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Football is a sport which belongs to the players. It is a game that offers physical challenges, emotional satisfaction, and lifelong values for those who participate. Good sportsmanship needs to be taught, encouraged, demonstrated and most importantly,enforced.

The health, safety, welfare and education of our young athletes are our first priority.

The following guidelines are to be read and understood by all coaches, assistant coaches and team managers. The codes of conduct are to be emphasized during practices and games and should be evident in the team’s style of play.

Coaching Principles & Guidelines

Coaches shall:

1. Reinforce the importance and value of Sportsmanship, Perseverance, Competitiveness, Teamwork, Discipline and Integrity.

2. Study and observe the rules of the game.

3. Strive to continually improve their knowledge of the game.

4. Work to remain current on health, safety, and training developments relevant to youth- football.

5. Make every effort to protect the safety and health, both physical and mental, of each player in all practice and game

6. Act in a fair and unbiased manner in matters related to assigning player positions and playing time.

7. Commit to winning, but even more importantly commit to teaching positive character traits and life lessons to each player.

8. Emphasize that winning is the result of teamwork.

9. Will lead by example and instill in each player the importance of honoring the game by respecting the rules, their opponents, the officials and their teammates.

10. Refrain from “running-up” the score on an opponent.

11. Encourage maximum effort in each player. Take time to recognize both successful and unsuccessful effort in order to help educate, motivate and improve performance.

12. Shall be dedicated to player development. Each player should end the season a more knowledgeable and improved football player.

13. Shall not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.

14. Will not smoke or use any form of tobacco while on the field of play during games or practices.

15. Avoid the use of abusive or profane language in front of anyone associated with the game.

16. Set a positive example in personal conduct at all times.

17. Understand that the League, with approval of the Board of Directors, is responsible for, and in charge of the football organization. This includes, but is limited to, assigning fields, approving practice times, approving the return of injured players to the field of play and dealing with matters related to the alleged favoritism and inequitable playing time for all football players.

18. Encourage open communication between the players and football staff.
Failure to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines may result in disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to
the following:

· Verbal warning by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
· Written warning of incident and violation
· Game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file.
· Season suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file.
· Fines with written documentation of incident kept on file.
· Banned for life from coaching within the White Plains Tigers Youth Football organization.