Rules Clarifications

As we ready for the season to begin the following are Rules that commonly come up, I’d like you to clarify with your coaches before the season starts:

·        Balks are called at any time for the junior division.  Balks are called for all 13 y/olds 11/12 y/olds are given warning until April 30.

 ·         Dropped 3rd strike – majors and up, must discuss before game with umpire the area that is considered ‘out’ if the batter does not automatically run to first, when the batter becomes a runner on a third strike not caught by the catcher, the batter-runner and the defensive player may use either bag (safety or regular). (Use of the double first base does not change any other rule concerning interference or obstruction at first base).

·         Warming up Pitcher – only by another player, wearing a mask, NO COACHES.

·         Length of Game –7 innings unless league has a time limit, 10 run mercy rule after 5 (for juniors). If time limit is used the score reverts to the last full inning of play.

·         Slide or surrender – there is no ‘must slide’ simply stated by LL rules: Any runner is out when ... the runner does not slide or attempt to get around a fielder who has the ball and is waiting to make the tag.

·          Bats- - it is the responsibility of the coach for players to have LL certified bats, use the link to check bats. If you consider a bat questionable supply the paperwork to the umpire in order for it to be qualified. little league approved – if not, the bat is removed from the game. If an appeal is made before the batter bats, bat is removed. If it is during or before the first pitch of the next batter in the lineup the play stands but the opposing team is penalized by removal of a base coach, 2nd offense in a game the manager is removed.

·         Courtesy runner – there is no courtesy runner, a special pinch runner can be used.

·         NO Jewelry - exception that alerts medical personnel due to a condition. 



REMINDER THAT coaches that have any questions regarding rules need to go to the DIRECTOR OF YOUR LEAGUE.  If you have any questions or rule clarifications, please contact the District 21 Umpire in Chief