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Nutley A

16 Elijah Acosta 0.00.0
45 Kyle Brendel 0.00.0
21 Justin Chaves 0.00.0
25 Matt Chimento 0.00.0
11 Louis Conca 0.00.0
27 Dante Contella 0.00.0
2 Frank Cordero 0.00.0
5 Dante Costa 0.00.0
23 Donato Costa 0.00.0
41 Matthew Durham 0.00.0
13 Justin Eltzholtz 0.00.0
6 Tyler Foti 0.00.0
88 Peter Haverick 0.00.0
60 Matthew Jaworski 0.00.0
84 Daniel Jennings 0.00.0
29 Dylan Kuczewski 0.00.0
24 Derrick Kurtzman 0.00.0
32 Tyler Lembo 0.00.0
46 John Luberto 0.00.0
4 Justin Lucia 0.00.0
7 Kieth Morrison 0.00.0
31 Christopher Mulligan 0.00.0
10 Joshua O'Neill 0.00.0
28 Christian Pesci 0.00.0
37 Dominic Rafielli 0.00.0
72 Joseph Romano 0.00.0
95 Brandon Rosario 0.00.0
44 Ricky Roselli 0.00.0
56 Rafael Sanchez 0.00.0
70 Tyler Schoonmaker 0.00.0
80 Nick Vaccarelli 0.00.0
22 Charlie Williamson 0.00.0
99 Gerard Zappia 0.00.0
Total 30.00.0

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