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What do the Seals and Cape Town South Africa Have in Common?

by Paul Sheirich

Published April 20, 2007

What do the San Francisco Seals and Cape Town South Africa Have in Common?

The short answer is – Ben Gucciardi!

Ben is currently on leave from the San Francisco Seals and has headed off to Africa, Cape Town to be exact. He expects to be back in July for the 2nd part of the Seals season.

Ben has gone there because the organization he started called Soccer without Borders (  is co-sponsoring a soccer league between 10 children's homes from the Cape Town area. Ben is working with the teams, refereeing games, conducting coaching clinics, and helping plan and the structure of the league in conjunction with several volunteers from one of the children’s homes.

The league is named for Desiree Ellis, who is one of the top women’s soccer players in South Africa. She is also an activist for women’s rights, particularly around issues of girl’s involvement in sport and recreation activities. Desiree embodies many of the characteristics that the soccer league seeks to encourage in its youth participants.

The Desiree Ellis Soccer League is currently providing a place for 135 boys and girls ages 10-17 to play the game they love. In addition to providing an enjoyable recreational activity, the soccer teams will serve as channels through which education about HIV/AIDS, general health, conflict resolution and self-esteem building can take place.

Most recently, Ben found himself in Glencairn, South Africa, about an hour outside of Cape Town.  He has been working with the boys and care workers from "The Homestead," whose mission is "to help street children reconstruct their shattered lives." Ben accompanied The Homestead team who took 80 of the boys in their care to Glencairn;  a quiet place near the ocean, and away from the chaos that surrounds their daily lives. 
“It was a chance for them to experience life in a safe environment where they were supported by caring adults,” noted Ben. 

The Homestead has a team participating in the Desiree Ellis Soccer League, and it was at the kickoff event for the league where Ben met Gerald Jacobs, who invited Ben to participate in their camp.  “I am very grateful to all the boys and the staff from The Homestead for all the things they shared with me,” said Ben.

Ben plays in the midfield for the San Francisco Seals.  Last season Ben played in 8 matches with the Seals, and started four.  "Ben is a tireless midfielder," says General Manager Tom Simpson.  "His aggressive defensive work and constant work rate reflect the relentless nature of his commitment to what he does.  I wish all the best to Ben in his endeavors.  He deserves success."

For more information about Ben’s organization, visit the Soccer Without Boarders website.  There you can find out more about their mission and what they stand for, and follow events. 

For more information regarding The Homestead, visit The Homestead Website