We will be practicing on the Beckwith/Veterans Field on Sardis Road (next to the library and across from Sloan).

Flag has two mandatory practices on Tuesday and Thursday with an optional Wednesday night practice.  Practice time for Flag is 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. 2021 Conditioning TBD.

Cubs, Leopards, and Panthers has conditioning July 26th through July 30th at 6:00 PM.  Regular practice starts August 2nd.

Teams practice five days a week until school and games begin, then it reduces to 3 days. Bring water jugs. Wear shorts in the hot weather. Check under "frequently asked questions" tab for more information.

Practice begins at 6 p.m. sharp 

Remember to bring the following:
Mouthpiece - (extra mouthpieces sold at the concession stand!)
Water Jug with name clearly displayed

Welcome to all new and returning players!

Note about inclement weather: We practice in the rain so please come to practice even if it is raining. We do not practice if there is lightning. If you receive no message, email, etc., go to practice. Do not drop off your player, stay until the storm passes, please.