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Boys League Rules

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28.5 basketball will be used in the 4th-6th grade divisions
29.5 basketball will be used in the 7th-8th grade divisions 
Regulation high school rules will be followed with the exception of the following: 
1) Games will consist of four (4) seven-minute quarters. The clock will stop on ALL whistles. Each team will receive two (2) full time-outs (45 seconds receive warning horn, 60 seconds, be ready to play) each half with no carrying over. There will be a one-minute break between quarters and a two-minute half-time for each game.
2) Games tied at the end of the regulation period will be concluded with successive three-minute overtime periods until a winning team is determined. The clock will stop at ALL whistles and one (1) additional full time-out will be granted to each team.
3) Pressing 
Pressing 4th Grade Boys: No pressing in the back court until five minutes remain in regulation. Prior to five minutes remaining in the game, the defense must allow the offense to bring the ball over the mid court line prior to defending. Should a game result in overtime, pressing will be allowed the entire overtime period. If one team is ahead by more than fifteen points, the team leading must play defense within the three point arc. In the playoff, we will increase the lead to twenty points before calling off the defense.
Pressing 5th Grade Boys: Pressing is permitted when a team is leading by fifteen points or less. If one team is ahead by more than fifteen points, the team leading must play defense within the three point arc. In the playoff, we will increase the lead to twenty points before calling off the defense.
Pressing Boys 6th-8th Grades: Pressing will be permitted throughout the game, except when a team has accumulated a twenty (20) point or greater lead. No pressing will be allowed when this occurs.
4) It is necessary for all substitutes to check in with the scorer’s table. The official will acknowledge a substitute entering the game during a dead ball situation. If you are going to put in a substitute during a timeout, the player MUST check in with the scorer, the player must wait until there is a dead ball, then the player will be acknowledged by the official. There is no mandatory playing time rule.
5) There will be a ten-minute grace period given from the scheduled game time. Five (5) players must be present to begin a game. If five players are not present, then that team forfeits their game.
6) The intent of the league is to provide the opportunity for the stronger and more talented player to compete at a higher level. The players must reside in the town for which they play. Any exception to this will be reviewed by the board on a case-by-case basis. The coach and the agency representative will make their presentation to the Board, detailing the circumstances that resulted in the desire to place a non-resident on that particular team. There is NO GRANDFATHER RULE! Each case will be re-evaluated by the Board every year.
7) Jewelry may not be worn by any player during the game. If it must be worn for religious reasons, it must be taped over to prevent injury.
8) Players must wear uniforms with numbered shirts to be in a game.
9) Roster changes, additions or deletions to the roster will be permitted until the fifth (5th) game of the season. In order to be eligible for the play- offs, a player must have played in at least one-half (1/2) of his team’s regular season games. There will not be any limit to roster size. A team must have a minimum of five (5) players to start a game and a minimum of one (1) to finish.
10) In scheduling the playoffs, in the event of a tie in team standings: If the two teams played twice during the regular season, the team that won twice will be awarded the higher seed. If the two teams split, the team which allowed the lowest points will be awarded the higher seed. 
11) The head coach will be responsible for all players, assistant coaches and spectators from their team.
12) Any ejection will result from two (2) technical fouls during one game from a player or coach. Any ejection relating to the behavior of a player, coach or manager will result in a minimum suspension of one (1) game, which will be served during the team’s next game. A second ejection during the season will result in a suspension for the remainder of the season, including playoffs. An ejection resulting from technical fouls will also result in a suspension if any technical is a result of the offender’s poor behavior (as opposed to a technical rules violation). In the event of any ejection, the ejected player, coach or manager must leave the gym immediately (under adult supervision, if player) and is not permitted to return for the remainder of that day, as well as for the team’s next game. 
13) Each team must have a designated assistant coach present during each game. This person is to assume coaching responsibilities in the event of the ejection of the coach. 
14) The on-site supervisor has the authority to expel from the facility for what he/she deems to be inappropriate language or actions. 
15) Games will begin promptly at their scheduled times. The facility must be vacated at the conclusion of games. 
16) Any person caught vandalizing the site will be barred from the remaining games. 
17) Birth certificates must be presented on demand in an event that there is a controversy on a player’s age. If the said player is in default, all games won will be forfeited. NO EXCEPTIONS! We will follow boys AAU eligibility (age/grade) for the boys divisions.