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Next Up - LA Legends & Lancaster Rattlers

July 11, 2008
Big Games this Saturday and Sunday
The Legends will come into Saturday's game at USF Negoesco stadium having played 14 of their 16 games.  A win can go a very long way to securing a playoff spot.  It will be a match between a stingy Seals defense (PDL top 10 with fewest goals allowed) and a powerful Legends scoring team (PDL top 10 in goals scored).

Two weeks ago the Legends swiped a victory from the Seals when some very bad calls by a referee gave the Legends a goal and took one away from the Seals. Hey, that's football!!

The Legends tied the Southern California Seahorses on Sunday night (July 6th), and take on the San Fernando Valley Quakes on Thursday night (July 10th). 

"This week we'll make some luck work our way," voiced Seals head coach Tom Simpson.
Half-time entertainment will be provided by Seals supporters band The Clarence's

Also present at the match will be General Manager Jim Fitzpatrick of the San Francisco Bay Bombers roller derby team will be in attendance at the Seals-Legends match this Saturday. He will be available to sign autographs, and will be promoting the Bombers next home match at Kezar Pavilion on August 23rd vs the Chicago Pioneers at 8pm.  Jim is a former Bomber skater and now the GM.

---------------Sunday's Matchup---------------

Logo_RattlersOn Sunday, the Seals won't forget that last year the Rattlers came into San Francisco and bit them - hard - they took a 2-1 win away from us here at home.

This year the Seals escaped with a 1-0 win in Lancaster.  "We need to be more dominant this time around" stated Simpson.  "These next two weeks will show what we are made of."

Note: Sunday's match has been moved to Chabot College, and will start at 4:00pm.
Half-time entertainment will be provided by Justi*fy 

A portion of the proceeds from this match will go towards the Chabot Soccer program.  We hope to fill the stands for the Seals AND for Chabot Soccer!