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Seals Bow to the Frogs in Final Match of the 2007 Season

July 22, 2007

The Seals had problems all season finding the net, and those troubles continued as the Frogs won the season Derby as they won the final match 2-0.

Before the match the Seals recognized their player, Ben Gucciardi, for his volunteer work with youth in the local communities, as well as in other countries through his non-profit organization; Soccer Without Borders.

The game was a fast paced, and very enjoyable match, for the most part.  The Frogs attacked with numbers with virtually every attack.  In the 23rd minute they struck for what turned out to be the winning goal.  Steven Beitashour found Daniel DeGeer with a nice pass, and DeGeer slammed it past Seals keeper Eric Conner for the goal.

Six minutes later the Seals felt sure they were going to pull even.  As Seals midfielder James Bent sprinted just past the 18 yard line he was tackled hard and brought down.  Referee Albert Montalvo blew his whistle and ran in pointing to the penalty spot, and Bent got ready to take the penalty kick.  The ensuing shot on goal was clean and on the ground to the left side of the net, but Frogs keeper Stefan Frei had guessed the kick would go to his right and he had guessed right.  Frei stopped and held the kick, and the Frogs fans went wild.

That stop clearly changed the outcome, as right before the half the Frogs struck again.  This time it was Matt Languis finding Ismael Ibarra at the six, and that was all it took.

The Seals played very well in the second half and managed to generate an extra shot on goal over the first half (3), but they simply could not find the net.  The Frogs defended well, and attacked in numbers.

Once again, Rawley Massaniai was everywhere in the midfield.  His work rate and skill broke up numerous play making opportunities for the Frogs.  Rich Halvorsen, just back from a one game red card suspension against the Blue Star last weekend was strong in the right back position as well as was Victor Cortez at left back.  Both players made great runs and delivered some great balls, but the Seals were unable to capitalize.

After the game the Seals hosted a barbecue for the Frogs, and Seals players, and invited all the fans to participate.  Donations were made to Ben's Soccer Without Borders, and another $165 was raised at the BBQ.  A great time was had by all.

Seals volunteers, Paul Sheirich, Paola, Daniel, Antonio, and Paul Roma, closed up the park, as they have after each game for the last two seasons as the fog rolled in. 

And we close the books on the 2007 season!