Our son, Jackson Tucker, started playing baseball for Richmond County Baseball when he was just 8 years old.  He is turning 16 next month.  He started with George Quinn and Ronny Graboski’s team on a 46/60 field.  Along with my son, on that team were Mike Alongi, Nick Fazio, Ronnie Patterson, and AJ Vigliotti.  He has played 8 continuous seasons with these great young men and teammates.  In fact, he has played for many years with many of the same teammates – and that is pretty amazing!  On George’s team these young boys learned the fundamentals of baseball like no other team.  They won nearly every game they played because they played big boy baseball at 8 years old.  Executing pick-offs, double plays, stealing, bunts and sacrifices beyond their years in age.  When we think about how they played so polished at a young age, well, it’s clear that George and Ronny did a great job at preparing these young boys for real baseball.

This team was then handed over to John Giakas, a super good man who gave so much of his time and effort to practice our son and his teammates, beyond what a parent would or could expect.  He continued solid coaching and he was an army of 1.  He provided a fun and learning environment, and under his instruction I saw my son graduate to a 60/90 field without a hitch and play at a high level while enjoying the game of baseball.

He then continued on to Nick Defendis’ team where our son learned the beginnings of what college baseball is like.  He learned to accept failure, which is a must for baseball.  He learned what is expected of players as they mature.  He learned to hustle when no one is looking.  He learned to be a leader.  He learned to execute on the field whether it be a hit, a walk, a stolen base, a sac fly, a bunt or a grounder to the right side.  And with Nick he had an environment to become a better baseball player while he loved every minute on the baseball field.   And thankfully, he learned to play in front of recruiters.  All of this helped guide our son to the place where he is now; Jackson accepted a verbal scholarship offer to play Division 1 baseball for St. Johns University, a top NCAA baseball program with a top coaching staff.  Nick, a super special thanks for your time, effort and expertise in this recruitment journey!!!

We wanted to take the time to express our thanks to the Richmond County Baseball program and say why we were thankful, in addition to who deserved our thanks.  With that being said we have to thank Johnny Defendis of 5 Tool Baseball, Nicks son, who has been hitting with Jackson since he is 6 years old, not only did he help Jackson develop  what is a solid swing but he has helped Jackson learn the importance of perseverance in baseball which we hope translates into his life.

And a special thanks to Vinny Nichilo, Jackson’s awesome dedicated South Shore Little League coach who is a long time Richmond County coach as well, he is one great coach!!           

Jackson has certainly been blessed with exceptional coaches for “half his life”.  Thank you RCBC! 

Keep your petal to the medal Jackson, continue to prepare, work harder than you think you can and never lose your desire to compete, and then success will happen!  We love you kiddo!  So proud of you!

The Tucker Family    


Dear Nick and the entire staff at Richmond County Baseball Club,
As president of the Nor’ East Clippers I wanted to reach out and thank you all for the efforts you put forth this weekend to ensure a great experience for our teams.  Helping us navigate through the restrictions was paramount to our success and we cannot thank you enough for that. 
I have been to several tournaments and played a lot of baseball myself in my 47 years. Never have I seen such a professional group of umpires, as were at your event.  Most of our kids never played a PG tourney before including my son. Your umpires were as consistent as any I have ever seen, deliberate and unswaying with their calls. They took the time to get it right because they cared about getting it right and not rushing to get home.  I can only imagine they don’t get as many applauds as they deserve sometimes, so just wanted to let you know that we recognized the difference and appreciated the job they did.  The field umpire in the semi finals who then went behind the plate was hands down the best umpire I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Please know this is saying a lot as I am often the most critical to a fault. Fact is this time they left nothing to question and that is how it should be.
Your guy Jim in the office on Saturday could not have been more hospitable either. Helping me with the rules, finding a hotel and a great place to eat.
We look forward to more events in the future at Richmond County Baseball Club. Thanks for all your hard work and assistance leading up to the tourney, during and beyond.
Again thanks for a great experience!
Hit it through the fence! 
Coach Tom Beasley
President Nor’ East Clippers Baseball, Inc.


Coach DeFendis
Just wanted to say thank you. My son (Ted) enjoyed the workout this Saturday. Although he was younger(Ted's in 8 th grade) then most of the boys there, everyone treated him as an equal, gave him honest and helpful feedback and made him feel comfortable.
RCY complex is very nice, all of the coaches and people were accessible and easy to talk with , making for a good overall experience. Keep up the good work you're doing there.
Thanks again
Ted Mazola


At the end of his junior year in high school, nobody knew my son existed.  Thanks to Coach DeFendis and the Richmond County Baseball Club, in two short months, my son's phone was ringing off the hook.  New he's a D1 pitcher at Seton Hall University. - Mike P.


Hi Coach,
I don't usually do this, but your last e-mail to your players compelled me to respond and say I hope you realize you are equally appreciated, just as much as you seem to appreciate your organization.  Your praise your players, your coaches and even take time out to praise the parents (which is a new one on me).
His last coach almost had Mitch convinced he was done with baseball.  This gentleman (and I use the term loosely), told him he would never be an infielder, not with his club anyway, and had better start looking for something else to do.  In a way, maybe he did Mitch a favor.  Because now he's tougher and more determined than ever.  At any rate, I have never seen him happier with a ball club even when it's pouring rain.  And right now...that's good enough for me!
So hats off to ya Nick, and best of luck to you and the RC organization.  We look forward to being a part of it.
Take Care,


"I have been to many showcases since I have been in the college game and none have been so organized and well done than Richmond County's.  Coach DeFendis and his staff do an outstanding job and the amount of potential college talent he brings in is by far the best in the tri-state area.  Great job!" - Jerold Sidman, Head Baseball Coach - St Josephs College Brooklyn

"Thank you again for the hospitality you showed me at your showcase camp.  I had an awesome experience getting to work with and evaluate some of your guys.  I would love to be involved in future events." - Daniel Jurik, Assistant Baseball Coach - Binghampton University

Click here to hear testimonials from several college coaches.

Its an outstanding situation any time you can get young men together in an environment where they can improve themselves and work on their skills.  Its certainly a great opportunity for them. The people at Richmond County, and their sincerity in everything that they do for their players throughout the entire year, just makes this a very advantageous situation for college coaches. - Norm Schoenig, Montclair State University

A great camp for kids to get exposure and to work with college coaches; to mingle with them and get an idea of what they're looking for. - John Garvey, St Thomas Aquinas

The camp has been very helpful.  Its a good showcase to get all the skills in one day, see kids in game situations the second day; have a bunch of kids to follow up on.  Its a great opportunity for the college guys. - Bill Ianniciello, Adelphi University

Click here for the Showcase Camp video


Dear Coach DeFendis,

Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for the tremendous job that you and your staff did for my fifteen year-old son Walker this winter. These workouts were extremely valuable as a way to him to prepare for and focus on the upcoming spring and summer seasons. He got great instruction as a young catcher in particular and as a player in general. I was impressed by your level of organization and 
professionalism from the very first clinic.

Thanks again and have a great season.


Colin Harrison


I would personally like to thank everyone who was responsible for the winter workout baseball program that was conducted at CSI.  Due to your guidance, knowledge and dedication along with my son's hard work, he was able to make the high school freshman baseball team.  Any parent who wants their son to learn how to play the game of baseball the correct way, should sign up with RCBC.  Thank you again for all your help - Frank

Excellent structure.  I was particularly impressed with the emphasis on conditioning, stretching and running to start each session.  It was obvious the coaching staff were pros and that they were focused on whatever aspect of the workouts they were involved with.  As a coach myself, I was very impressed with the entire program.  The hitting breakouts were especially great as was the overall structure of the program.  Worth every penny - Phil

The format of the workouts was well rounded and hit all the important aspects a winter workout should.  The coaching staff was excellent.  Most are high school coaches that taught them how to train and play as if they were high school students.  The program is run professionally and treats every kid the same as if they were 18.  What I like is the seriousness of the training but also having fun at the same time which is important.  I love sending my son to all the RCBC workouts because you get the sense of comradery and I know he gets the best unbiased training that will prepare him for high school ball - Eddie

I really enjoyed and picked up some good tools to help me become a better ball player.  Meeting coach Timmy taught me that smoking and chewing tobacco will quickly ruin my baseball future - Nick

My son enjoyed the camp and learned a lot of techniques and skills.  The coaches were real professionals who knew how to run the camp and manage the players - Helen

My son learned many things from the coaches, like there is a lot more than just pitching, hitting and fielding - Gary

Fantasic winter workout.  My son got a lot out of it.  Keep it up! - Steve


Dear Nick,

I am writing this to tell you how much my son Robbie and the rest of the boys from Berkeley Carroll and the Sea Dawgs appreciate the professionalism coming from you and the RC staff. Your knowledge, organization skills and plan of action are second to none. My players are excited each Sunday to work on their skills and conditioning knowing that nearby, a coach will be there to give out tips and inspire them to do better. We are a serious group striving to continue developing as students and ballplayers.
Although I have been a college coach, I was impressed with the program on recruiting put together by you and Coach Lopiparo.
It is never too early to look at the importance of how to go about marketing one self to coaches and programs.
I look forward to the remaining two weeks of the program and also, having you as a resource to go to to assist in advising Robbie when the time comes for him to choose a school.


Walter Paller
The Berkeley Carroll school
M/U Physical Education Teacher
Varsity Baseball Coach
Vice President/Head coach of the Rockaway Sea Dawgs 16u


Well done.  It was quite challenging.  My son had fun.  The coaches were very informative and motivating.  Great job - Greg

Very well organized.  Fields were well kept.  The coaches were extremely knowledgable.  My first time at RCBC - very impressed - Michael

I enjoyed working with the coaches.  It was a positive experience - Tommy

Very informative and organized.  Fields were well kept and great that multiple fields were available.  Coaches were professional and helpful - Jimmy

Excellent.  Great format.  The best on Staten Island - Benny

Well run.  Coaches were well trained.  It was a great opportunity for me.  I learned a lot and enjoyed it very much - Christopher



Thanks for everything this week.  It was a great tournament.  I can appreciate all the hard work that it takes to run such an event.  One thing that I would like for you to share with your squad, winning and acting like champions can be easy.  Losing and acting like a champion is very difficult, it shows great character and respect that is learned from coaches and parents who are teaching the right things.  Especially when you leave everything on the field the way we both did on Sunday.  You know that I have been on both ends.  I really enjoyed being up there the entire week.   I may try to slip down during the 17U tourney, but hopefully I will be busy at Troy.  One thing we are and that is game ready.  Thanks to a hard fought Sunday.  Look forward to seeing you soon.
Thanks again,
Tommy Gambino
Super 17 Head Coach

 Good seeing you yesterday. It was a pleasure being at the RCY complex. I'm sure it will continue to become one of the finest on the East Coast.

Mike Gottlieb-
Head Coach Towson University

Thank You

Hi Coach DeFendis,
Me and my father just wanted to thank you for everything.  Thank you for being so gracious to us and taking out extra time to teach me.  Your camp was very fun and I tried to take advantage of every minute.  It helped me to get in shape and to become a better ball player.  I am a serious ball player and the speech that Mike Lopiparo recited made me think about how much I have to improve as the years go on.  Even though I left early, I read the rest of the pamphlet at home.  It made me consider that I always have to work hard to achieve my goals, not only in baseball, but in life too.  I know that there is always someone out there looking to take my spot.  We just want to thank you again for the great opportunity you gave us.  Thank You.
Thomas Midolo (A.K.A. Tommy Bug, Jr.)
PS My dad didn't get to say good-bye too you on Saturday because we had to run for a basketball game.

Thank You

I just wanted to thank you for the continued support and advice you give to my boys.
Michael Jr. and I had a long talk today. He told me that you noticed his progress and it meant so much to him. I talk to young men involved in sports every day. For every hug, word of encouragement, correction, and genuine interest you provide for the boys that God places in your path you contribute to their future what God has gifted you to do. You are always in my prayers. May God bless you and your beautiful family abundantly.
DR DebbiG

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