Knight Life Editor-in-Chief

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Knight Life Editor-in-Chief....... You can call him Chief!

January 1, 2011

Your cooperation is needed in helping put the Knightlife together. All submissions must be in to me by the Third (3rd) Tuesday of the month to
allow me time to put our Council bulletin together! Unless these time frames are met, I can't promise to have it out in time for the new month.

Also Let me know if you would like to receive the Knight Life via email.This would save postage and paper, all of which is going up in cost regardless
of what they say about the flat cost of living. (not if you ask me)

Email me at: and put "Knight Life" in the subject line.

Thank for your cooperation.

Motion Before the Council

February 1, 2011

Your vote is needed on March 5th. Before the St. Patrick’s Day Party we will have a vote to consider the following motion that is before the council:
A motion was made, seconded and passed to allocate $1000.00 to help an OLBS parish family with a special needs child to help pay for a special chair that will make it easier to feed the child and also help with her physical therapy to better her quality of life.

Editors Note:

February 1, 2011

Editors note:
Mea Culpa

I have to apologize that this issue of the Knight Life is so late in the month. The biggest reason has been my own inability to get down and do the work. I hope you will understand and grant me a little room for improvement. I know that I am no busier than the next guy, but this month it seemed to get away from me.
Let’s support our upcoming Council activities. When you come you help our charities and show your support for the members who volunteer to do the lion share of the work. There is not better way to show your gratitude than with your active support.
If you haven’t heard, the Knight at the Races is Smoke Free. Tell your friends and neighbors. As you can see from the motion above and Father Keeney’s letter that we have some great opportunities to live out our principle of Charity.

Till next month (or a couple of weeks)