Day Date Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Umpires
Sat7/5/20143:30 pm #3
0-10 River Valley 12U All-Stars (2014)  Andy Valley 12U All-Stars (2014)   Skowhegan - Carl Wright Baseball Complex - Field 1
Sun7/6/201410:00 am #6
6-7 Ararat 12U All-Stars (2014)  Andy Valley 12U All-Stars (2014)   Skowhegan - Carl Wright Baseball Complex - Field 3
Mon7/7/20143:00 pm #11
1-3 Andy Valley 12U All-Stars (2014)  Messalonskee 12U All-Stars (2014)   Skowhegan - Carl Wright Baseball Complex - Field 1
Mon7/7/20145:30 pm #13
2-4 Skowhegan 12U All-Stars (2014)  Andy Valley 12U All-Stars (2014)   Skowhegan - Carl Wright Baseball Complex - Field 1
Tue7/8/20143:30 pm #14
14-1 Andy Valley 12U All-Stars (2014)  Messalonskee 12U All-Stars (2014)   Skowhegan - Carl Wright Baseball Complex - Field 1
Tue7/8/20145:30 pm #15
1-11 Messalonskee 12U All-Stars (2014)  Andy Valley 12U All-Stars (2014)   Skowhegan - Carl Wright Baseball Complex - Field 1

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Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)
W Win
L Loss (OT-Overtime)
T Tie
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported