Updated July 6, 2020



·       Practices, scrimmage and league games are now permitted at the Complex

·       Parents are permitted in the Complex but must observe social distancing and wear a mask when in close proximity

·       All entrants must sanitize their hands upon entering and then before leaving the complex



·       Players should check their temperature each time before coming to the Complex

·       Players must wear masks at all times while in the Complex with the exception of the playing field (as long as 6 feet apart)

·       When not on field, players must be split between both dugouts and grandstands (observing social distancing)

·       No food, seeds or gum!

·       No sharing of helmets, gloves, bats, water bottles or any other equipment; space out equipment in dugouts

·       No physical contact (handshakes, high fives, fist/chest bumps, etc.)

·       No spitting

·       Any player that feels ill must advise the coach immediately and leave the Complex 

·       Players are encouraged to bring their own sanitizers and cleaning material



·       Coaches must maintain a maximum 8-1 player/coach ratio

·       Minimum of 2 coaches per team for full team practices

·       Coaches must wear masks when in close proximity to players

·       Ensure players do not leave their team’s assigned field or batting cage area of the Complex

·       Ensure players clean out dugout and dispose of garbage at the end of practice

·       Coaches to cleanse dugout and equipment at the end of practice; RC to provide cleaning material

·       Ensure players and parents leave Complex immediately at the end of practice; no congregating in the parking lot

·       Last coach must secure Complex and lock the front gate at the end of the day

·       Advise George when additional cleaning supplies are needed

·       Report any violations of non-compliance


These policies and procedures will be in effect until further notice and are subject to change based upon NY State’s and NY City’s most current guidelines for recreational activities.


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