Information Sheet for Parents and Wrestlers



Shoes & Swap Box

Wrestling Shoes
CYW does not supply shoes. There many places to get them such as Center Sports on 110 behind Bertuccis. Dicks Sporting Goods and Modells in Nashua NH are other options as well as many online retailers. CYW supports local businesses so we suggest you try Center Sports first.

Swap Box

CYW has accumulated and keeps a shoe box of wrestling sneakers, some of which may be like brand new. We have saved many a parent the added cost of between $30 to $70 for a number of years with the box. First preference will be given to the people who donate old Shoes and are looking for bigger size. If you bring in a pair you will receive first choice of what is in the box. It will then be opened up to the rest of the program. Please participate in this program and if you have an old pair that is just sitting around bring them down and help a good cause.

Travel Team Uniform Policy

Example of Online Form for Uniform

CYW has warm ups (top & bottom), Singlets and Lions socks. In order to insure uniform is returned, we will be taking credit card information as a security.  At the completion of the season, for all uniforms returned, in the same condition it was received, you will not be charged anything . If any item is lost or damaged the amount for that item will be charged to the card and the money used to replace it. We do not want to charge anyone, we just want to maintain the inventory, so please take care of them and return them when notified. We certainly do not want to be chasing uniforms either and will notify everyone at the end of the year when the uniform return dates are. They will typically be within a week or two of the Youth New Englands and will be at Pop Warner Field House at McCarthy Fields.  
The uniforms are mandatory for MVC Dual Meet League Team.

Travel Team

MVC Eligibility & Wrestle off Rules
The MVC Dual Meet league is a 'Travel team' of sorts, although all kids can get an oppurtunity to wrestle, only one kid per weight makes the team. Think of it as Varsity and JV, we try very hard to get everyone a JV match. This gives the second and third string wrestler the chance to be center stage just like the varsity.

What is a Dual Meet and how to watch

Chelmsford Youth Wrestling Program

A dual meet is like a game in wrestling, one team against another. Weights classes are set and each team gets one wrestler per weight class to wrestle against the opponnet. Depending on the type of when, team points are scored. The score is kept through out the meet and the team with the most points wins.
We as a program do a "wrestling 101" for parents at the beginning of the year that helps to understand the sport.
Our MVC Dual Meet Program Attached tells you all you need to know about individual and team scoring for a Dual Meet.

How to watch CYW Tourney and what to expect

CYW Tourney Program

One of the largest and most successful tourneys in New England, the CYW tourney can be overwhelming, confusing and frustrating for our parents and especially our new parents. Relax it is not as bad as you may think........ if you know what to expect.

On average we have 500-600 wrestlers who get weighed in, bracketed, and then wrestle. That is 1500 to1800 matches in one day and still out of the gym by 4 -5pm, pretty impressive! Now don’t panic about that end time. We do this tourney in 2 flights grades 5-8 in the morning and grades K-4 in the afternoon. So your actual flight should be between 3-4 hours from the start of wrestling (see CYW Tourney Flyer for further details).
For coaching that day, we spread out all our coaches and parents to make sure every CYW kid has a coach in the corner. However, there are times when we simply don't see our guys out there and your child may be by themselves. This is not the end of the world, just try to find one of the coaches and let them know, they will be all over the mats. Remember we are administering the tourney and coaching so it does get a little hectic. Once Your Child is bracketed and assigned a mat number they will remain on that mat for the duration of the tourney. 


This is our largest fund raiser of the year and is how we are able to afford the uniforms, mats, etc and keep the costs as low as possible.

See attached Program for further Info (Two sided print format) 

Simple Tips For Staying Healthy and Preventing Skin Infections

Here are some simple strategies for staying healthy during the wrestling season,  which also happens to be cold and flu season.
1. Make sure you get enough sleep. Your body needs the rest! You will be working hard.
2. Eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid high fat foods, and those that contain a lot of sugar. Don't skip meals.
3. Drink plenty of water. Check the labels on many of the "energy" drinks that are targeted for athletes. Many of them contain more than one serving size and have a lot of sugar and artificial ingredients that your body does not need. Plus, those drinks are expensive.
4.Wash your hands regularly with plenty of warm soapy water to eliminate germs that you might have come in contact with. Most public places these days offer anti-bacterial gels if a restroom is not readily available. . Use them.
5. Shower with plenty of warm soapy water as soon as possible after practice  to avoid skin infections. If your doctor treats you for a skin infection, please follow instructions carefully and complete any treatment prescribed for you. Sometimes people don't finish the treatment recommended by professionals because they can't see the infection. Just because you cannot see the infection does not mean that it is completely gone.
6. Please do not wear your street shoes on the mat. This will decrease the likelihood of bringing germs on the mat. If you forget your wrestling shoes, it's okay to wear socks for a practice.
7. Even when it's cold outside, take the opportunity to go outside and get a bit of sun. It helps to increase your vitamin D levels, which helps with your immunity.
8. Wrestling is a tough sport. Taking on new challenges will help to increase your self-confidence.  Talk with your parents or coaches if you are having problems.