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The San Francisco Seals Soccer Meetup Group

Do you want to meet up with other rabid soccer fans to go to local soccer games or to the pubs and watch your favorite team?

Do you get envious watching the tv and seeing different supporters groups devoting their life to their club wishing you could be in the middle of it?

Need to take care of your soccer addiction by joining the 1906 Ultras supporters group?

Do you want to be a part of a grass roots soccer movement in San Francisco where the only requirements are passion and love for the game at all levels?

Do you need a local team to adopt and make your own because you have that longing of belonging to a soccer club no matter what country you are from or what your team is?

Do you have that necessity to join a club and volunteer your time to make the club grow?

Join the San Francisco Seals soccer meetup group to not only support the Seals, a lower division club in the United States, but also to go to live soccer games such as the San Jose Earthquakes, international friendlies, college soccer, as well as watching games with fellow soccer addicts at the pubs.