Day Date Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Umpires
Tue5/7/20246:00 pm F 16-13 Hillside Country Club  Attleboro Jewelers   North School
Tue5/7/20246:00 pm F 22-14 Smith Insurance  Building Envelope Systems   RCIC Field
Wed5/8/20246:00 pm F 9-4 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Conlon Productions   North School
Thu5/9/20246:00 pm F 9-20 Conlon Productions  Hillside Country Club   North School
Thu5/9/20246:00 pm F 9-19 Attleboro Jewelers  Rehoboth F.O.P.   RCIC Field
Tue5/14/20246:00 pm F 8-19 Conlon Productions  Smith Insurance   North School
Tue5/14/20246:00 pm F 27-9 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Building Envelope Systems   RCIC Field
Wed5/15/20246:00 pm F 20-8 Mi-Box  Attleboro Jewelers   North School
Wed5/15/20246:00 pm F 6-27 Building Envelope Systems  Hillside Country Club   RCIC Field
Thu5/16/20246:00 pm F 8-7 Mi-Box  Rehoboth F.O.P.   North School
Tue5/21/20246:00 pm F 15-7 Attleboro Jewelers  Conlon Productions   North School
Tue5/21/20246:00 pm F 17-5 Hillside Country Club  Rehoboth F.O.P.   RCIC Field
Wed5/22/20246:00 pm F 27-1 Mi-Box  Conlon Productions   North School
Wed5/22/20246:00 pm F 11-19 Hillside Country Club  Smith Insurance   RCIC Field
Thu5/23/20246:00 pm F 8-17 Smith Insurance  Mi-Box   North School
Thu5/23/20246:00 pm F 25-11 Attleboro Jewelers  Building Envelope Systems   RCIC Field
Tue5/28/20246:00 pm F 1-5 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Smith Insurance   North School
Tue5/28/20246:00 pm F 13-17 Mi-Box  Hillside Country Club   RCIC Field
Wed5/29/20246:00 pm F 15-16 Building Envelope Systems  Smith Insurance   North School
Wed5/29/20246:00 pm F 28-17 Conlon Productions  Attleboro Jewelers   RCIC Field
Thu5/30/20246:00 pm F 6-17 Attleboro Jewelers  Hillside Country Club   North School
Thu5/30/20246:00 pm F 18-25 Conlon Productions  Rehoboth F.O.P.   RCIC Field
Tue6/4/20246:00 pm F 22-7 Mi-Box  Building Envelope Systems   North School
Tue6/4/20246:00 pm F 24-8 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Attleboro Jewelers   RCIC Field
Wed6/5/20246:00 pm F 7-16 Attleboro Jewelers  Mi-Box   North School
Wed6/5/20246:00 pm F 32-3 Hillside Country Club  Conlon Productions   RCIC Field
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 5-13 Building Envelope Systems  Rehoboth F.O.P.   North School
Thu6/6/20246:00 pm F 22-11 Smith Insurance  Conlon Productions   RCIC Field
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 21-12 Hillside Country Club  Building Envelope Systems   North School
Tue6/11/20246:00 pm F 17-7 Smith Insurance  Attleboro Jewelers   RCIC Field
Wed6/12/20246:00 pm F 32-28 Conlon Productions  Building Envelope Systems   North School
Wed6/12/20246:00 pm F 7-14 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Mi-Box   RCIC Field
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 13-9 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Hillside Country Club   North School
Thu6/13/20246:00 pm F 10-17 Smith Insurance  Mi-Box   RCIC Field
Tue6/18/20246:00 pm F 9-12 Smith Insurance  Hillside Country Club   North School
Tue6/18/20246:00 pm F 15-24 Conlon Productions  Mi-Box   RCIC Field
Wed6/19/20246:00 pm F 13-10 Building Envelope Systems  Attleboro Jewelers   North School
Wed6/19/20246:00 pm F 20-9 Smith Insurance  Rehoboth F.O.P.   RCIC Field
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm F 18-13 Hillside Country Club  Mi-Box   North School
Thu6/20/20246:00 pm F 11-17 Building Envelope Systems  Conlon Productions   RCIC Field
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm F 16-6 Smith Insurance  Building Envelope Systems   North School
Tue6/25/20246:00 pm F 10-5 Hillside Country Club  Attleboro Jewelers   RCIC Field
Wed6/26/20246:00 pm F 3-2 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Conlon Productions   North School
Wed6/26/20246:00 pm F 2-17 Building Envelope Systems  Mi-Box   RCIC Field
Thu6/27/20246:00 pm F 0-15 Conlon Productions  Hillside Country Club   North School
Thu6/27/20246:00 pm F 5-16 Building Envelope Systems  Mi-Box   RCIC Field
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm FFT 7-0 Conlon Productions  Smith Insurance   North School
Tue7/9/20246:00 pm F 4-16 Building Envelope Systems  Rehoboth F.O.P.   RCIC Field
Wed7/10/20246:00 pm F 18-5 Mi-Box  Attleboro Jewelers   North School
Wed7/10/20246:00 pm F 1-13 Building Envelope Systems  Hillside Country Club   RCIC Field
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 17-2 Mi-Box  Rehoboth F.O.P.   North School
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 6-11 Attleboro Jewelers  Smith Insurance   RCIC Field
Thu7/11/20246:00 pm F 10-16 Attleboro Jewelers  Smith Insurance   RCIC Field
Tue7/16/20246:00 pm F 15-6 Attleboro Jewelers  Conlon Productions   North School
Tue7/16/20246:00 pm F 11-4 Hillside Country Club  Rehoboth F.O.P.   RCIC Field
Wed7/17/20246:00 pm F 26-10 Mi-Box  Conlon Productions   North School
Wed7/17/20246:00 pm F 11-13 Hillside Country Club  Smith Insurance   RCIC Field
Thu7/18/20246:00 pm F 5-6 Smith Insurance  Mi-Box   North School
Thu7/18/20246:00 pm F 16-3 Attleboro Jewelers  Building Envelope Systems   RCIC Field
Tue7/23/20246:00 pm F 7-11 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Smith Insurance   North School
Tue7/23/20246:00 pm F 20-16 Mi-Box  Hillside Country Club   RCIC Field
Wed7/24/20246:00 pm F 14-24 Conlon Productions  Attleboro Jewelers   North School
Wed7/24/20246:00 pm F 4-19 Building Envelope Systems  Smith Insurance   RCIC Field
Thu7/25/20246:00 pm F 9-19 Attleboro Jewelers  Hillside Country Club   North School
Thu7/25/20246:00 pm F 5-21 Conlon Productions  Rehoboth F.O.P.   RCIC Field
Tue7/30/20246:00 pm F 18-9 Mi-Box  Building Envelope Systems   North School
Tue7/30/20246:00 pm F 19-20 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Attleboro Jewelers   RCIC Field
Wed7/31/20246:00 pm F 25-5 Hillside Country Club  Conlon Productions   North School
Wed7/31/20246:00 pm F 10-5 Building Envelope Systems  Rehoboth F.O.P.   RCIC Field
Thu8/1/20246:00 pm F 18-21 Smith Insurance  Conlon Productions   North School
Thu8/1/20246:00 pm F 7-19 Attleboro Jewelers  Mi-Box   RCIC Field
Tue8/6/20246:00 pm F 16-2 Hillside Country Club  Building Envelope Systems   North School
Tue8/6/20246:00 pm CAN 0-0 Smith Insurance  Attleboro Jewelers   RCIC Field
Wed8/7/20246:00 pm F 9-10 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Mi-Box   North School
Wed8/7/20246:00 pm F 20-18 Conlon Productions  Building Envelope Systems   RCIC Field
Thu8/8/20246:00 pm F 12-16 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Hillside Country Club   North School
Thu8/8/20246:00 pm F 26-12 Mi-Box  Smith Insurance   RCIC Field
Tue8/13/20246:00 pm #1
5-10 Attleboro Jewelers  Rehoboth F.O.P.   North School
Tue8/13/20246:00 pm #2
14-21 Building Envelope Systems  Hillside Country Club   RCIC Field
Wed8/14/20246:00 pm #3
7-21 Conlon Productions  Smith Insurance   North School
Wed8/14/20246:00 pm #4
10-11 Rehoboth F.O.P.  Mi-Box   RCIC Field
Tue8/20/20246:00 pm #6
11-12 Building Envelope Systems  Conlon Productions   North School
Tue8/20/20246:00 pm #5
12-13 Smith Insurance  Hillside Country Club   RCIC Field
Wed8/21/20246:00 pm #8
9-8 Conlon Productions  Rehoboth F.O.P.   North School
Wed8/21/20246:00 pm #7
9-13 Attleboro Jewelers  Smith Insurance   RCIC Field
Thu8/22/20246:00 pm #10
1-11 Conlon Productions  Smith Insurance   North School
Thu8/22/20246:00 pm #9
1-11 Hillside Country Club  Mi-Box   RCIC Field
Tue8/27/20246:00 pm F 18-19 Smith Insurance  Hillside Country Club   RCIC Field
Wed8/28/20246:00 pm TBPN/RHillside Country Club  Mi-Box   RCIC Field

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)   Note: Select a team above to show W/L/T status
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported