: if you are asked, say "No". You do not want to spend a Weekend at Bernie's.

 This game saw 10 of the 13 Wine athletes score a run, with Moffat racking up a pair. A total team effort was enjoyed by all, even the threesome that didn't score still reaped the benefits of a happy ending.

These two mid-morning matches were indeed the best of games.

Green Gimps Report – Shane Noseworthy

The Green Gimps lost both games to the Fine Wines, with scores of 12-5 in the first game and 11-8 in the second.  The first game was never in doubt for the Wines as some unfortunate fielding and misplays by the Green Gimps let the game get away from us. The second game was much closer with the Fine Wines being held scoreless for 3 innings aided by some sharp plays at shortstop by Paul Hunter. Down 11-8 in the bottom of the seventh and the bases loaded the Green Gimps just couldn't find that extra base hit. With 12 guys left on base in the second game a timely hit might have changed the outcome.  The guys haven't lost any of their enthusiasm and are looking forward to playing the Grey Beards next week.


Rusty Royals Report – Bill Johnson

One would think that after a bye week the Royals would come out refreshed and out to revenge the 0-2 start to the season.  However, the Greys never gave up the lead and even a 4 run 6th inning and a 1 run 7th could only get the Royals to 4 back as they fell 13-9 in Game 1.  Even though the Rustys hit the ball well, no one had more than 1 RBI and all those hits were not timely.  Dave Ware and manager John Koopman both had 3 hits while many others had 2.

Game 2 started with "here-we-go-again" as the Beards put up 5 runs in the top of the 1st but the Royals came back with 5 of their own in the bottom half highlighted by 2 HRs - the first from Dan Sanscartier and the second off the bat of Dave Ware.  Both teams exchanged runs up to the 4th inning when the Royals actually lead 13-12 and then the Rustys became Rusty and could only muster a few more hits for the rest of the game.  The Greys however had the Royals outfield getting their steps in as batter after batter kept finding gaps and solidified the win with 9 runs in the open inning winning 30-13.  An uncharacteristic small turnout for a beer capped the long morning.  But next week [after a players-only meeting perhaps] the Royals will bounce back I am sure!

Grey Beards Report – Glen Ferguson

Cool weather, noisy construction and worthy opponents couldn’t keep the Beards down as they took both games from the Royal Blues.  Lifted by the return of holdout Jim Moriarty, an over-the-fence shot by Jeff Francis and 3 defensive gems by first baseman Don Brown, the Beards prevailed in a 13-9 nail biter in the first game.  With the score 4-3 in the bottom of 3rd, the top of the order rattled off 5 runs to take the lead and never relinquished it due to stellar defence led by Doug Howard’s pitching. 

The second game was a different story as the Beard’s bats awakened throughout the lineup, cashing in on an uncharacteristic 9 run outburst in the 7th inning to take it 30-13.  The late inning rally likely reflects the hard conditioning regimen implemented by manager Chappy and enthusiastically adopted by the team.  Defensive gems in the outfield kept the opposition at bay, including a magnificent sliding catch by LCF Randy Heinbecker and several consecutive catches by LF Ian Carson who somehow managed to stay upright while furiously backpedalling. 

Doug Howard, Don Brown and Jeff Francis were all perfect at the plate for the day (including a home run and triple by Francis).  Jim Moriarity was 7-8; Tom Hunter 6-7; Randy Heinbecker 6-8 and Rob Bentley 4-6.

A special shoutout to umpire Glenn Marshall who showed extreme dexterity and flexibility while avoiding a beaning from a nasty foul ball – guys half his age couldn’t move that fast!

So pleased was Coach Chappy with the Beard’s effort, that he cancelled the rigorous practice scheduled for later in the season, sponsoring a team barbeque instead – hopefully, the Beards can keep up the pace so he doesn’t revoke it.


Blue Pills Report – Greg Aubert

Game 1:  Blue Pills 20 - Red Faces 17

The Pills started strongly, posting 5 runs in their first at bat.  The Reds answered with 4 in the bottom half. The Pills were shutout in the 2nd inning but rebounded in the 3rd inning, adding another 5 runs. The Reds kept pace by scoring 5 in the 2nd and 1 in the 3rd to make the score 10 all after 3 innings.  The Pills could only manage 3 runs over the next 3 frames whereas the Reds scored 6 runs making the score 16 to 13 after 6 innings.  The top of the 7th started slowly as only 1 of the first 2 batters got on base.  Then to their surprise, the next 8 Blue Pill batters reached base producing 7 runs enroute to grabbing a 4-run lead.  The shellshocked Red Faces could muster but 1 run in the home half of the 7th inning.  It was a well-earned victory for the Pills who collectively hammered out 29 hits for a lofty .674 on-base percentage.

Game 2:  Red Faces 7 - Blue Pills 4

The 2nd game was very much the opposite of Game 1.  It featured strong pitching performances by both teams as well as much tighter defense. The Pills were unable to build on the momentum gained from the strong finish that they enjoyed in Game 1.  Instead they were blanked for the first four innings plus the 6th inning as well. They finally scored a couple of runs in the bottom of the 5th. Meanwhile, the Reds scored 6 runs over the first 3 innings. However, they managed only one additional tally over the last 4 innings and led by a score of 7 to 2 going into the bottom of the 7th.  John Finley led off the 7th with a single followed by a triple.  The next 2 batters both singled, scoring the 4th run which brought the tying run to the plate with nobody out. Could lightning strike twice?  The Red Faces managed to end the game with a flyball out and a double play on a hot shot to short.

All in all, it was a good day for the Blue Pills but alas it could have been sweeter.  The Pills were led offensively by Greg Aubert (7/7). Darrell Northcott (6/7), Greg Moore (5/7), Mark Brancier (5/6) and Jeff Biren (4/6 + a sac fly).

Red Faces Report – Mike Boyle

Despite bashing out 25 hits including 3 home runs, Red Faces saw their unbeaten streak end at 4 games in the opener. Blue Pills put up a seven-spot in the top of the seventh inning and held on as Red Faces lost 20-17. With both teams eyeing another slugfest in the second game, it was obvious they’d all tired themselves out with only 11 total runs and Red Faces prevailing 7-4.

All things pointed toward yet another win for Red Faces in the first game as they led 15-10 after 4 and 16-13 after 6. However, Blue Pills ran through their lineup with reckless abandon and there was not a lot Red Faces could do as they watched line drive after line drive after line drive and seven runs cross the plate in the seventh inning.

In the second game, pitcher Rick Halik held Blue Pills scoreless until the fifth inning. Double plays in the sixth and seventh inning by keystone combo Mark Dreschel and Jon Diniz snuffed out rallies and allowed Red Faces to prevail.

Dreschel led the hitters with 5 hits including two home runs, and 6 RBIs. Others with five hits were Cubby with 2 RBI, Jeff Palmer with 5 RBI and Mike Boyle with 3 RBI. Ben Roczniak played a stellar third base and had 4 hits and 5 RBI. Bill Manson pitched the opener and had 4 hits and 1 RBI. Al Stokes continued his textbook hitting with 4 hits and 1 RBI. Others with three hits were Warren Pantrey, Diniz and Rudy Gauer.



May 18, 2023

Fine Wines Report

The second week of the season saw two undefeated teams ready to duke it out.  Both teams were prepared to donate their blood, sweat, and years to keep a perfect team record. And when two titans collide (think Godzilla vs King Kong) fireworks often follow, resulting in a happy ending for only one of the participants.

The morning temperature for Game 1 was on the chilly side and the Boys in Burgundy's bats were as cold as Ice Wine. Unfortunately, the opposition on this day was Red Hot. The Wines’ unhappy ending came painfully fast, as the mercy rule was applied after five innings with the score 16-4. The trio of Jim McDonald, Mike Way and Dave Adams combined for 6 of the 9 hits and 3 of the 4 runs.

During the intermission, the Wines discussed how for the next game everything would need to come up Rose-eh.

The second match turned out to be a case of it's not how you start but how you finish (That's what HE said). The Wines scored more runs in the first frame, 5, than they did in the first game, 4. This lead would hold up for most of the game until the Red Faces jumped ahead 17-14 in their half of the 7th. With the top of the potent Wine lineup due up, chances were good that a win would emerge. Two runners dashed home to make it 17-16...which ended up being the final score. Jim McDonald smacked a quartet of singles and scored a pair. Chris Barrett reached base 4 times and scored every time. Andy Kozai, George Merrick, Mike Way, and Rick Wilkinson added 9 more runs. But, it's not how you start but how you finish (That's what SHE said).

Following the games, Manager Chris Barrett took it upon himself to make a week-long fact-finding mission to South Carolina wine country near Myrtle Bacchus. Now I did some research and Bacchus is the Roman god of wine and fertility...hmmmm. Next week's manager will be Ianardo (hero in a half) Schell as the Wines will attempt to Shred the opposition. Cowabunga!!

Red Faces Report

A skeleton crew of 11 Red Faces demonstrated how teamwork gets the job done with a doubleheader sweep of the Fine Wines.

The good news was that making up the lineup wasn’t too complicated for the manager’s simple brain.

Red Faces looked like they had their hands full in the opener as Fine Wines started the game with a bunch of hits and a quick 2 runs. But Red Faces responded with five runs and quickly and quietly added onto their lead. By the bottom of the fifth inning, Red Faces were up 11-4 and, almost unnoticed, scored five runs to end the game! It was a surprise to both teams.

The second game was a lot different as the score see-sawed throughout the game. No one was ahead by more than 3 runs at the end of any inning. Red Faces put up a five-spot in the top of the sixth and held the Fine Wines scoreless to take the lead. The Fine Wines trailed by 3 going into the bottom of the seventh and looked like were on the verge of overturning the lead. However, Red Faces’ pitcher Rick Halik induced a foul third strike for the final out and the sweep.

Among the keys to the Red Faces’ victories was a solid, bend-but-not-break defence which made a number of catches and held runners from advancing throughout the day.

Red Faces’ offence was led by Mark Dreschel who went 7-for-8 with three home runs and 11 RBIs. As well, Mark played a stellar shortstop. Other key contributors were John Crowdis who went 6-for-8 with 4 RBIs, including the winning RBI in the second game. John was hobbling on a leg injury and was the opposite of fast on the basepaths, but overcame all of that to bash the ball with regularity.

Bill Manson was masterful on the mound in the opener, holding Fine Wines to not a lot of hits and only four runs. As well, he went 6-for-8 with 5 runs scored and 4 RBIs. Warren Pantrey patrolled left field expertly and went 6-for-8 with 4 RBIs. Other key contributors were Mike Boyle with 7 hits, Steady Al Stokes with 6 hits, Bruce Locke with 5 hits, Rick Halik and Cubby with 4 hits each. Defensively, Rudy Gauer and Jon Diniz were solid at LCF and 3B respectively.


White Hairs Report

The Hairs were pleased with a sweep over the Green Gimps except for one important factor - being last to Monaghans.

Decent hitting and less than average defence in game one lead to a one run victory for the Whiteys.  Leading by 6 in the top of the 7th, the Hairs made some uncharacteristic errors and the Gimps had some solid hitting.  7 runs later the Hairs were behind for the first time this season. The tail end of the order produced two runners and then Vince Pileggi knocked in the tying run and Brock Paterson drove in the winning run in a 15-14 White Hairs win.

Game 2 saw the Hairs’ bats spring to life and the defense improved. The Hairs put up 22 in 5 innings to win 22-9.

Morton went 7 for 7 with a Sac fly and two HRs.  Brock and "I am behind the screen" Canham each went 7 for 8.  “Bread Basket” Warren had 6 hits and lots of RBIs and switch-hitting Tony Fratia contributed 6 hits.

Greg “Pit Bull” Potter provided comedic relief and will be sporting an ice pack this weekend.  And finally “Barnburner” Henderson had 5 hits and in a pinch running role (yes, pinch running) got ahead of himself at second and slipped, slid back to the bag.

Green Gimps Report

Three weeks in and the Green Gimps played their first game, although it was more of a meet and greet and “how were things over the winter”, with a little ball mixed in.  The Green Gimps lost both games to the White Hairs but showed tons of promise in the first game by scoring 7 runs in the top of the seventh to go up 14-13 only to give up two in the bottom of the seventh to lose 15-14. The White Hairs tried to keep the game close by leaving the bases loaded 3 times during the game. In the second game the Gimps just ran out of steam and were mercied 22-9.  There were plenty of great plays in the field along with a similar number of “oohs” and “aaahs” and “almost got it”s. Hitting stars for the Gimps were Mike Kitchen back from a 4-year hiatus, Ron VanderMeulen, Richard Grudzinski and Steve Vitella.   The real star of the game was Jim Staios who is out for at least a few more weeks due to an Achilles tendon injury. Jim patiently kept score and continued to provide much-needed emotional support.

A note to the White Hairs – thanks for helping with the early season tune-up.  Looking forward to our next encounter.


Blue Pills Report

The Blue Pills were fired up to avenge their 2 losses to the White Hairs the previous week. We started off strong in Game One, scoring 3 runs in the first inning.  With strong defence and solid hitting, the Blue Pills easily won the first game 12-8. 

Game 2 was a different story.  We started off strong scoring 4 runs in the first inning but the Grey Beards came back and scored 5 runs.  Our age started to be a factor as the Blue Pills started to run out of gas, as there many errors in the field that allowed the Beards to continue to score unearned runs.  Final score was 21-9 for the Grey Beards as they mercied us in the 5th inning.

Grey Beards Report

With assistance from their sports psychologists on retainer the Grey Beards arrived bright and early at Millbank West eager to avenge the travesty of their double losses on opening day.  Their spirits were further buoyed by the arrival of wily veteran Roy Kitching for the first appearance of his 11th season (according to the OMMSPL archives).  Roy assured his new teammates that he was in game shape, having done some stretches in the car while enroute to the park.  With trademark humility he asked manager Chappy to put him at the bottom of the order so as not to outshine his teammates. Following a quick visual assessment of his conditioning Chappy was happy to oblige.

Game One started according to plan, with the Beards scoring 5 runs in the top half.  Unfortunately, due to a combination of the Beards’ offensive ineptitude and the Pills’ defensive competence the Beards generated a measly 3 runs in the subsequent 6 innings.  The early-season defensive rust continued to be a factor, including generously granting the Pills 6 outs in the first inning. Final score Pills 12, Beards 8.

After a rousing inter-game pep-talk by Chappy (according to those who were paying attention), the Beards charged onto the field to start Game Two and promptly gave up 4 runs.  What followed, however, was nothing short of remarkable.  The Beards found the hitting switch and scored 19 runs in the first four innings to find themselves in very unfamiliar territory – needing only 2 runs in the bottom of the fifth inning to complete the mercy.  And even more surprisingly, they did.  Final score Beards 21, Pills 9.  Bonus – the quick mercy allowed the Beardies to claim first to the pub bragging rights and thereby end the one-week streak of that other team who shall not be named.

Offensive stars for the Beards were Randy Heinbecker who went 5-7 with a walk, Doug Howard 6-8, Jeff Francis 4-6 and the aforementioned Kitching who recovered from some early jitters to go 4-6, if the chicken scratches on the scoresheet can be believed.


For updated standings click on the "Standings" tab.



White Hairs Report

The White Hairs started the 2023 season with a couple of goals with of course the primary goal of being first to Monahans.  Below is a picture of some of the White Hairs celebrating being first to Monahans!

Al King just off eye surgery did a superior job moving the runners at 3rd.  The Whites didn't give the Pills any extra outs and played some mid-season D to hold the Pills to 2 runs in the first and a shutout in the second.

Mike Canham pitched really well and had a strikeout DP in game two.  Another DP in game two resulted from a runner advancing at his own risk on a called Infield Fly.  Left fielder Bread Basket Warren was flawless and Frank Crazy Legs Strum made two outstanding catches in RC in game one.

Offensively the Hairs had at least two hits from every player with Morton getting six. five from Nick Wollaston and four from Canham, Bread Basket, Barny Henderson, Greg Potter, Tony Fratia and Roman Kryzaniwsky.

Final results 15-2 and 12-0 for the White Hairs over Blue Pills.  Great to see a solid turnout from all teams post game.



Blue Pills Report

Opening day results favoured the White Hairs who convincingly thrashed the Blue Pills by scores of 15 to 2 in the opening game and 12 nothing in the 5 inning second game.  The Pills didn't hit very well - a combined 21 for 52 on the day.  The rust was also evident in fielding as evidenced by the number of errors.  There were some bright lights for the Pills including Jeff Biren who went 3 for 4 on the day and played a solid shortstop and Darrell Northcott who also went 3 for 4. 

Post game banter at the bar was encouraging...everyone agreed that next week's results will be much better.


Fine Wines Report

The Fine Wines popped out of the gate like a speedy cork from a shaken bottle of Champagne. Under the leadership of rookie Sommelier Chris Barrett the Boys in Burgundy scored 13 runs in the first three innings to take a 13-5 lead. Then, like all good wines, the guys needed time to breathe, scoring 3 times in the next three innings. The open top of the 7th saw the Wines pour it on, cranking out more hits than The Beatles, exploding for 11 runs to make the final score 27-13.

Every position player on the Wine Wagon scored at least twice with rookie Andy Kozai and a well-aged Mike ChardonWay scampering home 4 times each. Bernie Renwick and Steve Isaccs shared a 6 pack of runs. Pinot Georgio Merrick pitched a grape game for the vintage victors.

The second contest started slowly until the Wines scored 5 runs in the 2nd and then added miniscule amounts in the following frames to take the noon-cap 10-3. Offensively it was once again Kozai and Renwick along with Manager Barrett who led the way with a total of 9 hits. Mogen David Adams, Ian Schell and Merrick combined for 6 ball smacks.

 All in all, it was Two Fine Wins for the Fine Wines.

Rusty Royals Report

Unfortunately living up to our namesake the Royals came out a bit "Rusty"!  Even though the scoresheet implied a better outcome, the Winos were relentless inning after inning. Even with the Royals 23 hits, 1 HR and a late rally the Rusties fell 23-14 in the opener.  Three players went 3-4 and rookie Dan Cooper went yard along with 4 RBI.

Rust turned to fatigue in Game 2 as the Royals couldn't overcome a 5 run 2nd as the bats went silent and only chipped away with 1 run or 0 run innings as the Winos won game two 10-4.  Even though 6 players went 2-3 their hits were not timely and off to the bar for beers was welcomed.


Grey Beards Report

The opening day performance for the Grey Beards brings to mind the Thumper Principle (with thanks to Walt Disney) - “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”.  In short, our offense was offensive (not in a good way) and our defence was a little too generous. On the bright side, rookie manager Jeff Chapman (aka “Chappy”) exuded positivity throughout both games, although late in game 2 he was heard muttering something about getting into the game “rotator cuff injury be damned”.

Randy Heinbecker led the Beards’ offence going 6 for 6 on the day.  Glen Ferguson was 5-7 and Don Brown, Doug Howard and Jim Banyard were each 4-6.  Geoff Coulson, on loan from the idle Green Gimps, made some nice catches in left field and went 4-5 at the plate.

The Beards are eagerly anticipating the opportunity for redemption next week. There’s nothing wrong that a bucket or two of Rustoleum can’t fix.

Red Faces Report

Staffed with a large number of first- and second-year players, the Red Faces overcame unfamiliarity to win both ends of their doubleheader against the Grey Beards Thursday, 14-6 and 17-12. The bright, sunny and very warm day enabled the players’ brains to focus on their game rather than the mid-season brain fog we’re all more accustomed to!  Strong pitching in the opener by Bill Manson held the Grey Beards to just two runs in the first three innings while Red Faces were slowly building a 7-2 lead. The score narrowed to 7-4 at one point but a five-run sixth inning sealed the deal. Among the new players, Mark Dreschel’s first swing in OMMSPL was an opposite-field home run.

 The second game began just like the first game ended with Red Faces building a 6-1 lead after three innings and the Red Facers thinking they’d seen this movie before. However, the Grey Beards changed the script and both teams traded two back-to-back, five-run innings to make this game very uncomfortable for the Red Faces. A nice double-play by the Red Faces’ infield in the bottom of the seventh inning snuffed out any thoughts the Beards had of a comeback.

 The Faces hit well throughout both games with a total of 53 hits. Dreschel went five-for-six with 7 RBIs before leaving the game and going to work. Manson had seven hits and five RBIs, and Jeff Palmer had six hits and five RBIs. Dave Cubby Hubert put on a hitting clinic for the youngsters on the team with six textbook hits crossing up the defence each team they felt they’d figured him out! Players with five hits were Ben Roczniak and Mike Boyle while Warren Pantry, Jon Diniz, Bruce Locke and John Crowdis had four hits apiece.

 Rick Halik did a masterful job on the mound in the second game confusing the hitters and holding them to a single run over the first three innings. Rudy Gauer, Palmer and Pantry made a number of nice catches in the outfield.



Click on the "Standings" tab for updated standings.



Congratulations to the Green Gimps and White Hairs for their impressive display of slo-pitch in the championship game on September 15th.  The game was close throughout with numerous lead changes, strong batting performances and crisp defensive plays.  The decision by Gimps rookie manager Shane Noseworthy to bench himself apparently paid dividends as the Gimps prevailed by the slimmest of margins 19-18.  The game was well-attended by past and present players as well as the usual groupies, all of whom stopped yakking and held their collective breath during the last few innings.



From left to right: Gary Gilmore, Lee Dedauw, Darrell Northcott, Jeff Biren, Randy Heinbecker, Don Brown, Mike Canham, Steve Vitella, Jim Staois, Doug Ford, Dave (“Cubby”) Hubert, Roman Kryzaniswky

Absent:  Shane Noseworthy, Brian Hiltz


Congratulations also to the White Hairs, led by their indominable and perpetually upbeat manager Jeff Morton, for running away with the regular season championship in convincing fashion and striking terror into the hearts of their hapless opponents all season. Also, congrats for being “first to the pub” more often than not.



From left to right: Richard Grudzinki, Jeff Morton, Mike Way, Mike Albert, Ian Carson, Steve Moses, Pat Blais, Frank Accomando, Rudy Gauer, Rick Martin, Jon Diniz

Absent Ben Roczniak 



August 4, 2022

Editor’s Note

In keeping with OMMSPL tradition there will be no game reports for the playoffs. I hope everyone has enjoyed the drama, embellishments, alternative facts and occasional humour in the game reports this season. I believe our collection of wannabe journalists have outdone themselves.  Thanks to the following:

Rusty Royals – John Koopman, Mike Lawson

White Hairs – Jeff Morton

Red Faces – Mike Boyle

Fine Wines – Ian Schell, Chris Barrett, Garry Shultz, Jeff Palmer, Bob Edmondson

Green Gimps – Shane Noseworthy

Blue Pills – Greg Aubert

Grey Beards – me

If any contributors have been omitted please let me know and I would be happy to update the list.

Tom Hunter 


Fine Wines Report

After coming off a sweep the week before, the Fine Wines, bristling with confidence, took on the Green Gimps. In game one, the Winers took an early lead in the second inning and never looked back, winning 14 to 6. The offence was led by Lloyd Johnston who went 4 for 4 and newly-acquired Rick Wilkinson who went 3 for 4. Greg Macaulay and Chris Barrett chipped in also, both going 2 for 3 with sacrifice flies. Wilkinson pitched a complete game for the win.

In game two, maybe it was grand illusions of unbeatability or the fact that Chris Barrett didn’t bring his famous chilled watermelon cubes but the Winers’ clutch hitting evaporated and the defence imploded as the Gimpers took the second game. The game started slowly with each team feeling the other out and not registering a run over the first two innings. The Fine Wines even took a short lived 3 to 2 lead in the third before the Gimps took off with their bats and with the help of shoddy defence by the Winers maxed out in 3 of the next 4 innings; winning the game 18 to 11. Jeff Palmer contributed with 3 RBIs in the losing cause while Palmer, Chris Barrett, Rick Wilkinson, Rod Reichstein and Ian Schell all went 3 for 4.

Green Gimps Report

The Green Gimps needed a win over the Red Wines or a loss by the Blue Pills to secure second place.  On a muggy day that was in danger of being rained out the Red Wines and Green Gimps played two competitive games with the Green Gimps outscoring the Red Wines 26-25 over the two games. The Red Wines won the first game 14-8 with most of their hits being just over the infielders’ reach. With the score tied 5-5 going into the fifth the Red Wines scored 9 more runs the rest of the game to the Green Gimps 3.  With the second game looming ever so large with second place at stake the Green Gimps started slowly, trailing 3-2 after 3 innings.  With the coach providing a much needed incentive (he was heard to mutter..."I think I 'm going to quit this game") and the players fearing that one of them may have to take over the coaching reins, they rallied for 16 runs over the next 4 innings to preserve the victory at 18-11. 

Our offensive player recognition goes to new recruit Randy Heinbecker who went 8/8 and scored 4 runs over the two games.  A remarkable event occurred in the 7th inning when Lee DeDauw running hard to 2nd pulled up lame and had to be taken out of the game. This was unfortunate as Lee hit the ball hard every time at bat and pitched (for the first time this year) the entire two games. The remarkable event was that the Green Gimps had exhausted their usual substitute runners and in trotted big Don Brown to run for Lee.   There were cries from the stands to leave Lee in, injured and all, but they fell on deaf ears.  Not only did Don end up scoring but he came in to pitch the bottom of the 7th getting the save.


Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals played great defence to split with the Grey Beards.  

In game one the Lawson/Rencick double play combination was powerful and Bentley, Pang, Banyard and Tyler all contributed nice catches.  The bats were a little different. Lawrence, back from a stint in Triple A to get his swing back, was 2-3 in the opener, Renwick was 3-4 and Lawson drove in 3. 

In game two the Royals relied on the long-forgotten concept of little ball. Using blinding speed, hitting to the opposite field and exploiting Texas leaguers they scored six runs.  With their minds freed to focus on defence the Royals held the Grey  Beards to five and won 6-5.  Superior conditioning on the Royals side was key.  In the heat the Grey Beards wilted while the Royals marched on.

The Royals are hot as they approach the play-offs!

Grey Beards Report

The Grey Beards started game one like a house on fire, sending 9 men to the plate and scoring 4 runs in the first inning.  But the fire fizzled out as the Beardies were held off the scoresheet for the next four innings, thanks in part to some crisp defence by the home team Royals.  Fortunately the Beards’ defence was equally impressive during that span (or the Royals’ offence was equally inept).  Entering the sixth inning with a miniscule 4-3 advantage the Beardies finally showed some spunk and notched 5 runs, followed by 8 more in the top of the seventh to depose the Royals 17-8.

Injuries put Beardies Ross Macintosh and Al Baskett on the bench for game 2.  Defence continued to be the order of the day for both teams.  As one wag noted: “It’s almost like we know what we’re doing”.  After six tight innings the scoreboard read 5-5.  In the top of the final frame the crafty Royals played small ball to score one run, but the Beards were unfazed with the top of their lineup coming up.  Two quick outs later, the Beards’ were starting to be fazed.  It looked like their late-season winning streak of one game was at serious risk.  Then Don Yaschyshyn stroked his usual bullet over the infielders’ heads to keep the Beardies’ hopes alive, or at least that’s what should have happened.  Instead, Royals’ alert fielder Jack Pang ended the contest with a shoestring catch a few millimetres above the grass, to the adulation of his Rusty teammates.  In retrospect, that unfortunate conclusion was OK as the Grey Beards prefer to save their karma for the playoffs.

Defensive highlights included John Finley’s tough catch of a foul tip behind the plate and several nice running catches in the outfield by spare Mike Way (thanks Mike!).  Offensive highlights:  Dechene and Cummings had 6 hits each; Yaschyshyn, Hunter and Osmak each had 5 hits and a walk; Finley had 5 hits and Merrick had 4 hits and a walk.

The Grey Beards accomplished their regular season goal of finishing last in order to make their eventual championship a little sweeter.


Blue Pills Report

The Blue Pills were missing five roster players for the doubleheader against the Red Faces.  However, Brock Paterson (OMMSPL Spares Coordinator) worked his magic and supplied us with two spares, namely, Richard Grudinski (from the White Hairs) and Tony Foscarin who both filled in admirably for us. 

The Blue Pills had high hopes of continuing their climb up the standings.  However in Game 1 their bats were cold and the Reds were hot.  The Reds scored 4 runs in each of the first two innings and cruised to a 5 inning mercy victory by a score of 13 to1, thus bringing the Pills’ 6-game winning streak to an end. 

Game 2 started slowly for both teams.  The Pills clung to a 4 - 2 lead through 3 innings. In the 4th inning, the Pills’ bats suddenly woke up and they pushed across 5 runs - 4 of them scoring with 2 outs.   The Reds could only manage 2 more runs the rest of the way as the Pills’ defense held firm led by 2nd baseman Dave George who turned several hot shots into key outs.  The game ended in a 10 to 4 Pills' victory and an early trip to the pub.  Hitting leaders for the Pills included Frank Strurm (3/4, 3 RBI), Tony Foscarin (3/3) and Greg Aubert (2/3, 1 BB and 2 RBI). 

Red Faces Report

Trying to figure out a way to end their losing streak, the Red Faces decided that rather than change the lineup they’d simply change managers, so with Mike Boyle away for the day Larry Weber stepped in. Not only did they snap the losing streak, they proceeded to do it in only 5 innings with a 13-1 win over the Blue Pills. Alas, their good fortune couldn’t be maintained for the second game as they went down 10-4.

The Faces started the day scoring 4 runs in each of the first two innings to run up an 8-0 lead and coasted to the 13-1 win. Their first four hitters went 10-14 to spark the offence and lay the groundwork for the win.

Their bats went colder in the second game, scoring only 3 runs after five innings as the Blue Pills 4-run fourth inning put them ahead to stay and they never looked back.

Greg Moore led the hitters going 6-for-7 with six RBIs. Barny Henderson showed that a week’s holiday was good for his game as he went 3-for-3 in the opener with 4 RBIs. Barny has decided that he’s enjoying this holiday world and will officially pack up his working career this month! Al King went 2-for-3 with two runs scored and two RBIs.

Other strong hitting performances came from Dave Adams with five hits, Manny Maier with four hits, Tom France with four hits, Ron Linklater with four hits, and newcomer Geoff Coulson with four hits.



Fine Wines Report

The forecasted thundershowers thankfully decided to hold off, allowing the Fine Wines and Grey Beards to play both games under near perfect weather conditions.

The Wines finally pulled off what had previously seemed unimaginable - a 2-game sweep of their opponents despite Manager Lloyd Johnston having returned from his European adventures.

In the first game, the Wines followed former interim manager Ian Schell's strategy of simply winning every inning, scoring 5 runs in the top of the first to set the tone. The Wines continued to score runs every inning, including another 5 in the 5th and final inning, winning 20-3. Despite lending a hand to the Grey Beards as catcher, the ump called a fair and non-partisan game, including a very loud strike out by Manager 'Looking Lloyd' to shut down the Wines' attack in the 2nd. The Wines benefitted from strong batting throughout the order, including a first inning inside-the-park HR from Jim Moriarty. The team also had solid defensive plays from the infield, including Chris Barrett's double plays in back-to-back 4th and 5th innings. Chris clinched his selection as Finest Wine of the game by sharing chilled watermelon cubes with the rest of the guys at halftime.

The second game was played with a starting 1-1 count and was a much closer affair, with the score a mere 3 to 1 in favour of the Wines after 4 innings. The Wines continued to swing the bat well, but hit a bunch of solid line drives and deep fly balls into waiting gloves. Defensive hero Jim Fenner took matters into his own hands in the 5th and 6th, catching 3 consecutive outs (per Mac: 'Could've been 4 if he'd tried a little harder') and 4 in total over the two innings. Jim also brought his opposite-field line drive swing to the game, which he unleashed on several occasions. Chris Barrett once again turned a crucial DP to end the Greys' bases-loaded rally in the 7th (but he was not considered for another game ball, as this time he offered no watermelon or other refreshments after the game). Final score in the game was 9-5 in favour of the Wines. Their +21 on the day was enough to finally give the Wines a positive run differential on the season to date.

Thanks to spare and backup pitcher Rick, who gave starter Greg Macauley a rest in the 2nd game so that Big Mac could show off his defensive prowess at first base. Inconsequential but nonetheless amusing play of the day goes to Garry Schultz for accidentally running from the screen for the wrong batter.

The Wines completed their Fine outing by being first to arrive (11:40 am) at Monaghan's for post-game festivities and retelling of past glories. The front-row parking also came in handy for those who chose to leave the pub just after some heavy rain showers finally showed up.

Grey Beards Report

A grand total of 8 moderately healthy Grey Beards showed up to Glenashton West on Thursday, raising the dreaded possibility of a forfeit. Luckily, injured Beardie Ross Macintosh was on hand to provide moral support, not intending to play but fortuitously wearing his uniform. He was quickly pressed into service to save the day (temporarily, as it turned out). Adrenaline kicked in and he played admirably at first base, including making a leaping catch which was pretty stupid given his condition but much appreciated by his teammates. You would think that Ross deserved player of the game honours, but read on.

In an historic first for the OMMSPL, the Grey Beards. player of the game was umpire Glen Marshall. Really. When Glen realized the Beards dire manpower situation he volunteered to ump the game and play catcher for the Beards concurrently. For those of us who have difficulty walking and chewing gum at the same time this would seem an impossible task, but Glen pulled it off. Unfortunately his herculean contribution went for naught, as the Beards suffered a 20-3 crushing defeat in 5 innings in game one and a more respectable 9-5 defeat in 7 innings in game two. One possible explanation for the dismal offensive performance having just returned from their break last week the Beards thought they were still playing golf, striving for the fewest hits.

It wasn't all bad, however. Grizzled veteran John Finley made a rare appearance in left field and made a nice running catch. Ditto Tom Hunter in right-centre. The infield combo of Rick Cummings, Don Yaschyshyn and Don Pente caught several line drives and turned a few crisp double-plays (OK, maybe one). On the offensive side, Yaschyshyn was 5-6 with a walk, and each of Hunter, Pente, Cummings and Bruce Locke was 4-7.

After the carnage catcher/ump Glen kindly offered a few consoling words to his semi-teammates, prompting manager Phil Deschene to quip it's pretty pitiful when the ump feels sorry for you.


Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals and White Hairs were both short-handed on Thursday but it did not stop them from battling to the end.

In Game One the Royals scored no runs in 5 of the 7 innings. A paltry one run was scored by each of Renwick, Lawton, Koopman and LaBonte. The Royals were also not at their best defensively - but when you score four runs you won't win many slo-pitch games.

Chastened by their poor performance, and terrified that Kathy would quit coming and watching their games - the Royals came into the second game ready to hunt bear. The bats were hopping as Pang hit a HR and Renwick, Kopman and Lawton hit triples. Every Royal scored a run except, curiously, Lawton but then he went 3-5 with five RBIs so could be forgiven. Little played a fine defensive game at 3B, Wilcox made a couple of good grabs in RC and Tyler continued to hit the ball hard. The Royals pulled off an upset and beat the unbeatable White Hairs 17-9 in game two. What the boys won't do for a pretty girl...

White Hairs Report

There is no truth to the rumours that the White Hairs rested 6 of their players to avoid further injuries and get ready for the playoffs. Missing 6 regulars the Hairs gratefully got spares Tony Foscarin and Dave Ware to fortify their infield. The 3 outfielders were Rudy my groin is getting better Gauer, Hop Along Let's Get Another and Windmill Don.

That defensive alignment worked in game one. Frank Accomando, coming back from injury and the virus, pitched well until he hit the wall in game 2. French Connection Blais made his debut at second and made some nice plays, as did Super Sub Foscarin at SS. The Hairs cruised to a 16-4 win.

Yours truly got to catch for both teams and formed a stronger relationship with Umpire Brian Sheridan who threw each ball back to the pitcher. Brian was seen post game applying ice to his left shoulder while enjoying a beverage courtesy of the Ks from some of the Hairs that will go nameless (thanks Hop Along and Windmill).

The Hairs didn't have consistent hitting throughout the lineup but did manage 16 in game one and a quiet 9 in game 2. Hitting stars for the Whites were Steve Moses going 9 for 10 and Frank Accomando 8 for 9.

Congrats to the Royals for persevering in game 2 for a well-deserved split.

[Ed. Note - White Hairs manager Jeff Morton managed to type this report using only his uninjured left hand. Maybe that's why it's a little shorter than usual.]


Red Faces Report

The Red Faces brought their hitting shoes to the ballpark Thursday. But alas, despite a season-high number of runs, the Red Boys couldn't turn them into wins and went down 19-11 and 19-18 to the Green Gimps.

The offensive outburst was the Red Faces largest of the season as the team bashed 53 hits and a couple of walks to put a lot of pressure on the highly-rated Gimps. Among the anomalies in the game was the fact that every player of the 11-man Red Faces got at least two hits in each game. The Gimps had three consecutive 5-run innings in the opener and that turned a close game into one that wasn't close at the end.

Not disheartened, the Red Faces led throughout the second game and took a four-run lead into the bottom of the seventh. However, the Gimps battled back and, with the scored tied and two out, scored the winning run on a long fly ball.

Leading the offence for the Faces was newcomer Tom France who was perfect going 8-for-8 and five runs scored. Pitcher Tony Reda showed that a three-week layoff was good for his bat as he went 6-for-8 with five runs scored. Dave Adams started the day with six consecutive hits. Players with five hits were Manny Maier and Mike Boyle. Other production came from Greg Moore, Larry Weber, Andy McMackin, Paul Fagon, Jeff Chapman and Al King with four hits each. Al King flashed the leather at third base with a number of line-drive catches throughout the day.

Green Gimps Report

The Green Gimps got back on the winning track by taking both games 19-11 and 18-17 against the Red Faces. The second game was by far the most entertaining with the Green Gimps never leading until the bottom of the seventh. With two men out Cubby knocked in the winning run with the entire team rushing (ok, I might be exaggerating here a bit) onto the field to congratulate him. This was a game that both teams deserved to win but after 4 ties this year the Gimps did not want another one. Everybody had a standout day and kudos to Doug, Darrell and Don (the big 3D) each scoring 6 runs. Don our incredibly talented but sleepy First Baseman made a few small "faux pas" in the field but then decided to take revenge on the Red Faces by hitting a thunderous ball over the fence. Bring on the Fine Wines.

For a more spirited recap (and with apologies to Robert Service)


There are strange things done in the Millbank sun

By the old men who play for fame.

On Gimp legs that fail and sore backs that wail

Ben-Gay is the star of the game.


The first game was a seesaw affair, both teams displaying much flair

With the score tied 2-2 after 3

The Green Gimps started hitting showing no signs of quitting

With a 17-run scoring spree.


The second game started, not for the faint hearted

As the Red Faces became much more serious

They led every inning, to the seventh they were winning

Their team was becoming delirious.


Down by five at the wire, the Green Gimps caught fire

Their batting was awesome to see

With Ben-Gay kicking in, they scored 6 more to win

And the clincher was smacked by Cub-by.


Now the baseline paths have seen many laughs

But the best that they ever did view

In the morning sun when the playing was done

The Green Gimps had won games 1 and 2.



JULY 21, 2022

Green Gimps Report

It was the best of times and the worst of times.  For the former the weather was good and the beer was cold and the wings hot at Monahans. For the latter The GGs lost two to the Blue Pills 19-14 and 17-11.

The GGs knew they were in trouble when they were down to 7 players for the game.  Bolstered by 3 spares, the games were close although the GGs never led at any point in the 2 games. The Blue Pills unleashed a non-stop hitting clinic and just wouldn't let up.  Player of the day for the GGs was Darrell Northcott who garnered 5 hits, 4 runs and played strong defensively.  Honorable mention goes to Cubby who made it in time for the second game and went 3 for 4.

Blue Pills Report

The Blue Pills continued their move up the standings by sweeping both ends of the doubleheader against the Green Gimps by scores of 19 to 14 in game 1 and 17 to 10 in the nightcap.

The Pills were missing 3 roster players but picked up Geoff Coulson for the second week in a row.  He continued his strong play in the outfield and at the plate where he was a combined 6 for 7 with 5 RBI...thanks Geoff.

The Pills set the tone for Game1 by plating 5 runs in the first inning without making an out.   The Pills scored in every inning and recorded two more 5-run innings to dash any comeback hopes that the Green guys may have had.  The team batted .786 with each player recording at least 2 hits. Standouts were  Kirk MacDonald (4/4), Dave Ware (4/4), Greg Aubert (4/4), Mike McFadden (3/4), Brock Paterson (3/4) and Tony Fratia (3/3).

In Game 2, the Pills' continued their hitting clinic.  They scored in every one of the first 6 innings, racking up 17 runs in the process.  Despite the windy conditions, pitcher Joe Fitzgerald kept the usually dangerous Green Gimp bats at bay limiting them to 10 runs. Offensive stars included Geoff Coulson (4/4), Al Stokes (4/4), Frank Sturm (3/4), Tony Fratia (3/4), Bill Johnson (3/4), Greg Aubert (3/4) and Joe Fitzgerald (2/3).

White Hairs Report

In a case of determining who was injured the least, White Hairs inspiration Rudy Gauer found a way and limped onto the field to give the Hairs 11 men for the day.  Many thanks to Bruce Locke for sparing.

The Hairs got off to another weak start and gave up 5 to the Winery crew.  Not to fret, the Hairs scored 5 of their own.  The game went back and forth only to find the Whities down 4 going into the bottom of the 7th.  The gimpy substitute umpire then tried to moderate breathing levels and get the lads grinning.  Secret Weapon led off with a triple, and a couple of runs later with 2 out Lightning Diniz hit a two-run single to tie game one. [Ed. Note – presumably the “gimpy substitute umpire” referred to above is White Hairs manager Jeff Morton who is out for a few weeks with a hand injury.]

In the second game, the Hairs never trailed enroute to a tidier effort and 14-9 win.  Solid pitching by our French Connection Blais, good D particularly from Roczniak, Way and Gauer and a minimum of 4 hits per player helped the Whites to 3 of 4 points and most importantly bragging rights of being first to Monahans. 

Get another jug Carson, Mike Way, Secret Weapon, French Connection, and Roczniak all contributed 6 hits.

Fine Wines Report

Game 1 

The Fine Wines were short-staffed.  Thanks to spares Donny Y and Ricky who filled in admirably. Stubby came back early from the DL and we fielded a full squad.  Lloyd Johnston had two doubles and a single and played well in left field.  He recommends a month in Europe mid-season for anyone.  I’m still envious.  Jeff Palmer had 3 singles and 1 double.  He scored 2 and had 2 RBI.  For all the other great performances in the game, I missed them and I apologize.

We tied the “Jeff Mortonless” white hairs and that felt like a win.  According to Twitter we should have won that game. 

Game 2 

Jeff Palmer put 2 balls over the fence and had at least 4 RBI.  The score was respectable – 14 – 9 for the White Hairs.  Someone was overheard saying, “We don’t want to peak too soon.” Two more weeks and then playoffs!  Stay healthy.


Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals showed their true class today. In game one they fell behind the Red Faces 11-6 after four innings.  In the fifth inning though the bottom of the Rusty Royal line-up (Little, Koopman, Wilcox LaBonte, Moffat and Bentley) exploded for four runs to close the gap to one run.  In the bottom of the sixth Lawson and McDonald scored to put the Rusty Royals one run up going into the seventh.  In the seventh Lawson to Renwick to Moffat drew inspiration from Tinkers to Evers to Chance and closed out the Red Faces with a nifty double-play.  Every Royal contributed at least one hit in this game and Pileggi also made a nice catch in right-centre.

In the second game it appeared the Red Faces’ spirits were broken.  Led by Renwick, Pileggi, Pang and Lawson the Royals exploded for five runs in the top of the first and never looked back.  Lawson was 4-4 with 4 RBIs, and Pang scored three runs. LaBonte pitched another gem and the Royal defence was tight.  As playoffs approach the Rusty Royals are really hitting their stride!

Red Faces Report

The Red Faces were on the short end of some bad luck this week as they ended up dropping both games. 

The Faces led the opener 11-6 after four innings and looked quite comfortable but could only manage one more run the rest of the way and came out on the short end of a 12-11 decision. In the second game, the Red Faces almost succumbed to a mercy but managed to prolong the game by scoring a single run in the fifth inning. The Red guys mounted a comeback and narrowed the gap further but ran out of time and lost 14-7.

Despite the losses, there were a number of bright spots for the Red Faces. Manny Maier was perfect for the day going 7-for-7. Greg Moore went 6-for-7 and scored four runs while we welcomed Andy McMackin back from a two-week absence and he went 6-for-6 with a walk. Larry Weber went 5-for-6 with a walk and scored four runs. Ageless Barny Henderson had three hits including a two-run triple into deep left field. Tireless Greg Moore pitched most of the game except for three scoreless innings that Larry Weber pitched to close out the second game.







White Hairs Report

The White Hairs welcomed two spares to their depleted lineup on Thursday.  Although the weather was perfect, the Hairs ran into some injury issues as the day progressed.  The starting line up looked completely different than the lineup that finished the games.

Projected best selling book "Rudy Finds A Way" added several more interesting chapters.  Rudy Finds a Way to have a perfect day at the plate, Rudy plays through pain, Rudy's tips on infield triples.

The Hairs started out slowly in game one giving up 5 in the top of the first.  Battling back the boys took the lead for good in the 4th and cruised to a 21-12 win behind strong hitting and adequate defense. 

Game two saw the Hairs improve their D while continuing to score in every inning.   Spare Andy Kozai did a face plant running from first to third and had to come out of the game.  Everyone's favourite Rudy Gauer pulled his hammy going for a ball in the outfield and had to move to rover.  The Hairs moved Moses and Albert to the outfield and borrowed a catcher from the Beardies.  The Hairs knew they better continue to hit well and put up 10 in the 4th and 5th to bring an end to game two.

Offensively, Rudy had a 7 for 7 day at the plate.  Also chipping in with 7 hits were Frank Accomando, Jon Lightning Diniz, Morton and Mike Way.  Morton and Way also contributed two HRs each.  All other Hairs had at least 5 hits so clearly the O was in high gear.

Final scores 21-12 and 17-5. 

Post game the Hairs were first to Monaghans and enjoyed a plate of fries as we toasted our missing colleague Ian Carson and beer chairman Ricky Martin.

Grey Beards Report

Q: What do George Springer, Alejandro Kirk, Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Alek Manoah, Santiago Espinal and the Grey Beards have in common?  A: They all get to enjoy the all-star break next week (although some are more deserving than others).  The Grey Beards are limping into the break a little worse for wear after a rough outing at the hands of the merciless White Hairs.

The Beardies started strong, sending 9 batters to the plate in the first inning of Game One and putting a mercy on the board.  Unfortunately, that tactic backfired as it just seemed to irritate the hairy guys who immediately countered with 5 of their own.  Game On! The Bearded Ones weathered the storm for a few innings and held a one-run lead after the third, but then the floodgates opened.  Adequate defence was no match for Hairs’ relentless hitting. Game One went the full 7 innings, but in Game Two the Beardies’ bats took the rest of the day off, leading to an early exit.  The Beardies have resolved to spend their off week sharpening their skills ... on the golf links.

Greg Potter and Rick Cummings were each 5-6 for the Beards, George Merrick, Don Yaschyshyn and newcomer Nick Woolaston were each 4-5 and Tom Hunter was 3-5 with a sac fly.  Bruce Locke had his usual weekly triple. 


Blue Pills Report

The Blue Pills continued their hot streak by sweeping both ends of the doubleheader against the Fine Wines by scores of 19 to 18 in game 1 and 18 to 15 in the nightcap.

The Pills were missing 4 roster players but picked up spare Geoff Coulson who made his OMMSPL debut.  He had two strong games both defensively and with the bat where he was a combined 6 for 8 with 6 RBI...thanks Geoff.

The first half of Game1 was low scoring and the Wines clung to a 6 to 4 lead after 4 innings. The two teams each recorded a 4 spot in the 5th inning.  The Pills doubled the Wines’ 2 run production in the 6th, resulting in a tie game after 6 complete innings.  The Wines' bats erupted for 6 runs in the top of the 7th putting them in a very favourable position.  Undaunted, the Pills recorded 7 straight hits to tie up the game.  With nobody out and the winning run on 3rd base, the Wines intentionally walked the next 2 batters to load the bases. A long flyout to left field generated the walk-off victory.  The team batted .750 with every Pill player having at least one hit.  Standouts were Paul Hunter (4/5), Mike McFadden (3/4 + a BB), Kirk MacDonald (3/4 + a BB), Dave Ware (3/4 + a BB), Roy Kitching (3/4), Kim Warren (4/4) and Tony Fratia (4/4).

In Game 2, the Pills' continued hitting at a torrid pace.  They recorded three 5-run innings enroute to an 18 to 15 victory.  Offensive stars included Joe Fitzgerald (3/4), Brock Paterson (4/4), Tony Fratia (3/4), Geoff Coulson (4/4) and Dave Ware (3/4).

Fine Wines Report

WTF.  The Blue Jays lose 3 – 1 to the Royals who were missing 10 players!  It looks like I have a spot on the Blue Jays roster.  If anyone has a video send it in to the Blue Jays.

We know the recent history of the “Winers” but that scenario changed on July 14.  Apparently the GoFundMe Page did not do well and Lloyd returned to lead his boys.  There’s my “swing” at Lloyd.  He asked me to take a couple of swings at him.  LOL

In the first game the Big Bad Pills had their way with us by a narrow margin of 19 to 18. Ian Schell led the way for our side with 3 RBI. Dave Kozai and Bob Edmondson had 2 RBI.  Chris Barrett had a triple and an RBI.  Greg Macaulay, Jeff Palmer, Lloyd Johnston, Jim Fenner, Jim Moriarty and Brian Spence each had an RBI.

In the second game the Pills managed to beat us by 3 runs – 18 to 15.  We were pretty sure we could win this one but they spoiled our day for a moment.  Jeff Palmer, had a home run.  Dave Kozai and Chris Barrett each had an RBI.  It is not clear what else happened according to the score sheet but one thing is certain – we lost. All was well – the pub was still there and beer was served.

Mark Twain used to say, “If you can’t get a compliment pay yourself one.”  Thanks Mark.  This is with your permission: Garry Schultz made two pretty good catches in right centre field to end the inning.  Not sure which inning but we don’t care.  Some might say (although I doubt it) that they were reminiscent of Devon White or Kevin Pillar (without the dive).  Regardless, two guys on the Pills were robbed.  In the post-game interview Garry stated that it was unbelievable that he caught them and promised it will never happen again.


Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals had another tough Thursday. In the first game they scored two runs and unsurprisingly lost.  Their only star was Vince Pileggi who came back from the IL and went 3 for 3.  His contributions were wasted however as the rest of the team did not do well at the plate, aside from Bill Tyler who was 2 for 3, as was Mike Lawson. 

In the second game with what little honour they had left the Royals clawed and fought like lions.  Rick Wilcox, Jack Pang and Vince Pileggi (again) all had three hits.  When with an 11-11 score, the Green Gimps loaded the bases with one out in the bottom of the seventh it looked grim for the guys in Blue.  An unlucky Gimp lined out to third on a well-hit ball, but happily for the Royals, it went right to a glove. With Doug Ford then coming to bat all seemed lost, even with two out. But, but....Vince Moffat made a grand snag of a Ford ground ball for a one man put-out at first.  The Rusty Royals got a point...

Green Gimps Report

[Ed Note.  The following report by Gimps manager Shane Noseworthy wins the prize for the longest game report in OMMSPL history (and possibly the most creative since Gary Goulden retired).  Get yourself a beer and pull up a lawnchair….]

The GGs playing the Rusty Royals won the first game 9-2 and tied the second 11-11 for their fourth tie of the year (is this a record?).  In the first game excellent defence led the way, holding the Royals to just 2 runs in the 4th. Doug Ford led the way offensively with 4 hits, 3 runs scored and 3 RBIs.  In the second game the GGs defence went on vacation as dropped balls, misplayed grounders, and errant throws became the norm for most of the game.  The Royals in their desire for revenge took full advantage of this, not missing an opportunity to score early.  The GGs finally put on their big boy pants and clawed back to make the game 11-11 in the bottom of the sixth scoring 4 runs.  In the seventh both teams were held scoreless thus preserving the second tie of the year between these two teams.  

For a more detailed recap of that nervy 7th we have the following:


An Ode to Doug "Casey" Ford :

The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Green Thirteen that day.

The score stood 11 to 7 with but 2 innings more to play.

Then Don, Darrell, Doug, and Shane scored as around the bases they came.

And a pall like silence fell upon the players of the game.


At the end of the 6th at 11 runs each, the score was unusually tied.

With both teams playing for personal glory, bragging rights, and pride.

The Royals in the 7th were full of vigor and bluster

But when their inning was over no runs they could muster.


The Green Gimp thirteen were determined, and some say transfixed.

As their mighty Doug Ford was due up in the inning, but unfortunately batting sixth.

So, upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,

for there seemed but little chance of Doug Ford getting to bat.


But Roman led off with a single, to the cheering giddiness of all.

Then Steve throughout much hardship tore the cover off the ball.

But alas it was just a line drive out,

and for the first time the Green Gimps were shackled with doubt.


Then Gary and Jeff reached base in a hurry

and the Royals body language showed plenty of worry.

When the dust had lifted and revealed what occurred,

there were men at first and second and another hugging third.


Next up was Brian and a mighty swing he did clout

but a line drive to third resulted in an out.

Then from the Green Gimp’s parched throats there rose a lusty yell;

it rumbled through the parking lot, it rattled in hell;

it pounded on the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,

for the mighty Doug Ford, was advancing to bat.


There was ease in Doug Ford’s manner as he stepped into his place;

there was pride in his bearing and a smile lit his face.

And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,

no stranger in the crowd could doubt Doug Ford at the bat.


All eyes were upon him as he rubbed his hands with dirt

and everybody cheered as he wiped them on his shirt.

And now the ball came arcing high through the still air,

Ball 1, then ball 2, now the matchup weighed unfair.


The smile was now gone from Doug Ford’s lips as he clenched his teeth tight.

With animal ferocity he swung his bat, using all of his muscles and plenty of might.

The Royals look relieved, and the Green Gimps stood about,

for there was no joy at Glenashton, the mighty Doug Ford grounded out.




JULY 7, 2022


Red Faces Report

A short-handed Red Faces team brought their enthusiasm to the ball diamond Thursday. However, they left their bats at home as a strong White Hairs defence limited the Faces to only 19 hits and five runs. The White Hairs doubled the 12-run difference winning the first game 14-2 in five innings. The Red Faces battled through seven innings in the second game but still lost 15-3.

Of the 19 hits, spares Tom France and Gary Gilmour had 3 hits each. Dave Adams was the only other player with three hits. The Red Faces’ bats were pretty quiet throughout the day. Greg Moore pitched both games and was the victim of timely and frequent gap-hitting by the crafty Hairs.

The schedule-maker must have anticipated this and granted the Faces a bye next week so that when they return to action in two weeks, the players will have clearly put these games behind them.

White Hairs Report

The White Hairs’ revolving roster welcomed back key infielders Lightning Jon Diniz and Secret Weapon Richard Grudzinski and Frank Accomando.  Once again the Hairs got behind 2-0 however this time they responded quickly putting up 5 in the 1st and 5 more in the second.  During the 2nd inning rally, Rudy Gauer got another one of his hits prompting discussion on the bench about Rudy.

The team decided to write a book entitled "Rudy Finds a Way".  Chapters in the book will include Rudy legs it out, Rudy moves the runner, Rudy on infield hits and Rudy discovers how to tune out the advice of his teammates.  Additional chapters are under development.  Look for “Rudy Finds a Way” coming soon - autographed copies available at Monahans on Trafalgar. 

Back to the action, the Hairs put the hammer down in game one and put together a solid team win 15-2 after 5 innings. Game two and the Hairs took an 8-1 lead and cruised to a 16-3 win.  The Hairs accomplished their primary goal of being first to Monahans and arrived just before noon.

The Hairs had good hitting throughout the lineup with everyone getting at least 3 hits.  Morton went 7 for 7 and Steve Moses, Mike Albert and Pat Blais had 6 hits each.  The White Hair defence was outstanding, particularly in the infield.  Pitcher Blais induced several foul-outs in another outstanding performance.


Grey Beards Report

On another perfect day for slo-pitch the eternally optimistic Grey Beards continued their quest for mediocrity, but were thwarted by a combination of good hitting and solid defence by the Green Gimps.  However, the Beardies had fun and are eagerly looking forward to receiving their participation award at the end of the regular season.

Game One was respectable.  The Bearded Ones scored 5 In the top of the sixth inning to take a 7-6 lead, and a slight whiff of victory was in the air.  The Gimpers took offense to that insult and responded with 5 in the bottom of the inning to give the Beardies the metaphorical finger.  The Grey Guys succumbed meekly in the seventh to drop the opener 11-7.

Realizing that Game One was too close for comfort the Gimps put up a 5-spot in the first inning of Game Two and never looked back.  Entering the bottom of the sixth inning the Beards needed to score 2 runs to avoid a mercy.  With the first two batters aboard, Bruce Locke came through with his usual weekly triple to save the day (or at least the moment), although with the unintended and unfortunate consequence of allowing the White Hairs to get to Monaghans first. Satisfied with their moral victory in the sixth inning the Greys went quietly in the final frame.  Gimps 20, Beards 9.

Don Yaschyshyn and Rick Cummings were each 5-7 for the Beards and Tom Hunter was 4-6 with a sac fly.  Bruce Locke, Greg Potter, Ross Macintosh and and Greg Osmak had 4 hits apiece. 

Green Gimps Report

The GGs are back on the winning track taking both games against the Grey Beards, using defense in the first game and offense in the second.  In the first game with the GGs infield defense leading the way, they won 11-7 only giving up runs in the 1st and 6th innings.  While the offense was shared among everyone, it would be remiss to mention Brian as he continues to hit, run and field like someone 20 years younger (I believe that would still make him the oldest guy on our team).

In the second game the GGs came out hitting on route to a 20-9 win. Everybody in the lineup contributed offensively with Cubby and Roman getting 6 hits and 5 runs between them.  A humorous moment in the game occurred when the GGs (not so) illustrious coach ran for Cubby from the screen.  As Cubby hit another line drive to the outfield adrenalin took over and he started to run to first. In what looked like a slo-motion Olympic sprint (or fast walk) the coach barely beat Cubby down the line.

It should be mentioned that the GGs hit many hard balls to the  Grey Beards shortstop Don Y  who ended up playing the position like a human piñata, by the end of the games he must have  had a dozen bruises all over his body. At one point we think we heard a fan mutter "why doesn't he use his glove".


Rusty Royals Report

Game One - Blue Pills 15, Rusty Royals 5

Game 2 - Blue Pills 14, Rusty Royals 7

The Rusty Royals were hitting, but everything they hit went straight into a Blue Pill glove.  Vince Moffat hit line drive after line drive - and they kept finding their way to Blue Pills gloves.  The Blue Pills did not reciprocate and insisted on catching everything hit at them.  With Vince Pileggi and Bill Tyler out, Little hurting and Mike Lawson just back the Rusty Royals were not themselves.  Bernie Renwick and Jack Pang each scored four runs on the day and Jim McDonald was 5-6 on the day.  But after that it starts to fade....

The Royals will be back next week!

Blue Pills Report

The Blue Pills recovered from last week's dismal result by sweeping a pair from the Rusty Royals.  Game 1 finished 15 to 5 in favour of the Pills.  In the nightcap, the Pills prevailed by a score of 14 to 7.

The Pills went into the doubleheader missing 5 roster players - enter spare Andy Kozai who performed admirably - notching 4 hits plus a walk, scoring 5 runs & driving in 3 runs...thanks Andy.  Strong defensive performances were registered by Roy "Hobbs" Kitching and "I can play anywhere" Brock Paterson who made several dandy catches in right field.  Joe Fitzgerald turned in 2 stellar pitching gems silencing the Royals bats in 8 out of 14 innings. Offensively, the Pills had 40 hits plus 11 walks for a team on-base average of 630.  Leading the way for the Pills were Kirk MacDonald (7/8 + 6 RBI), Greg Aubert (6/8 + 8 RBI), Paul Hunter (6/8 + 6 runs scored) and Joe Fitzgerald (3/5 + 3 BB).



JUNE 30, 2022


Red Faces Report

The Red Faces and Fine Wines engaged in a titanic head-to-head matchup Thursday without an umpire, lending credence to the thought that if a game is played without an umpire, did it really occur????

Nevertheless, in the opener the Red Faces built slim leads throughout the game. Every time they’d surge ahead the Fine Wines would reel them back. That all changed in the sixth inning when the Winers scored five runs for a 10-6 lead. The Faces threatened in the top of the seventh by putting the first two guys on and the top of the order due up, but Fine Wines’ fine defence held and the Reds only added one run to go down 10-7.

In the second game, using a 1-1 count to start with, the Red Faces put on their hitting shoes to pound out 18 runs on 30 hits. The Fine Wines’ offence was fairly consistent but that wasn’t enough as the Red Faces won 18-11 to split the day. Larry Weber and Ron Linklater made a couple of nice catches in the seventh inning to end the Wines’ threat.

The Red Faces’ offence was led by ageless Barny Henderson who, after a first at-bat groundout, followed up with six consecutive hits. The word on the street is that Barny is going to retire from his law practice in August so he can join the Blue Jays in their September push for the AL playoffs. Barny also scored three runs and knocked in one to round out a memorable day.

Mike Mozewsky went 5-for-7 with four runs scored and 5 RBIs. Newly mended Paul Fagon also went 5-for-7 with three runs scored and four RBIs. Manny Maier went 5-for-7 with four runs scored and two RBIs. Greg Moore went 5-for-7 with three runs scored and two RBIs. Jeff Chapman returned from the IR with four hits, two runs scored (using a teammate's legs!) and two RBIs. Ron Linklater, Tony Reda and Larry Weber added four hits each. Greg Moore pitched the opener and Tony Reda pitched the second game.

Fine Wines Report

[Ed. Note – in lieu of a game report the following was submitted by the Fine Wines’ interim manager, Ian Schell.] 

As my time as interim manager has now come to an end, I would like to thank my team. They performed extremely well on the field, achieving a 6 win 2 loss record in the month of June. Amazing considering the pathetic start to the season.

More to the point, they were helpful, cooperative, supportive and just a great group of men to be with. Let's welcome back Lloyd with a pair of wins in our next outing.

Thanks guys, Ian Schell


Grey Beards Report

On a perfect day for ball the Grey Beards and Blue Pills discovered the recipe for being first to the pub - don't hit.  Each time a team came off the field there was no point in sitting down.  Some guys didn't even bother to take off their gloves.  “I guess no-one wants to win this game” remarked one wag from the Blue Pills. The comment was prescient, as a combination of stellar defence and inept offense from both teams resulted in Game One ending in a 6-6 draw.

The prevailing theme carried over into Game Two, with the score knotted at 0-0 after two quick innings.  The Bearded Ones finally broke the ice in the top of the third inning, apparently inspired by manager Phil Dechene’s telepathic pep talk.  Surprised by this novel development the befuddled Pills continued to do what they excelled at – making outs.  Soon the Beards were up 8-1 and the Pills were down to their last 3 outs. The first Pills batter flew out to centre field and the Beardies relaxed – what could go wrong?  Then two runs crossed the plate – no sweat.  Shortly thereafter the bases were full, although with two outs.  Maybe a little sweat.  A well-hit ball to left field had the crowd on its feet, but like a stampeding buffalo Dechene charged in to make the catch and preserve a rare win for the Greys.

The Beardies’ infield played uncharacteristically solid defence in both games. Rick (“Hoover”) Cummings sucked up every ball hit in his direction (well, most of them anyway). Don Pente made a terrific catch on a rocket shot to third base. Shortstop Don Yaschyshyn threw out 3 Pills runners (count ‘em – 3!) at home plate. George Merrick pitched well in both games, and based on his pitch count could have easily pitched two more. George also snagged two hot comebackers at critical times.  In the offensive department Phil Dechene, Rick Cummings, Greg Potter and Ross Macintosh each had four hits, but those contributions were overshadowned by Bruce Locke who went 5 for 7 on the day including a triple (a real one, not involving fielding errors).


Blue Pills Report

Game 1

Although missing our Manager Greg Aubert, it was a perfect morning for SloPitch ball.  A rare pitching duel in the first game as the score stood 5-5 after the 3rd inning. After the teams traded runs in the 4th and 5th it made for an interesting 7th inning with a 6-6 score.  The Pills came up empty in the top half and needed to hang on for the tie, which they did with an amazing pitching performance from Joe Fitzgerald.  It was a game with not much hitting and some excellent defense from both sides.

Game 2

If the Pills’ bats were only warm in the first game - they went ice cold in game 2.  The Pills were held to just 10 hits (which might be a record) as the Greys scored in 2's during the game to take an 8-1 lead going into the bottom of the 7th.  A small rally fell woefully short as the Pills took the 8-3 loss.  Once again the pitching (Joe Fitzgerald) and the defense was solid.  I am sure the Pills’ hitting slump was solved for next game back at the bar.


White Hairs Report

The White Hairs had a reasonably successful week on the diamond despite being last to Monahans.  I'd like to think we made up for being last by enjoying some frivolity on the patio.  Leading the way again in the post-game chatter was Mike "I don't care what you think of my opinion" Albert.  Yours truly [Ed. Note – manager Jeff Morton] mentioned something about getting an errant hop in the nuts and Mike regaled us with stories of his mentoring a hot shot welder on nut welding.

Game one was a typical White Hairs game, a slow start and trailing 9-5 going into the fifth.  Two consecutive inside the park home runs sparked a five run inning in the fifth, followed by 5 more in the 6th and 10 in the 7th.  With a 25-9 lead going into the bottom of the seventh the Greenies refused to go away quietly and put up a ten spot of their own.  Final score 25-19.

The Rabbits had two players hit for the cycle - Mike Way and that Morton guy.  Post-game leader Mike Albert also went 5-5 and King of Flatulence, Ian let's get another jug  and Hop along Steve Moses all had 4 hits.

Game 2 and both teams agreed to start with a 1:1 count.  The Gimpers changed their defence and put Doug "I can cover the entire right side of the outfield" Ford on an island by himself, and positioned 4 players from center to left field. Certainly no one has ever seen a configuration like that.  That was not the end of the Greenies’ strategy. 

The Hairs found themselves down 9-5 again going into the bottom of the 6th.   After scoring 4 to tie the game the Hairs had two foul outs and they moved to the 7th.  After retiring the GG’s first 3 batters the Hairs took to the plate to try and complete the sweep.  With one out, Mike Locomotive Way got a single.  The GGs then intentionally walked Morton to put the winning run on second.  Ian I don't know why I swung at ball four hit into a fielder's choice and the GGs intentionally walked super Pitcher Blais to load the bases.  Unfortunately the Hairs’ batter did not see Cubby playing in a spot no one has ever played before and the Cubster made the final out of the game to preserve a tie for the GGs.

Green Gimps Report

The Green Gimps (GGs) playing without their coach for the first time this year lost the first game against the White Hairs 25-19. The GGs were leading 9-5 going into the 5th inning but the White hairs then scored 5 runs in the 5th and again in the 6th inning while holding the GGs scoreless. Both teams then scored 10 runs in the seventh, inflating the score and the batting averages. Key contributors for the GGs were Doug Ford (5 for 5) and Roman Kryzaniwsky (3 for 4). 

The second game ended in a 9-9 tie, the GGs’ third of the year (hmmm, is there a league record we are going for?) with no team leading by more than a run throughout the game. With the score knotted at 9-all heading into the seventh both teams failed to score thus preserving a moral victory for the GGs.  The key strategy for the GGs in this game was the incredible interim coaching job done by Lee DeDauw as he moved players around to stifle the White Hairs potent bats. It was rumored that after the game the GG players were heard to say...."Shane who?"


JUNE 23, 2022


Website Feedback

Last week someone told me that when the website is viewed on a smartphone only the left half of the screen is visible.  It turns out that that this happens when text is contained inside a table.  This has been corrected, so the game reports should now be fully visible on smartphones.  Thanks to the guy who brought this to my attention, whoever you are.  If anyone wishes to share any other constructive feedback regarding the website please send me an email at tom.ommspl@gmail.com.


Tom Hunter, Website Editor  


Update on Laurence Drew

The following is an email Laurence Drew of the Rusty Royals sent to players in the 70's league regarding his recent adventure while playing in that league last Tuesday, reprinted with his permission:

You may have heard that during our luncheon at the Pub on Tuesday I decided to take a little nap after lunch. Fortunately for me,  Jim Fenner noticed that it was more than a nap and when he couldn't shake me awake he wisely called 911. Aarne Kartna, Rick Bradley, Rick Wilkinson and Dr Dave jumped into action and quickly rescued me from a sitting slumped position, in an unconscious state, and laid me down on the floor. Quite a task I'm sure! Once the emergency Dr. determined I had a heat stroke event I was released from the hospital after 8 hrs.

I have learned two very important lessons from my experience:

1. One should never play two games of ball without having breakfast and just settling for one coffee, zero water in 90 degree weather, and then chugging a beer. Very dumb on my part.

2. We are blessed with the most incredible people on our league who are willing and able to come to the rescue of a person in need. Big shout out to my great friend Bob Falconi for being by my side in the hospital.

One last comment, please make sure you all have plenty of water with you and keep hydrated ... prepare yourself and your body to play ball.


Thanks again for all your help.


We look forward to seeing Laurence back on the field next Thursday.

And now, back to business....


Red Faces Report

The Red Faces faced the mighty Green Gimps and gave them a run for their money in both games. However, the Gimps took all the money and raced to the bar to spend it as they won both games 10-5 and then 20-11.

Even though the Red Faces had 14 hits in the opener, they made 10 consecutive outs in the middle of the game. In that span, the Gimps stretched their lead to 10-3. The Faces mounted a rally that scored two runs and threatened more. However, a couple of quick outs and it was over.

The Red Faces mounted a more serious run in the second game, pounding out 20 hits and punching toe-to-toe with the mighty Gimps (as if that makes sense). The game was tied at 8 after four innings and the Gimps only led 13-11 going into the anything-goes seventh inning. Then everything went badly for the Red Faces as the Gimps pounded out 7 more runs to extend their lead.

The Red Faces had a number of highlights though, including a three-run homer from Manny Maier, his first of the year. A number of players had four hits on the day including reliable Mike Mozewsky, Larry Weber, Andy (where’s home plate?) McMackin, Ron Linklater and Mike Boyle. Leadoff batter Maier made a number of fine catches and added four RBIs. Mozewsky pitched well in the opener and Tony Reda pitched the second game. Super sub Brock Patterson went 3-for-6 with 4 RBIs.

Green Gimps Report

The Green Gimps (now known as the GG's because it is easier to type) won both games against the Red Faces, providing a nice birthday present to their incredibly respected and idolized manager.  In the first game after a scoreless first inning the Red Faces pushed 3 runs across in the second, holding the GG's scoreless again.  The GG's then scored 5 in the third to take the lead, eventually scoring 4 more in the 5th and 1 more in the 6th to take a 10-3 lead going into the final inning (yes, that is correct, the Red Faces were held scoreless in the 3rd , 4th , 5th and 6th innings). The Red Faces then scored 2 to make it close but ran out of gas.  Jeff Biren with an-inside-the-park 3-run homer provided the big hit for the GGs and the GGs as a team played great defense.

The second game was a close affair with the GGs leading 13-11 going into the seventh. Then the GG's put up a seven spot in the top of the inning to take a 20-11 lead. The Red Faces managed to score 2 runs in their half of the inning to go down 20-13.  Again, timely hitting and good defense by the GGs led the way. 

Notable performances were provided by Brian Hiltz who went 5 for 7 with 5 runs scored and some great base running, and Doug Ford who went 6 for 7 with 5 runs scored. It should be mentioned that Doug crawled out of bed with all sorts of aches and pains and exhibiting lassitude (look up that word) to provide a morale lift to the GGs, and while he didn't finish the game his cheerleading (or was that moaning) was an inspiration.  (Ed. Note: “Lassitude” – the condition of being dog-tired, especially if the dog is a collie.)

A special thanks to Paul Hunter of the Blue Pills who spared, played great and supplied a much-needed dose of maturity to the youngsters on the GGs.


Fine Wines Report

It was a warm morning, quick agreement to speed things up and play 1-1.  Both teams came out hitting.  Coach Ian Schell’s lineup got 17 runs in the first 4 innings, and ended up with 20 runs in 6 at-bats.

Bob Edmondson was 4/4 and Ian was 3/3 with 3 runs scored.  Jim Moriarty, Garry Schultz, Rod Reichstein and Chris Barrett were 3/4 with strength through the lineup.  Defense not so great, but we held the Grey Beards to 4 runs in the 7th for a 20-18 first game victory. 

Game Two we decided to start slowly, letting the Grey Beards jump to a 5-0 lead.  Our bats came back after this and we put up 15 total runs.  Defense was better and Mack (Ed. Note – pitcher Greg Macaulay) sat down a few Grey Beard on strikeouts. 

Again, consistent hitting through the lineup. Dave Kozai, Chris, Mack, Rod, Jim M. and Garry were each 3/4.  Ian was 2/3 with a walk and 3 runs.  Jeff Palmer finally found his home run stroke on his last at-bat to keep up his minimum 1 per week total.

Talk was of taking up a collection to keep Lloyd in Europe.

Grey Beards Report

Thursday June 23rd was Rick Cummings bobblehead day at Millbank West, and he did not disappoint.  Reminiscent of Nadia Comaneci in the ’76 Olympics he leaped, dove, pirouetted and contorted his agile frame into various unnatural positions while snagging every ball hit in his general direction.  Not content with providing one-man defence, Rick went 8 for 9 at the plate on the day, including an impressive triple-bagger.

The other Grey Beards (all 8 of them) should have been inspired by Rick’s performance but apparently concluded that Rick was so good he could do it all himself.  Bad decision - after the first four innings in Game One the Beardies found themselves down 17-8.  The prospect of a mercy loss seemed to provide a little incentive, so the Grey Guys held the Wines scoreless in the fifth inning and notched 5 runs to get back into contention.  Facing a mere 6-run deficit in the top of the seventh inning, the Beardies scored 4 to make it respectable but left the tying run at the plate when their game reporter/game reports editor (who shall remain nameless) popped out to the pitcher.  Some days you’re a hero, some days you’re a bum.

The Beardies started Game Two with a bang, putting up a 5-spot in the first inning.  That effort seemed to deplete their reservoir of hits as their run total remained unchanged throughout the next 3 innings.  This being slo-pitch, the Wines took advantage and methodically built a 3-run going into the final frame.  Alas, the fairy-tale ending will have to await the sequel – final score Wines 15 Beards 11.

Rick Cummings and Phil Dechene were both 8-9 on the day including a triple each, and Greg Potter was 8-10 with a triple.  (Bruce Locke also had a triple but just missed honourable mention in the hitting report.)

The Lady Byng goes to the Fine Wines who provided a steady supply of catchers and first basemen for the Grey Beards throughout both games, all of whom played like they hate their teammates.


White Hairs Report

"I got hit on the chin and came up swinging!"  Thursday saw the White Hairs missing four regular players.  When Steve Moses went down for the count after hitting a single in his only at-bat, the men drafted Dave George, sub for Blue Boys, to help out.

The remaining White Hairs are really loosening up around each other.  When Beer Chairman Rick Martin was asked what he did differently after a solid base hit he responded "I don't know, I scratched myself and farted."  You can imagine the conversation after he got out the next time up. 

Two to nothing is the most dangerous lead in hockey.  Well, the Rabbits found themselves facing a 2-0 deficit in both games.  In game one, that deficit lasted a half inning.  In the bottom of the first, leadoff Mike Way hit a solo inside the park home run and the Hairs tied it up. Game one went 11-6 for the Hairs.

Game two was a slow start.  At one point Rick threw a ball to second and the SS tried to tag the runner for the double play.  He forgot the ball and it hit MIke Albert in the chin.  (Ed. Note – for the benefit of readers, the SS in question is presumably Jeff Morton, White Hairs manager and ebullient game reporter.)  That defensive gaff seemed to wake up the Hairs and they finally got on the scoreboard in the 3rd inning.  After that there was no stopping the good guys on either defense or offense.  Outfielders Rudy Gauer, Fast Mike and Ian "it's only $20 for a strikeout Carson" put up an iron wall and were really outstanding.  The 2-0 lead was overcome and a big top of the 7th propelled the Hairs to a 19-2 win in game two.

Primary goal of being first to Monahans was once again achieved.  I don't know if it was the sun on the patio or the shot to the chin, but Mike Albert then proceeded to truly entertain the lads with his tales from days gone by.  What a performance!

Offensively Everyone contributed with 7 hits from Fast guy and SS and 6 from it's only $20 and Rookie Roczniak and the King of Flatulence.  Pat Blais pitched both games and contributed 6 hits too.

Rusty Royals Report

On Thursday the doughty underdog Rusty Royals were matched with the powerful White Hairs.  The Royals were without their leading slugger Mike Lawson (who we hope to see back soon).  Just before game time in an act of selfless magnanimity they also gave the White Hairs their ace in the hole spare, Dave George, as the White Hairs were short a man. Inning through inning the Royals stayed with the White Hairs.  Ageless Jack Pang was 3 for 3, as was two-way player Jim Banyard (who pitched a great game too).  Sadly it was not enough as they fell 11-6.

In Game 2 the Royals simply ran out of gas.  Bernie Renwick and Bill Tyler scored their only runs as they were drubbed 19-2.  Six nameless Royals were held hitless.  The Royals will re-group and expect them to be hunting bear next week!  





JUNE 16, 2022



Grey Beards Report

Regular readers of this column may recall that last week the Grey Beards intentionally refrained from scoring any runs in the last two innings of Game 2 in order to save their energy for this week’s tilt against the White Hairs.  The Beards decided that their best chance of taking a game from the powerful Hairs would be to continue the strategy in Game 1, lull the Hairs into a state of torpor, and then strike without warning with a torrent of hits in Game 2.

The strategy worked to perfection in Game 1 – the Beardies exceeded their wildest dreams by scoring exactly zero runs.   Zilch.  Nada.  Goose-egg.  As expected, the Hairy guys put it into cruise control and coasted to 11 runs, 10 more than required to dispatch the apparently hapless but actually brilliant Beards.

The strategy worked so well in Game 1 that the Beards kept it going in Game 2, scoring a mere 2 runs in the first three innings.  But that was the moment they were awaiting.  “OK boys, let ‘em have it!” commanded manager Phil Dechene, doing his best Patton impression.  The Hairy Ones didn’t even know what hit them, and when the dust cleared the scoreboard read Grey Beards 10, White Hairs 6.

Offensive stars for the giant-killers included George Merrick, Don Yaschyshyn (maybe not the longest name in the league, but hands-down the most difficult to spell) and Greg Potter, each of whom went 5-6 on the day.

White Hairs Report

With the White Hairs’ Secret Weapon out of town, the Hairs unleashed weapon 2 in the form of Patrice Blais, pitcher extraordinaire.  Some people claim that pitchers don't hit.  In this case our new weapon didn't have to hit as he pitched the first shutout in this slo-pitch veteran's memory.  White Hairs win game one 11-0.

Game two and several of the Hairs must have felt they were pitching.  The bats went cold and there were four foul outs by various non-pitchers on the Whites.  Not surprisingly, 6 runs was not enough and the Grey Beards fought back to win game two 10-6.

Primary team goal of being first to Monahans achieved for the second consecutive week.  Good turnout by the Hairs.  Thanks to Patrice for getting the first two jugs (ask him why).  We actually have a little left in the beverage fund for next week.


Blue Pills Report

Game 1:  Pills 13 - Wines 9

The Pills started strongly by posting 4 in the 1st and 2 in the 2nd while blanking the Wines.  The Winers climbed into the game in the next 2 innings by scoring 2 in the 3rd and 3 in the 4th while holding the Pills to a single run over that same span producing a 7 - 5 score in favour of the Pills.  The Pills held on to their 2 run lead as the teams traded 3 spots in the 5th.  In the 6th, the Wines pulled to within one run of the lead on the strength of solid middle infield defense in the top half while tallying a single run in the bottom half.  The Pills rallied for 3 big runs in their final at bat restoring a 4 run lead.  The Wines could not mount a comeback and went quietly without scoring.  Dave Ware (4/4) and Kirk MacDonald (3/3) led the Pills offense.

Game 2:  Wines 13 - Pills 9

The Wines put on their hitting shoes in Game 2 and held a 11 to 3 lead by the end of the 3rd inning.  Meanwhile the Pills scored in every inning except the 1st but never more than 2 runs in any inning as they squandered many scoring opportunities, stranding 13 base runners over the course of the game.  Hitting stars for the Pills were Brock Paterson (4/4) and Kim Warren (3/4).

Fine Wines Report

[Ed. Note - the cheque is in the mail.  Ditto the Fine Wines' report.]


Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals took advantage of their youth, and the age and frailty of the Green Gimps, to outlast them in the hot Oakville sun.  In the first game. a slugfest 20-20 draw, Jack Pang, Lee Labonte, and John Koopman were all 4-4.  Jim McDonald continued his hot hitting with a round tripper and Bill Tyler had 4 RBIs.  The Rusty Royals base-running skills were a little, well rusty, but they are getting lubricated now.  The third base coaches are not getting the respect they deserve, but the Rusty Royals are working on that.

In the second game the Rusty Royals’ younger legs really showed well as they took the lead in the first inning and never relinquished it.  Bill Tyler had two ribbies as did Vince Moffatt and Jim MacDonald. In Mike Lawson's absence Bernie Renwick played a great game at short. The Royals are clearly a warm weather team!  Jim Banyard pitched a gem of a second game.

Green Gimps Report

Well, where do we begin. The day was hot and the Green Gimps were not.  Through some last-minute absences the Green Gimps were down to 10 players in the first game, but due to the heat somehow thought it would be unfair to ask the numerically-challenged Royals to supply a catcher.  (Ed. note - rookie manager.)  Kicking off the first game it was an exciting and hit-filled contest with the lead switching back and forth throughout.  With the Green Gimps playing a man short the Rusty Royals kept hitting the ball to that vacant spot and kudos to them for great bat control. With the one fan on the edge of her seat the Gimps scored 2 in the bottom of the seventh to tie it at 20-20, breaking the Royals’ crusty hearts.  The big bats for the Good Guys were Jeff Biren and Darrell Northcott, each getting 5 hits with 4 runs scored. Brian also hit an inside-the-park home run showing great speed (compared to most on our team) scooting around the bases.

In the second game with the Royals thirsting for revenge the Green Gimps were down to 9 players as one of the Gimps was sidelined by the heat.  The Royals graciously lent the Gimps a catcher but again playing a man short in the field finally caught up with us as the Royals took an early lead and never looked back winning 14-5.  Darrell again was our hitting star going 3 for 3 with 2 runs scored.  

In an uncharacteristic showing only 2 Green Gimps made it to Monahan's after the game as the rest were too exhausted and just wanted to go home and nap.




JUNE 9, 2022

Red Faces Report

Fresh from their doubleheader loss last week the Red Faces began the day with an offensive onslaught that hadn’t shown itself all season.

After a five-run first inning, the Faces ran up the score to 18-5 after 4 1/2 innings and were playing with a mercy. However, the Grey Beards were not having any of it and ran up a five-spot of their own in the bottom of the fifth and then again in the bottom of the sixth to close within five with one inning to play. Holding the Red Faces to a single run in the seventh set the stage for a dramatic comeback but good pitching and defence held the Bearded Ones scoreless and the Red Faces hung on for a 21-15 win.

The second game was a lot closer though with the Grey Beards in the lead most of the way. The Red Faces tied the score at 11 in the bottom of the fifth and held the Grey Beards scoreless in the top of the sixth. After scoring a single run in the bottom of the sixth on a fielder’s choice the Red Faces held the Beards scoreless in the top of the seventh helped a bit by Manny Maier’s fine two running catches for outs for a 12-11 win.

The Red Faces’ bats were on the fire in the opener, collecting 33 hits. In the second game, they still hit well with 20 hits. Winning pitchers Greg Moore and Mike Mozewsky contributed with their pitching, their gloves and their bats. Mozewsky finished the day with seven hits, three runs scored and NINE RBIs! Moore also had seven hits and four RBIs. One of his “singles” was driven to the base of the fence but knocked in the fifth run of the inning! Manny Maier enjoyed leading off with five hits in the first game and seven altogether. He also scored six runs. Andy McMackin made a nice play on the last play of the opener for an out and also had seven hits, three runs scored and two RBIs. Dave Adams had 4 hits, a walk and four runs scored. Larry Weber, Barny Henderson and Mike Boyle had five hits each while Ron Linklater had four hits. We welcomed Al King back to the team and he had the game-winning RBI in the opener!

All that running tired everyone out and they’ll gladly accept the bye next week!

Grey Beards Report

On Wednesday evening the forecast looked bleak, but as game day dawned the skies cleared and at 7:15 a.m. the website miraculously said “Play Ball!”  Although 10 scraggly Grey Beards were physically at Glenashton East at game time, mentally they were sleeping in and dreaming of the first rainout of the season. The dream quickly became a nightmare as the Red Faces took advantage of the stuporous Beards, leading 17-5 after four innings.  Embarrassed by the shellacking and fearful of the prospect of a humiliating mercy, John Finley took charge with a blast over a hapless Reds’ centre fielder.  As the dust cleared Finley was standing calmly on third.  Thus inspired, the Beardies put up 5 runs in each of the next two innings to set the stage for another dramatic comeback in the final inning, which seems to be their modus operandi.  Unfortunately it was neither dramatic nor a comeback.  Final score - Faces 21 Beards 15.

Game 2 was a much closer affair, with only 1 or 2 runs separating the teams throughout the game.  With the game tied at 11 after five innings, the Beards strategically decided not to score any more runs in order to save their energy for next week’s showdown with the infamous White Hairs.  Red Faces 12 Grey Beards 11. 

Defensive highlights for the Beards included Don Pente going horizonal to make a nice catch on a line drive down the third base line, and Don Yaschyshyn's strong throw from his knees in time to get the out at first.  On the offensive side Finely was 4-7 (including his crowd-pleasing triple) with a walk, Don Pente and Phil Dechene each had 6 hits, Tom Hunter was 7-9 and Bruce Locke was 6-8 with a walk.


Blue Pills Report

The White Hairs took both ends of the double-header in convincing fashion. Game one started nicely for the Pills as they scored 3 runs.  However, a combination of solid defense and excellent hitting led to a 18 to 6 White Hairs mercy victory in 4 1/2 innings.

In game 2, the White Hairs continued to knock the cover off the ball. They scored 5 times in the top of the 1st and never looked back. They scored in every inning en route to a 5 inning mercy killing of 17 to 2.  Despite the losses, the Pills enjoyed a couple of magic moments including a lead-off homer by Dave Ware and for the 2nd week in a row, an outstanding diving catch by Kim Warren in right field.

White Hairs Report

One of the best things about playing ball is the dugout banter.  Thursday's banter in the White Hairs dugout was outstanding.  After introducing rookie Roczniak to Let's get another jug Carson, the quips began. 

There was great hitting through the lineup with each Whitey getting a minimum of three hits.  Given the success at the plate, several of the lads felt obligated to provide advice through some old ball axioms.  The favourite of the day, "Choke and Poke" was provided by Secret Weapon Grudzinski.  When someone asked what the heck Choke and Poke meant the floodgates opened for multiple inputs.  Perhaps the best was provided by Mike I can't stop running Way, who suggested Choke and Poke usually ended up with the offender in jail. 

Well the choke and poke employed by the boys seemed effective with many seeing-eye infield singles and some blasts too.  Rookie Roczniak was goaded into his triple, Way blasted one out of the park and the C&P author was perfect at the plate.  Don, longest name in the league, Moseley-Williams smashed a walkoff double in the first game, and Jon Lightning Dintz, after turning a double into a single, actually hit a genuine double and made a smart defensive ball play at first. 

Easily the White Hairs’ best performance of the season to date, the results were 18-6 and 17-2 over the forlorn Pills.


Fine Wines Report

This week was a big test for the Fine Wines, as they took the field for the first time without wily veteran Lloyd Johnston at the helm. Replacement manager Ian Schell not only had big shoes to fill but he also had to contend with a depleted lineup, with only 9 roster players plus much-appreciated spare Jeff Biren. Out of necessity, pitcher Greg (Big Mac) Macauley had to return prematurely from the IL, as pitching ace Bill (Stubby) Stubbins remained out with injuries. Despite the adversity, the Fine Wines surprised themselves by sweeping their opponents for the first time this season, taking the first game in a closely fought battle 14-10 and the second 10-4.

Rookie manager Ian, who now has more wins under his belt than that other guy (Lloyd Something?), humbly credited the success to a full team effort, as well as his newly-implemented strategy to simply win or tie every inning. The Fine Wines played some solid, fundamental baseball, with minimal fielding/throwing errors combined with offensive contributions throughout the order. They also benefited from strong pitching from Mac, who served up a steady dose of first-pitch strikes and walked no one. Impressively, they managed to get out of several jams by turning a season-high 3 double plays, including one courtesy of the first baseman on loan from the Royals, who alertly threw to catcher Dave Robertson to get the 2nd out at home and shut down a potential 6th-inning rally in the 2nd game.

The team was grateful for the good sportsmanship of the Rusty Royals, who made available a strong rotation of willing and very capable first basemen to round out the Fine Wines' defense.

The team celebrated its new-found winning streak with a good showing on the patio at Monaghan's following the games.

Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals were unfairly intimidated by pitcher "Mac" of the Fine Wines.  He brushed hitters back and challenged them with lots of inside stuff.  In game one Bernie Renwck went 3-3 and James Maconald and Vince Moffat were  2-2  but it was not enough to beat back the Fine Wines who vanquished our heros 14-10. 

In Game Two Jim Banyard pitched a gem for the Rusty Royals but the squad scored only four runs and lost 10-4. In that game most Rusty Royals only had two at bats - and Bernie Renwick and Mike Lawson were 2-2.  The rest of the squad took notes.  We promise to play better next week.






JUNE 2, 2022

White Hairs Report

Just what does jocularity mean and what can create that condition? 

Perhaps coming back off a bye week with pent up energy?  Perhaps being first to the pub?  Maybe hitting throughout the lineup with everyone getting a minimum of 2 hits?  Or scoring in every inning in game one?  Or good pitching?  Or moving Webes to the left and hitting it right and then moving him to the right and hitting it left?  Likely only having 11 players so everyone plays every inning and providing solid defense.

Likely all of the above contributed to a solid effort by your jovial White Hairs. 

Red Face Manager Mike Boyle was heard to say on more than one occasion - "Who is that guy?"  (In reference to rookie Richard Grudzinski and his spectacular infield play.  To which we replied - "He's our secret weapon!"  and ""Keep it away from our SW."  Not to be outdone, recent Platinum Celebratory player Steve Moses turned in some awesome plays from the rover position.

Final outcomes 14-6 and 13-5 for the White Hairs over the Red Faces.  Offensive stars for the pub crawlers were Moses, Grudzinki, Mike Way and sub Chris Barrett.

Red Faces Report

The Red Faces met the first-place White Hairs and quickly learned why the Hairs haven’t lost many games. The Hairs took early leads and were never seriously threatened the rest of the way. In the opener the Red Faces made it interesting in the seventh inning. Down by eight runs, the never-say-die Faces loaded the bases with none out. Paul Fagon cleared the bases with a double to narrow the gap to 5 runs. But two quick outs sealed the game 14-9.

In the second game the Hairs led 6-0 after two innings and systematically held on to win 13-6.

For the Red Faces, Manny Maier had 6 hits and 3 runs scored, Mike Mozewsky had 5 hits, 3 runs scored and 4 RBIs, Greg Moore had 4 hits and 2 RBIs, Paul Fagon had 4 RBIs and Larry Weber had 3 hits and 2 runs scored.

Tony Reda pitched the opener and made some nice fielding plays on the mound while Greg Moore pitched the second game and supplied some timely hitting.


Green Gimps Report

The Green Gimps swept both games against the Grey Beards winning the first game 18-1 and the second game in a real nailbiter 16-15.  In the first game the Green Gimps scored 5 runs in each of the first 3 innings and pounded out 28 hits with everybody scoring at least a run and getting a hit.  Pitcher Mike Canham looked like Bill "Spaceman" Lee on the mound keeping the Grey Beards totally confused with his assortment of off-speed pitches.  All in all, a true team effort. 

In the second game The Grey Beards were dead set on avenging their loss as they took an early lead and were never behind until the fateful 7th. Down 15-8 going into the bottom of the 6th the Green Gimps scored 4 runs with the big blow being a 3-run inside the park homer from Doug (I can't run as fast as I used to) Ford. Doug wanted to stop at second but was urged on by his teammates and had a change of heart.  With the increasing number of guys that can't run on the Green Gimps, Doug was just trying to fit in. After shutting out the Grey Beards in the top of the 7th, the Green Gimps scored another 4 runs in their half to win 16-15.  Jeff Biren back from his 1-week vacation in Arizona (like, who goes to Arizona at the end of May - is this a Summer Bird thing?) provided the big hit, knocking in the tying and winning runs.  The Grey Beards who played flawlessly until that point decided to play Demolition Derby in the outfield with their two center fielders crashing violently into each other in their attempt to catch the ball, allowing it to roll towards the fence for a very long single thus scoring the two runs. As in the first game everybody contributed towards the offence with another 28 hits and everyone scoring at least a run. Kudos to the bottom of the order (Jim "Helmet Man" Staios, Dave "Cubby" Hubert, Roman "Alphabet" Kryzaniwsky and Steve "Wheels" Vitella) as they gathered 17 hits and scored 10 runs over the two games and kept every rally going.

Grey Beards Report

Game 1









Game 2

At the conclusion of game one the Grey Beards appointed a committee to investigate the reasons for their dismal performance at the hands of the merciless Gimps.  After a brief inquisition the committee reported that the fault was solely the responsibility of scorekeeper Ross McIntosh.  With that mystery solved the Beards went to work and were rewarded with a 1-0 lead after the first inning.  Giddy with the excitement that comes from having an actual lead, the Beards added 4 more in the second inning and never looked back.  With a 3-run cushion entering the bottom of the seventh the Beardies could taste the redemption awaiting them after 3 more measly outs.  But the crafty Gimps had other ideas and put 2 quick runs on the board and the tying and winning runners on base.  With 2 outs, the stage was set for some classic OMMSPL drama.  A soft grounder to short would have been nice for a change, but Jeff Biren of the Gimps instead launched a guided missile precisely between Beards' centre fielders Phil Dechene and Tom Hunter.  With the acceleration of a Tesla and the momentum and agility of a Mack truck Dechene raced westward to make the catch and save the game. Hunter did likewise in an easterly direction, but more like a souped-up Corolla on steroids. To this day, seismologists in Anchorage, Alaska remain perplexed by the unexplained spike. Fortunately all parties involved escaped serious injury, including the ball which skipped gracefully to the fence to end the game, oblivious to the carnage in its wake.

Don Yashchyshyn led the Beardies in the hitting department, going 5-5 on the day.  Dechene, Doug Snow and Rick Cummings were each 4-5, and Hunter was 3-4 with a walk.


Rusty Royals Report

[Ed . Note - the Rusty Royals' report is unsuitable for publication, mainly because it hasn't arrived yet.]

Blue Pills Report

Game 1 - Rusty Royals 17 - Blue Pills 11

The Pills opened the game strongly and scored 5 runs without suffering an out.  The Royals answered with 2 in the bottom half. The 2nd inning started promisingly for the Pills with the first 2 batters reaching base.  Al Stokes then lashed an opposite field screamer that Ray Little somehow leaped and grabbed.  That key play took the steam out of the Pills and they were only able to manage 6 additional runs over the final 6 innings of the game.  The Royals on the other hand built on the momentum of that play and scored 5 runs in 3 of the last 6 innings.  Bright lights for the Pills included Dave Ware (3/4), Brock Paterson (2/3), Bill Johnson (2/3), Tony Friata (2/3) and Al Stokes (2/3). 

Game 2 - Blue Pills 15 - Rusty Royals 14

The second game turned out to be a very close contest.  Due to potential time constraints, batters started off with a 1 - 1 count.

The teams each scored a pair of runs in the 1st inning.  The Royals scored 2 in the top of the 2nd and briefly held the lead.  The Pills shrugged off the bad memories of Game 1 and scored 5 runs in both the 2nd & 3rd innings and held a 12 to 9 lead after 4 innings.  They increased their lead to 4 by outscoring the Royals 2 to 1 in the 5th.  The resilient Royals scored 4 runs in the 6th and held the Pills scoreless to leave the score knotted at 14 going into the 7th.  The Royals had momentum on their side and were poised to snatch victory.  They had 2 men on base with 2 out and a dangerous batter at the plate (Mike Lawson).  He stroked an opposite field line drive that was hooking away from right fielder Kim Warren. Somehow Kim caught up with the ball and made the catch of the year.  In the bottom of the 7th, the Pills’ first two batters reached base.  This brought Kim Warren to the plate and he promptly smashed a sacrifice fly for a walk-off victory.  The Pills also enjoyed strong performances from Kirk MacDonald (3/3), Brock Paterson (2/2 + a walk) and Bill Johnson (3/3 + a walk).



MAY 26, 2022

Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals suffered their first sweep of the year, getting walked off 16-15 by the Grey Beards in game 1 before falling 14-5 in the second game. Jack Pang led the Royals at the plate, going 5 for 5 while Lee LaBonte, John Koopman, Laurence Drew, Mike Lawson and Bernie Renwick had 4 hits each.

Coach Koopman’s pre-game aggressiveness speech was followed by Lawson racing home on a home run rendered moot as the 6th run of the inning and Koopman himself getting called out for leading off. The Royals hope they can better channel that energy next week against the Blue Pills.


Grey Beards Report

Dawn was breaking over the eastern horizon as the Grey Beards began arriving at Glenashton West, excited by the heady prospect of being the home team for the first time this season.  Perhaps the excitement was too much, as the Rusty Royals quickly scored 3 in the top of the first inning of Game 1, and threatened to pull off a quick mercy.  But the Grey Beards stopped the bleeding thanks to shortstop’s Don Yaschyshyn’s unassisted and remarkably casual double-play.  The Beardies’ newfound commitment to defence continued with another double-play in the second inning.  In the fourth inning the Royals loaded the bases with no outs, but the Beards managed to escape unscathed thanks to a nice catch of a foul ball by catcher John Finley and other reasons we are too polite to mention (see the Royals’ report for details).  Meanwhile, the Beards’ hitters were doing an admirable job of keeping it close.  Down by 4 going into the bottom of the seventh inning the Beardies’ prospects looked dim, but Finley stroked a solid single to set the stage.  Seven hitters later Bruce Locke administered the coup de grace with a screamer to centre field to score the winning run.   Beards 16, Royals 15.

After the mojo boost from their comeback victory in Game 1 the Grey Beards took care of business in Game 2 by the convincing score of 14-5.  Pitcher George Merrick recorded four clean innings, including one inning in which he dispatched the pesky Rusties on three pitches.  Unfortunately for George the game was played with a starting 1-1 count, which puts an asterisk beside his sterling performance. The Beards’ strong defensive play continued, including an impressive running catch by Phil Dechene on a sinking liner.  When last seen, Phil was still trying to slow down.   

Yaschyshyn, Locke and Don Pente each went 6-7 on the day; Rick Cummings was 5-6 with a walk; Dechene, Al Baskett and Doug Snow were each 5-7; and Merrick was 4-6 with a walk.  Triples were quite popular - Yaschyshyn, Dechene and Greg Potter had one each and Locke had two, although the official scorer had to use his eraser as those triples were initially recorded as home runs before Bruce ran out of gas at third base each time.


Fine Wines Report

The Fine Wines were missing their two pitching aces – Bill “Stubby” Stubbins and big Mac Macaulay.  Andy, just called up from somewhere, filled in admirably as a reliever. 

In Game 1 Lloyd Johnston went 4 for 4. Ian Schell, Chris Barrett and Garry Schultz had 3 hits each.   The Gimps won 18 – 12. 

In Game two Lloyd J finally measured the pitching distance and we found out that the distance was too far.  Really.  Who setup the diamond?  Do we need a diamond preparation workshop?  Nah.

Jimmy Fenner showcased a sweet swing and also got a solid triple.

Garry Schultz and Rod Reichstein each went 2 for 3.  Jeff Palmer hit a double.  The game ended up in a tie.  No one got hurt.  We hope.

The Fine Wines seem to be improving with age and we look forward to getting our two pitchers off the DL.  Speedy recovery to Mac and Stubby.


Green Gimps Report

 The Green Gimps are back, winning the first game over the Fine Wines 18-11 and coming back to tie the second game 12-12. More  important is that we found the owner of the glove that was left at the field the previous week.  It was none other than Lee Dedauw of the Green Gimps and he used it like a vacuum cleaner while playing third base, snagging everything that was hit up the line.  In the first game everyone had their hitting mojo in full swing and excellent infield defense was provided by Don, Darryl, Dave, Doug and Mr. Dedauw.  Do I see a nickname here - the "D" Majors might fit although it sounds like a musical group and that would just be painful, but if they play bad we can change the name to the "D" Minors and then back and forth. Getting back to baseball, special kudos to Dave Hubert and Don Brown who both played on gimpy legs.

In the second game Don had to retire leaving the Gimps with 10 players and short of a much needed big bat. The game was a seesaw battle that saw the Fine Wines Score 4 in the top of the 7th, all with 2 out to take a 12-9 lead. In the bottom half the Green Gimps scored 3 runs, all with 2 outs, to tie the game. The big blows were Brian Hiltz's 2 run triple and then Doug Ford's rbi double to tie it up.  Kudos to Mike Canham for pitching great in miserable windy conditions.

I would like to provide honorable mention to those who hit, pinch ran and scored but it looks like our pencil broke midway through the double header and it was replaced with a crayon rendering the deciphering of the scoresheet stats impossible. From memory and it's fading fast - Lee, Doug and Darryl get the nod.


Blue Pills Report

Game 1 - Blue Pills 12 - Red Faces 0

Excellent pitching by the Pills’ Joe Fitzgerald + outstanding infield defense & timely hitting led to the first OMMSPL shutout since 2012 (maybe ever).  The Red Faces managed only 4 hits while sending only 19 batters to the plate for the entire 5 inning game.  The Pills on the other hand produced 16 hits for a .600 team average.  Paul Hunter, Kirk MacDonald and Al Stokes were all perfect at the plate accounting for exactly half of the team's hits.

Game 2 - Red Faces 12 - Blue Pills 11

The second game proved to be a much tighter affair.  The Reds finally broke through the Pills' tight defense and tallied 2 runs in each of the first two innings.  The Pills were blanked in the bottom of the 1st but rallied for 4 in the 2nd inning to tie up the game.  In the 3rd inning, the Reds exploded for 5 big runs giving them a 9 to 4 lead which they held until the Pills scored 4 in the 5th inning making the score 9 to 8.  The Pills then outscored the Red Faces 2 to 1 which tied up the score at 10 runs apiece going into the 7th inning.  The Reds scored 2 runs in the final frame and nervously took the field hoping to preserve the victory.  The Pills led off with a single and 2 batters later scored a run to pull within one. Two of the next three batters singled, producing runners at 1st & 2nd with two out, but Red's pitcher Greg Moore then induced a 6-5 ground ball ending the game and earning the Red Faces a hard-fought split.  Leading the way for the Pills were Dave George (4/5), Kirk MacDonald (4/4), Joe Fitzgerald (3/3) and Bill Johnson (3/4).


Red Faces Report

The Red Faces were playing textbook baseball in the first game Thursday. Unfortunately, the textbook was Eight Men Out.

Staffed with 11 players, the Red Faces were held to just 4 lonely singles throughout the entire game as the merciless Blue Pills turned a surmountable 5-0 lead into a insurmountable 12-0 lead after 5 innings putting the game out of its misery. As bad as it was, Red Faces were called for a leadoff. It’s as if they were not granted enough space on the basepaths throughout the game. Although Blue Pills benefitted from some shaky Red Faces’ defence, they didn’t need any help from their opponents as they systematically demolished the Faces.

The Red Faces started the second game with something different for a change — a hit — when Jeff Chapman led off the game with a single! A few batters later, Mike Mozewsky hit a two-run single as the Red Faces had to wait until the second game before they scored their first run of the day. Unlike the first game, the two teams battled for the lead throughout the game with Blue Pills tying the score frequently, but never able to take the lead. With the score tied going into the seventh, the Red Faces actually strung some hits together before Dave Adams knocked in the 12th run with a two-out single. The Blue Pills battled back in their half of the inning, but with a run in and two out Red Faces’ pitcher Greg Moore induced an inning-ending groundout to secure the win.

Tony Reda pitched well in the first game and made an outstanding catch in right field in the first inning of the second game. As the morning moved on, the wind gusts played havoc with the pitchers as some pitches moved more than 3 feet from left to right. However, Greg Moore battled through some severe wind gusts to keep Blue Pills’ bats at bay.

Dave Adams went 4-for-5 with a walk and knocked in the winning run! Mike Mozewsky had two runs scored, three hits and knocked in three runs. Moe Daviau had three hits, two runs scored and also knocked in three runs. Greg Moore had two hits and two RBI (with two out), Barny Henderson had three hits and played stellar defence, while Tony Reda had two hits, one run scored and one RBI.




MAY 19, 2022

White Hairs Report

It's not how you start it's how you finish seems to be the mantra for the White Hairs in ‘22.  For the second consecutive week the lads seemed intent on digging holes, losing the shovel and eventually blasting out of their predicament. 

In game one the boys found themselves down 12-2 after 3 1/2 innings.  Monahan's Ambassador Ian Carson tweaked his leg in the slippery outfield, and Rick "I can fix anything" Martin couldn't fix his leg issues.  Suddenly the lineup was shifted with two infielders forced to the outfield.  Surprisingly this seemed to help the lads turn the game around and with 12 runs over the next 3 innings.  The White Hairs won 14-13 while not using the hammer in the 7th.

Game two started with one primary goal - to be first to Monahans - which meant completing the game by 12:15. Once again a slow start plagued the Hairs.  Down 5-0 after one, the team looked to be in disarray, but pitcher Pat Blais locked in and really kept the Gimps off balance.  Game one pitcher Frank Acommando said he'd give the outfield a try and Richard Grudzinki did well in Ambassador Ian's place once he figured out the footing conditions.  The boys rebounded, shut the door and won 8-5.  The game was completed by 12:10 and the happy lads went on their way.

Jon Diniz, the Hairs "Julio" because of his great glove, helped shut the door on the Gimps.  Ian Carson moved to third and also took on coaching duties for the Gimpers.  Mike Way and Captain Jeff hit and ran the Hairs to victory.  Top hitters for the day were Way, Morton and Blais with 6 hits each. 

Inspiration for the lads, besides the Monahan's goal, was the appearance of OMMSPL Hall of Famer George Picken's appearance in game two.  Great to see both George and Max Crocker.


 Green Gimps Report

Well the Green Gimps started out on fire in the first game, scoring early but then ran out of gas and finally succumbed to the White Hairs’ relentless offence and lost 14-13.  The player of the game was Jeff Biren who played great defense at shortstop and powered the ball over the left field fence for a 3-run home run.  Play was halted as nobody believed this event actually happened.  After checking Jeff for steroids both teams agreed that this was an Act of God and the homer counted. 

In the second game the Green Gimps scored 5 runs in the first inning and were dead set on avenging their heartbreaking loss. Then Jeff Morton of the dastardly White Hairs pointed out that if we continue to score runs every inning we would not get a good seat at Monahans.  Apparently the Green Gimps in a fine display of sportsmanship (and thirstiness) decided to not score any more runs for the rest of the game in order to get to the bar early. The White Hairs, who were more focused on winning, scored 8 runs to win the second game 8-5 and complete the sweep.

It should be noted that the Green Gimps in a remarkable display of baserunning over the two games ran into 4 outs at home and another at third, proving to everyone that winning is overrated. There would have been another out at home but the White Hairs mercifully threw the ball wide on that one as it is very difficult to throw the ball straight when laughing.  Jim Staios played stellar in the second game making 4 or 5 catches in right center.  Unfortunately this only served to show how poorly the left center fielder played (AKA Shane the rookie coach) as balls whizzed by him with remarkable consistency. [Ed. Note – as the author of this report Shane is permitted to disparage himself, especially when he deserves it.]  After the game a glove was found at the ballpark and an email was sent to both teams asking who the rightful owner of it might be, accompanied by a picture of the glove. Mike Way, the great wit from the White Hairs, helpfully suggested that "…it can't be Shane's - there ‘s a ball in it".


Blue Pills Report

The Pills won both ends of the doubleheader with scores of 19 - 13 in the opener and 14 -13 in Game 2.

In Game 1, the Blue Pills surrendered 2 runs in the top of the 1st but responded with a four-spot in the bottom half.  The Pills scored in each ensuing inning enroute to a 19 - 13 victory in 6.5 innings.  Brock Paterson led the offensive barrage going 3 for 3 including 2 triples and 4 RBI.  Mike McFadden, Kirk MacDonald and Bill Johnson chipped in with 3 hits apiece.  Al Stokes, the ageless wonder, went 2 for 3 with 3 key Ribbies.

The first half of Game 2 featured strong defense on both sides with very few clean hits.  The Pills held a narrow 2 - 1 lead until the Beardies exploded for 4 runs in the bottom of the 4th inning.  The Pills put up a 5-spot in their next at-bat restoring their lead to 7 - 5 after 5.  The teams traded deuces in the 6th.  The Blues jumped out to a 7-run lead in the open inning and appeared to be home and cooled.  However the Grey Beards wouldn't roll over.  They scored 6 runs and had the tying & winning runs on base with 2 outs.  Ace pitcher Joe Fitzgerald then induced a fly ball ending the threat and completing the sweep.  Hitting heroes for the Blue Pills included Roy Kitching (4/4) and Mike McFadden, Paul Hunter, Kirk MacDonald, Greg Aubert & Joe Fitzgerald with 3 hits apiece.


Grey Beards Report

In game one the Blue Pills scored in every inning, leading 14-8 after five innings.  The Beards finally got their act together and scored 5 in the top of the sixth to trail by a single run and set the stage for a dramatic comeback.  The bottom of the sixth was interesting.  With a Pills runner on first base, the batter hit a sharp grounder just inside the first base line.  The Beard’s first baseman snagged the ball and proceeded to first base to find two Pills baserunners in the vicinity.  Like shooting fish in a barrel, he tagged both and stepped on the bag for good measure.  Double play.  Not.  After considerable confusion, a Pills representative (a lawyer perhaps?) pointed out that the batter had been tagged first (presumably before arriving at the base), thus removing the force so the runner holding on first was entitled to stay on the base.  Or something like that.  Dazzled by this impeccable logic, the Beardies meekly conceded the point and even more meekly allowed the Pills to continue scoring runs to squash the comeback attempt.  Final score Pills 19, Beards 13.  The Beards need better lawyers.

In game two the Beards nickeled and dimed themselves to a 5-2 lead after four innings, but in the fifth inning the Pills scored 5 to turn the tide, and another 5 in the top of the seventh to take a comfortable 14-7 lead into the bottom half.  Inspired by manager Dechene’s implied pep talk, the Beards finally decided to start hitting.  With each Beard hit and each runner crossing the plate the Pills grew a little more nervous.  After 6 runs in and with the tying run at second and the winning run at first, the Pills were close to panic. In a more just world the long fly ball that ensued would have given the Beards a well-earned walk-off comeback victory, but unfortunately it was hit directly at a competent Pills outfielder.  Justice will have to wait for another day.  Final score Pills 14, Beards 13.

Highlights for the Bearded Ones: great pitching by George Merrick and Greg Osmak including one strikeout each; Merrick and Greg Potter each hit triples to the fence; Keith Ryan was 6-7, Tom Hunter was 5-6 with a walk and Greg Potter was 3-5 with a walk; Keith Ryan made a creative soccer stop on a hard grounder; and Don Yaschyshyn at shortstop made a nice catch of a liner two inches above the dirt, although it took him 3 minutes to get back up.


Red Faces Report

The Red Faces and Fine Wines engaged in two very close games which could have gone either way. Fortunately for Red Faces, both games went their way!

The Faces slowly built a lead in the opener leading 10-4 and 13-9 at different points. The Fine Wines battled back to tie the score going into the bottom of the seventh. Mike Mozewsky started off the inning with a single but two outs later had only advanced to second base. With the game on the line, Andy McMackin drove home the winning run for a 15-14 Red Faces win.

The second game was a retelling of the first game with the Red Faces leading 7-4 and 12-7 at different points. The open inning didn’t mean anything to Red Faces as they went quietly without scoring any runs. The Wines mounted a spirited comeback and pulled to within 2 runs with 2 outs and 2 on base. Fortunately, Red Faces’ pitcher Greg Moore induced a groundout to end the game and allow the Red Faces a 12-10 win and doubleheader sweep. 

Not only did Andy McMackin knock in the winning run in the opener, he was a highlight reel defensively at both first base and second base. Moe Daviau had two hits and five RBI while Greg Moore had two hits and four RBI. Mike Mozewsky went 4-for-4. In the second game, Ron Linklater heated up his back with two extra-base hits that sailed over the left fielder’s head (and he was very tall …) that produced three runs. Jeff Chapman and Barny Henderson had two ribbies in the second game.

Overall, Mozewsky led the team with 6 hits, Dave Adams, Andy McMackin, and Barny Henderson had 5 hits each, and Ron Linklater, Moe Daviau, and Greg Moore had 4 hits each. Manny Maier chased down a number of screamers in left-centre field.

Greg Moore was pressed into service to pitch both games and handled them perfectly!


Fine Wines Report

The Fine Wines played their third week against the Red Faces.  However, the Wines were the ones with the red faces. 

In game one the Wines were determined to give the Red Faces a win, and they did.  The Red Faces won 14 to 13.  Jeff Palmer led the way for the Wines with 2 singles, a home run and a double, scoring 4 times.  Lloyd Johnston had 3 singles and scored 3 runs.  Greg “Mac” Macauley turned a home run into a triple.  Chris Barrett had 2 singles and 2 triples, scoring 2 runs.  Garry Schultz had 2 singles and scored 2 runs.

The Wines were certain they could play better in the second game.  Wrong.  A combination of throwing errors, stumbles and face plants pretty much sealed the deal and the Red Faces were victorious again, 12 – 10.  So the Wines simply blamed “Murphy” and headed for the pub – some of them. 

Lloyd Johnston had three singles and scored 2 runs.  Jeff Palmer had 3 singles. Mac had 3 singles and scored a run. Dave Robertson had 3 singles and a walk, and his pinch runner scored a run.  Although said pinch runner forgot to run one time while he enjoyed Dave’s hit.  Hello!

Other notable accomplishments - three of the Fine Wines struck out, and one Winer led off first base.  Don’t ask.  We do not know who these persons are.



MAY 12, 2022

White Hairs Report

The White Hairs welcomed two new players to the league - Patrice Blais and Ben Roczniak.  Both were put right into the fire with Pat pitching game one and Ben playing shortstop.  Both responded well with Ben getting 6 hits and many fine defensive plays and Pat pitching a strong game and hitting a key triple.

Game one was a seesaw affair with the Blue Pills persevering 18-15.

Game two pregame discussions focused on improving defense and our primary goal to get to Monahans first.  The game seemed to turn in the White Hairs favour after two defensive gems - Richard Grudzinski took one off the melon on a bad hop and subsequently started an around the horn double play.  Pat Blais made a heroic play at first sacrificing his body to dig out a low throw and take a collision while making the out at first.

Mike Albert, Ben Roczniak and Jeff Morton led the White Hairs offensively with 6 hits each, and winning pitcher Frank Accomando and Mike Way each had 5.  Game two ended 12-9 for the White Hairs.

Key Monahans participant Ian Carson was missing this week as he tours the left coast.  Perhaps that's why the White Hairs were last to Monahans.  Regardless, the beer and post-game food were excellent and the White Hairs are poised to build on their game two recovery.  Look out Green Wimps.


Blue Pills Report

The two teams battled to a split in a very lengthy double-header.

The White Hairs picked up where they left off from Week 1 by scoring 3 in the 1st inning.  Meanwhile the Pills were blanked in their half of the first inning. The 2nd inning featured a reversal of fortunes wherein the Pills blanked the Whites and then scored 4 to grab a 4 - 3 lead. In the third inning the Hairs registered 5 runs while conceding 3 to the Pills.  The Pills scored 5 times in each of the next two innings and held a 17 - 12 lead heading into the 6th.  The Hairs battled hard in the last 2 innings but could only muster 3 more runs allowing the Blue Pills to record their first win of the season.  Hitting stars for the Pills included Mike McFadden, Kirk MacDonald and Dave George who had 3 hits apiece.  Dave Ware blasted an over-the-fence homer for the 2nd week in a row and Brock Paterson led the team with 3 RBI.

Game 2 was a lower scoring affair ultimately ending in a 12 - 9 victory for the White Hairs.  The Pills scored 1 in the 1st and added 4 more in the 2nd and held a 5 - 3 lead going into the 3rd.  The Pills strong defence continued over the next 2 innings.  They blanked the Hairs over that stretch while adding 2 more runs extending their lead to 7 - 3.  The Pills scored 2 more in the 5th but the Hairy ones answered with 4 of their own and narrowed their deficit to 2 runs heading into the 6th. The Pills were blanked in the 6th while the White Hairs used speed and timely hitting to record 5 big runs in their half of the 6th.  The Pills were unable to muster a response and went quietly in the top of the 7th thus ending the game. Kim Warren led the Pills offence going 3 for 3 with 4 RBI.


Red Faces Report

A brilliant and sunny Thursday May morning greeted the Red Faces as they were inspired to battle the Grey Beards in the second week of the season. It was encouraging in that 4 members of the team absent from the first game came off the IL, ready to do battle!

A pitchers’ duel ensured as Red Faces’ Tony Reda showed mid-season form from the get-go limiting Grey Beards to just two runs over the first 6 innings. It took a while for Red Faces’ bats to come to life as well, scoring just a solitary run through the first four innings. However, Paul Fagon’s two-run double in the fifth inning put the Red Faces ahead and they held on to win 5-4.

The second game was everything the first game was not. Although Red Faces scored 4 runs in the first inning and seemed confident of an easy win, the Grey Beards responded with four runs of their own. The tight game continued all the way until the bottom of the sixth inning when Grey Beards went ahead 15-12. Red Faces got a rally going in the top of the seventh but alas couldn’t score any runs. The second game was highlighted with Larry Weber’s inside-the-infield, three-run home run! Red Faces could have added to their totals but one of their players had a senior moment and “forgot” to touch the white home plate on an easy run and was eventually called out.

Jeff Chapman, Mikes Mozewsky and Boyle had four hits each. Dave Adams, Larry Weber, Greg Moore, Manny Maier, and Paul Fagon had three hits each. Fagon had 5 RBIs while Weber had three. Tony Reda pitched both games.


Grey Beards Report

The undefeated Grey Beards led by veteran manager Phil Dechene eagerly took the field to demonstrate their batting and fielding skills honed during their bye week.  And promptly lost game one to the Red Faces. In the first inning Beard’s rookie Greg Potter made a nice running shoestring catch in left field, followed a few innings later by an equally impressive catch of a sky-high fly ball after running around in ever-diminishing circles several times to entertain himself during the ball’s descent.  Don Yaschyshyn went 3-3, but otherwise the Beardies’ bats were sleeping in.  The Red Faces expended barely enough energy to prevail by the hockey score of 5-4, which says something about both teams.  The fan rarely looked up from her knitting.

The Beards appeared to be cruising to a similar fate in Game 2 when veteran John Finley decided to take matters into his own hands, launching a blistering line drive over second base and arriving there himself shortly afterwards. Thus instructed on the proper use of a bat, the bearded boys piled up 18 runs, which was fortunate as the Faces’ bats had also come alive.  Keith Ryan and Tom Hunter were each 3-3.  Don Yaschyshyn made a nice tag of a runner foolishly attempting to advance between second and third, or so it seemed to the Beard’s nearsighted outfielders.  Unfortunately, the fact that Don missed the runner by 18 inches was noted by eagle-eyed umpire Glenn Marshall, and several of the red guys cleverly took advantage of the confusion to score.  Who doesn't enjoy a circus act?  However, the Beardies ultimately prevailed 18-13 to get their first W of the season.  George Merrick pitched masterfully in both games and Ross MacIntosh played exceptionally well in right field.

P.S.  HEY JEFF – guess who was first to the pub this week?


Rusty Royals Report

Week 2 proved a little tougher than week 1 for the Rusty Royals. They were able to beat Fine Wines 13-10 in the opener but a 7-run 7th inning wasn’t enough in the second game, losing 19-18. In game 1 Bernie Renwick and Mike Lawson were both 3 for 3 with Renwick scoring 3 runs and Lawson hitting a home run and getting 3 RBIs. Lee Labonte bounced back from last week’s pitching hand injury to pick up the win. Vince Pileggi contributed 2 hits and 3 runs but a late game injury knocked him out of game 2.

In game 2 Captain John Koopman led the way, going 4 for 4 with 3 RBIs and 4 runs scored. Rae Little, Jack Pang, Jim McDonald, Jim Banyard and Lawson each had 3 hits in a balanced attack that came up just short. Next week’s bye week will be used to heal up and let Renwick continue to work on his outfield skills.


Fine Wines Report

The Fine Wines played their second week against the Rusty Royals.

In game one, the Wines kept it close through the first two innings but the bats went cold and the Rusters pulled away scoring in each of their frames while the Wines put up blanks.  A valiant effort in the last two innings fell short and the Wines went down 13 to 9. Offence was led by Jeff Palmer contributing 4 RBI with two home runs and Chris Barrett who also hit a two-run homer.

The Wines fared better in the second game starting out strong with a 5 spot in the first and never letting up. The Royals continued to chip away but the Wines added another 5 runs in the bottom of the sixth. Leading 19 to 11 going into the top of the seventh, the Royals mounted a comeback, giving the Wines a scare but left the tying run on second before going down 19 to 18 and giving the Wines their first win of the season. The offence was led again by the strong hitting of Jeff Palmer going 4 for 4 with two more home runs. Also with a solid game: David Kozai going 4 for 4; Chris Barrett 3 for 3 and Gregg Macaulay going 3 for 4.




Fine Wines Report

The Fine Wines opened their season with a combination of seasoned veterans and fresh rookies. Their first game was against a powerful White Hairs squad.

In the first inning the team was down 5 to 0 without recording an out. The team came back with one in the bottom of the frame. The White Hairs were blanked at the top of the second inning while the Wines scored again in their bottom half.  Down 7 to 2 in the bottom of the third the Wines came up with two more runs thanks to a 2 run homer by Jeff Palmer. In the bottom of the 4th the Wines tied the game at 7 to 7 led by a two run double by Rod Reichstein. But the White Hairs tallied 5 in the top of the next inning and the Fine Wines couldn’t recover, losing 17 to 7. Jeff Palmer had a triple and homer while Gregg Macaulay had two doubles for the Fine Wines.

In the second game the Wines couldn’t hold back the White Hairs and lost in a mercy, 18 to 6 despite good plate appearances by Garry Schultz, Dave Robertson, Dave Kozai and Bill (Stubby) Stubbins who all went two for two.


White Hairs Report

Substitute pitchers Greg Osmak and Greg Merrick did not issue a walk, therefore keeping the White Hairs defence in the game.  Great D from Steve Moses, Richard Grudinski, Rudy Gauer and Paul Hunter kept Llolyd's boys at bay for two games. 

Game one started off with a bang as the Hairs scored 5 without an out.  The Winers fought back to tie the game at 7 after four innings before the bottom three of the Hairs order all got singles to start a 5 run rally in the fifth.  Final score game one 17-8.

Game two our friend Stubby appeared to tire going to the mound in the bottom of the first.  The White Hairs scored 5 in the first, 5 more in the second off Mr. Greg "I was safe at second Macaulay" and cruised to an 18-6 win after five.

The White Hairs do seem focused on fulfilling their Manager's number one goal of being first to Monahan's.

Lots of great offensive performances for the White Hairs with Steve Moses going 7-7, Rick Martin and Jeff Morton 8-8 and Richard Grudinski 6-6.

Most importantly, there did not appear to be any injuries on either side.  Service, beer and food were all good at Monahan's.  


Blue Pills Report

Game 1 started on a positive note for the Pills. The team scored two in the 1st and held a 2 - 1 lead.  They scored 3 more in the 2nd on the strength of a 3-run inside the park homer off the bat of rookie Al Hardy and led 5-3 after 2 innings of play.  Neither team managed to score in the 3rd inning.  The Pills were held scoreless in the 4th but the Green guys exploded for 5 runs grabbing an 8-5 lead.  Their lead was extended to 11-6 after 5 innings as the Gimps kept up their “seeing-eye” single strategy. The 6th inning included an “over-the-fence” homer by newcomer Dave Ware.  The Gimps lead was cut to 3 runs but the Pills could not muster any further comeback and the game ended in an 11 to 8 victory for the Green Gimps.  The Pills were led by Dave Ware and Kirk MacDonald who each went 3 for 3 scoring twice.  Al Hardy went 2 for 3 with 3 RBI.  Joe Parisani and Mike McFadden each went 2 for 3 as well.

Game 2 ended in a 15 to 2 five-inning mercy victory in favour of the Green Gimps. They scored 3 in the 1st and 5 in the 2nd and held an 8-2 lead after 3 innings of play. They scored 2 more in the 4th while holding the Pills scoreless for the second time in the game.  The game was put out of reach when the Gimps put on a hitting clinic enroute to scoring 5 more runs without recording an out.  The Pills were unable to muster a response and went quietly in their half, thus ending the game.  Dave Ware continued his perfect day at the plate going 2 for 2.  


Green Gimps Report

To quote the Legendary Julius Caesar - veni, vidi, vici.   What you might not know is that Julius and his army were wearing green when he uttered those words.  In our best impersonation of Julius, the Green Gimps won both games with excellent defense, timely hitting and great pitching. Our 3 stars of the game were Jeff Biren who played fantastic at 3rd and ignited our offense as our leadoff hitter. Jeff also proved to everyone that old men can't jump as his awkward leap for a ball hit to 3rd resulted in an additional vertical clearance of about 2 inches. Second star was Mike Canham who pitched great, hit great and kept score. When Mike offered to keep score the entire bench erupted in chorus with "MVP, MVP".  The only major hits given up by Mike were when Goliath (masquerading as a Blue Pill) pounded one off the fence in the first inning of the first game.  Like all pitchers Mike decided to challenge him again next time up, and "POW", it was a rocket over the fence. After that, great pitching and defense took over with everybody contributing to the offense, so the 3rd star goes to the entire team.  

Getting back to our old friend Julius it was rumored that whenever he won a battle the defeated opponents would yell “Conteri Viridi Gimps”.  Hmmmm, is history repeating itself?


Red Faces Report

The season hadn’t even started and players from the Red Faces were dropping like flies (or more like pop flies). In the end, 5 rostered players were absent for a variety of reasons. Luckily, we were able to get a substitute (Tom Hunter) and the Rusty Royals lent us a catcher throughout both games.

The Red Faces began like a house on fire scoring seven runs in the first two innings and actually led 7-4 after three innings. However, the Royals scored 15 runs the rest of the way and the Red Faces were red-faced by only adding one more run for an 19-8 final. The second game began as a pitchers’ duel with the Royals ahead only 2-0 after three complete innings. They surged to lead 13-4 after six innings. Out of nowhere the Red Faces then inexplicably reeled off eight consecutive hits and threatened to do serious damage. However, the Royals held on for a 13-12 win! So after the second inning of the first game all the way to the top of the seventh of the second game, Red Faces only scored 5 runs!

Both teams struggled defensively as the players tried to get the kinks out from hibernating in the winter. In the end, Andy McMackin and Tom Hunter led the Red Faces with seven hits each. Hunter had a home run as well! Dave Adams, newcomer Paul Fagon and Mike Boyle (all Milton residents) had six hits each. Jeff Chapman had four hits. Adams had 4 RBIs while McMackin, Chapman and Ron Linklater had 3 RBIS each. Larry Weber was called into service to pitch the first game. He was relieved by Mike Mozewsky who pitched the second game.

It was a beautiful day, the diamond was in perfect shape and the beer was equally cold for both teams after the game.


Rusty Royals Report

[Ed. Note – the Rusty Royals advised that the dog ate their report.]







In accordance with OMMSPL tradition the end of the regular season also means the end of the game reports for this year, as the reporters shift their attention to hitting and fielding in the playoffs. Thanks to the following intrepid reporters who attempted (and in many cases succeeded) to keep us informed and entertained:

Rusty Royals - John Koopman

Red Faces - Mike Boyle

White Hairs – Bill Johnson

Grey Beards – Tom Hunter

Green Gimps - Jon Diniz

Blue Pills - Greg Aubert

Fine Wines – Vince Pileggi

Golden Years - Gary Goulden



Game 1 – Red Faces 15 White Hairs 14

Game 2 - Red Faces 21 White Hairs 16

Red Faces Report

The streaking Red Faces met the injury-depleted White Hairs Thursday in a thrilling double header that wasn’t decided until the seventh inning in both games. Red Faces overcame three HRs by the big bopping White Hairs to win the opener 17-16 in the bottom of the seventh. Then they plated six runs in the top of the seventh of the second game to hold on 22-16.

In the opener, Mark Brancier singled with two on in the bottom of the seventh to knock in the winning run in a see-saw affair. Red Faces trailed 12-8 at one point as White Hairs powered their way to the early lead. The Faces were led by Brian Page who had 8 RBIs in the opener. Brancier had some interesting stats — 3 runs scored, 2 hits, 2 walks and 3 RBIs in the game.

The second game was another slugfest. Red Faces scored 16 runs in the last four innings to finally knock back the White Hairs’ challenges. The Faces set a record with a season-high 32 hits in the game. Larry Weber and Bill Stubbins led the way with four hits each.

Overall, Weber had seven hits, seven runs scored and 5 RBIs. Doug Ford scored 5 runs, had 6 hits and 4 RBIs. Page finished with 4 runs scored, 6 hits and 10 RBIs. Brancier scored 5 runs, had 4 hits (including an inside-the-parker) and 5 RBIs. Garry Schultz scored three runs, five hits, and 3 RBIs. Other top hitters were Bernie Renwick, Jack Pang and Barny Henderson with four hits each.

White Hairs Report

After having to watch a pre-game of the Reds getting their photo for finishing 1st, it seemed to inspire the White Hairs to challenge the champs.  Game 1 saw the lead change each 1/2 inning with the Hairs tying the game in the top of the 7th only to let it slip away in the bottom and take the loss 14-15.  The White Hairs pounded out 27 hits highlighted by 1 inside and 1 outside the fence HRs by Greg Moore. The HR that left the park was a grand slam that ended a five-run inning.

Once again in game 2 the lead changed hands several times and was tied 6-6 after three.  However after the Faces opened up a 5 run lead and thought they were cruising to victory, the WHs scored 4 in the 6th to narrow the lead to just one. Last inning proved costly for the Hairs as the Reds pulled away and the 2 runs the WHs scored in the bottom of the seventh weren’t enough as they lost game two 21-16.  After watching the WHs’ left-handed bats hammer everything to right field for two games the Faces instituted a 5-man outfield and a second base rover for most of game 2.  Ron Teeter thought there is only one way to miss all the gloves ...put it into the kids’ waterpark in right field ... HR problem solved!  Tony Fratia and Laurence Drew each were a perfect 4-4 and it seems the White Hair bats are coming alive just in time for the playoffs.



Game 1 – Grey Beards 15 Rusty Royals 11

Game 2 – Rusty Royals 13 Grey Beards 12                     

Grey Beards Report

The Grey Beards and Rusty Royals fine-tuned their teams for the upcoming playoffs in two evenly-matched games. The Beards held on by their fingertips to win game one, and the Royals eked out a comeback victory in game two in the bottom of the seventh.  In both games neither team held a lead of more than 4 runs at any time. Home runs were the theme of the day.  Doug Wingrove of the Beards set the tone early in game one by launching an impressive blast and flying around the bases in an octogenarian blur.  Not to be outdone, Beards’ manager Jeff Morton promptly repeated the feat. The Rusties then got into the act with one of their own. “That looks easy enough” observed Eric Burton of the Beards before adding his own to the IPHR parade. Perceiving a threat to his manhood, manager Morton added another IPHR and one more of the over-the-fence variety for good measure, to reclaim team bragging rights.  Apart from the plethora of home runs, the highlight of the day was Beards catcher John Finley demonstrating his yoga skills with a Vladdy-like stretch to catch an offline throw and put out a Royals runner barreling home. Mike Canham pitched a great game (only one walk), and Mike Albert performed flawlessly at first base. Burton made several sparkling consecutive catches in the outfield, but whined that the Royals seemed to be picking on him. Spare Chris Barrett in his rookie debut was a factor with some long hits and rocket throws.  Everyone had at least 2 hits. Canham led the hit parade with 8, Morton 7, Wingrove 6 and Albert 5.

Rusty Royals Report

It looked grim for the Rusty Royals - their biggest sticks were absent. Brian Hiltz had an appointment with the Blue Jays - who needed his batting advice, and Way remained out with foot issues that threaten the rest of his season.  How could they keep pace with the Grey Beards with only journeymen and utility players in their line-up?  They called-up new spare Dave Ware from Triple A who went 4 for 5 with a round-tripper included. Andy McMakin went 4 for 5 too, though he lacked the upper body strength required for a round-tripper... John Manderson went 3-4 and hit a triple.  George Merrick was 3-4 too, though he lacked the speed needed for a triple, as did Don Evans.  It was not enough.  Peter Dovey got roughed up, and Rusty Royal defensive woes were in large part to blame.  They lost 21-17 to the slugging Beards.

Game Two was all about self respect for the frequently losing Royals.  George Merrick pitched well, defense came through, Don Mosely-Williams went 4-5 and drove in the winning run in the bottom of the seventh as the Royals overcame a two-run deficit. Peter Dovey and Dave Ware were 3-4, and Merrick, McMakin, Dave Robertson, King all got on base for Mosely-William's game-winning blow.  The Rusty Royals are peaking as play-offs approach!



Game 1 – Fine Wines 15 Green Gimps 4

Game 2 – Fine Wines 17 Green Gimps 6

Fine Wines Report


The Fine Wines at full strength cruised to the Glenashton pennant against a Green Gimps squad missing several key players. In both games the Wines got off to a quick start and never looked back with solid pitching from righty Kirk MacDonald in game 1 and lefty Jim Banyard in game 2. Both games featured a superb infield defence, with a special mention to Mike Lawson at shortstop who made numerous outs. The offence in game 1 was led by Jim Banyard, Dave Adams, Kirk MacDonald, and Mike Lawson who were each 3/4, as well as Ty Crawford, Bill Tyler, and Steve Moses who were all 2/3.

In game 2, Dave Adams, Jim Banyard, Ty Crawford, and Vince Pileggi all batted 1000. Mike Mozewsky and Mike Lawson added three hits each as well.






Green Gimps Report

[Ed. Note - the Green Gimps did not file a report as their reporter was on vacation and missed the game. Lucky guy.]



Game 1 – Blue Pills 28 Golden Years 19

Game 2 – Blue Pills 16 Golden Years 5

Blue Pills Report


In game one the Pills were blanked in each of the first 3 innings and found themselves trailing by a score of 8 - 0.  Finally in the 4th inning the Pills’ bats woke up and they scored 5 runs to narrow the deficit to 3.  The Golds answered that with 5 of their own which restored their 8 run lead after 4 innings.  The Pills chipped away by tallying 3 in the 5th and 2 in the 6th while holding the Golds scoreless. So in the 7th, the Pills needed 2 to tie and 3 to take the lead.  With 2nd place on the line, the coach dispensed his supply of magic blue pills to each player and a miracle ensued.  The Pills sent 22 men to the plate scoring a whopping 18 runs which according to League Commissioner George Picken is among the highest single inning tally in league history. To their credit, the Golds fought back with 6 runs in the bottom of the 7th but it was just too big of a deficit to overcome.

The Pills continued their strong hitting in the 2nd game scoring 3 in the 1st, 5 in both the 2nd & 3rd and 3 in the 4th.  As a team, the Pills batted .750 and made only 8 outs.  They also played solid defense and limited the Golds to a total of 6 runs over the course of the 5-inning game.    Leading the way for the Pills were Doug Snow (6/8 + 6 RBIs), Brock Paterson (4/6 + 5 RBIs), Aarne Kartna (5/7 + a walk), Ted Wierda (4/6), Ian Schell (5/7 + a walk), Steve Vitella (4/5 + a walk), Ted Wierda (4/5 + a walk & an inside-the-park homer), Jim Schroll (4/5 + a sac fly), Vince Moffatt (4/5) and Don Yaschyshyn (6/8).

Golden Years Report

OUCH!  The Golden guys started out favourably in game one taking a quick 8-0 lead after three innings. The Blue ballers kept pecking away but were still down 13-10 to begin the seventh. Then the Pills got hard on the Goldies by scoring a probable league record with 18 runs utilizing mostly clean hits. As the scorekeeper was running out of toes and fingers to count, Shane Noseworthy made a great running shoestring catch to end the resemblance to a Hurricane Ida tidal wave. The Goldies then attempted one of their usual but this time impossible comebacks.  With 6 runs in and 2 runners on, the nightmare of the 7th finally ended with a 28-19 pasting. Game 2 saw the demoralized and thirsty Goldies surrender meekly 15-5 while thinking ahead to the playoffs. Enough said about those 2 scores!!

The Golden boys obviously prefer the high humidex days, dropping to an inglorious third place. By looking at the beer glass half full with refills on the way at Monaghans, there were also highlights to be celebrated. John Good played superbly at second base making numerous outs before joining the growing list of walking wounded. Jeff "Chappie' Chapman stunned the huge crowd in the bleachers with a life-threatening, diving grab of a hard hit and labelled ground ball and, while doing an impression of an Olympic tumbler, rolled the orb to Goody at second for the game-ending final out. Dave Kozai went his usual ho-hum 7 for 7, Dave George contributed his consistent 6 for 7 day, Chappie for good measure went 5 for 5 and five others added 4 hits each. The Pills’ stiff bats however were not to be denied in this final regular season game.











AUGUST 5, 2021 


Game 1 – Fine Wines 16 Golden Years 4

Game 2 – Fine Wines 14 Golden Years 1

Fine Wines Report

The Fine Wines took full advantage of a short-staffed Gold team. 

 In game one, the Wines mercied the Golds 16-4, after 5 complete innings. The Wines played solid defence at all positions, especially at 2nd highlighted by Billy (the kid) Tyler, and solid pitching by Kirk MacDonald. The game was also highlighted by 4 triples by the Wines by 3 different players and solid hitting all-around.

The Wines kept their feet on the gas in game 2, with a similar result. The Golds were even more short-staffed in this one, so the Wines filled in on defence for the Gold.  Demonstrating the sportsmanship for which the league is known, one fill-in Wine’s player made 5 of the 6 outs for the Golds in 2 consecutive innings. Wines played a solid game offensively and defensively.

Golden Years Report


In tribute to the great Marvin Gaye, the Golden guys played a rousing rendition of his famous song "Mercy Mercy Me." The Fine Whines were more than willing to 

accommodate by doing it to the Goldies not once but twice. The Goldies were missing 3 key players, one sipping coolers at the cottage, one grounded out west due to the forest fires and one with a last-minute commitment. This forced stellar chucker Tony Reda to play despite a torn calf muscle. In a rare display of concern for his personnel the coach sent him home in the second game to heal.  Fortunately the Goldies are one of the few teams without a lawyer on the roster, so Tony wasn't able to act like a jilted divorcee and sue for none support.  Then the 3rd baseman got knocked silly by an accidental (we hope) collision rendering the Golden Oldies down to eight players. Jeff Blackwell, forgetting he was now in an over 60's league made a great diving catch for which his shoulder will pay the price for the rest of the weekend. Dave George and Al King before he got injured (oops, no longer nameless) both reached base 4 times to give this writer something, glass half full, to write about. With returning players and redemption on their minds, rivals beware next Thursday!



Game 1 – Grey Beards 24 White Hairs 19

Game 2 – Grey Beards 18 White Hairs 6

Grey Beards Report

After last week’s rainout, the Beardies were thrilled to arrive at Millbank West under a cloudless blue sky.  However, during the warmup some Beardies were overheard to say “…you know, a cloud would be nice…or at least a breeze.”  Heat quickly became the theme of the day.  Led by Doug Wingrove in his debut in the leadoff position, the Grey bats got off to a blistering start in the top of the first inning of game one, and rarely let up.  Entering the fifth inning the Greys were up 17-9, with hopes of inflicting a mercy on the Hairs to reduce the risk of sunstroke.  Alas, they fell one run short in the next inning, thus prolonging the misery of both teams. Facing a 15-run deficit as they entered the bottom of the seventh inning the Hairs inexplicably decided to start hitting, assisted by some equally inexplicable defence on the part of the Beards (who may have been lusting after their water bottles on the bench).  The Hairs put up an impressive 6-run rally before finally being dispatched, thereby regaining a smidgen of self-worth and a little momentum to take into Game Two.

The Hairs’ momentum was quickly snuffed out by the Beardies’ new secret weapon – Mike Canham, a left-handed pitcher called up from the minors (aka the Burlington Oldtimers).  Mike commenced his OMMSLP career with a first-inning strikeout.  A few innings later, a crafty pitch by Mike resulted in a might swing by Bruce Locke of the Hairs which uncharacteristically connected with nothing but air. As Bruce had previously hit towering shots to the warning track over the heads of the helpless Bearded outfielders, it was completely understandable that the Hairs runner on first stepped off the bag in anticipation of another mighty blast. Fortunately for the Beards that ended the inning.  In the fourth inning the Beards somehow managed to score 4 runs with two outs to thoroughly demolish any remaining morale of the Hairy ones.  By this time, the game on the adjacent diamond had concluded and the Hairs decided that the pub would be a more amenable venue, so a mercy quickly followed.

The Bearded Ones exhibited considerable patience at the plate throughout both games, resulting in an OBP of .750 or more for Wingrove, Mott, Carson, Morton (including an IPHR), Albert, Hunter, Canham and Burton (who went 7-8).

White Hairs Report

Missing the top of their lineup and playing with 10 players, the White Hairs 

welcomed 2 new players in Howie Brown and Jim Staios who both contributed, although the Hairs dropped both games on a hot day.  Game 1 saw 43 runs scored by both teams, but unfortunately the WHs only had 19 of those.  Howie Brown had 4 hits, one of which was an inside the park HR that almost had the bench calling 911.  The two Jims, Moriarty and Staios both had 3 hits as did Bruce Locke and Tony Fratia but apparently that wasn't enough.

Game 2 was a bit slower as the heat continued and the Grey Beards helped everyone get off the field by a 18-6 mercy in the 5th.  Hit and run production seemed to wane but Howie Brown and Jim Moriarty still pitched in with 3 hits apiece.  Back at the pub sharing a few tables with the Beards, the White Hairs talked about breaking the season series on Aug 26th (and hopefully fielding a full team)!



Game 1 – Red Faces 17 Rusty Royals 5

Game 2 – Red Faces 14 Rusty Royals 7

Red Faces Report

The hot weather on Thursday helped keep the Red Faces’ bats 

hot as well as the team blasted 55 hits to win both ends of its double header with the Rusty Royals.

The Red Faces are rounding into shape and have tightened up their defence considerably since their opening week. Crafty Bill Stubbins pitched all but one inning of both games and led the team with seven hits and four RBIs. Speedy Mark Brancier had three hits and four RBIs in the first game to help lead the charge. Larry Weber went 4-for-4 with three runs scored in the opener. To that point, Weebs had only made one out in the five games played to date. Garry Schultz returned from eye surgery with a much clearer batting eye and went 3-for-3 in the opener and 3-for-4 in the second game. Other strong hitters for Red Faces were Jack Pang, Brian Page and Doug Ford with five hits each, and Bernie Renwick, Phil Riley and Rae Little with four hits apiece. Riley made a number of nice catches in left field.

Rusty Royals Report

[Ed. Note – it appears the Rusty Royals report was lost in the mail]





Game 1 – Blue Pills 20 Green Gimps 19

Game 2 – Green Gimps 16 Blue Pills 15                      

Green Gimps Report

 Slugfest, Marathon, Torture, suffering, mental fortitude…. anything but athletic.



The first game was 

a testament to all the above as the Gimps hung in there for almost 2 hours battling those Blue Pills, eventually losing to them. Every time we got close, they responded the following inning. The Gimpers did not have their best showing defensively, missing numerous balls on the diamond. Hey, we blame it on the heat and being short a player. It was a tough loss. The only highlight was Jon D showing his dance moves on the bases as he was called out twice for anticipation.  [Ed. Note 1 – in normal circumstances when a player makes a boneheaded play he is not identified by name, but Jon wrote this game report.  They say confession is good for the soul.]  [Ed. Note 2 - what is the penalty for stepping off twice in the same game?  No-one knows - it’s never happened before.]


In the second game coach Phil brilliantly changed up our defense and placed our 2 fastest guys in the outfield… Roman and Ron. Moving Rudy to 3rd, The Green Gimps showed some promise. With a solid offense, we were able to match up better with those sick Pills till the end. Deciding to show some mercy, and agreeing the 2nd game would be a 5-inning affair, the Greenies managed to score 6 in the top of the inning to take a 5-run lead.  The Blue Pills responded but came up short by 1, giving the Green Gimps a split on this crazy day. Ron Berry got the win, despite taking a wicked line drive on his wrist through the screen. Frank Accomando pitched the final three outs to get the save with only 9 players on the field. Frank and Ron led the offense with 7 hits, and rookies Doug Williams and the Cookie Man had perfect days at the plate.

Blue Pills Report

In game 1 the Pills came out swinging, scoring 5 in the top of the 1st and after a scoreless 2nd, added another 2 runs in the top of the 3rd.  The Green guys kept pace by scoring 6 over the first 3 frames making the score 7 to 6 in favour of the Pills.  The rest of the game featured hitting, hitting and more hitting.  The Blue guys scored 5 in the 4th, 5 in the 5th, 4 in the 6th and 7 in the 7th finishing the game with an impressive 28 runs.  The Gimps also hit well over the 

last 4 innings scoring 12 runs which left them well short of a comeback.  Hitting stars for the Blue Pills were Ian Schell (5 for 5 + a Sac fly), Aarne Kartna (5 for 6) and Don Yaschyshyn, Greg Aubert, Joe Fitzgerald, Ted Wierda, Steve Vitella and Rick Wilcox (each with 4 hits).

Game 2 was shortened to 5 innings.  The two teams were apparently tired out following the slugfest of Game 1.  The Pills led by a modest total of 5 to 4 after 3 innings.  The Gimps found a second wind and scored 5 runs in the top of the 4th.  The Blue Pills matched that with a tally of 5 in the bottom of the 4th.  This inning included a terrible injury to Ron Berry who was hit by a rocket shot that hit the netting of the screen and then Ron's forearm breaking two bones.  Somehow the Gimps managed to gather themselves and scored 6 in the top of the 5th thus grabbing a 5-run lead.  The Pills scored 4 runs and had the bases juiced with 2 out.  A base hit would give them the sweep.  The next batter hit a hard grounder that was gobbled up by shortstop Mike Cook who flipped to 2nd base, ending the game.  Joe Fitzgerald pitched a solid game and led the team's offense going 3 for 3.  Overall, the team hit well recording a 696 average for Game 2.








 August 26, 2021



Game 1 – Red Faces 22 Rusty Royals 11

Game 2 - Red Faces 11 Rusty Royals 3

Red Faces Report

The Red Faces and Rusty Royals engaged in a bit of Last Man Standing by playing 10 aside during hot and humid conditions Thursday. The Red Faces were held to just two runs in the first four innings and everything was pointing in the wrong decision until the seventh inning when they erupted for 13 runs to win the opener 22-11.  (Ed. Note – might be an OMMSPL record!) The first seven batters reached safely in that deciding inning and then Brian Page and Jack Pang belted bases-loaded doubles to cement the comeback in dramatic fashion. In the end, the Red Faces sent 18 batters to the plate in that inning. The Red Faces found every hole and seam in the diamond they had missed in the first six innings.

The second game took on a different flavour as the heat claimed another victim from the Royals who were forced to play with only 9 men, which opened up more holes on the diamond. The Red Faces scored eight runs in the first two innings of the five-inning affair to win 11-3 as all players’ exhaustion was beginning to show.

Leading the hit parade for the Red Faces was Brian Page with 8 hits and 8 RBIs. Larry Weber also had 8 hits and scored 6 runs. Each of Bernie Renwick, Rae Little and Mike Boyle had 6 hits. Jack Pang had 5 hits and 6 RBIs. Bob Edmondson had 5 hits and 4 runs scored. Bill Stubbins pitched both games and had 5 hits. Garry Schultz, and Barny Henderson had 4 hits each.

The games had some interesting nuances with the batting team supplying substitute catchers. The Red Faces had two runners thrown out at the plate. And in the second game, Jack Pang catching for the Royals caught a foul tip to retire one of his Red teammates and threw out another teammate at first place on a dribbler. At that point his teammates suggested he would be better employed as a pinch runner, much to the distressed cries from the Royals they were also losing their top fielder!

Rusty Royals Report

For six innings in the first game the Rusty Royals fought the Red Faces and held them off.  The Rusty Royals were led by Brian Hiltz, a late season Triple A call-up who was 4-5 and also scored a couple of runs, and Andy McMakin was 4-4.  Lee Labonte pitched like his old buddy Cy Young (they hung out together in their youth).  Sadly the heat got to the Rusties (the Red Faces had illegally stolen the shaded third base side that is usually reserved for the home team), and in an epic seventh inning collapse they allowed 13 runs and the Red Faces took the first game 22-11.  The Rusty Royals, classy as always, have not filed a protest.

The second game was only a five inning affair as the Red Faces were tiring badly.  Hiltz, Manderson and Robertson all went 2-3 but no other Rusty Royal did much as they failed to take advantage of the flagging Faces and lost 10-1. [Ed. Note – according to the official scorer it was 11-3, but close enough]. Had the game been played for the full seven the Rusty Royals would surely have been victors.



Game 1 – Grey Beards 15 White Hairs 12

Game 2 – White Hairs 7 Grey Beards 5                      

White Hairs Report

Due to the heat, the Whites and Greys agreed to a 1-1 count start for each batter for both games.  At least the hits outweighed the strikeouts for the Hairys and despite a strong 7th the Hairs fell to the Beards 15-12. Ron Teeter and Jeff Biren led the way with 4 hits apiece, and Jim Moriarty surprised the dozing Beards’ outfielders by blasting one over their heads to the warning track.  During the break between games you could hear both benches mumbling “…beer beer beer ...”.

Still with a 1-1 count the Whites and Greys agreed to a 6 innings for game 2. With a 3 run first inning and some strong defense the Hairs broke a 4-4 tie in the bottom of the fifth with 3 more runs and hung on to take down the Greys 7-5.  Getting to the pub was obviously on both teams’ minds as each inning you could hear a countdown of “15 more outs ... or 9 more outs ...”.  Ron Teeter led the way with 3 hits and "new" comer Mike Horner contributed 2 along with several other Hairs. 

Grey Beards Report

How about this concept for the upcoming fall TV season - a bunch of guys aged 60 to 82 play slo-pitch for 3 hours under a cloudless sky on the hottest day of the year.  It’s called “Survivor”.  The Grey Beards manfully accepted the challenge with something resembling enthusiasm, actually taking the field for hitting practice while the wimpier (but perhaps more intelligent) White Hairs stayed in the shade under their parasols.  Suitably warmed up, the Beards held the Hairs to a single run in the top of the first inning of game one and promptly put up a 4-spot in the bottom half, highlighted by an inside-the-park homer courtesy of manager Jeff Morton freshly returned from his conditioning stint in the minors. (In a fit of pique last week’s interim manager Ian Carson, having been relieved of his managerial duties, pretended to have a pulled hamstring and refused to play.) The Bearded Ones scored 13 runs in the first three innings, hoping the Hairs would wilt under the pressure and the heat.  In the fourth inning Morton and rover Mike Albert teamed up to make a rare combination catch on a pop fly to snuff out a potentially dangerous White Hairs rally.  In the fifth inning Greys pitcher Rick Wilkinson stroked a solid single but went down like a ton of bricks about 8 feet short of first base, holding his calf and writhing in pain. His concerned teammates implored him to continue horizontally by any means possible, without success.  A forklift was quickly rented and Rick was removed from the diamond.  We wish him a speedy recovery and hope he will be back for the playoffs. Meanwhile, the Hairs kept hanging around like a whiny kid brother and came damn close to ruining the script in the final inning, but Mike Canham came on to get the save for his injured teammate. Morton and Doug Wingrove each went 4-4 in game one.

The teams returned to the blast furnace for game two with rapidly diminishing enthusiasm.  It was a low energy, low scoring, 6-inning affair.  With the score knotted after four innings, the Hairy Guys dipped into the remnants of their energy reserves to score 3 runs and take the lead.  The moribund Beards managed a single run in the top of the final inning before saying “to hell with it” and heading to Monaghans for beer and air conditioning. Tom Hunter and Howard Mott each had 5 hits on the day, and Hunter and Eric Burton made some decent catches in the outfield (except for the Moriarty missile).



Game 1 – Blue Pills 14 Green Gimps 13

Game 2 – Blue Pills 12 Green Gimps 7

Blue Pills Report

The Blue Pills got back to 500 by achieving a sweep over the Green Gimps.  Due to the heat, it was decided to start each batter with a 1 & 1 count for both games.  Game 1 was a seven-inning affair while Game 2 was shortened to 5 innings.

The teams each scored 3 runs in the first inning and zero runs in the second. The Pills blanked the Gimps again in the 3rd and exploded for 4 runs in the bottom half.  The Gimps scored a lone run in the 4th and then doubled their score in the 5th by tallying 4.  Meanwhile the Pills were blanked in the 4th and the 5th and found themselves trailing 8 to 7 after 5.  The Gimps increased their lead to 4 in the top of the 6th but the bottom half of the Pills’ batting order took charge putting a 5 on the board and reclaiming the lead.  The Gimps responded with 3 runs in the top of the 7th and once again grabbed a 2-run lead.  The Pills hammered out 3 straight hits to start the bottom of the 7th.  The next batter hit an infield pop-up.  The next 2 Pills drilled base hits to tie the game, leaving runners at 1st & 3rd with one out.   The next batter fouled out.   Rick Wilcox ended the see-saw battle by driving in the winning run with a seeing-eye single. 

The Pills started the 2nd game with an impressive display of hitting.  They scored 5 runs in each of the first two innings and held a commanding 10 to 2 lead after 2.  The Pills added 2 more in the top of the 3rd.  The Gimps threatened to make a game of it by scoring 5 of their own in the bottom of the 3rd.  Both teams faded after that and there was no further scoring.  Leading the way for the Pills were Doug Snow (6/7), Brock Paterson (4/5 + a walk & 5 RBIs), Manny Maier (4/6 + a walk), Ted Wierda (4/6), Greg Aubert (4/7) and Don Yaschyshyn (5/7).

Green Gimps Report

Well after losing a couple of heartbreakers the week before to a yellow team waving a BLACK flag at us, the Green Gimps were determined to play a better set against those nasty Blue Pills.  Game 1 was a seesaw battle that saw some fine catches by Rudy Gauer and Phil Dechene, strong pitching from Bert Therrien, and a great hitting display by Frank Accomando. Mike Cook also contributed with 4 hits including a HR. We lost in the bottom of the seventh inning as we just couldn’t find the hidden ball in the glove by one of our infielders.  [Ed. Note - ???]

Game 2 we lost by 5, digging a hole that we just couldn’t recover from. The heat was a contributing factor as we only had 11 bodies, I mean players. Accomando had 7 hits over both games [Ed. Note - a creative accountant and an athlete!] and Dechene and Rob Thompson contributed 6 hits each. Good news is nobody broke a bone, or required medical attention. Highlight of the day was the cold beer and the fun banter at the pub afterwards.

The Gimps are pumped for the round robin and determined to create havoc for all those in their path…..beware. 



Game 1 – Fine Wines 19 Golden Years 9

Game 2 – Golden Years 7 Fine Wines 4                     

Fine Wines Report

Wines were down early 7 to 4, but turned it around shaking off the rust and coming up with solid defence and pitching by Jim Banyard, and solid hitting with 3 consecutive 5-run innings,  highlighted by continued hot hitting by Ty Crawford going 4 for 4 as did Dave Adams and Don Brown.

Game 2 was a different story with only 5 innings played as it was very hot. The game featured solid defence and pitching by both clubs. Most batters swung at first pitches as it looked like everyone was pretty WELL DONE by this point. Both games exemplified great sportsmanship on this hot day.





Golden Years Report

With their inimitable leader Johnston up north hitting long drives instead of line drives on the scorched Oakville diamonds, the purple-shirted oenophiles put on a hitting clinic and spanked the Golds 19 to 9 in their early encounter. Game 2 told a different story however as reliever Rick Cummings took to the mound and shut down the Whiners’ heavy hitters and the D. tightened up, allowing the Goldies to prevail 7 to 4. Tony Reda, contrary to popular opinion about pitchers being unable to hit, went a tidy 3 for 3 in game one before reinjuring his nagging calf pull and then pulling himself from the game. We do believe his pool was also beckoning. Although a retired educator, Jeff Blackwell didn't learn from diving to catch a ball and hurting his shoulder in a previous week's game and tried it once again. His sacrifice for the team however did result in a big out. Manager Goulden managed to hobble his way to first amidst the guffaws while hitting 4 singles in his 5 at bats. The belief on the bench was that the bad hop that almost gave shortstop Mike Lawson a new haircut truly was unintentional. Jeff Blackwell managed to match that 4 for 5 in his triumphant return to the diamond while Dave George and Dave Kozai each went 4 for 7 and Cummings was 4 for 6. Kozai continued to run like an Olympic sprinter and never appeared winded or overheated. Last week's home run hero Gary Henderson arrived around the 6th inning after spending an hour parked behind an accident clean-up on the QEW. The amount of the fine for his tardiness is still being contemplated by the management team. The main positive for the day was that the injury list among the geezers on both teams was kept to about two this week.

 July 29, 2021




Golden Years Report


Golden Years Take Two From The Gimpers


It has become apparent that Phil Dechene has undue influence with mother nature by requesting rain on both dates when they were to meet the Golden Years. However despite the rain the Goldies played two stellar games in adding 2 more wins to run their record to 5 and 1. Wily veteran pitchers Tony Reda and Roly Scagnetti combined for 2 no hitters , not allowing one Green guy to get on base. Even though he is presently out west celebrating his 70th bday, Johnny Good would have turned at least 3 double plays. Rick Cummings, while holidaying up north, probably would have gone 6 for 6 once again. Al Stokes, after imbibing several Red Bulls took over running duties for the 2 Daves, super runners Kozai and George while they watched the Olympic dashes online to get more tips. Jeff "Chappie " Chapman sacrificed his body by making numerous diving catches but causing many wet grass stains on his new Gold jersey. Manager by default Goulden also offered to sacrifice his body to the servers at the Pump but when he used his famous opening line, "where have you been all my life," they cruelly responded with, "well for the first 50 we weren't born yet!" Shane Noseworthy displayed his tremendous athleticism by grabbing a Phil Dechene ball as it was arcing well over the fence. Settling in to his new league settings, Jeff Blackwell was able to cover 3 of the 4 outfield positions at the same time while the other fielders got some rest, 6 feet apart of course, in the bleachers and checking out the women's beach volleyball replays. Newly appointed player Gary Henderson, out for the first time , was heard to comment, "What have I gotten myself into?" If it rains again next week the Golden boys will go 7-1 with some new astounding plays and Goulden may get to use his newly purchased, for this purpose only, tarps.


AUGUST 19, 2021



Game 1 – Red Faces 15 Grey Beards 10

Game 2 - Red Faces 17 Grey Beards 5

Red Faces Report

The Red Faces spotted Grey Beards a 2-0 lead to start the first game but responded when their first five runners scored in the bottom of the first to set the tone for the day and claim both halves of the doubleheader Thursday. The Faces pounded out 45 hits over the two games to win 15-9 and then 17-5 in the race-to-the-pub second game. (Ed. Note – according to the official scorer the score in game two was 15-10. The Grey Beards need every run they can get.) Pitchers Bill Stubbins and Jack Pang held the Morton-Less Beardies scoreless over 5 separate innings to help stymie any comeback efforts.

Hitting was well spread out among the Red Faces. Bernie Renwick had six hits and scored five runs, Doug Ford had six hits and nine RBIs, Larry Weber had five hits and scored four runs, Mark Brancier had four hits, scored three runs and had four RBIs, Brian Page had four hits and 3 RBIs, Garry Schultz had four hits and two runs scored, leadoff hitter Phil Riley had four hits and four runs scored, Razor Little had three hits and two runs scored, and Mike Boyle had three runs and four RBIs.  (Ed. Note –  that qualifies as a run-on sentence.)


Grey Beards Report

This game report might have reflected a Grey Beards’ victory if it were authored by that well-known fiction writer, Gary Goulden, but unfortunately he is under contract to the Golden Years for the balance of 2021.  (Ed Note – Gary’s brilliant account of the games which did not take place on July 29th may be found on the website under the “Pages” tab - see “2021 Game Reports”.)  With our fearless leader Jeff Morton conveniently absent the wily veteran Ian Carson took up the managerial torch, and promptly burned his fingers.  His first act as interim (Ed. Note – possibly very interim) manager was to leave Mike Albert off the lineup card.  Mike expressed enthusiasm for this executive decision and was halfway back to the parking lot when his panicking teammates persuaded him to return to face the music. Misery loves company.  In game one the Red Faces quickly established their usual pattern of notching a mercy every second inning, mainly by means of frequent and accurate hitting.  The Beardies’ marginal defensive skills didn’t help, but were not the deciding factor. The Grey Ones managed to put up a few runs of their own and avoided the dreaded fate of a mercy which had befallen many other victims of the Blemished Faces, but the end result was still a loss. Kudos to pitcher Mike Canham who did not give up a walk in game one.  With the heat becoming a factor, the managers (interim or otherwise) decided to start game two with a 1-1 count.  This decision initially appeared to backfire, as the number of walks skyrocketed and the game slowed to a crawl.  Facing overwhelming odds, the Beardies had to decide just what they were made of.  Invoking a famous scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, interim manager Carson implored his troops to … “Run Away, Run Away!”  It was a merciful mercy after 4 innings.  The only highlight was Cubby’s nifty behind-the-back catch of a scorching grounder, which earned applause from both teams. (The runner was safe anyway, but style points were earned.)  Sorry – there was one other highlight – Ian’s new shorts.  At least he looked good.

The day was not altogether lost, however, as the thirsty Beardies finally achieved their absent manager’s lifetime goal of “first to the pub”.  Too bad he wasn’t there to share the glory.



Game 1 – White Hairs 17 Rusty Royals 8

Game 2 – White Hairs 13 Rusty Royals 13                      

White Hairs Report

Injuries continue to plague the White Hairs. Missing some key components to their lineup, the WHs once again played with 10 and wish to thank the generous Rusty Royals for supplying a catcher.  Not a bad start to game 1 as the Hairs got all their runs in by the 4th but were shut down the rest of the way for a 17-8 loss. Ron Teeter and Tony Fratia led the way with 3 hits apiece in the loss. In Game 2, playing with a 1-1 count coming to the plate seemed to disrupt the Royals offensive at first, but the White Hairs batters adjusted quickly and put up a solid first few innings including the 3rd when they sent only 6 men to the plate and scored 5 runs without making an out.  It seemed like the Hairs were coasting to victory. 

The ol' “it-aint-over-til-its-over” however had the RRs score 3 in the bottom of the 7th to earn a 13-13 tie.  Greg Moore led the way for the Hairy Ones in the second game, going 4-4 with Ron Teeter and Jeff Biren contributing 3 hits apiece.  An unfortunate incident for Bruce Locke in the 7th where he took a ball off his throwing hand. Although he manfully stayed in the game to finish, it turned out that he had broken a finger in two places and probably ended his 2021 season.  (Ed. Note – way to finish the report on a downer Bill.)

Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals were struggling but a late season call-up from Triple A - Brian Hilti has helped right the ship.  It looked grim for the Royals with slugger and starting shortstop Joe "the Italian Stallion" Parisani out with a finger injury (how did he do that?).   Hilti (Brian Hiltz) went 4 for 4 in game one and drove in 3 runs.  An apparently Scottish but kilt-less Andy McMacKin went 4 for 4, Mike Way made a nice grab in LC and the winning pitcher was Lee LaBonte as the Royals dealt a crushing 17-8 blow to the White Hairs.  Joe Parisani did a great job coaching at third and the Royals may keep him there instead of the on the field for the rest of the season.

In the second game the Royals were content to leave the White Hairs with a tiny smidgen of dignity - deciding to only tie them as the Royals came back and scored three runs with two out in the bottom of the seventh to mark a 13-13 tie.  John Manderson was 3 for 3 in the second game, and Hiltz again contributed with a 3 for 3 performance that included an oxygen depleted triple.

After a slow start the Royals are now hot! Look-out!



Game 1 – Golden Years 22 Green Gimps 15

Game 2 – Golden Years 14 Green Gimps 13

Golden Years Report

The Golden Boys Return to Their Winning Ways

With everyone melting by the 5th inning in game one the Goldies had a 22-8 lead and already had visions of an early trek into Monaghan's air conditioning and a cold barley sandwich. Alas the Gimpers found that extra reserve, put up a 5 spot and forced another inning. Eventually the Goldies prevailed by holding the Green guys to only 2 more measly runs and winning 22-15.

The hot hitting continued for the Gimps in game 2 and they held a 13-7 lead going into the game- shortened 5th inning. Not to be denied, the ageless wonders in Gold plated 7 to take the double dip by a score of 14-13. Dave Kozai was once again a hitting machine. After going 6 for 6 in his last appearance he was 7 for 7 this time around with a clutch sac fly in the game 2 win. Tony Reda matched that with his own 7 for 7 performance and pitched another stellar game despite a bad shoulder, gimpy leg and positive attitude. During game 1 he even called his physiotherapist to cancel his appointment so he could stay and play game 2 (thank goodness). Now that's commitment to his team. Everyone did their bit at bat in both games with Dave George chipping in a solid 6 hits and Cummings, Noseworthy, Henderson, Goulden and veteran sub Jym Grimshaw stroking 5 hits each. Gary Henderson hit an inside the park home run and surprisingly didn't require oxygen. And yes, Monahans was a welcome refuge!

Green Gimps Report

[Ed. Note – the Green Gimps advised that the dog ate their game report]  



Game 1 – Blue Pills 12 Fine Wines 11

Game 2 – Fine Wines 13 Blue Pills 6                      

Blue Pills Report

In game one the Pills went quickly and quietly in their half of the first inning.  The Wines tallied 4 in the bottom of the first and seemed poised to continue their winning ways.  The blue guys got on the board with 2 runs in the second inning but gave up 3 more in the bottom half, leaving themselves in a 5 run deficit.  The momentum started to shift in the middle innings.  The Blue Pills’ hitting came alive while the Fine Wines bats went cold, making the score 11 to 9 in favour of the Pills after 5 innings.  Both teams were blanked in the 6th inning. The Pills added an important insurance run in the top of the 7th.  The Winers made a strong bid to keep their winning streak alive but their last inning comeback attempt fell short by one run.  

The Wines came out swinging in Game 2 and grabbed an early 5 - 2 lead after one inning.  The Pills were unable to string together enough hits to produce sufficient runs to keep up with the Wines.  The Wines kept chipping away, scoring runs in every inning except the 4th.  They held a commanding 7-run lead heading into the bottom of the 7th.  Any thoughts of a comeback were quickly dashed as the Pills went down 1-2-3.  Both teams did well to battle the heat and were rewarded with frosty refreshments at Monaghans. Hitting stars for the Pills included Joe Fitzgerald and Greg Aubert with 5 hits apiece and Don Yaschyshyn (4 hits) and Doug Snow (3 hits plus a walk).

Fine Wines Report

This was the first meeting of the year against the Blue Pills, as the previous 2 matches were rained out. The Wines came in on a 5-game win streak. The Wines scored 7 runs in the first two innings, but could only manage 4 in the last five innings. The comeback fell short by one run. The game was highlighted by 2 triples by Kirk MacDonald, and some fine defence by both teams in an evenly matched game.

Game 2 was a different story. The Wines scored 5 in the first inning and never looked back.  Timely hitting and solid defence put the Wines back into the winning category. The game was highlighted by solid pitching by Jim Banyard, and a 3 for 3 performance by Ty Crawford with some perfectly placed hits. The final score was 13 to 6 for the Wines.


July 22, 2021



Game 1 – Red Faces 12 White Hairs 6

Game 2 - Red Faces 19 White Hairs 0

Red Faces Report

Strong pitching by Red Faces’ Bill Stubbins and Jack Pang held the mighty bats of White Hairs to only six runs in two games as the Red Faces swept the previously undefeated White Hairs 12-6 and 19-0. The Red Faces notably tightened up their defense as the rust from 18 months of games has started to fall away.

Red Faces broke open the first game with a four-run third inning to go up 7-1. The White Hairs responded with an over-the-fence home run but that was close as it got as the Red Faces scored five in the bottom of the fourth to take a 12-2 lead.

The Red Faces scored in every inning of the second game giving their opponents a Hair Cut with a mercy by the fifth inning.

Jack Pang led the hit parade with seven hits. Bernie Renwick had six hits. Brian Page and Bob Edmondson had five hits, while Larry Weber, Mark Brancier, Rae Little and Phil Riley had four hits apiece.

White Hairs Report

After an exceptional opening week, the White Hairs were humbled in both games by the Red Faces.  Too many walks; too many errors; too few hits = 2 loses. First game was 12-6 with the only bright spots at the plate being Ron Teeter [outside the park] and Greg Moore [inside the park] home runs. Unfortunately Ron’s was a leadoff HR and pretty much highlighted how the day went for the Whites. The second game was a 19-0 mercy and we have no further comments.



Game 1 – Golden Years 13 Blue Pills 9


Game 2 – Golden Years 13 Blue Pills 11

Blue Pills Report

The Pills came out swinging in game 1, scoring 4 in the top of the 1st.  Undaunted by this, the Golds grabbed the lead by scoring 5 in the bottom half.  The Pills regained the lead with 2 runs in the top of the second.  Both teams failed to score until the Golds broke out for another 5 runs in the bottom of the 5th thus giving them a 10 - 6 lead.  The Pills were blanked in the 6th while the Golden guys padded their lead with another 3 runs in the bottom of the 6th.  The Pills comeback fell short and the game ended in a 13 to 9 victory for the Golds. Bright lights for the Pills were Joe Fitzgerald (4/4), Doug Snow (4/4), Don Yaschyshyn (3/4) and Ian Schell (3/4).

The Golds completed the sweep with an impressive start to Game 2.  They scored 10 runs over the course of the first 3 innings scoring only 1 more in the final half of the game.  The Pills put up a valiant effort and actually outhit the Golds but they hit into 3 DP's which hurt their chances for big innings.  The Pills had the tying run on base in the top of the 7th but cagey Tony Reda induced an infield pop-up that ended the game.  Hitting stars for the Pills in Game 2 were Don Yaschyshyn (3/4), Aarne Kartna (3/4), Joe Fitzgerald (3/4), Jim Schroll (3/4).& Manny Maier (2/3 with a BB).

Golden Years Report

Missing 3 key players, interim manager Roly Scagnetti guided the disparate (but not desperate ) Goldies to two wins in their twinbill over the Blue Pills who put up a stiff fight. There is some question as to whether the regular manager Goulden should resign to be replaced by Scagnetti and his unbeaten streak. He was helped in his duties by Rick Cummings who continues to defy his age by going 8 for 8 in the two games. Conversely Dave Kozai, representing the youth factor on the team, chipped in with a 7 hit day. To help the team, Scagnetti also selflessly endeavoured to play well out of position at first base and to get his name further inscribed in the news by rolling around in the dirt to gobble up an errant throw. To the delight and cheers of the huge crowds in the stands he made the out, further cementing his legacy on the Goldies Hall of Fame Wall. The hobbled Tony Reda, in homage to the recently departed Whitey Ford, tossed another fine game from behind the frequently maligned pitching screen to now go 3 and 1 with a miniscule ERA.  



Game 1 – Grey Beards 15 Rusty Royals 13

Game 2 – Grey Beards 16 Rusty Royals 16                      

Grey Beards Report

As dawn broke over Millbank West the Grey Beards arrived to commence their mandatory warm-up routine.  The lone Rusty Royal present was duly intimidated by the show of force and offered to concede both games, but the magnanimous Beardies declined.

The Beardies’s spirits were lifted by the return of Ian Carson, Howard Mott and Dave (Cubby) Hubert, all having been called up from the minors following the team’s dismal performance last week. Cubby had an immediate impact in the top of the first inning of Game 1 with two crisp catches to hold the Royals off the board.  The Beardies scored 3 in the bottom half to take an insurmountable lead.  It was surmounted in the next two innings in which the Royals put up two mercies.  In the bottom of the third the Beardies replied with a mercy of their own and then retook the lead in the 5th and added some insurance in the 6th to lead by 6 runs going into the final frame.  The undeterred Royals put a scare into some of the weaker-kneed Beardies by scoring 4 runs in the 7th inning, but that’s all she wrote.  Final score 15-13 for the Beards.

As Game 2 commenced it became apparent that time was passing like a slow-moving river.  After a 22-month hiatus both teams (but mainly the Beards) had decided to maximize their enjoyment of the slo-pitch experience.  Lots of walks and 3-2 pitch counts.  Casual meandering from field to dugout.  Some outfielders stopped to smell the flowers.  Personnel discussions abounded, including the desirability of having both a catcher and an umpire.  About the 4th inning some of the more observant participants noticed that the teams on the other diamond had mysteriously disappeared. Beard’s manager Jeff Morton suddenly realized that his track record of “first to the buffet” (which doubles as his personal motto) was in serious jeopardy.  He quickly entered into negotiations with Royals’ manager John Koopman who agreed on a truncated 6-inning game in exchange for a roll of tape and a third round draft pick in 2022.  The Beardies’ strategy was brilliant as they entered the final frame with a considerable lead, expecting the thirsty Royals to meekly submit and head to the pub.  Not to be.  As twilight loomed the score was tied with the bases loaded and two outs.  A walk would mean a stunning comeback victory for the Royals and a humiliating disaster for the Beardies.  Fortunately (for the Beards), pitcher Rick Wilkinson kissed the edge of the board for a strikeout to conclude the marathon.  Final score - 16 apiece.

If the chicken scratches on the gamesheets are to be believed, each of Howard Mott, Ian Carson, Jeff Morton, Doug Wingrove, Rick Wilkinson, Cubby and John Finley had 5 or 6 hits for the Beardies.

Rusty Royals Report

The Rusty Royals had a tough year in 2019 and the pattern seems to be continuing this year, although it is early days.  A couple of less than subtle Rusty Royals noted that the only thing consistent between the 2019 Rusty Royals and this year is the coach...

This week the Rusty Royals missed Joe Parisani (the Italian Stallion) and struggled in his absence.  In Game One they fell by a couple of runs.  Rusty Royal leaders were Don Moseley Williams who went 4 for 4, and Mike Way who had three RBIs.  Lee LaBonte pitched a great game, but it was not enough.

In the second game the Royals held it together for a 16-16 draw.  Mike Way was five for five, and Andy McMakin four for four.  Don Moseley Williams had five RBIs!



Game 1 – Fine Wines 10 Green Gimps 7

Game 2 – Fine Wines 11 Green Gimps 7                      

Green Gimps Report

(Ed. Note – the following report from the Green Gimps attempts to cover both the July 15th and 22nd games.  Due to the generous nature of the editor this approach will be tolerated for this week only.)

The boys of summer are back…taking Advil, complaining of soreness, how good they were 40 years ago, with great big smiles.

Week 1 Green Gimps showed solid defence, timely hitting, team spirit and some good laughs.

They were hoping this will be our traits which will lead us to a successful season.

Well, who mentioned $1 wings.

The boys didn’t have the same focus as the previous week.

Sure The FINE WINES played a perfect game, but we only lost by a few misplays.

Clean up our Defence, get back to smacking the ball and we were right there.

Season highlights includes:

·         Cookie throwing 2 guys out trying to score from 2nd.

·         Tom Sawa solid defence and 9 hits    

·         Rob Thompson 9 hits and running down blasts to the outfield.

·         Phil D pounding out 14 hits

·         Jon D 11 hits

·         Roman looking too sexy playing 1st.

I wonder what the food special will be next week?

Fine Wines Report

The Fine Wines defeated the Green Gimps 10-7 in game 1, mainly due to solid defence by the Wines especially on the left side of the infield.  Kirk MacDonald pitched a solid game and also went 3 for 4 at the plate with 3 RBIs. Mike Mozewsky was 4 for 4, with 6 other players going 3 for 4.  It was an all-round solid game.  The timely hitting helped lead to victory.

In game 2 the Wines came out on top again 11-7, with another solid pitching effort by Mike M. who kept the bats of the hard-hitting Gimps off balance.  Ty Crawford and Mike Lawson on the left side of the infield again played solid defence.  At one point Mike L. made 6 consecutive outs showing great range and a solid arm at the short stop position.  He was also 3 for 3 at the plate with 4 RBIs. Honorable mention to Don Brown on first with some great picks.

Another solid effort from the whole team.

(Ed. Note – a solid game report!)










 JULY 15, 2021


The following game reports were filed by press time:

Red Faces

The Red Faces began the summer of 2021 like 2020 never happened. Phil Riley singled, Larry Weber singled and Doug Ford drove in the game’s first 

run. But then, their 2020 memory clicked in and a combination of factors led to only three more runs the rest of the way as the Royals won convincingly 9-4. Brian Page, Weber and Riley led the Red Faces with two hits each while Page drove in two runs. The Red Faces mustered only 10 hits and 2 walks against a Royals’ team which was relentless.

However, the Red Faces learned from their first-game experiences and pounded out 20 hits and two walks to score nine runs in the first three innings to take control early and win 11-5. Garry Schultz and Weber led the way with three hits each. Schultz also made a number of acrobatic catches at first base and drove in two runs. Bernie Renwick, Mark Brancier, Jack Pang and Bill Stubbins also chipped in with two hits apiece. Pang and Stubbins shared the pitching duties in both games. Weber had three RBIs while Page knocked in two. Riley led the way with three runs scored.


Golden Years

The Goldies and the Fine Whiners started the new season by splitting their double dip, 10-7 Golds in Game 1 and 7-6 Wines in the second. The rust was evident after about 2 years away from the diamond and it took the first half of game one for the guys on both teams to 

remember that it was okay to hit the ball onto the green patch behind the infield. Rick Cummings from the Goldies was playing out of position at third and did a terrific Brooks Robinson imitation with some highlight defensive plays to go along with his batting prowess. Kinda showoffy actually and he'll probably demand a new contract. Reluctant, dragged out of retirement manager Goulden, was missing some key players but looked like a genius by developing a patchwork infield of Scagnetti, Good and D. George who turned numerous double plays and actually made a number of accurate throws to first. Tony Reda pitched with a bum shoulder but held the Wines in check with some precise nibbling around the plate and chalked up two K's in the process. A couple of missed plays cost the Golds the two spot however which allowed the guys in purple to roar back to win game two in the bottom of the 7th. Dave Kozai, Al Stokes and Shane Noseworthy banged out 6 hits apiece on the day. Kozai, being the youngster on the team did a lot of pinch running and is so fast his feet only touched the ground every third stride. The combined score was 16-14 for the Golden boys but alas that's not the way the standings work so only 2 points.                               

Fine Wines

Following Umpire Brian Sheridan’s directive to “PLAY BALL! (Or at least a reasonable facsimile)”, the Wines swung their bats, ran the bases and came away with two runs 

in the top of the 1st inning. Little did they know that it would be 5 innings later before another Winer would score. Trailing 7-2 in the top of the 6th, five Fine Wine Runners would come home and tie the game at 7 apiece. The Golden Years answered with 3 of their own and went on to win 10-7.

Offensively for the Wines, Bill Tyler smacked a pair of hits, Dave Adams scored twice, rookie Mike Lawson added a run to go with his two hits, Don Brown added 2 hits to go with his run and although run less, Steve Moses tossed in 3 hits.

Although the pressure of a possible unbeaten season had been lifted from the Fine Wines shoulders, Game 2 of this mid-morning doubleheader did not start off well. The Goldies scored a four pack and the Wines came up dry. By the end of the 4th frame and the score 6-3 Goldies, the Wines were wondering if their glass was half full or half empty. But then there was a sign from the defense that things might be about to change. Steve Moses went (almost) horizontal to catch a sizzling line drive for the 3rd out and prevent a huge Golden Years inning. The Wine offence responded by scoring once to narrow the gap to 6-4. Another run followed in the bottom of the 6th. The defense remained strong and the Wines found themselves down by only 1 little run as they prepared to bat in the bottom of the seventh. Dave Adams led off with a single. Mike Lawson followed with a shot to outfield. Kirk MacDonald smacked a double scoring Adams to tie the game. Following an intentional no-pitch walk to Dangerous Dan Brown to load the bases, newly appointed Manager Lloyd Johnston strode to the plate, and crushed the ball to left field scoring Lawton with the winning run to make the final 7-6.

Your reporter has played a lot of ball games but this is the first time he can remember two games being played where neither pitcher on their respective team, Kirk and Tony, walked a batter… or is there a No Walk rule to compliment the No Tag rule.

Grey Beards

In their first tilt since September, 2019 the Grey Beards were trimmed (more accurately, scalped) by the White Hairs by identical scores of 17-5 at Millbank East (more or less – like most other skills, the scorekeeping was a little rusty.) The White Hairs appear to have spent the 22-month layoff in

 illicit gyms and underground batting cages while the Grey Beards duly obeyed all Covid restrictions on the couch.  In game one the Beardies took an early 1-0 lead and showed some defensive competence thanks to overworked right fielder Mike Albert and alert shortstop Tony Foscarin, but the White Hairs started “hitting ‘em where they ain’t”.  The Bearded outfielders were soon run ragged chasing balls hit between them, in front of them, and over their heads.  Having spent an excessive amount of time in the field, the exhausted Beardies were unable to muster much offence at the plate, except for Jeff Morton who was 5-7 on the day (including 3 doubles and a triple) and Mike Albert who was 3-4 with a walk.

Note - Jeff Morton, the Beardies’ iron manager, played the games despite a stomach-churning gash beside his eye, held together by 7 stitches, suffered in a game the previous evening.  It appears that Jeff is an early contender for the Masterton trophy for (i) making it to the game; (ii) batting (successfully) with one eye swollen shut; (iii) unrelenting verbal encouragement to his confused teammates; and (iv) making it to the pub post-game. Explained Jeff: “beer helps”.